I hate that he kills everybody in this even those who didn't do anything wrong like Danny Trejo's character was the only one who was even remotely nice to him.
@christaylor7916 well to be fair most of them were unlikable and bad people anyway characters rob zombie dosen't usually give his movies likeable characters
They did Danielle, as well as Jamie, wrong! So much WRONG! I'm glad she didn't do Halloween 6 it. First of all, she definitely has more self respect for herself than to do that. But also, it would've been so sad to see our actual Jamie die in such a sad way. And the hospital version would've been even worse. Her character and Danielle herself deserved so much better.
Speaking of cameos, Rob Zombie is a hypocrite about that too. He said in the behind the scenes of the film that he thinks if you're going to put cameos in your film, you're not taking your film seriously. -_-
IMO the greatest thing about the first two movies was the relationship between Michael and Loomis. This is what differentiated Michael from guys like Freddy or Jason. He didn´t always try to kill some random chick each movie. He had a nemesis. Loomis was so obsessed with Michael and Michael was (maybe even) afraid of him. There should have never been a sequel after part 2. Loomis accomlishes his goal and kills the evil that he guarded for 15 years. Rob Zombie focused on the wrong things.
I hated this freaking movies, please no one give this man (Rob Zombie) anymore of your cash! He is sell out, well when you look at he has always been a sell out.. And he doesn't care what his fans think, his words not mine..
Rob zombie should stay out making horror movies , and he has never to talk about the old school Halloween movie because the one from 1978 was awesome and didn't need to be remade
When I hear the name "Dr. Loomis", I don't think of Malcolm McDowell. I always think of the late, great Donald Pleasance. In my opinion, he was and always WILL be Dr. Loomis in my eyes!
I think it's clear that Zombie dislikes the slasher genre. He respected the success of Halloween and John Carpenter's ability, but he wanted to add "realism" and earthiness to the story. His inflated ego assured him he could do a better job. The end product, in my opinion, is a failure. Zombie is no slasher director.
I just watched all 4 parts of that video by "horrorisdead" video about how Rob destroyed Halloween and loved it! And yes Rob made a big deal about Myers being human now and not a supernatual force and yet he keeps getting shot and it does nothing to him!
Exactly! This guy in this video is absolutely right! The Rob Zombie Halloweens are nothing but a fucking disgrace insult to the franchise and to us Halloween fans
Have you guys noticed that the second half of the movie contradicts the first half? Like the first half is suppose to be realistic and michael was supose to be human but in the second half he picks up people with one hand gets stabbed on the shoulder ,gets shot like 7 times and nothing happens to him, and for a film that tries to analyze michael we really dont know much about him like all we know is he had a hard life like he was forced to kill but that was all in a whole day we didnt really see him go insane he was already crazy because of his sick family and we never new nothing about him really we just wasted time with him being locked up, i really prefer myers without a backstory but some zombie fans liked the idea that zombie explored michaels dementia but he didn't lol its like he couldnt even do that either we just wasted time with michael the first half and still dont know much about him , laurie appears like in the other half, usually side charecters need to appear way before that and by the time she appears i lost all interest, John carpenters halloween takes place almost in one whole day and he still crafted everything perfectly, rob zombie doesn't know how to create that, his version is a combuluted mess
@@andresnavarro5978 Yeah he made a big deal about Myers being human yet he clearly isnt. Rob is a moron. And all I hear is how he never gets along with people . How many musicians he has had fight s with in his solo band or ones he tours with and more and more we learn how he messed up the band White Zombie everyone got along in the band except him and he tried to change the band after they had success. and look at how shitty his films are!
I love the originals because I lived during that time period and appreciate it more than a younger person born in the 90s would.Face the facts, in order to get a younger generation interested in the franchise you have to remake it in better quality and set in a time period that the younger generations can relate to. An example of this Star Wars episodes 1,2, and 3 is much more popular with the younger generations than the older generations.
This is the best review so far. ''love hurts... my ass hurts..'' xD Rob Zombie is a terrible horror movie director. I don't even understand whats so good about Devils Reject. Every single movie of him sucks.
6:55 I agree 1000% with you bro the man doesn't stick with his own words. 9:35 I spoke to him recently I believe he re-visited it and said the film didn't hold well for him and now he hates it. 26:47 LAMO! That's true 30:47 Yep he ruined it especially in the shitty sequel IMHO. Brother after 7 years this is still a very funny ass rant you knocked it right after the park a classic rant!
Zombie should have made Myers possessed by Satan after playing with a Ouji board and that was why he became a killer. Granted, that is cliche that has been done a thousand times. But it would have been a hell of a lot better explanation than the reason he gave
Watching the new Halloweens films, is like watching a Vulger Porn.The second one is kind of better to me than the first.Just cause the first 10 minutes was very epic.The old ones are classics.
I didn't find Michael scary in this movie or the second one. He look like a seven foot tall member of Slipknot (I have nothing against them). I saw the project years ago of Rob Zombie saying he hates remakes. However he remakes Halloween and H2. Did anybody in the movie business called out Rob's bullshit because I smell contradiction. Funny rant, Matt!
12 years ago and this video still cracks me up😂 Rob Zombie's movies are pretty much just vanity projects. Almost every male character has long hair, a beard, and curses...like Rob Zombie. Dude is that much of a narcissist he has to put himself in all his movies (figuratively not literally) but yeah, fuck this movie 🖕🏽
Warning: Spoilers The basic problem with Rob Zombie's remake of the classic horror flick Halloween comes from its purpose. The only reason he should have even considered attempting such a feat is if he seriously felt he could service the film by giving it an update and improving some of its shortcomings that result from the tests of time. Sadly, Zombie not only does nothing to improve the film, he hacks and slashes away all of the mystique the original had and rips open brand new gory, messy, and pointless holes throughout. The character of Michael Myers in the original film came from a fairly well-to-do suburban family, yet inexplicably turned out a rotten, merciless killing machine. It is pretty essential to Michael's "Boogeyman" persona that he appear as something almost supernatural, and certainly nothing the audience could ever sympathize with. Yet Zombie drags a newly fashioned back-story out for half of the movie, trying to give reasons for why Myers does what he does, stomping all over the mystery that surrounded the original character and struck fear into all members of the audience. It is also a major part of the character of Dr. Loomis that Michael be the impossible case study, one that even the most accomplished psychologist couldn't comprehend. Instead, Zombie (in typical fashion of his God-awful career) makes Michael the product of a run-down, white trash environment. Any movie-goer would find it difficult to not laugh at the ridiculous caricatures Michael's family members portray, if they were not already bored to death by Zombie's fetish with white trash, and his predictability as a director. Zombie saw it fit to remove almost all of the classic scenes that made the original so memorable and replace them with blood-strewn bodies of naked women at every turn. I'm not sure who exactly thinks "porn + gore = horror", but I'll tell you that there is a major difference between a creepy, mysterious mask-wearing man chasing after a scared babysitter and popping out from behind every corner and one bashing in someone's head with a baseball bat repeatedly to no one's amusement. It's fine if some people in the world enjoy goriness every once in awhile, it's not fine if Hollywood directors begin to confuse this with horror. Repeated sadistic killings are not what scares an audience, they're what sickens them. Mystery, suspense, and the creepy aura of the unknown are what make up a good horror film, and the original Halloween is THE classic example of this. Also, as a side-note but something that needs to be mentioned, who the hell talks like Laurie and her two friends in this film? These three girls, the blonde friend in particular, converse as if high schoolers find it extremely cool to drop the f-bomb every other word and sound as annoyingly immature as possible. The entirety of the dialogue written for their parts suggests no one involved in the making of this film has any idea what teenage girls talk like, so one of them decided to make it up and make them all look like total fools. I had already given up on the film by this point, but it seriously made me and everyone I came with kind of concerned that a film could get all of the way through the editing process and into theaters with such odd dialogue that would actually cause us to look at each other with quizzical faces. My one piece of advice to moviegoers everywhere is, instead of putting more of your hard-earned money into the pocket of a hack director like Zombie and fueling the fire of awful modern horror films and terrible remakes, stay at home, dim the lights, and watch the original classic to remind yourself of just what makes a horror movie tick, just how great movies of that genre once were, and just what it feels like to truly be scared - heck, that's exactly what I'm going to do to try and push this steaming pile out of my memory. It's bad when a horror movie comes out that's filled with lots of cheap gore, overused expletives, and pointless nudity, it's far worse when it's done as a remake of a classic. The only people this film will strike horror into the hearts of is fans of the original, and sadly this is not the type of horror they paid to see - they, like myself, will be absolutely horrified at just how bad the abomination of a remake that is Rob Zombie's Halloween truly is. 277 out of 424 found this helpful. Was this review helpful?
I dig Rob Zombies music. I love White Zombie and Rob Zombie solo. Don't know what to say about his movies. I saw the Halloween remake tonight and it was ok but unnecessary.
In your honest opinion, would I be wasting my money if I bought both these films? Cuz I just watched them both online and I'm still not sure if I'd want copies in my collection.
At first I didn't like the Rob Zombie movies but the more I have watched them, the more I enjoy them. Of course the original is still the best. I like that he made the franchise his own and didn't try to do a straight up remake.
honestly the first rob zombie Halloween movie was a failed abortion of this franchise but the 2nd is the one that really deserves that status because it is so much worse in my opinion
I don't think Zombie improved the character AT ALL! The new Michael he created is almost pitiful. The audience feels pity for him at some point. Which means he's not all that evil, because he loved his sister…blah blah blah all that shit. I prefer the original one, where he is a Sociopath (without a conscious) and he just killed because he was evil, and he was after his sister and that was it. There was no pity. He (like Ted Bundy) was just an evil Sociopath PERIOD.
There is no one who is voicing Chucky. They say Brad Dourif is on board either way. They say the remake is out with Brad voicing Chucky in 2012, 2013 or 2014. Not sure which year that remake will come out.
Not sure if he was an albino, or just had white hair. Zombie doesn't like referring to it as a sequel, but something new. IMO they really improved the character.
yea and i like christopher lee as an actor i tghink he could pull off the role as loomis would had been a better choice atleast for malcom mcdowell my sister liked a clock work orange ith malcom mcdowell he was just not good in this role
I Agree with everything you said about this film. But i think rob zombie was trying to do what Nolan did with batman begins back story wise but zombie doesn't have the smarts or creativity to pull it off . the only thing that was ok was the look of it and the look of Michael Myers.
great job on the rant matt and i agree with everything you said and i hated that rob zombie ruined michael myers misque and the sequel he did was worse the thing is tho i dont mind danielle harris or brad douriff as actors that really the ony plus i can give to this
A lot of people complain about rob zombies remake And some people like it. Even though the 2nd one was a little more off base I think even though the original is the best he did pretty good cause he got more in touch with Michael as a child. Some people don't like that there is more blood and killing but c'mon we're in the 2000s and remember john carpenter did not have much money when he made the first one. I'm not a big fan of remakes but personally I thought he did ok with the film but to each his own.
I prefer the original Halloween I, II, and H20, because they had innovative elements. Halloween I (Original): Established many clichés that are still used by today's films. Even "Scream" addresses the original as an exemplary horror film, and how to survive one. Preserved by Congress. Halloween II (Original): Showed how a sequel should be made, with a shocking (at the time) revelation. Halloween H20: Was supposed to end the series (and to me it did), with Laurie confronting her destiny/monster.
ive read these comments and this reminds of the way people re-acted to season of the witch, awsome movie but people didnt get its not supposed to be the same, some people are just thick headed lol
i remember when i first saw this and the halloween music comes on when MM is running through his school and was like WTFUCK!!!!!, ANYWAY THIS FLICK WAS A DISGRACE to jc's Halloween76. brilliant review matt im glad u ripped this this movie a new ass hole.
Where is the proof that Rob Zombie don't care about his fans, I went to the twins of evil he did with Marilyn Manson and he put on a great show for the fans. He went into the crowd, shook hands, gave hugs and gave away free t-shirts, Manson didn't do shit but sang 4 songs then left. What Rob Zombie did for the Halloween movie was not to make Michael a punching bag for a wanna be Bruce Lee rapper and bring fear back into Michael Mayers character.
Would you be down if someone actually got a 'slasher' crossover going on? More than Freddy Vs Jason. People always wanted Freddy, Jason, Leatherface, Meyers, Chucky and Ghost Face in one movie.
I have seen Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D and that movie straight sucked and no I do not say this because I'm more of a Halloween fan but I know because I have seen many Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies, yes I have not seen all of them but I seen many and all I can say is that Part 2, Next Generation, and 3D sucked! Big time! Though I would put 3D ahead of Parts 2 & next generation because atleast the 3D movie had a great serious tone to it unlike Part 2 & Next Generation, but still 3D is a terrible movie.
@@PRHILL9696 Yeah it sucks youtube doesn't notify you when someone comments, especially on very old comment of 7 years ago, as I have been watching this RamboRaph (Matt) guy's videos and it's fucking sad how he bashes on Halloween 6 so much, especially the great Producer's Cut version.
@@PRHILL9696 And yes I haven't seen you in a while either, have you been commenting lately on the Halloween 6 videos and spreading the praises for it? Because I have been doing that, mostly commenting on TheMyersFan25's comment of the Halloween franchise, and I have also been on Texas Chainsaw Massacre videos in which the original 1974 film and the remake of 2003 are the only 2 Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies I like, the rest are garbage piles of garbage and the original sequels to the 1974 Texas Chainsaw Massacre films are all comedic joke piles of garbage as well.
well Rob Zombie remakes kind of sucked but his remake of Halloween 2 really sucked what the was it all about I was so confused can explain his Halloween 2 remake he should have left a good thing alone
I enjoyed the original Halloweens and the Rob Zombie version. The problem I find about people bitching about how the Originals are better than the remakes is that they want to cling onto the feeling of discovering the original franchise as a child, and will bash any remake of any movie without looking at it with a mature mindset.
I'm with you on the Exorcist....Not scary at all and I don't get the movie. I like Night of Living Dead better than Dawn, hell I think Day is better than Dawn.
9 years later and I still watch this one a week if not more often than that
same 😅
@manny this rant is better than the movie
You frigging crack me up dude. The nurse and the metal fork bit had me laughing.
This legendary video is approaching 10 years old soon
I hate that he kills everybody in this even those who didn't do anything wrong like Danny Trejo's character was the only one who was even remotely nice to him.
I like that though cuz it shows how much of a sociopath he is. It’s perfect for the character
@christaylor7916 well to be fair most of them were unlikable and bad people anyway characters rob zombie dosen't usually give his movies likeable characters
The love hurts part was hilarious.
They did Danielle, as well as Jamie, wrong! So much WRONG! I'm glad she didn't do Halloween 6 it. First of all, she definitely has more self respect for herself than to do that. But also, it would've been so sad to see our actual Jamie die in such a sad way. And the hospital version would've been even worse. Her character and Danielle herself deserved so much better.
Speaking of cameos, Rob Zombie is a hypocrite about that too. He said in the behind the scenes of the film that he thinks if you're going to put cameos in your film, you're not taking your film seriously. -_-
'they tried to do the backstory with this, did it work?' throws dvd, 'No!' hahaha the timing.
You can just imagine the conversation at a Rob Zombie dinner party.
The Boogeyman does NOT need a backstory.
He just IS the Boogeyman.
Dee Wallace is a damn fine actress and does not deserve to be in this piece of crap film. She is first class all the way.
couldn't agree more
yes she is like her in critters her brad and Danielle Harris I got to admit did good for the material they had. to work with
@@serbinator8529 Some people dont think shes a high quality actress. I like her though.
"Just wants to put as many "fucks" in his movie as possible"
Me: watches the rest of the video
Me: Oh
IMO the greatest thing about the first two movies was the relationship between Michael and Loomis. This is what differentiated Michael from guys like Freddy or Jason. He didn´t always try to kill some random chick each movie. He had a nemesis. Loomis was so obsessed with Michael and Michael was (maybe even) afraid of him.
There should have never been a sequel after part 2. Loomis accomlishes his goal and kills the evil that he guarded for 15 years.
Rob Zombie focused on the wrong things.
Um, Jason and freddy also have nemesis of their own.
You're funny as heck!
lol yes your rants are so funny and Mike's rants can be so hilarious
lol yes your rants are so funny and Mike's rants can be so hilarious
Rob Zombie's petty complaints about the original, literally makes me wonder if he even respects John Carpenter🧐🤔
As the legend himself said , Rob Zombie is a piece of shit.
Rob Zombie complains about everyone and everything else when the fact is , he sucks.
I hated this freaking movies, please no one give this man (Rob Zombie) anymore of your cash! He is sell out, well when you look at he has always been a sell out.. And he doesn't care what his fans think, his words not mine..
26:27 He looked so adorable :')
I rather watch Resurrection than both of The re makes
yea me 2 when they killed off Lori in resurrection that should of been the end
MM 1978-2002 me too pal, me too 🤨🤨
Me too
Resurection is atleast hilariously bad and enjoyable , rob zombie's remakes are just the bland type of bad
Rob zombie should stay out making horror movies , and he has never to talk about the old school Halloween movie because the one from 1978 was awesome and didn't need to be remade
When I hear the name "Dr. Loomis", I don't think of Malcolm McDowell. I always think of the late, great Donald Pleasance. In my opinion, he was and always WILL be Dr. Loomis in my eyes!
TheDarkElmStreetLagoon totally agree
I think it's clear that Zombie dislikes the slasher genre. He respected the success of Halloween and John Carpenter's ability, but he wanted to add "realism" and earthiness to the story. His inflated ego assured him he could do a better job. The end product, in my opinion, is a failure.
Zombie is no slasher director.
I just watched all 4 parts of that video by "horrorisdead" video about how Rob destroyed Halloween and loved it! And yes Rob made a big deal about Myers being human now and not a supernatual force and yet he keeps getting shot and it does nothing to him!
when the movie rental stores were still open I remember seeing a copy of house of 1000 corpses
I love the movie, but this review is hilarious.
where is the link to the video called rob zombie destroyed Halloween?
Right here: ruclips.net/video/mMVpdUym4r8/видео.html
ramboraph4life Thanks. Sadly there are SO many rob zombie fans in the comment section blasting the guy who did that video and did a great job I think!
Exactly! This guy in this video is absolutely right! The Rob Zombie Halloweens are nothing but a fucking disgrace insult to the franchise and to us Halloween fans
Have you guys noticed that the second half of the movie contradicts the first half? Like the first half is suppose to be realistic and michael was supose to be human but in the second half he picks up people with one hand gets stabbed on the shoulder ,gets shot like 7 times and nothing happens to him, and for a film that tries to analyze michael we really dont know much about him like all we know is he had a hard life like he was forced to kill but that was all in a whole day we didnt really see him go insane he was already crazy because of his sick family and we never new nothing about him really we just wasted time with him being locked up, i really prefer myers without a backstory but some zombie fans liked the idea that zombie explored michaels dementia but he didn't lol its like he couldnt even do that either we just wasted time with michael the first half and still dont know much about him , laurie appears like in the other half, usually side charecters need to appear way before that and by the time she appears i lost all interest, John carpenters halloween takes place almost in one whole day and he still crafted everything perfectly, rob zombie doesn't know how to create that, his version is a combuluted mess
@@andresnavarro5978 Yeah he made a big deal about Myers being human yet he clearly isnt. Rob is a moron. And all I hear is how he never gets along with people . How many musicians he has had fight s with in his solo band or ones he tours with and more and more we learn how he messed up the band White Zombie everyone got along in the band except him and he tried to change the band after they had success. and look at how shitty his films are!
I agree this movie ruined my childhood because I grew up as a kid watching the original
I love the originals because I lived during that time period and appreciate it more than a younger person born in the 90s would.Face the facts, in order to get a younger generation interested in the franchise you have to remake it in better quality and set in a time period that the younger generations can relate to. An example of this Star Wars episodes 1,2, and 3 is much more popular with the younger generations than the older generations.
Trust me everyone loves Star Wars 1 - 3 now compared to that Disney sequel shit trilogy
Ha ha ha the kids from South Park writing the script :D this review is a laugh a second.
what do you think about halloween 3D? in my opinion they should continue after halloween resurrection
This is the best review so far.
''love hurts... my ass hurts..'' xD
Rob Zombie is a terrible horror movie director. I don't even understand whats so good about Devils Reject.
Every single movie of him sucks.
If Rob were to remake every horror film, which would be the worse xD ?
I know what you did last summer
6:55 I agree 1000% with you bro the man doesn't stick with his own words.
9:35 I spoke to him recently I believe he re-visited it and said the film didn't hold well for him and now he hates it.
26:47 LAMO! That's true
30:47 Yep he ruined it especially in the shitty sequel IMHO.
Brother after 7 years this is still a very funny ass rant you knocked it right after the park a classic rant!
He made his sequel crap on purpose because he didn't want to do a sequel
Wasn't it explained in one of the later Halloween Movies that in the original that the reason Michael Myers started killing was because of a curse?
Zombie should have made Myers possessed by Satan after playing with a Ouji board and that was why he became a killer. Granted, that is cliche that has been done a thousand times. But it would have been a hell of a lot better explanation than the reason he gave
Watching the new Halloweens films, is like watching a Vulger Porn.The second one is kind of better to me than the first.Just cause the first 10 minutes was very epic.The old ones are classics.
I didn't find Michael scary in this movie or the second one. He look like a seven foot tall member of Slipknot (I have nothing against them). I saw the project years ago of Rob Zombie saying he hates remakes. However he remakes Halloween and H2. Did anybody in the movie business called out Rob's bullshit because I smell contradiction. Funny rant, Matt!
dr. phil would be a better loomis
That would have been funny, but let's be serious here.
lol yes cause malcom mcdowell was just not right for the role u know what happened to him now hes doing fucking lunchable commercials now lol
he ruined michael myers mystique
I don't mind this remake. I mean I understand people's hate for it and that's fine. But I don't mind it.
I walked out during this F*N Movie..
i dont blame u
i rather watch nightmare on elm st 5 than this
12 years ago and this video still cracks me up😂 Rob Zombie's movies are pretty much just vanity projects. Almost every male character has long hair, a beard, and curses...like Rob Zombie. Dude is that much of a narcissist he has to put himself in all his movies (figuratively not literally) but yeah, fuck this movie 🖕🏽
Warning: Spoilers
The basic problem with Rob Zombie's remake of the classic horror flick Halloween comes from its purpose. The only reason he should have even considered attempting such a feat is if he seriously felt he could service the film by giving it an update and improving some of its shortcomings that result from the tests of time. Sadly, Zombie not only does nothing to improve the film, he hacks and slashes away all of the mystique the original had and rips open brand new gory, messy, and pointless holes throughout.
The character of Michael Myers in the original film came from a fairly well-to-do suburban family, yet inexplicably turned out a rotten, merciless killing machine. It is pretty essential to Michael's "Boogeyman" persona that he appear as something almost supernatural, and certainly nothing the audience could ever sympathize with. Yet Zombie drags a newly fashioned back-story out for half of the movie, trying to give reasons for why Myers does what he does, stomping all over the mystery that surrounded the original character and struck fear into all members of the audience. It is also a major part of the character of Dr. Loomis that Michael be the impossible case study, one that even the most accomplished psychologist couldn't comprehend. Instead, Zombie (in typical fashion of his God-awful career) makes Michael the product of a run-down, white trash environment. Any movie-goer would find it difficult to not laugh at the ridiculous caricatures Michael's family members portray, if they were not already bored to death by Zombie's fetish with white trash, and his predictability as a director.
Zombie saw it fit to remove almost all of the classic scenes that made the original so memorable and replace them with blood-strewn bodies of naked women at every turn. I'm not sure who exactly thinks "porn + gore = horror", but I'll tell you that there is a major difference between a creepy, mysterious mask-wearing man chasing after a scared babysitter and popping out from behind every corner and one bashing in someone's head with a baseball bat repeatedly to no one's amusement. It's fine if some people in the world enjoy goriness every once in awhile, it's not fine if Hollywood directors begin to confuse this with horror. Repeated sadistic killings are not what scares an audience, they're what sickens them. Mystery, suspense, and the creepy aura of the unknown are what make up a good horror film, and the original Halloween is THE classic example of this. Also, as a side-note but something that needs to be mentioned, who the hell talks like Laurie and her two friends in this film? These three girls, the blonde friend in particular, converse as if high schoolers find it extremely cool to drop the f-bomb every other word and sound as annoyingly immature as possible. The entirety of the dialogue written for their parts suggests no one involved in the making of this film has any idea what teenage girls talk like, so one of them decided to make it up and make them all look like total fools. I had already given up on the film by this point, but it seriously made me and everyone I came with kind of concerned that a film could get all of the way through the editing process and into theaters with such odd dialogue that would actually cause us to look at each other with quizzical faces.
My one piece of advice to moviegoers everywhere is, instead of putting more of your hard-earned money into the pocket of a hack director like Zombie and fueling the fire of awful modern horror films and terrible remakes, stay at home, dim the lights, and watch the original classic to remind yourself of just what makes a horror movie tick, just how great movies of that genre once were, and just what it feels like to truly be scared - heck, that's exactly what I'm going to do to try and push this steaming pile out of my memory. It's bad when a horror movie comes out that's filled with lots of cheap gore, overused expletives, and pointless nudity, it's far worse when it's done as a remake of a classic. The only people this film will strike horror into the hearts of is fans of the original, and sadly this is not the type of horror they paid to see - they, like myself, will be absolutely horrified at just how bad the abomination of a remake that is Rob Zombie's Halloween truly is.
277 out of 424 found this helpful. Was this review helpful?
I’d take H5 over this any day
This rant is still as epic as ever and it holds up better than Rob Zombie's 2007 remake ever could.
“I’m not listening AHHHHHHH”
22:09 to 22:35 was H5 better or worse then RZH2
+Vicente Guerrero Don't know, I hate both.
+ramboraph4life I agree that both were bad but I can deal with 5 after seeing Rob Zombie's film(s).
They should of made a sequal to resurrection
That South Park reference is pretty funny!!!
I dig Rob Zombies music. I love White Zombie and Rob Zombie solo. Don't know what to say about his movies. I saw the Halloween remake tonight and it was ok but unnecessary.
you are 100 percent correct. rob zombie sucks... he's much better at being a horror fanboy than a horror director.
23:13 lol 😂😂😂
In your honest opinion, would I be wasting my money if I bought both these films? Cuz I just watched them both online and I'm still not sure if I'd want copies in my collection.
In my opinion? Yes. But that's up to you.
ramboraph4life I watched them online and fuck, idek if I'll watch them a second time after purchasing them
Erick and Cartman are the same people, bro. But I feel your pain.
At first I didn't like the Rob Zombie movies but the more I have watched them, the more I enjoy them. Of course the original is still the best. I like that he made the franchise his own and didn't try to do a straight up remake.
Brad Dourif could have played Dr. Loomis.
brad and danielle harris did well tho for what they had to do i will blame rob and the ppl that wrote it yea brad could had been a better loomis
I couldn't stand both of them. It's a lot like spinach. If you're forced to have it as a child, you won't enjoy it as an adult.
honestly the first rob zombie Halloween movie was a failed abortion of this franchise but the 2nd is the one that really deserves that status because it is so much worse in my opinion
I don't think Zombie improved the character AT ALL! The new Michael he created is almost pitiful. The audience feels pity for him at some point. Which means he's not all that evil, because he loved his sister…blah blah blah all that shit. I prefer the original one, where he is a Sociopath (without a conscious) and he just killed because he was evil, and he was after his sister and that was it. There was no pity. He (like Ted Bundy) was just an evil Sociopath PERIOD.
Never seen it cause I don't want to
I think that the unexplainable "evil" made him so tall.
There is no one who is voicing Chucky. They say Brad Dourif is on board either way. They say the remake is out with Brad voicing Chucky in 2012, 2013 or 2014. Not sure which year that remake will come out.
Not sure if he was an albino, or just had white hair. Zombie doesn't like referring to it as a sequel, but something new. IMO they really improved the character.
Actually, Moustapha(if I spelled that right)Akkad said before he died, he wanted to go all the way up to I think it was 22 or 23 Halloween films.
I hate all his flicks . They suck.
I agree
I thought The Devil's Rejects was the only one that' was good
Good review man :)
Chirstopher.lee should be the next dr.loomis
yea and i like christopher lee as an actor i tghink he could pull off the role as loomis would had been a better choice atleast for malcom mcdowell my sister liked a clock work orange ith malcom mcdowell he was just not good in this role
ramboraph4life AWASOME REVIEW AND YOU ARE FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I never thought the original was that great in the first place,it’s a 7.5/10 for me.I don’t know what all the fuss is about.
I gotta agree with you Matt,turning John Carpenters vision in to a trailer trash 🗑️ flick.Myers doesn’t need to be 9 feet 🦶 tall.
I Agree with everything you said about this film. But i think rob zombie was trying to do what Nolan did with batman begins back story wise but zombie doesn't have the smarts or creativity to pull it off . the only thing that was ok was the look of it and the look of Michael Myers.
There should've been a 9th film, not a dumb remake like this.
why do you hate texas chainsaw 3D ?
I Agree with 100% Great job keep it up
great job on the rant matt and i agree with everything you said and i hated that rob zombie ruined michael myers misque and the sequel he did was worse the thing is tho i dont mind danielle harris or brad douriff as actors that really the ony plus i can give to this
I actually like this movie. As a big fan of the Halloween series you'd think I'd hate it. But no. Just looking at it as it's own thing, I enjoyed it.
Brace yourself,he's got a new movie coming out called 31 once again starring sheri moon!
As bad as robs films are this new 2018 Halloween is even worse!!
A lot of people complain about rob zombies remake And some people like it. Even though the 2nd one was a little more off base I think even though the original is the best he did pretty good cause he got more in touch with Michael as a child. Some people don't like that there is more blood and killing but c'mon we're in the 2000s and remember john carpenter did not have much money when he made the first one. I'm not a big fan of remakes but personally I thought he did ok with the film but to each his own.
I couldn't even finish watching rob zombies rape of the Halloween classic. It was THAT attrocious
It's just trash
I prefer the original Halloween I, II, and H20, because they had innovative elements.
Halloween I (Original): Established many clichés that are still used by today's films. Even "Scream" addresses the original as an exemplary horror film, and how to survive one. Preserved by Congress.
Halloween II (Original): Showed how a sequel should be made, with a shocking (at the time) revelation.
Halloween H20: Was supposed to end the series (and to me it did), with Laurie confronting her destiny/monster.
ive read these comments and this reminds of the way people re-acted to season of the witch, awsome movie but people didnt get its not supposed to be the same, some people are just thick headed lol
If only judith would of taken Michael trick or treating she wouldn't have been killed
i remember when i first saw this and the halloween music comes on when MM is running through his school and was like WTFUCK!!!!!, ANYWAY THIS FLICK WAS A DISGRACE to jc's Halloween76. brilliant review matt im glad u ripped this this movie a new ass hole.
I love this reveiw
Ugh, I hated this movie, even more than revenge, Curse, or Resurrection. He made the remakes a complete disgrace to the original series.
Where is the proof that Rob Zombie don't care about his fans, I went to the twins of evil he did with Marilyn Manson and he put on a great show for the fans. He went into the crowd, shook hands, gave hugs and gave away free t-shirts, Manson didn't do shit but sang 4 songs then left. What Rob Zombie did for the Halloween movie was not to make Michael a punching bag for a wanna be Bruce Lee rapper and bring fear back into Michael Mayers character.
Based Jacob's Ladder poster
18:18-18:30 I'm dying
Would you be down if someone actually got a 'slasher' crossover going on? More than Freddy Vs Jason. People always wanted Freddy, Jason, Leatherface, Meyers, Chucky and Ghost Face in one movie.
There was gonna be a sequel to Freddy vs Jason that was gonna have Michael Myers
....I like learning about his back story :(
good video good I like your review and I saw the video you are talking about Rob zombie talks out both sides of his mouth
I have not seen Texas Chainsaw 3d myself yet, but I have not talked to a single person yet who did not hate that movie with a passion
I have seen Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D and that movie straight sucked and no I do not say this because I'm more of a Halloween fan but I know because I have seen many Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies, yes I have not seen all of them but I seen many and all I can say is that Part 2, Next Generation, and 3D sucked! Big time! Though I would put 3D ahead of Parts 2 & next generation because atleast the 3D movie had a great serious tone to it unlike Part 2 & Next Generation, but still 3D is a terrible movie.
@@thehalloweenheavymetalwarrior Sorry did not know about this comment! youtube never tells me anything. have not seen you in a while!
@@PRHILL9696 Yeah it sucks youtube doesn't notify you when someone comments, especially on very old comment of 7 years ago, as I have been watching this RamboRaph (Matt) guy's videos and it's fucking sad how he bashes on Halloween 6 so much, especially the great Producer's Cut version.
@@PRHILL9696 And yes I haven't seen you in a while either, have you been commenting lately on the Halloween 6 videos and spreading the praises for it? Because I have been doing that, mostly commenting on TheMyersFan25's comment of the Halloween franchise, and I have also been on Texas Chainsaw Massacre videos in which the original 1974 film and the remake of 2003 are the only 2 Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies I like, the rest are garbage piles of garbage and the original sequels to the 1974 Texas Chainsaw Massacre films are all comedic joke piles of garbage as well.
@@thehalloweenheavymetalwarrior yeah me and him have argued about that actually
well Rob Zombie remakes kind of sucked but his remake of Halloween 2 really sucked what the was it all about I was so confused can explain his Halloween 2 remake he should have left a good thing alone
32:10-32:20... Best insult.
I don't recall seeing ho 1000 corpses
22:23 It's literally fate 😂😂😂
I enjoyed the original Halloweens and the Rob Zombie version. The problem I find about people bitching about how the Originals are better than the remakes is that they want to cling onto the feeling of discovering the original franchise as a child, and will bash any remake of any movie without looking at it with a mature mindset.
For Michel being the shape stinks I agree the back story stinks but him biding not he shape rocks
I'm with you on the Exorcist....Not scary at all and I don't get the movie. I like Night of Living Dead better than Dawn, hell I think Day is better than Dawn.
nice review