Wonderful job!!!!!!! The song is amazing!!!!!!!! Also thanks for having Game of Thrones, Supernatural and The Walking Dead in this masterpiece!!!!!! 😍😍😍 I JUST LOVE IT !!!!!!!!!
If you seen, in the end of video, inscription - to be continued... So guys. this will be a new video and new series You want this? or this video you dont like ? If you want, write here right now! This is a very important to me and my friend.
Wonderful job!!!!!!! The song is amazing!!!!!!!! Also thanks for having Game of Thrones, Supernatural and The Walking Dead in this masterpiece!!!!!! 😍😍😍 I JUST LOVE IT !!!!!!!!!
That is sooooo good
ОФИГЕТЬ! Наикрутейший мультифандом! В начале и на 1:47 у меня аж мурашки по коже))
Классно поработали ))
очень благодарен братан :)
Шикарнейший мультифандом, почти все время в напряжении)
спасибо :)
The Walking Dead😢😢❤❤❤
TWD*-* Emmi- Carl, Glenn, Abraham. My 3 favorite characters I’m ripped😢
this song and your editing fits perfect
How to get so much spoliers in one video... JK You are so talented.
you are so talented, this is amazing.
thank you :)
This is pure perfection :O
+C4M1LL4 D33D Thank you very much:)
Very well edited my friend, enjoyed it a lot. Great work.
thanks mate so much
Really enjoyed this
thank you
Omg soo good mate! Love you videos! You deserve so many more subs!
Thank you mush my dear friend. That means a lot for me
Danov Art. Np m8!
I so love this video it so cool and sweeet
+kristina tollefson Thank you :)
Omg i got so happy when i saw the 100 teen wolf twd ftwd izombie but i got real exicting when i saw supernatural in here
Великолепный коллаб!!! Вот просто без слов❤️
спасибо :)
awesome men i love the parallels of fear the walking dead but in your new tributes can you put some lost parallels?
+Transdeadnia Yes. Exactly. In my new MULTIFANDOM will have LOST parallels. :)
thanks men very much,i will be waiting for them
Transdeadnia nono dont:) I dont know when I will make my new multifandom. Cause I wait of my friend. Maybe May :)
ok no problem,i really need to ask you,in a future are you going to do a lost tribute?
+Transdeadnia I dont know. maybe summer
whats the show at 00:54? i found Your channel Through Zurik 23m by the way
Noe Valle The 100. Thank you!
OMG you didn't just use the Shannara chronicles theme song!😍🙌🏻
YEEEES. I m very love this song, and very love opening of The Shannara Chronicles
thank you. I appreciate it
Круто сделал, бро!
it's great
my gratitude
i love the parallesls of fear the walking dead
thank you :)
If you seen, in the end of video, inscription - to be continued...
So guys. this will be a new video and new series You want this? or this video you dont like ? If you want, write here right now! This is a very important to me and my friend.
+Danov Art. hello you put hands wing work with video pedi? jjajajaj good video
+Nahu Gampleys y Vlogs! Hello. I dont know. I am very busy. I have a few unfinished projects. Sorry.
Danov Art. ok not okay I'm looking forward
Прекрасная работа
спасибо ")
Мы хорошо постарались друг мой)
да мой друг
1:43 what is this show?
Alice J. Tail blindspot
very randon dialogues but nice quality
Thank you for your comment. :) Your opinion has been remembered!
What show is the one with the girl with all the tattoos?
Until We Go Down - Ruelle
Круто сделал, бро!
+Ven1k1 Спасибо братан!:) ПРиятно очень