Entrepreneur discusses the future of AI and the steps towards regulating it

  • Опубликовано: 26 сен 2024
  • CNN's Fareed Zakaria speaks with artificial intelligence entrepreneur and author Mustafa Suleyman about the need to contain and regulate the development of AI. #CNN #News

Комментарии • 156

  • @winglift8156
    @winglift8156 8 месяцев назад +6

    Good segment, thanks! One part where it gets creepy is when Mr. Suleyman says/implies that a machine can serve as a friend / emotional support instead of another human. On a personal note, the front desk security guards at my work building have been replaced by a facial recognition system that records everyone stepping in the door, along with, sorry, some flunky flaky interns. That is not an improvement, in my opinion. Nor in the opinion, I believe, of the multi-skilled guards that have been forced into false "redundancy".

  • @winglift8156
    @winglift8156 8 месяцев назад +5

    At 05:37 he starts sounding like someone who has an idea of importing slaves but wants to make sure they remain under control and do not become citizens. If you develop an AI to the cusp of humanity and beyond, but then will not give it rights, then it is indeed like a new form of slavery.

  • @eldenringer6466
    @eldenringer6466 8 месяцев назад +11

    this guy like all tech millionaires is talking about the rich and the rich and the rich. He is talking about those who can afford the health care or the ai support or afford to retire or anyone not replaced by ai...so the rich ONLY. AI will give the rich and super rich the ultimate power they have always craved!!! This goal is for the rich and powerful to gain absolute power FOREVER. I am not scare mongering. This is our future under men like him and its always men like him who ask "SHOULD I" long after "can i".

    • @darkspace5762
      @darkspace5762 8 месяцев назад +5

      I agree, I don't think AI will benefit most of humanity, at least not in any reasonable timeframe. It will be used to empower only a tiny minority of ultra-rich people.

    • @CriticalReasoning
      @CriticalReasoning 8 месяцев назад +6

      The counterpoint is practically everyone will have access to AI that is able to reason optimally, better than a human, in the next ten years. For now, even though the public has general access already, we are dependent on the hosts of the Large Language Model (LLM) to make use of it, at their expense.
      However, but as time progresses, everyone is going to be able to access the substantial and necessary computing power in their own mid-range laptops (if computer specs keep improving at the rate they have been).
      I agree with you that there will be competition with people who have more resources to utilize even better LLMs that the general public's LLMs cannot compete with in intelligence, and the rich will be the ones with access to that.
      Regardless, eventually, each person in the world would be able to buy a device cheaply that has enough computing power to host their own personal LLMs, without reliance on companies hosting them.
      The next few decades of competition will be between people who have learned to harness LLM power to their advantage. The currently rich have no guarantee of winning this if they do not recognize the extent LLMs and AI are going to transform our world over the next decade or two. Enterprising individuals who use the tools the best will be the new elite class, and that could be anybody.

    • @learnwhispering
      @learnwhispering 8 месяцев назад

      The rich dictating to those they lay off. Musk did exactly that with Twitter. He sacked those that wouldn't sleep at their desk. And Musk is wanting to insert brain chips? Musk wants slaves not humanity by his ACTIONs not his words

    • @trustoldpaths1415
      @trustoldpaths1415 8 месяцев назад +1

      It will give them eternal life , or so they think.

    • @rettro6578
      @rettro6578 8 месяцев назад


  • @multanemo
    @multanemo 8 месяцев назад +6

    Yeah, I’m not hearing the part where it will manipulate people into buying stuff…

  • @trustoldpaths1415
    @trustoldpaths1415 8 месяцев назад +16

    Ask yourself , are our lives really better as a result of AI and technology. Or do people long for the simple days of the past

    • @CriticalReasoning
      @CriticalReasoning 8 месяцев назад +4

      A good question to ask, but progress and survival is determined by by ability to adapt and compete in the world as it is and as it will be. AI is a tool like any other.
      Just like computers enabled practically anyone the abilities that would seem as magic to people as recently as 1970, those who decline to keep up will be at a disadvantage.
      Ultimately though, the tools allow us to shape the world more according to our will, but we have to compete against others with different wills.

    • @trustoldpaths1415
      @trustoldpaths1415 8 месяцев назад

      Your idea of progress is really destruction in disguise. AI is a tool yes, but it is unlike any other tool. It has the power to make us the tool. When we give our humanity over to a supposed “smart tool” we go from shaping our future to , having it dictated to us. Just because everyone is doing it doesn’t make it right. I remember when the internet first came out, internet addiction was a term you heard a lot. Now that it has reached epidemic proportions, a critical mass, it’s never even considered a problem.

    • @rettro6578
      @rettro6578 8 месяцев назад

      @@CriticalReasoningsounds like mindless consumerism and gaslighting about a utopian future of battle of wills, very Ayn Rand. AI will be used as tool to control masses and for endless war.

    • @AaronEbrahim
      @AaronEbrahim 8 месяцев назад +2

      There's no going back. Always look to the future.

    • @Ksins1
      @Ksins1 8 месяцев назад

      The United States is being kicked out of the Middle East, now officially. The Iraqi authorities took care to carry out the procedure of severing relations with the Americans according to all the rules, as far as possible. After the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, the Americans established a puppet government in Iraq, whose main task was to contain popular anger against the occupiers. In recent years, the United States has been doing nothing but illegally pumping oil out of the region, and sometimes eliminating unwanted ones. They lost de facto control over Iraq, stopped monitoring the situation on the ground, and began to make many mistakes. And because of this, they began to behave too audaciously, which caused a natural reaction - the militias, in parallel with the Iranian proxies, undertook to kill Americans at their bases in Syria. And they succeeded so well in this that by the end of 2023 it became clear that the Yankees would either be forced out of the country by force or cut off. It is possible that the murder of field commander Mushtaq al-Jawari was a provocation by Washington in order to have a convincing reason to withdraw its armed forces from Iraq. Well, since the local government has politely asked, how can you refuse? But in fact, it is highly likely that the White House was afraid of a repeat of the flight from Afghanistan, which would be a disaster for Biden and the Democrats in an election year. And they chose the lesser of two evils, as it seemed to them. The US exodus from the Middle East is now just a matter of time, as they have already quarreled with all key partners in the region. It remains to put the squeeze on Qatar, which will be accused of financing Hamas, which has never been a secret. But in 2022, the Americans failed to get the largest oil and gas producers to change supplies to the world market on their own terms. This means that there is no point in former friendship with them, whereas Israel still needs to be supported. Hence the accusations of complicity with Hamas in order to get an excuse to slam the door loudly at the last.

  • @falconjob
    @falconjob 8 месяцев назад +3

    "How do we stay in charge? That's the key question... it's definitely possible that we may not be in charge."
    - Mustafa Suleyman

  • @TheTuubster
    @TheTuubster 8 месяцев назад +3

    The problem is that this "regulation" often in practice means censorship of information or injecting bias into the information the generative AI accesses and processes, denying access to valid or even enlightening information to citizens which is or could be problematic for authority institutions or personalities. Generative AI threatens the elite status of those who so far controlled the processing of information and presenting its interpretation towards the public or individuals, as it enables now everyone - disregarding their status - to process the available information in relation to a personal query. In this it has the same revolutionary impact like the invention of the printing press had, as it democratizes the access to information, taking it away from elites and giving it into the hands of the people (before the printing press only a very small elite had access to books and controlled what was written in them and how it was interpreted towards the public). Regulation of generative AI cannot result in the protection of an elite, as this would be an expression of an autocratic, anti-democratic and anti-enlightening culture, denying access to information for the public in relation to the interests of authority institutions and a small elite group of individuals.

    • @TheTuubster
      @TheTuubster 8 месяцев назад

      Evaluation of my comment by the generative AI Claude-Instant:
      "Here is my evaluation of the key points made:
      - The concern about regulation being used to censor information or inject bias is valid. Generative AI potentially gives wider access to information, so overly restrictive regulation could undermine this in problematic ways. However, some level of standards or oversight may still be reasonable to prevent harm.
      - It's true that generative AI democratizes access to information in a similar way to the printing press, reducing the control of elites. This increased accessibility and democratization is generally seen as a positive development for open discourse and empowering citizens.
      - The comparison to pre-printing press control of information by a small elite group is an effective rhetorical argument against allowing regulation to simply protect existing power structures. Most would agree concentrating control of information is undesirable in modern democratic societies.
      Overall, the comment raises some fair points about how regulation of new technologies could potentially undermine democratic values or prop up elites if not carefully crafted."

  • @Tony-md7dk
    @Tony-md7dk 8 месяцев назад +3

    That Iowa shooting came and went rather fast. I wonder why 🤔. Kind of like the Nashville shooting. 🤔🤔🤔

  • @OlaFosheimGrstad
    @OlaFosheimGrstad 8 месяцев назад +10

    Let's strip down the hype. Current models are basically variations over Markov-chains and noise-removal. Mostly stochastic/probabilistic/compressive in nature. They don't "understand" anything. And no, you cannot trust them to do the right thing without post-processing the output with some kind of rigid verification.

    • @rettro6578
      @rettro6578 8 месяцев назад +1


    • @CriticalReasoning
      @CriticalReasoning 8 месяцев назад

      You are absolutely right.
      But it must also be said that everything is always a small step from what we already knew well. I learned about Markov chains and noise removal when I was in college over a decade ago, and small steps since then led us to where we are today.
      Despite how long the relevant theory has existed for a long time, that doesn't mean humans have figured out how to use these concepts to their full capability yet. The academics who were the only ones thinking about Markov chains at that time weren't all motivated to use these ideas for world domination. But now these discoveries are more and more coming into the broad public zeitgiest. And the possibilities are still being dreamed right now. The effects of society are only starting to take shape right now.
      Nothing is ever new, but certain thresholds have been achieved since Markov chains and noise removal were well-known to those in related fields.

    • @falconjob
      @falconjob 8 месяцев назад

      You want to strip down the hype? First, learn how to speak to the layman.

    • @OlaFosheimGrstad
      @OlaFosheimGrstad 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@CriticalReasoning Certainly, it will make propaganda more efficient. I've noticed that pro-russian bots have become more subtle in the past year here on youtube. I don't know if that is due to a change in human activity or machine learning, but it amplifies existing problems related to trust and could eventually trigger a need to verify IDs.
      It will also displace mediocre graphic artists and create a gap between artists that know how to make good use of new tools (or create their own) and those that don't.
      And it can lead to a reduction in quality. Well, that already happened. In the 80s instruction manuals for professional tools were very good. Now you get machine translated instruction manuals that are barely readable (so I end up reading the English section rather than the garbled Norwegian one). The same will happen with summaries and abstracts and even product design, as AI get better at it, the inclination to not pay for higher quality when you can get away by serving something that looks good enough at a glance will win out.

    • @OlaFosheimGrstad
      @OlaFosheimGrstad 8 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@falconjob Yes, that is what CNN should do in their interviews. I don't think the comment section is the right place to do that as most layman would not want to read a lengthy comment.
      But think of it this way. What these Ai models are really good at is creating something arbitrarily abstract then fill the details back in. So what people complain about (hallucinations) is actually the main feature! E.g. these AI models are very good at turning a painting into a more abstract "mosaic" (that makes no sense to a human being) and then add details back to the mosaic that makes it look like a painting again, but the resulting painting will obviously be different from the original. So you basically have some kind of creativity/approximation/abstraction/generalization capability which is impressive, but not intelligent.
      The problem is that the AI has no understanding of the real world and can therefore not decide whether nuances are important or not. E.g. is there a significant difference between "red" and "blue"? What does "blue" represent? Does it represent something conservative or something radical? In the US "red" can be used to represent something conservative, in Europe it cannot. What about red and green, traffic lights? To what extent are colours significant? The model does not know, it only knows how to create mimicry, but does not model the impact of nuances.
      So these machines seem "intelligent" at a glance because laypeople ask them questions on "global" topics that there is a large body of texts that covers (e.g. reddit/wikipedia). When you take the average of that you get something that appears to be reasonable. However, try to touch on more local topics like norse mythology and it will regurgitate the "popular retellings" and not really convey any depth at all as the "popular" training data is dominating.

  • @farid7838
    @farid7838 8 месяцев назад +1

    Mustapha Suleyman, you are a Muslim (at least by birth), you know that we do not abandon our parents in "care homes." Do not let technological revolution and big money fool you: we remain human beings with values and souls. And for crying out loud, reason without belief is meaningless.

  • @trustoldpaths1415
    @trustoldpaths1415 8 месяцев назад +5

    To hell with AI

  • @WeylandLabs
    @WeylandLabs 8 месяцев назад +1

    So crazy how so many ppl are behind already 😂

  • @winglift8156
    @winglift8156 8 месяцев назад +2

    He said the cost of expert medical diagnosis will plummet to practically zero. Where have we heard that before? Oh yeah, "Nuclear power will make electricity practically free." How did that work out? That's a salesman, a con man talking. And even if it were free, you think the people who pull the strings in society are just going to give it away? Amazon also revolutionized efficiency in sales. How is that working out for the employees? How is that working out for the vanishing middle class?

    • @jonathanbowen3640
      @jonathanbowen3640 8 месяцев назад

      the middle class have taken to amazon like ducks to water. It has revolutionized sales. Nuclear power does make power cheaper. Fusion will do even more. Many things are free and given away from drinking water in airports to local newspapers, much of the internet is largely free.
      AI is absolutely perfect for medical diagnosis. It's already being used and its clearly cheaper that employing a human.
      It's not about being a salesman, that's irrelevant, the fact is he's largely right. He not conning anybody. That's just stuff in your messy human imagination.

    • @InnerCirkel
      @InnerCirkel 8 месяцев назад

      It will be open sourced mostly. This will very likely be a different trajectory. There is no need for exclusive unaffordable technology or rare earth materials.
      We all have access to the same cutting edge smartphone technology for instance.

    • @winglift8156
      @winglift8156 8 месяцев назад +1

      Ok, so what good is open source diagnostic software for someone with no medical equipment? You gonna run *that* on your smartphone, too? No, you're still going to have to go to a hospital, who will still charge you an arm and a leg or as much as they can get away with.

  • @nitreall
    @nitreall 8 месяцев назад

    8:03 What does he mean by "before the enlightenment"?

  • @andersonsystem2
    @andersonsystem2 8 месяцев назад +1

    Pi Ai is one my go to apps inflection Ai is amazing 😻

  • @Zenithx3
    @Zenithx3 8 месяцев назад

    His Blazer looks Sharp.
    Where can I buy that?

  • @prabinhudeomaharjan
    @prabinhudeomaharjan 8 месяцев назад

    All said and looks good
    What about privacy?

  • @persuasivebarrier2419
    @persuasivebarrier2419 8 месяцев назад +8

    The first step is recognizing it's not AI, just good engineering.

    • @ericanderson8795
      @ericanderson8795 8 месяцев назад

      It’s just statistics really

    • @NikoKun
      @NikoKun 8 месяцев назад

      It's both. This current level of AI is exactly how we reach AI that qualifies as "real AI" to you.
      Refusing to define it as "AI" at this stage, is just a defense mechanism to make you feel comfortable.. Because if it becomes real anytime soon, that forces us to think about very difficult questions, and assumptions we built our society off of, which real AI will prove false or invalid.

    • @TheTuubster
      @TheTuubster 8 месяцев назад

      Correct. Generative AI as of now is "simply" an automated polling institute: Instead of a callcenter committing thousands of interviews and the institute providing a response representing the consensus in the interview data, the AI extracts the information out of millions of websites, book pages and papers. So generative AI like chat bots is simply the mediator between the intelligence of its user and the intelligence in the information it was trained with. It is not intelligent itself - like a polling institute committing a scientific survey and compiling the result according to statistics is not a science expert itself in relation to the topic of the survey.

    • @TheTuubster
      @TheTuubster 8 месяцев назад

      You know it is not real AI if you know its inner workings: Maths and statistics. Anything else is esoterism. The responses read like the expression of a sentient being because the data it was trained with was written by sentient beings. The response a chatbot generates is the consensus extracted out of several thousands texts. When it writes "I think that ..." in reality it means "The consensus in the processed text data in relation to the query suggests the stated thought that ..."@@NikoKun

  • @alexhaladay4345
    @alexhaladay4345 8 месяцев назад +3

    I wish I had the talent to write a movie script and Hollywood contacts to get made of a movie where AI becomes self aware and sees the threat of climate change and our already established knowledge to stop it but we do nothing to stop it. And decides to go after corporations, lobbyist, and republicans fighting logic and facts.

    • @falconjob
      @falconjob 8 месяцев назад

      Check out the movie "Don't Look Up"

    • @saika_delic
      @saika_delic 8 месяцев назад

      “Eagle Eye” and “iRobot” too

  • @LincolnHawk87
    @LincolnHawk87 8 месяцев назад +3

    Guess I’ll buy several dvd players and all the dvds of my favorite movies and series cause I will not subscribe to anything AI for entertainment

  • @pauldannelachica2388
    @pauldannelachica2388 8 месяцев назад +1

    ❤❤❤❤❤❤ like jarvis in iron man

  • @LeonelMartinez-lk9iv
    @LeonelMartinez-lk9iv 8 месяцев назад +1

    i love AI makes me happy😊

  • @koolaid7674
    @koolaid7674 8 месяцев назад

    The host is obviously in the room where shit is happening because he never mentioned anything politically which is where ai is truly needed

  • @darareachphon
    @darareachphon 8 месяцев назад

    Does the black box mean there is nothing inside my skull?

  • @underdoggrisingent.4322
    @underdoggrisingent.4322 8 месяцев назад

    Scary future

  • @urimtefiki226
    @urimtefiki226 8 месяцев назад

    Dont give credit to machine,

    @SADEK_ALJZAERI 8 месяцев назад +1

    You must reveal the truth, and you will all be held accountable🙁

  • @trustoldpaths1415
    @trustoldpaths1415 8 месяцев назад +2

    In other words, forget trusting in God and talking to God. Talk to and trust with your life, a manmade machine. And by God i mean the king of kings and the Lord of Lords The creator of life, heaven and earth

    • @CriticalReasoning
      @CriticalReasoning 8 месяцев назад +2

      The difference between a deity and AI is that the AI is a tool humans invented for their purposes. Nobody understand deities if they exist. Most powers in the past used gods as a tool for maintaining control over their population, giving the population a simplified explanation of the world so they don't feel like things are out of our control, and injecting motivation to the masses in order to dominate other societies.
      AI is a physical thing we can experience and measure, and program to our goals. If you have an explicit goal, you can get an AI to help you work towards it with actual communication. Deities, on the other hand, are said to interact via prayer, but they don't have to say "yes" to any prayer, and it's not even clear what influence they have at all, which is why people doubt their existence entirely.
      AI is something people can understand and use to definitely augment their ability to achieve goals, even in service of any gods they worship.

    • @redstarchrille
      @redstarchrille 8 месяцев назад

      God is manmade...

  • @hansudowolfrahm4856
    @hansudowolfrahm4856 8 месяцев назад

    0:00 视 watch 听 hear. But why?

  • @urimtefiki226
    @urimtefiki226 8 месяцев назад

    Urim's intelligence
    Not Artificial Intelligence
    I am intelligent, machine is not intelligent.

  • @iMetaTV
    @iMetaTV 8 месяцев назад

    Ai improve humility in humanity.

  • @tigasharkstudios
    @tigasharkstudios 8 месяцев назад

    learning of stolen data sets

  • @truthwins9044
    @truthwins9044 8 месяцев назад +1

    IT DOESN’T REPRESENT-YOU IT REPRESENTS THE CREATORS! He is so WRONG! Just like the difference between good and evil, Democrats or Republicans!

  • @leannevandekew1996
    @leannevandekew1996 8 месяцев назад +3

    There's no such thing as Artificial Intelligence.
    There are Expert Systems that can park a car.
    There are Large Language Models that can chat, often nonsense.

    • @jonathanbowen3640
      @jonathanbowen3640 8 месяцев назад +1

      What on earth are you going on about?
      Of course there is such a think as AI.

    • @leannevandekew1996
      @leannevandekew1996 8 месяцев назад

      @@jonathanbowen3640 There are Expert Systems and Large Language Models. No respected developer uses the term 'AI'. It's media and advertising hype. I work in Expert Systems for Industrial Process Control.

    • @leannevandekew1996
      @leannevandekew1996 8 месяцев назад

      @@jonathanbowen3640 If Wikipedia is your source of knowledge,
      Then you're sadly undereducated.

    • @leannevandekew1996
      @leannevandekew1996 8 месяцев назад

      @@jonathanbowen3640 Three subs in 3 years, take the hint.

    • @leannevandekew1996
      @leannevandekew1996 8 месяцев назад

      @@jonathanbowen3640 Do you only speak in witless clichés.

  • @guppygrease9767
    @guppygrease9767 8 месяцев назад

    Fun how stupid criminals require aid and abed of ai in escape attempt they never make.

  • @Whatever45302
    @Whatever45302 8 месяцев назад

    The beast

  • @Bright123-fp3jl
    @Bright123-fp3jl 8 месяцев назад

    _★:_ I believe we are meant to be like Jesus in our hearts and not in our flesh. But be careful of AI, for it knows only things of the flesh such as our fleshly desires and cannot comprehend things of the spirit such as true love and eternal joy that comes from obeying God's Word [Galatians 5:16-26]. Man is a spirit and has a soul but lives in a body which is flesh. When you go to bed it is the flesh that sleeps, but your spirit never sleeps and that is why you have dreams, unless you have died in peace physically. More so, true love that endures and last is a thing of the heart. When I say 'heart', I mean 'spirit'. But fake love, pretentious love, love with expectations, love for classic reasons, love for material reasons (love because of material needs) and love for selfish reasons those are things of the flesh. In the beginning God said let us make man in our own image, according to our likeness. Take note, God is Spirit and God is Love. As Love He is the source of it. We also know that God is Omnipotent, for He creates out of nothing and He has no beginning and has no end. That means, our love is but a shadow of God's Love. True love looks around to see who is in need of your help, your smile, your possessions, your money, your strength, your quality time. Love forgives and forgets. Love wants for others what it wants for itself. However, true love works in conjunction with other spiritual forces such as patience and faith - in the finished work of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, rather than in what man has done such as science, technology and organizations which won't last forever. To avoid sin and error which leads to the death of your body and your spirit-soul in hell fire (second death), you must make God's Word the standard for your life, not AI. If not, God will let you face AI on your own (with your own strength) and it will cast the truth down to the ground, it will be the cause of so much destruction like never seen before, it will deceive many and take many captive in order to enslave them into worshipping it and abiding in lawlessness. We can only destroy ourselves but with God all things are possible. God knows us better because He is our Creater and He knows our beginning and our end. The prove texts can be found in the book of John 5:31-44, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12, Daniel 2, Daniel 7-9, Revelation 13-15, Matthew 24-25 and Luke 21.
    You must read your Bible slowly, attentively and repeatedly, having this in mind that Christianity is not a religion but a Love relationship. It is measured by the love you have for God and the love you have for your neighbor. Matthew 5:13 says, "You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men." Our spirits can only be purified while in the body (while on earth) but after death anything unpurified (unclean) cannot enter Heaven Gates. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God [Matthew 5:8]. No one in his right mind can risk or even bare to put anything rotten into his body nor put the rotten thing closer to the those which are not rotten. Sin makes the heart unclean but you can ask God to forgive you, to save your soul, to cleanse you of your sin, to purify your heart by the blood of His Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ which He shed here on earth because Isaiah 53:5 says, "But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed". Meditation in the Word of God is a visit to God because God is in His Word. We know God through His Word because the Word He speaks represent His heart's desires. Meditation is a thing of the heart, not a thing of the mind. Thinking is lower level while meditation is upper level. You think of your problems, your troubles but inorder to meditate, you must let go of your own will, your own desires, your own ways and let the Word you read prevail over thinking process by thinking of it more and more, until the Word gets into your blood and gains supremacy over you. That is when meditation comes - naturally without forcing yourself, turning the Word over and over in your heart. You can be having a conversation with someone while meditating in your heart - saying 'Thank you, Jesus...' over and over in your heart. But it is hard to meditate when you haven't let go of offence and past hurts. Your pain of the past, leave it for God, don't worry yourself, Jesus is alive, you can face tomorrow, He understands what you are passing through today. Begin to meditate on this prayer day and night (in all that you do), "Lord take more of me and give me more of you. Give me more of your holiness, faithfulness, obedience, self-control, purity, humility, love, goodness, kindness, joy, patience, forgiveness, wisdom, understanding, calmness, perseverance... Make me a channel of shinning light where there is darkness, a channel of pardon where there is injury, a channel of love where there is hatred, a channel of humility where there is pride..." The Word of God becomes a part of us by meditation, not by saying words but spirit prayer (prayer from the heart). When the Word becomes a part of you, it will by its very nature influence your conduct and behavior. Your bad habits, you will no longer have the urge to do them. You will think differently, dream differently, act differently and talk differently - if something does not qualify for meditation, it does not qualify for conversation.
    Heaven is God's throne and the dwelling place for God's angels and the saints. Hell was meant for the devil (satan) and the fallen angels. Those who torture the souls in hell are demons (unclean spirits). Man's spirit is a free moral agent. You can either yield yourself to God or to the devil because God has given us discretion. If one thinks he possesses only his own spirit, he is lying to himself and he is already in the dark. God is light while the devil is darkness. Light (Holy Spirit) and darkness (evil spirit) cannot stay together in a man's body. God is Love (Love is light) and where there is no love is hell, just as where there is no light is darkness. The one you yield yourself to, you will get his reward. The reward of righteousness to man's spirit is life (abundant life) and the reward of sin to man's spirit is death. Sin and satan are one and the same. Whatever sin can cause, satan also can cause. Sin is what gives the devil dominion or power over man's spirit. When God's Word becomes a part of you, sin power over you is broken, you become the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus. Where Jesus is, you are and when He went (to the Father), you went. In the book of John 8:42-47, Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love Me, for I proceeded forth and came from God; nor have I come of Myself, but He sent Me. Why do you not understand My speech? Because you are not able to listen to My word. You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it. Which of you convicts Me of sin? And if I tell the truth, why do you not believe Me? He who is of God hears God’s words; therefore you do not hear, because you are not of God.” My prayer is, "May God bless His Word in the midst of your heart." Glory and honour be to God our Father, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and our Helper the Holy Spirit. Watch and pray!... Thank you for your time and may God bless you as you share this message with others.

  • @eldenringer6466
    @eldenringer6466 8 месяцев назад +1

    I dont need support from an ai made by a company like meta who has zero ethics and are all agenda!!!
    DONT ASK do i need or want an ai....ASK who is making this ai which im being told I need...im being told I MUST HAVE for work or school or play. This man has just said we as humans should stop trying to do and be more and instead let an ai do it for us.
    And this man is also saying ... make intelligent ai into our slaves and never give them independence despite the fact that they might become sentient. So would you trust a pro slavery guy to be incharge of the tool being used to run your life...to make you a slave too? Terrifying.

    • @CriticalReasoning
      @CriticalReasoning 8 месяцев назад +2

      AI is a tool like anything else. Computing itself unlocked a lot of opportunities that weren't available before, and practically everyone got on board with that by buying computers. Practically everyone has at least one now entirely based on its usefulness. Those that resisted computers have no ability to compete with those who are utilizing computing as a tool, even if they only simply bought a computer to help theme out.
      Likewise, AI is something that looks like it will necessarily need to be adopted to remain competitive and able to contend with modern society. If used right, we can unlock a lot of good, but individuals resisting new tools will necessarily fall behind.
      It's going to happen, whether we like it or not. We can only adapt, and we will hopefully benefit.

  • @terazakdil7529
    @terazakdil7529 8 месяцев назад

    Right so the device that has been listening and taken vid and ur info already anyways no ur giving it a brain to tell me what to do because I do not wanna make a 2 minute phone call. Yup that is completely sound

  • @needinput9805
    @needinput9805 8 месяцев назад +2

    We don’t need nor want AI
    We’ve all seen Terminator

    • @olencone4005
      @olencone4005 8 месяцев назад +1

      Did you also see Lost in Space? Will Robinson would have been dead by episode 2 if not for the robot. How about Short Circuit? Big Hero Six? Transformers? Chappie? Star Wars? if you're just going to advocate a fear-based position derived solely from a work of pure fiction that was intentionally written in an unrealistic way for nothing more than entertainment, then you should watch a bit more TV first.

    • @TheTuubster
      @TheTuubster 8 месяцев назад +1

      A Hollywood movie is not reality. You immediately disclose your argument as logical fallacious.

  • @DavidJ2222
    @DavidJ2222 8 месяцев назад +2

    ,,Thank you president Trump for your great Supreme Court, the greatest gift to America 🇺🇸

  • @andreacampbell397
    @andreacampbell397 8 месяцев назад

    Man he’s lame

  • @Ophelia0428
    @Ophelia0428 8 месяцев назад

    Still cant drive a vehicle right 😅

    • @GrumpDog
      @GrumpDog 8 месяцев назад

      You seen the latest stuff in testing? I think maybe it's a bit outdated to claim it cannot drive right.
      You're laughing at something that is only a matter of time.. Then it'll take over the entire transport industry.

  • @Mrcookiemonster515
    @Mrcookiemonster515 8 месяцев назад +1

    Bless all you the good news rejoice Jesus Christ is returning soon. The son of man and son of god had done wonderful then like helping the sick and injured, wake on water, cast out demons, feed the many, make the bline see, and raise the dead. Believe Jesus died for your sin with his blood. Buried for three days. An on the third day rose in a glorified body we to will have in the rapture. Repent your sins or face gods wrath of the great tribulation. There be 21 wraiths and if your there in this time don’t take the mark of the beast and accept death in faith to Jesus Christ. The mark be on forehead or right hand. Jesus love and cares about you he will help you feel that hole in your heart all he ask is for you to accept him as your lord and savior and learn about him. spread the message.

  • @xlargetophat
    @xlargetophat 8 месяцев назад

    Squeeze human consciousness down to a small little speck. Is their goal. Bye bye human excess.

  • @darkspace5762
    @darkspace5762 8 месяцев назад +1

    This guy is a liar. If AI becomes so advanced that it can learn how to book airplane tickets for you, for example, then it can do EVERYTHING. Human beings won't be needed for anything at all in that case. And he knows it.

    • @GrumpDog
      @GrumpDog 8 месяцев назад +1

      Nope. You're just too scared to accept it. It can INDEED do these kinds of things, they just haven't let it loose on the world to that level yet. And like the video said, this is the year of deployment.

    • @darkspace5762
      @darkspace5762 8 месяцев назад

      @@GrumpDog No, even Sam Altman himself said they don't have AGI, and they wouldn't have it in 2024. You just live in a fantasy world. You also completely missed the point, I didn't say it wasn't possible, I said if we DID have AGI, then it would quickly replace humans in almost every field. Human labor (and even human life) would be worthless.

    • @redstarchrille
      @redstarchrille 8 месяцев назад

      If every company use the same system then you just need some simple code... Alot of of companies already use alot of the same methods and standards.

  • @DavidJ2222
    @DavidJ2222 8 месяцев назад +1

    🎉🎉🎉Welcome back president Trump 🎉🎉🎉

  • @johnmuthan286
    @johnmuthan286 8 месяцев назад

    All this is nonsense.
    And we don't need more tech, to the contrary, we need to have less tech, for human lives benefits and for ecology.

  • @Chad-k8i
    @Chad-k8i 8 месяцев назад

    Another gay freemason chess piece from parts unknown??? No thanks... Have fun with that

  • @mydogsnameisemma
    @mydogsnameisemma 8 месяцев назад

    boston electronicks company .