The dumbest shit i see all the time is nami riders or any escooter rider put their back foot on the ground and their front foot on the scoot when u shoud be putting ur back foot on ur foot rest hold onto the handlebars and just press gas and put ur front foot on the scooter that way u get maximum acceleration and u dont get pulled back because ur pushing ur self forward with ur back foot if u do it like any other noob when doing a race u get pulled back ur front wheel spins and u lose grip and acceleration if this guy did it how he was suposed to do it the nami woud have looked even faster lmao only reason nami got grip and cought up was becouse he put hes back foot onto the scooter finaly xd
Do it again, because on thunder 2 you used only 8400wats, to use full power 10080wats before start do double throttle click, to active full power, of thunder 2.
Merci pour ce teste les gars..!!!
The music 🫨☠️
Which Nami was that
That Nami is no joke
The dumbest shit i see all the time is nami riders or any escooter rider put their back foot on the ground and their front foot on the scoot when u shoud be putting ur back foot on ur foot rest hold onto the handlebars and just press gas and put ur front foot on the scooter that way u get maximum acceleration and u dont get pulled back because ur pushing ur self forward with ur back foot if u do it like any other noob when doing a race u get pulled back ur front wheel spins and u lose grip and acceleration if this guy did it how he was suposed to do it the nami woud have looked even faster lmao only reason nami got grip and cought up was becouse he put hes back foot onto the scooter finaly xd
Salut les loulous et bien même aujourd'hui on ne voit pas beaucoup de rider à Laon et une fois de plus je vous ai loupé 😭😜😋🛴
Do it again, because on thunder 2 you used only 8400wats, to use full power 10080wats before start do double throttle click, to active full power, of thunder 2.
Maybe it was allready done ? Also MOSPHERA was at only 30% of battery capacity... We have to remake it an other time.. ;)
je résume que la Nami roule mieux que la thunder 2 non ?
Bien évidemment depuis toujours
How does the Mosphera win off the line? It doesn't even have dual motor and large wheels should give poor torque values. Nami is still the best.
NAMI is the best !
On the video this Mosphera as the little battery 27 amp....and the charge at 30 %....
Ce n'était pas un "vrai VS",la MOSPHERA était a plat. Mais c'est vrai que la NAMI déchire.
@@jean-noelcollard4583 nami la meilleure en tout point apres la mosphera c’est une autre catégorie pour moi une vrai bombe
Mdr le versus bidon !!!
@kramtoo ?!😂