05 Ana Tupa Tu

  • Опубликовано: 5 окт 2024
  • Ana Tupa Tu (Song of Moonlight) (雖然説/⽉光)
    詞/Lyrics, 曲/Music: 王宏恩 編曲/Arrangement: 蔡順利/Saunder Choi
    Performed by National Taiwan University Alumni in Northern California
    指揮/Conductor: 方玉山/David Fong
    伴奏/Accompanist: 劉怡廷/Tina Liu
    2024 NTUAC-NC Annual Concert
    2024 北加州臺灣大學校友合唱團 年度公演
    聲獨唱搭配柔和的民謠吉他伴奏。大地藝術在2018年委託菲律賓知名作曲家蔡順利先生 (Saunder
    Choi) 為合唱編曲。菲律賓牧歌合唱團於同年在台灣巡迴音樂會中將此曲演出。Ana tupa tu 整首歌
    以布農族語演唱。 雖然中文歌名是《月光》, 然而Ana tupa tu 的原意是「雖然……」。首句唱著
    「雖然失去依靠,仍然感到快樂, 因為我們還有月光;雖然失去立足所在, 仍然感到安慰, 因
    為我們還有希望。 」其字面意義是為勉勵族人隨遇而安、對未來保持盼望。但更深層的意涵為族
    This song was originally composed and written by the Taiwan indigenous Bunun tribe singer Biung
    Takbanuaz (Wang Hong-En) in 2000. In 2018, it was commissioned by the Earth Performance Arts
    Center to the Filipino composer Saunder Choi for choral arrangement and was premiered by the
    Philippine Madrigal Singers during their Taiwan touring performance in the same year. The lyrics of
    “Ana tupa tu” are in the Bunun language from the Bunun indigenous tribe of Taiwan. “Ana tupa tu”
    literally means “in spite of”, encouraging the tribe people to maintain hope for the future despite
    adversities, and yet with a deeper meaning of the elders’ legacy to the youth. The song conveys the elders’ care like the gentle moonlight, reflecting on the earth at night, hoping that the young people will remember the elders’ love and earnest words when they see the moon.
    National Taiwan University Alumni in Northern California

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