What's in the underground palace of Wu Zetian's mausoleum?
- Опубликовано: 5 фев 2025
- What is the mystery in the underground palace of Wu Zetian's mausoleum? What's so special about the layout inside?
Explore the mysteries of China|lvtu.page.link/01
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#UndergroundPalace #WuZetian#Tomb
Thank you my friend, that was another amazing video. Very well done.👍👌👏👋🙏
Thank for your support
You are welcome. Good job my friend👍👏👋
What a pity the English subtitles are so seriously incorrect
I wanna see Empress Wu Zetian's mausoleum for a while. There's some area which archeologist discovered something old and officials haven't yet opened for the tourists to see. Isn't it?
《大佛頂如來密因修證了義諸菩薩萬行首楞嚴經》卷六:「我滅度後,末法之中多此神鬼熾盛世間,自言食肉得菩提路。阿難!我令比丘食五淨肉,此肉皆我神力化生,本無命根:汝婆羅門地多蒸濕,加以沙石,草菜不生,我以大悲神力所加,因大慈悲假名為肉,汝得其味;奈何如來滅度之後,食眾生肉,名為釋子?汝等當知:是食肉人縱得心開似三摩地,皆大羅刹,報終必沈生死苦海,非佛弟子。如是之人相殺相吞,相食未已,云何是人得出三界?」(《大正藏》冊19,頁132,上8-17) 阿難!如是眾生,入三摩地,要先嚴持清淨戒律,永斷淫心,不餐酒肉,以火淨食,無噉生氣。阿難!是修行人,若不斷婬,及與殺生,出三界者,無有是處。當觀淫欲,猶如毒蛇,如見怨賊,先持聲聞,四棄、八棄,執身不動;後行菩薩清淨律儀,執心不起。禁戒成就,則於世間,永無相生;相殺之業;偷劫不行,無相負累,亦於世間不還宿債。 阿難!一切眾生,食甘故生,食毒故死;是諸眾生,求三摩地,當斷世間五種辛菜。是五種辛,熟食發婬,生啖增恚。如是世界,食辛之人,縱能宣說十二部經。十方天仙,嫌其臭穢,咸皆遠離;諸惡鬼等,因彼食次,舔其唇吻,常與鬼住,福德日消,長無利益。是食辛人,修三摩地,菩薩、天仙、十方善神,不來守護。大力魔王,得其方便,現作佛身,來為說法,非毀禁戒,讚婬怒癡。命終自為魔王眷屬,受魔福盡,堕無間獄。
这有点丑啊 还不如别花这个钱😀