It’s valuable mainly because it comes from and event in this case twitch rivals so it’s limited edition and scarce in number. So collectors pay a lot for it.
if that clip at 3:15 is new then that guy should be banned as he has fucked with the graphics what he did turns heads bright purple there was a huge ban wave 2 years ago and from what i can remember you have not been allowed to do this since before the slick's and evasion bands were even in the game
2:22 bro really taked 60bp to take sugar lol
for bitcoin prod
2:15 "i got a tiger i got a tiger i aint even fuckin wit u"
@@Scav101it completely went over ur head
@@Scav101it sound like he said tiger and also that was 3 months ago why does it bother u
Who tf playing tarkov lean edition 3:15 lmao
Bruh it looks like a farcry new dawn reskin
colorblind people exist
So it's just repeats? With like 5 new clips at max..
0:09 He switched helmet with nvg to shovel💀
Чел поменял ЛШЗ с ПНВ на дедовскую лопату💀
bro how do they get that much loot i wish i was one of them
Rare moments of luck in this game :)
whats so good about the rivals armband
It’s valuable mainly because it comes from and event in this case twitch rivals so it’s limited edition and scarce in number. So collectors pay a lot for it.
@@adrianramirezmain894 ITS 90K
Nothing now. it's worth 50k Rubles.
Kappa item
как чуваку лопата дорога))
всё имеет стоимость
secod clip guy did us a service killed a vacuum hacker
0:20 dude talking in some sort of ALIEN language xD, chill the fuck out ....
First dude was tweaking he kept saying ЧТО ЧТО ЧТО
As of yesterday, ItsSharpX has been banned due to cheating
what so good about the taiga
The price lol, most expensive item in the game
i know alot about tarkov because i watch people play it but i cant play tarkov because i dont have money😞😞
if that clip at 3:15 is new then that guy should be banned as he has fucked with the graphics what he did turns heads bright purple there was a huge ban wave 2 years ago and from what i can remember you have not been allowed to do this since before the slick's and evasion bands were even in the game
No it a setting for people who are color blind
@@vgmtyson6797 not that one
my guy this isnt the colorblind mode setting lol
Manipulating the color settings propably with DMA hardware? atleast it looks like it.
is that not the in game post fx though? you can make your game look like this with in game settings and your nvidia control panel