WHAT IS THE JEWISH VIEW OF FAILED MESSIAHS? Rambam's Laws of Moshiach Part Three | Rabbi Levi Y. New

  • Опубликовано: 18 окт 2024

Комментарии • 11

  • @AllSentientBeings1
    @AllSentientBeings1 4 года назад

    if everyone is waiting for Moshiach, then when he comes he will also be waiting for himself to arrive

  • @TheRealMoshiach
    @TheRealMoshiach 4 года назад


    • @jwa-globalmarkettrading7678
      @jwa-globalmarkettrading7678 4 года назад

      Jesus Christ is in Melbourne Australia and He requires all humans to start trading on the NYSE and ASX immediately

    • @jwa-globalmarkettrading7678
      @jwa-globalmarkettrading7678 4 года назад

      Coronavirus has a built in suicide mechanism which will activate when it realises it cannot win. JESUS Christ is in Melbourne Australia and He requires all humans to start trading on the NYSE and ASX immediately. I complete all knowledge as Emperor of Pneumatology. Destroy the UN immediately

    @JASON_CAMPEAU 4 года назад +1

    Only you do.

    @JASON_CAMPEAU 4 года назад

    God doesnt know bewtween Jewish or not jewish. God does not discriminate.

  • @AllSentientBeings1
    @AllSentientBeings1 4 года назад

    Jesus did indeed lead to the Torah because His crucifixion reconciled man to God. The Torah is laws reconciling man to God through various sacrifices. Jesus's death became the eternal atonement for men's sins.
    His obedience unto death atoned for Adams disobedience which lead to death. Adam's sin locked man out of the Garden. Christ's obedience threw open the gates of Paradise. We now enter paradise through faith in Jesus Christ
    And He has lead all nations to Jerusalem because all Christians now recognise Jerusalem as the Holy Land and make pilgrimage there.
    The Holy Trinity is One God, not 3 Gods. If I meet you in person and if I send a letter or video call, am I not the same person in 3 different forms?

    • @alexanderealley9992
      @alexanderealley9992 3 года назад

      The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world to worship him in the name of God. In churches around the world people line up to symbolically consume the blood and flesh of the messiah. While at the same time behind closed doors the LITERAL blood and flesh of potential messiahs are consumed by the same people that claim Christ is the messiah, because they know he wasn’t! All they care about is themselves and their own glory. They don’t care that they are offering children to Satan as a sacrifice and Satan doesn’t care that these people gain favor in our eyes. Satan only wants one things! To stop the true messiah. Heads up, Satan loses. These truths will be revealed to the world one day when the True Messiah our Moshiach will lift the veils that cover the eyes of the Father’s children and bring them back into the light. The son of God would not have you worship him. The son of God would not tell you the only way to the Father is through himself. God didn’t send you a middleman, the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. Why would God put anything between us and Him? He would not and did not. God will bring us a messenger not someone who would have us set up idols, drink wine and worship him in the name of the Father. If you want salvation if you want into the Father’s house; do not seek the son, the daughter, the cat or the dog. Go straight to the Father! Our Father, our Abba. God would not have you eat His son, He would have you learn that this life is not about the individual.
      The TRUTH is in His word. Believe it or not, everything I stated came from the Bible. The TRUTH is there and it can be found in the Old Testament and in the Book of “The Revelation of Jesus Christ”. Which is God’s testament to His covenant with His children. The Revelation of who Christ really was and that our Father would not have us worship the son or anything else. For He created the Heavens and the Earth not the son, not anything or anyone else. Nor would our Father ever have us consume the flesh of His son or any other human, symbolically or otherwise. This has been an issue with humanity for far too long. To worship any idol is to worship ourselves, it is the denial of our Father. Stop worshiping symbols, idols and anything that is not our Father. What makes humanity think we can conjure up or create anything worthy of our Father? Nothing can truly symbolize His awesome worthiness. So stop praying to crosses, stop praying to the son, stop praying to the mother, stop praying to men and women. Pray to our Father and do not speak to Him in tongues you do not understand. Do not use words you would not use to speak to your earthly father. Stop saying “amen”; you do not even know what these words mean so stop using them. Speak to our Abba as if He were your Abba because He is. To give God glory and praise is to learn to love and give selflessly. Our Father would have you redirect that same adoration and affection on His children, all of us. One day our Father will send us our true Moshiach to right the wrongs of humanity. It is up to us to wake up to what God truly wants for us. Until we figure it out here, we will never be ready for the Heavens He has prepared for us.
      Nowhere in the History of God’s love for His children has He asked them to consume the blood and flesh of man. God forbade such acts multiple times to His children throughout our history as written in the Torah, Bible and Quran. Yet he who claims to be His son asks us to worship him and to eat the flesh and blood through a symbolic dinner that sounds creepier and creepier the more you think about it. God does not want us performing rituals of any kind. Prayer and acts of righteousness which are accomplished only through the love our Father, is what He seeks. Quit with the hocus-pocus nonsense and wake up! He wants a relationship with us formulated out of the admission that He is God and we are not, He created this universe for us to learn something very important, and only through Him are we truly capable of achieving a righteous existence here in this universe that you see as 3-dimensional. We see it that way because that perspective arrives from the “self”. Truly there is much more and God wants us to see that. In order to do that we need to look beyond ourselves and realize this existence is not about us as the individual.
      This reality is not based on the perspective, experiences and existence of us as our individual consciousnesses. Rather it is about the collective perspective, experience and human consciousness. When we give our Father everything of ourselves we will learn what it means to acquire that righteousness. This is not accomplished with a middleman, this is between us and God. Alone we are incapable of achieving the worthiness to meet with our Father. We need Him! Out of all the creations in the universe God chose us! How awesome is that?! And that’s the reason for the fall of Satan. The devil does not even know his true purpose as it relates to the story of humanity. He sought to deceive the world to prevent his inevitable doom. God has a plan and everything happens for a reason. Satan has convinced the world to consume children figuratively through symbolic practices and literally through their perversion and sacrificial deaths. Why? He has been trying to stop the inevitable! When Humanity’s savior will come to fulfill the Arc of the Covenant and complete it. In the end you will stand before our Father and judge. They will read from your Torah (our written lives) and your prosecutor will be on your right. You need a Counselor on your left. I tell you that this Counselor is the true Moshiach that God has promised us and the Messiah would not tell you to come to him to get to the Father. Our Moshiach would tell you to go straight to the Father if you truly seek Salvation. Only God can give it to you.
      Your eyes are capable of perceiving less than 1% of the known light energy in the universe. Why do you trust them so much? Those bodies that people are walking around in are transmitters and receivers. We receive and transmit energies that 99% of the world has no understanding of. Practically every adult has a calcified pineal gland. Why? We have no clue what God gave us when He temporarily placed us in these vessels. No clue what we are capable of and no clue what it means. The Truth is we were meant for more than this if we would only choose God and His Truth. It is not found in someone who would cry out and forsake our Father, nor from someone who would tell us not to listen to any more prophets that speak of wars (Gospels) then to actually have God send us a messenger in the form of a prophet that speaks of wars and reveals the true identity of Jesus (the book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ), nor someone who asks you to perform rituals of the consumption of flesh and blood, nor from someone that would have you worship him in the name of the Father and worship a symbol for man (the Cross), nor someone who would tell you all your sins are forgiven so you could keep on sinning and missing out on what God wants for us here. Jesus did not die for your sins child, he died to deceive you so you could keep on sinning. Do not worship anything but the Father, anything else is idolatry and it is forbidden.
      Isaiah 14:12
      “How you have fallen from heaven O Morning Star, son of the Dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!”
      Revelation of Jesus Christ 22:13-16
      “I am the Alpha and the Omega the first and the last, the beginning and the end....I am the Root and the offspring of David and the bright Morning Star.”

    • @IanCarl37
      @IanCarl37 8 месяцев назад

      ​@@alexanderealley9992Christ is the only begotten Son of God