[2] Words of the Master | God | Audio Book | English

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
  • Namaste Dear Listeners (Brothers/Sisters/Elders/Youngsters),
    By the grace of Lord, we are releasing this Audio Book, the book name is "Words of the Master (English)" - (Translated from Sri Sri Ramakrishna Upadesh in Bengali ), compiled by Swami Brahmananda ji Maharaj.
    Thank you.
    Topic: God
    1. Do you know how God dwells in man? He dwells in the same way as ladies of wealthy families do behind a latticed screen (chik). They can see everybody but no one can see them. God abides in all in an exactly similar way.
    2. It is the nature of the lamp to give light. With its help some may cook food, some may forge deeds and some may read the Bhagavata (Holy Scriptures). Is it the fault of the light? So is it the fault of God that some try to attain salvation with the help of His holy name, while others use His name for success in attempted theft?
    3. You get what you seek. God is like a Kalpataru (the celestial tree) - everyone get from Him what he seeks. A poor man's son having received education and become a judge of the High Court is apt to think that he is al right. God also echoes his thought and say "Do thou continue so". Afterwards when the same judge has retired on a pension, he begins to see things in their true light and puts himself the question "What real work have I done in this life ?" God, too, echoes his words and says: "Yes, very true, what hast thou done?"
    4. There is no distinction between Impersonal God (Brahman) on the on hand and Personal God (Shakti) on the other. When the Supreme Being is thought of as inactive, He is styled God the Absolute (Suddha Brahman) ; and when He is thought of as active - creating, sustaining and destroying - He is styled Shakti or Personal God.
    5. One day on the course of a conversation about God Mathoor Babu observed, (Mathoor Babu was the Son in law of Rani Rashmani, the founders of the Dakshineswar Temple), God, too, is bound by the laws of nature; He can not act just He wishes. Sri Ramakrishna Said, "How can that be so? He acts just as He pleases, He can do anything he likes". Mathoor Babu said, "Can He produce white flower on this red hibiscus plant by His mere wish?" Sri Ramakrishna replied, "Certainly He can do that, If it be his wish, this red hibiscus plant shall bear white flower". But Mathoor did not seem to be fully convinced. As a matter of fact, however, in a few days, it was seen that an hibiscus plant in the Dakshineswar Garden bore two flowers one red and the other white - on two different branches. Sri Ramakrishna carried the ain branch, along with the two offshoots bearing the flowers, to Mathoor, who felt highly surprised and exclaimed, "Father, I will never more argue a point with Thee".
    6. Have you any idea of God with form and God without form? They are like ice and water. When water freezes in to ice, it has a form; when the same ice is melted into water, all form is lost.
    7. Tears were flowing out of the eyes of Bhishmadeva when he was lying stretched on his bed of allows waiting for death. On seeing the Arjuna remarked to the Lord Krishna, "Brother, how strange! Our grandfather who is ever truthful, whose passions are under control, who is full of Divine knowledge and is himself one of the eight Vasus (a class of minor Deities) - he, too, is found shedding tears under the influence of Maya (delusion!)". On the Lord's mentioning this to Bhishmadeva, the latter said, "O Krishna, Thou knowest full well that I am not weeping through Maya. The thought that I cannot in the least comprehend the nature of Thy leela (sport), is what makes me weep. The Lord, by repeating Whose holy names men surmount all dangers, has Himself been acting as the charioteer of the Pandavas and befriending them and yet there is no end to their trials"
    8. Sri Ramakrishna accompanied Mathoor Babu on his pilgrimage to Benares. While stopping at the city, Sri Ramakrishna paid a visit to Trailanga Swami, to whom he put the question, "How is it that people speak of so many gods though there is but one God?" The Swami was observing a vows of silence; so he merely raised one of his fingers and threw himself in to sort of trance, hinting thereby that by meditation once comes to know that there is only one God, but by philosophical discussion the sense of unity is displaces by the sense of diversity.
    9. God with form and God without form are not two different Beings. He Who is with form is also without form. To a devotee God manifests Himself in various forms. Just think of a shoreless ocean - an infinite expanse of water - no land visible in any direction; only here and there are visible blocks of ice formed by intense cold. Similarly, under the cooling influence, so to say, of the deep devotion of His worshipper, the Infinite reduces Himself into Finite and appears before him as a Being with form. Again, as on the appearance of the sun, the ice melts away, so on the appearance of the sun of knowledge, God with form melts away into the formless.

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