Cut-Rate Commander | Paradox Power Precon Upgrade Guide

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

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  • @GrazzetMTG
    @GrazzetMTG  Год назад +5

    Hey folks! Below is the full list of upgrades, sidegrades, and additional upgrades I mentioned in the video for your convenience. Also, be sure to check out the 15k Subscriber giveaway in the description if you haven't signed up for a chance to win a free deck, and let me know in the comments if you agrees with my changes and if there were any changes you think I missed. Feedback is always appreciated!
    Exile - Impulse Draw
    Lunar Hatchling >>> Laelia, the Blade Reforged
    Frost Fair Lure Fish >>> Caves of Chaos Adventurer
    Karvanista, Loyal Lupari >>> Kami of Celebration
    The Fugitive Doctor >>> Urabrask, Heretic Praetor
    Jenny Flint >>> Plargg and Nassari
    Madame Vastra >>> Etali, Primal Storm
    Graham O'Brien >>> Jacob Hauken, Inspector // Hauken's Insight
    Bill Potts >>> Durnan of the Yawning Portal
    Start the TARDIS >>> Ignite the Future
    Flatline >>> Valakut Exploration
    Truth or Consequences >>> Chandra, Torch of Defiance
    Exile - Cascade
    River Song >>> Maelstrom Wanderer
    Exile - Self Exiling
    Heaven Sent >>> Ravenform
    Psychic Paper >>> Delayed Blast Fireball
    Fugitive of the Judoon >>> Tlincalli Hunter
    Exile - Misc
    Become the Pilot >>> You Find Some Prisoners
    Twice Upon a Time >>> The Parting of the Ways
    Exile Matters - Creatures
    Thijarian Witness >>> Wild-Magic Sorcerer
    Dan Lewis >>> Faldorn, Dread Wolf Herald
    Strax, Sontaran Nurse >>> Nalfeshnee
    +1/+1 Counters
    Confession Dial >>> Kami of Whispered Hopes
    Ponder >>> Incubation Druid
    Preordain >>> Gyre Sage
    Core Stats - Ramp
    Talisman of Curiosity >>> Three Visits
    Talisman of Impulse >>> Nature's Lore
    Cursed Mirror >>> Rampant Growth
    Sonic Screwdriver >>> Kodama's Reach
    Mana Lands
    Temple of Abandon >>> Wooded Ridgeline
    Temple of Mystery >>> Tangled Islet
    Temple of Epiphany >>> Highland Forest
    Temple of the False God >>> Hinterland Harbor
    Gallifrey Council Chamber >>> Sulfur Falls
    Caves of Chaos Adventurer >>> Outpost Siege
    Durnan of the Yawning Portal >>> Visions of Phyrexia
    Additional Upgrades
    Nalfeshnee >>> Etali, Primal Conqueror // Etali, Primal Sickness
    Decaying Time Loop >>> Passionate Archaeologist
    Me, the Immortal >>> Keeper of Secrets
    Wooded Ridgeline >>> Stomping Ground
    Tangled Islet >>> Steam Vents
    Highland Forest >>> Breeding Pool
    Desolate Lighthouse >>> Ketria Triome

  • @MrShazaamable
    @MrShazaamable Год назад

    We love your videos my guy. Keep up the great work

  • @chrispydesign585
    @chrispydesign585 Год назад +4

    Havent watched the whole video yet, but just point out if you can get your hands on the Exit from Exile precon from Baldurs Gate, youll get a TON of cards that wil work fantastically in this deck, including majority of the cards recommended here (+ a copy of Jeska's Will too!)

    • @GrazzetMTG
      @GrazzetMTG  Год назад +1

      That is very true - I did use a number of pieces from that deck to upgrade this one (and some of the additional upgrades that have skyrocketed in price were also recommended), so if you have Exit from Exile already or can get it on the cheap, it would contain a lot of solid additions to this build/

  • @teddysworldinsane7382
    @teddysworldinsane7382 Год назад +1

    I entered the giveaway. Fingers crossed. But I’m really pumped for these dr who precon upgrades. My most anticipated set this year

    • @GrazzetMTG
      @GrazzetMTG  Год назад +1

      Glad to hear it - I'm not the biggest fan of the show myself but I do enjoy it, and these decks have a LOT of spicy new cards and reprints for folks to get excited about!
      Also, best of luck to you on the Giveaway!

    • @teddysworldinsane7382
      @teddysworldinsane7382 Год назад

      @@GrazzetMTG thank you. Also thanks for all you do and help with upgrades. I followed your rashmi and ravagan build my buddies liked it. Mentioned your channel and they followed 🙏🏽

  • @supersalty_9459
    @supersalty_9459 Год назад

    i love that little comment about the 13 doctors writing lolz XD

  • @iambutter2784
    @iambutter2784 Год назад

    hey Grazzet, how what do you think of Rishkar and Mono Green Arywn from Lotr for this deck?

  • @Nephalem2002
    @Nephalem2002 4 месяца назад

    Would Apex Devastator be a great add for this Deck? Since it Cascades 4 Times?

  • @Galchoo1
    @Galchoo1 Год назад

    Now THAT's what I call an inner conflict! Um, I mean amazing deck upgrade as always! That said... it's getting kinda concerning how many precon upgrades you are having to arrange, so I hope we don't forget the good ol' Cut-Rate deck techs with votes for the public that got you this far!
    Day 799 of waiting for the face reveal! That said... man, this is gonna sound awkward, but uh... do you remember who won the last cut-rate poll? I genuinely forgot.

  • @SeekerOf7ruth
    @SeekerOf7ruth Год назад +5

    I'm surprised this precon is getting overlooked compared to the others, lots of potential and quite a bit of power. Perhaps because how Who fans were not happy with the 13th Doctor's time on the screen? Seems like a shame in both instances.
    And yeah, the constant flow of product has been draining even for a casual MtG player. I can't pretend what it's been like as a content creator. Your builds have been the main source of hype (not to say that to put pressure on you though!) for commander, and I am certainly looking forward to Lost Caverns in a couple of weeks.

    • @pascalsimioli6777
      @pascalsimioli6777 Год назад +1

      It would make sense to skip it if you don't know 13th episodes, I skipped the old doctors deck for the same reason. The only cards I like in 13th's deck are actually Clara and the 12th

  • @abrahamwilliams2280
    @abrahamwilliams2280 Год назад

    I am wondering a couple things. Why is it bad to consider keeper of secrets or haldan and pako, or some things like past in flames? I do think you do a good job because you explain why things are good or bad instead of just saying what you like..

  • @SirusEinzla
    @SirusEinzla Год назад +1

    You know what would also be a good addition to this deck? The Great Henge! Cause you know, you'll never escape that card Grazzet~
    But one good addition I added to my deck was The Reality Chip.

  • @SFTortoise
    @SFTortoise Год назад +3

    Who is the doctor?

  • @barrysetser3909
    @barrysetser3909 Год назад

    Instead of buying the commander decks, ought to just buy your upgraded lists instead