Peace be upon you, I have a copper piece with the image of Zarini and his academic ally carved on it. I found it buried in a hole when I was building the house. I am from Yemen and I know nothing about this man. Is there anyone who can buy the piece from me?
Remélem lesz még sok videó, az előző elemzős videó kb 1 éve volt és megijedtem hogy abba akarod hagyni. Bár nem vagyok már gimis de tök jó hogy van csatorna ami ilyennel is foglalkozik és azért úgy látom egy-egy videó alatt vannak azért szép számmal megtekintések, nyilván relatív de nekem a 50 ezer vagy 100 ezer feletti megtekintés soknak számít, egy szó mint száz úgy látom van rá érdeklődés és elég egyedülálló a tematika :D
Köszi! :) Igen, egyedülálló - és ha őszinte akarok lenni, nem is csodálom, hogy senki nem csinált még ilyet - mert rettenetesen sok munka egy ilyen videó elkészítése! :)
Peace be upon you, I have a copper piece with the image of Zarini and his academic ally carved on it. I found it buried in a hole when I was building the house. I am from Yemen and I know nothing about this man. Is there anyone who can buy the piece from me?
Peace be upon you, I have a copper piece with the image of Zarini and his academic ally carved on it. I found it buried in a hole when I was building the house. I am from Yemen and I know nothing about this man. Is there anyone who can buy the piece from me?
Peace be upon you, I have a copper piece with the image of Zarini and his academic ally carved on it. I found it buried in a hole when I was building the house. I am from Yemen and I know nothing about this man. Is there anyone who can buy the piece from me?
Peace be upon you, I have a copper piece with the image of Zarini and his academic ally carved on it. I found it buried in a hole when I was building the house. I am from Yemen and I know nothing about this man. Is there anyone who can buy the piece from me?
Szia! Bombasztikus videó !! Nagyon menő lenne, ha egy ilyet az Odüsszea-ról meg a 9.-es nyelvtanból főleg a médiaműfajokról is tudnál csinálni! Hálánk üldözni fog!!!❤
Peace be upon you, I have a copper piece with the image of Zarini and his academic ally carved on it. I found it buried in a hole when I was building the house. I am from Yemen and I know nothing about this man. Is there anyone who can buy the piece from me?
Peace be upon you, I have a copper piece with the image of Zarini and his academic ally carved on it. I found it buried in a hole when I was building the house. I am from Yemen and I know nothing about this man. Is there anyone who can buy the piece from me?
Peace be upon you, I have a copper piece with the image of Zarini and his academic ally carved on it. I found it buried in a hole when I was building the house. I am from Yemen and I know nothing about this man. Is there anyone who can buy the piece from me?
Peace be upon you, I have a copper piece with the image of Zarini and his academic ally carved on it. I found it buried in a hole when I was building the house. I am from Yemen and I know nothing about this man. Is there anyone who can buy the piece from me?
Peace be upon you, I have a copper piece with the image of Zarini and his academic ally carved on it. I found it buried in a hole when I was building the house. I am from Yemen and I know nothing about this man. Is there anyone who can buy the piece from me?
Peace be upon you, I have a copper piece with the image of Zarini and his academic ally carved on it. I found it buried in a hole when I was building the house. I am from Yemen and I know nothing about this man. Is there anyone who can buy the piece from me?
Peace be upon you, I have a copper piece with the image of Zarini and his academic ally carved on it. I found it buried in a hole when I was building the house. I am from Yemen and I know nothing about this man. Is there anyone who can buy the piece from me?
Peace be upon you, I have a copper piece with the image of Zarini and his academic ally carved on it. I found it buried in a hole when I was building the house. I am from Yemen and I know nothing about this man. Is there anyone who can buy the piece from me?
Peace be upon you, I have a copper piece with the image of Zarini and his academic ally carved on it. I found it buried in a hole when I was building the house. I am from Yemen and I know nothing about this man. Is there anyone who can buy the piece from me?
Szia! Egy ilyen videó elkészítési ideje kb. másfél-két hónap - el kell olvasni, ki kell jegyzetelni, át kell írni, fel kell venni, meg kell vágni. Nem hogy két nap, de két hét alatt sem lennénk kész vele. :)
Peace be upon you, I have a copper piece with the image of Zarini and his academic ally carved on it. I found it buried in a hole when I was building the house. I am from Yemen and I know nothing about this man. Is there anyone who can buy the piece from me?
Szia! Egy ilyen videó elkészítése minimum másfél hónap... Elolvasni, leírni, átírni, felvenni, kiválogatni, megvágni... Esélytelen sajnos - főleg úgy, hogy épp egy másik művön dolgozunk.
Peace be upon you, I have a copper piece with the image of Zarini and his academic ally carved on it. I found it buried in a hole when I was building the house. I am from Yemen and I know nothing about this man. Is there anyone who can buy the piece from me?
Peace be upon you, I have a copper piece with the image of Zarini and his academic ally carved on it. I found it buried in a hole when I was building the house. I am from Yemen and I know nothing about this man. Is there anyone who can buy the piece from me?
tavaly már érettségiztem, nincs irodalom órám, de egyből kattintottam! Köszi a videót
Dettó, májusban érettségiztem.😅
Várjunk egy percet. A Zsigmondyba jártál?
@@Dr.Jegesmedve nem
Peace be upon you, I have a copper piece with the image of Zarini and his academic ally carved on it. I found it buried in a hole when I was building the house. I am from Yemen and I know nothing about this man. Is there anyone who can buy the piece from me?
Nagyon jók a videoid erettsegi előtt sokat segít köszönöm
Életmentőek a videóid, csak így tovább, rengetegen hálásak lehetnek neked azért amit csinálsz.
Tanuljatok, mert holnap magyar erettsegi
Nahh, gyere inkább lolozni Tircz#HUN (eune)
Remélem lesz még sok videó, az előző elemzős videó kb 1 éve volt és megijedtem hogy abba akarod hagyni. Bár nem vagyok már gimis de tök jó hogy van csatorna ami ilyennel is foglalkozik és azért úgy látom egy-egy videó alatt vannak azért szép számmal megtekintések, nyilván relatív de nekem a 50 ezer vagy 100 ezer feletti megtekintés soknak számít, egy szó mint száz úgy látom van rá érdeklődés és elég egyedülálló a tematika :D
Köszi! :)
Igen, egyedülálló - és ha őszinte akarok lenni, nem is csodálom, hogy senki nem csinált még ilyet - mert rettenetesen sok munka egy ilyen videó elkészítése! :)
Peace be upon you, I have a copper piece with the image of Zarini and his academic ally carved on it. I found it buried in a hole when I was building the house. I am from Yemen and I know nothing about this man. Is there anyone who can buy the piece from me?
0:06 nem bírom 🤣🤣
Imádunk téged!!!!!
Peace be upon you, I have a copper piece with the image of Zarini and his academic ally carved on it. I found it buried in a hole when I was building the house. I am from Yemen and I know nothing about this man. Is there anyone who can buy the piece from me?
Kb. 5 óra alatt meg lehet hallgatni itt:
Érdemes elolvasni!
koszi teso ma irunk ebbol! az egesz 10.DEF neveben csokoltatlak
Peace be upon you, I have a copper piece with the image of Zarini and his academic ally carved on it. I found it buried in a hole when I was building the house. I am from Yemen and I know nothing about this man. Is there anyone who can buy the piece from me?
Fax 💯💯
8:17-nél tényleg bejöt nekem egy reklám!
Peace be upon you, I have a copper piece with the image of Zarini and his academic ally carved on it. I found it buried in a hole when I was building the house. I am from Yemen and I know nothing about this man. Is there anyone who can buy the piece from me?
De jók a bakik❤
Szia! Bombasztikus videó !! Nagyon menő lenne, ha egy ilyet az Odüsszea-ról meg a 9.-es nyelvtanból főleg a médiaműfajokról is tudnál csinálni! Hálánk üldözni fog!!!❤
Peace be upon you, I have a copper piece with the image of Zarini and his academic ally carved on it. I found it buried in a hole when I was building the house. I am from Yemen and I know nothing about this man. Is there anyone who can buy the piece from me?
elkészüüült! :) (Jöhet a Jókai Az aranyember, muhaha :D )
Soha. :D
alapanyag ajánó Wass Albert: adjátok vissza a hegyeimet (novella)
Az arany embert legyszi
Peace be upon you, I have a copper piece with the image of Zarini and his academic ally carved on it. I found it buried in a hole when I was building the house. I am from Yemen and I know nothing about this man. Is there anyone who can buy the piece from me?
Nagyon hasznos
A vegerol lemaradt hogy: hajra, sziasztok!
meg jo hogy mondta
Szia Poti készülsz te is?
Gyalogvlog te vagy az?
Hajrá, sziasztok! ;)
A Fanni hagyományait meg az Aranyembert szívesen megnézném
Aki tud szájról olvasni az kérlek fordítsa le az elejét
Hogy a vereres f*szomba gondolta azt barki is hogy egy 14-15-16 eves gyerekek egy ilyen otvar fos anektodarol olvassanak, aki ezt kitalalta…
Szia Zoli vagyok ez a gyalogvlog
uj magyar erettsegi rendszerrol kerhetunk videot? szerintem jol jonne mert eleg nagy szivas lesz
Peace be upon you, I have a copper piece with the image of Zarini and his academic ally carved on it. I found it buried in a hole when I was building the house. I am from Yemen and I know nothing about this man. Is there anyone who can buy the piece from me?
Kérlek csinálj egy videót ,,Az Arany Ember"-ből
Peace be upon you, I have a copper piece with the image of Zarini and his academic ally carved on it. I found it buried in a hole when I was building the house. I am from Yemen and I know nothing about this man. Is there anyone who can buy the piece from me?
Peace be upon you, I have a copper piece with the image of Zarini and his academic ally carved on it. I found it buried in a hole when I was building the house. I am from Yemen and I know nothing about this man. Is there anyone who can buy the piece from me?
Szia, majd egy Törökországi leveleket is tudnál csinálni? Nagyon jól el tudod mondani, gratulálok 😊
Peace be upon you, I have a copper piece with the image of Zarini and his academic ally carved on it. I found it buried in a hole when I was building the house. I am from Yemen and I know nothing about this man. Is there anyone who can buy the piece from me?
Anyegin miért nincs fent?😭
Mert MÉG nem csináltuk meg ;)
Peace be upon you, I have a copper piece with the image of Zarini and his academic ally carved on it. I found it buried in a hole when I was building the house. I am from Yemen and I know nothing about this man. Is there anyone who can buy the piece from me?
Szia nem szretnél költökröl is csinalni ilyen videokat?
mert nagyon jol magyarázol🥰
Ez a gyalogvlog? Hajrá SZIASZTOK!!!
Hajrá, szia! :D
kiraly vagy
Lécci csinálj A Fösvény -ből, mert nem akarom elolvadni
Peace be upon you, I have a copper piece with the image of Zarini and his academic ally carved on it. I found it buried in a hole when I was building the house. I am from Yemen and I know nothing about this man. Is there anyone who can buy the piece from me?
Az iróniàd kiváló. Egyik kolléganőm is mondta, hogy tizenéves nőként Szigeti Veszedelem helyett inkább mást olvasott volna, mely jobban érdekli
Peace be upon you, I have a copper piece with the image of Zarini and his academic ally carved on it. I found it buried in a hole when I was building the house. I am from Yemen and I know nothing about this man. Is there anyone who can buy the piece from me?
Pls pls pls pls pls A láthatatlan embert kedden írok Belle és elfelejtettem plllssss😢
Szia! Egy ilyen videó elkészítési ideje kb. másfél-két hónap - el kell olvasni, ki kell jegyzetelni, át kell írni, fel kell venni, meg kell vágni. Nem hogy két nap, de két hét alatt sem lennénk kész vele. :)
Peace be upon you, I have a copper piece with the image of Zarini and his academic ally carved on it. I found it buried in a hole when I was building the house. I am from Yemen and I know nothing about this man. Is there anyone who can buy the piece from me?
Szia! Az Anyeginről szerdára egy videót tudnál készíteni?SOS
Szia! Egy ilyen videó elkészítése minimum másfél hónap... Elolvasni, leírni, átírni, felvenni, kiválogatni, megvágni... Esélytelen sajnos - főleg úgy, hogy épp egy másik művön dolgozunk.
@@holnaptemazarooh rendben! Köszönöm szépen a gyors választ🙂
Peace be upon you, I have a copper piece with the image of Zarini and his academic ally carved on it. I found it buried in a hole when I was building the house. I am from Yemen and I know nothing about this man. Is there anyone who can buy the piece from me?
Ezt a videót kerestem pont egy hete amikor témazárot írtam belőle. Enélkül nem volt annyira jó a felkészülés. Mindenesetre köszi a videót🫶🏻
Reméljük, azért jól sikerült a témazáró!
@@holnaptemazaro ötös lett☺️
@@peterbanfi2738 JAJDEJÓ!!!! Gratulálunk! :)
Peace be upon you, I have a copper piece with the image of Zarini and his academic ally carved on it. I found it buried in a hole when I was building the house. I am from Yemen and I know nothing about this man. Is there anyone who can buy the piece from me?