@@Caiquecsf Damn man, it's been 10 f*cking years. I was playing Rome Total War at the time and *loved* this song. Not sure if I still feel the same way but I definitely still like it lol.
@@ZDeight Hahah...Has been a long time since i did hear this song as well...Then Idk why, i came back here to listen to it. I was reading the coments below xD
I remember playing Vindictus while listening to this back in the days. Always loved it over the studio version . The singers voice is more distinct here 😊
I love the choir. I really wanted to listen to the live version and finally I found it. The lead singer's voice might not be as strong as the cd recording (but still very good and this song is not that easy to sing) but the choir is amazing.
So interesting how people write that this song is still relevant. And it is still relevant in 2024, too. In fact, there was never a time where it has not been relevant. It's so sad... Why do we want to kill each other?
From Punic war, Hundred Years war, to Napoleonic war, Soviet invasions to World Wars... From Settlement to Nation into Empire... From Discovery to Destruction... Despite their Conflicts and Struggles Europe still remain as an Awesome continent... with Epic History. Greetings from Asian Btw i Like the song especially the Lyrics :)
I was born and raised in Frankfurt Germany, not far from the Haubtbahnhof. I am a Christian and have renounced war and violence. I have nothing against Muslims, (even though my family has been victimized by them in the past). Still it pains me to see Frankfurt slowly turn into a city overrun by foreigners. I can’t see them appreciate German history and culture. At some point in the future this will lead to a violent clash and sad ending. I can’t see Germans just give up their land without a fight. But I personally would rather make my enemies my friends.
@duskedennis I think that this is about the middle of the show. If you notice, Dann (the singer) has lost his fancy tuxedo jacket he had in Preliator, but the bassist's jacket is still on (He takes it off by Take Me Away).
"Avant hier, avons être Déja demain, (nous) sommes éclairée" You need to understand French proverbs and manner of speaking to understand this expression. No point directly translating it. The phrase is referring to the past eras. If you are familiar with the whole song, you will know the theme is about the history of Europe - basically the idea of this phrase is to suggest that previously Europe was in a darkness or ignorance but then afterwards became enlightened and moved away from its problems. AVANT HIER, AVANT ETRE - This means "before yesterday", i.e in the past, and "before we were" or before we became something, before our establishment etc DEJA DEMAIN, NOUS SOMME ECLAIRE - This is saying "Since yesterday", again speaking of the past but referring to more recently, "nous somme éclaire", - "we were enlightened". Before yesterday refers to the day/era before the enlightenment Since yesterday refers to the day/era they became enlightened If using the days of the week - Sunday being the current day Friday would be be BEFORE YESTERDAY Saturday would be YESTERDAY It's a very poetic way of saying "we were once nothing but now we have become something" i.e - enlightened. Whoever coined that expression was very passionate about the subject matter or they would never worded it in that fashion. Not mine translation. Found it years ago ?from Quora?
@Hailfire97 Actually, it's the second song after Arcana - I have the DVD. He goes off the stage and comes back on later with the jacket. And just so you know, Preliator is fifth and Take Me Away is eleventh.
English:From Agincourt to Waterloo Poitiers and then Anjou The Roses War, the Hundred Years Trough battlefields of blood and tears From Bosworth Field to Pointe Du Hoc Stalingrad and the Siege of York The bloody turf of Gallipoli Had no efect on the killing spree Bannockburn to Austerlitz The fall of France and the German Blitz The cruelest of atrocities Europa's blood is borne of these Heaven help in all our battles Heaven see love Heaven help us Empires built, and nations burned Mass graves remain unturned Descendants of the dispossessed Return with bombs strapped to their chests There's hate for life, and death in hate Emerging from a new caliphate The victors of this war on fear Will rule for the next thousand years Heaven help in all our battles Heaven see love Heaven help us Avant hier, avons etre Deja demain (nous) sommes eclairee! All glory, all honor Victory is upon us Our savior, fight evil Send armies to defend us Empires built, and nations burned Mass graves remain unturned Descendants of the dispossessed Return with bombs strapped to their chests There's hate for life, and death in hate Emerging from a new caliphate The victors of this war on fear Will rule for the next thousand years All glory, all honor Victory is upon us Our savior, fight evil Send armies to defend us Europa, Europa Find better days before us In kindness, in spirit Lead us to a grater calling! Europa, Europa Find better days before us in kindness, in spirit Lead us to a grater calling Never again!! Leningrad, Berlin wall March on Rome, Byzantium's fall Lightning war, Dresden nights, Drop the bomb, end this fight! Never Again!! JAPANESE エイジンコートからワーテルローへ ポワティエ、その後アンジュー 薔薇戦争、百年 血と涙の谷の戦場 ボスワースフィールドからオック岬へ スターリングラードとヨークの包囲戦 ガリポリの血なまぐさい縄張り 殺しまくるにはEFECTがありませんでした アウステルリッツのバノックバーン フランスの秋とドイツブリッツ 残虐行為の悲惨 エウロパの血液は、これらの負担されています すべての私達の戦いで天国のヘルプ 天国は愛を参照してください。 天国は、私たちを助けます 帝国組み込まれており、国が焼か 集団墓地は、あらゆる手段まま 没収の子孫 胸に縛り付け爆弾に戻ります 生活のための憎悪、そして死が憎しみにあります 新しいカリフから新興 恐怖にこの戦争の勝者 次の千年のために支配します すべての私達の戦いで天国のヘルプ 天国は愛を参照してください。 天国は、私たちを助けます アバントのhier、avons ETRE デジャのdemain(ヌース)sommes eclairee! すべての栄光は、すべての誉れ 勝利は我々にあります 私たちの救世主、戦いの悪 私たちを守るために軍隊を送ります 帝国組み込まれており、国が焼か 集団墓地は、あらゆる手段まま 没収の子孫 胸に縛り付け爆弾に戻ります 生活のための憎悪、そして死が憎しみにあります 新しいカリフから新興 恐怖にこの戦争の勝者 次の千年のために支配します すべての栄光は、すべての誉れ 勝利は我々にあります 私たちの救世主、戦いの悪 私たちを守るために軍隊を送ります ヨーロッパ、ヨーロッパ 私たちの前に、より良い日を探します 優しさで、精神で おろし金の呼び出しに私たちを導きます! ヨーロッパ、ヨーロッパ 私たちの前に、より良い日を探します 優しさで、精神で おろし金の呼び出しに私たちを導きます 二度と!! レニングラード、ベルリンの壁 ローマ進軍、ビザンチウムの秋 ライトニング戦争、ドレスデンの夜、 爆弾をドロップし、この戦いを終わらせます! NEVER AGAIN !! Slovak Od Azincourte Waterloo Poitiers a potom Anjou Roses vojne boli Sto rokov Rovnovážnom stave bojiskách krvi a sĺz Od Bosworth pole Pointe du Hoc Stalingrad a obliehanie Yorku Krvavá trávnik Gallipoli Nemal žiadny vplyv na vyčíňanie Bannockburn do Slavkova Pád Francúzska a nemecká Blitz Najkrutejšie zo zverstiev Europa krv je nesený z nich Neba pomoc pri všetkých našich bitkách Nebo vidieť lásku Heaven nám pomôže Ríše postavená, a národy horel Masové hroby zostať na kameni potomkovia olúpený Vráti s bombami pripútaný k hrudi Je tu nenávisť k životu a smrti v nenávisti Rozvíjajúce sa z nového chalifátu Víťazi tejto vojny na strachu Bude vládnuť v najbližších tisíc rokov Neba pomoc pri všetkých našich bitkách Nebo vidieť lásku Heaven nám pomôže Avant hier, avons etre Deja demain (rozum) sommes eclairee! Všetky sláva, česť všetkým Víťazstvo je na nás Náš Spasiteľ, bojovať so zlom Poslať armády, aby nám brániť Ríše postavená, a národy horel Masové hroby zostať na kameni potomkovia olúpený Vráti s bombami pripútaný k hrudi Je tu nenávisť k životu a smrti v nenávisti Rozvíjajúce sa z nového chalifátu Víťazi tejto vojny na strachu Bude vládnuť v najbližších tisíc rokov Všetky sláva, česť všetkým Víťazstvo je na nás Náš Spasiteľ, bojovať so zlom Poslať armády, aby nám brániť Europa Europa Našli dni pred nami Láskavosťou, v duchu Nás vedie k strúhadle povolania! Europa Europa Našli dni pred nami láskavosťou, v duchu Nás vedie k strúhadle povolania Nikdy viac!! Leningrad, Berlínsky múr Pochod na Rím, Byzancia pád Lightning vojna, Drážďany noci, Položiť bombu, skončí tento boj! Nikdy viac!!
This song should be in the top 20 songs of all time
It should have been EU anthem.
This song should be in the top 20 songs of all time in my opinion.It's AWESOME!
I do agree.
@@Caiquecsf Damn man, it's been 10 f*cking years.
I was playing Rome Total War at the time and *loved* this song.
Not sure if I still feel the same way but I definitely still like it lol.
@@ZDeight Hahah...Has been a long time since i did hear this song as well...Then Idk why, i came back here to listen to it. I was reading the coments below xD
I agree az well az final count down
Agree ! 👍
One of the best songs ever unfortunately underrated. It’s freaking awesome! ❤❤❤ Stop Wars
Best song ever! Never feel bored to repeat it
Especially when i'm in the gym. This song keeps me going and going.
The message is clear and powerful now we must learn to dare not repeat these atrocities.
7 years since your message, never feel bored to repeat it
Almost 2023 & the lyrics of this song are basically dead on with life in this world!
I don't know about you guys, but I still listen to this till this day
This Song has become so meaningful recently in 2022, thiy Choir is so Epic
The background chorus gave me chills.. Wow.. So powerfull
Yes, they are definitely outstanding! It raises the song to an altogether different level.
This should be the song to stop the war!!!!! Please! We live in 2023! Stop the war!
Same in 2024
Just ban the Islam of your country and will be fine
2022 still relevant this bloody song
I remember playing Vindictus while listening to this back in the days. Always loved it over the studio version . The singers voice is more distinct here 😊
I wish I could see Globus live. I would walk out feeling like I had just lived through an epic.
People throw around the word "epic" when talking about so many bands these days. But THIS band is the real meaning of EPIC.
heaven help us
this music is wonderful!!! my favorite music
I love the choir. I really wanted to listen to the live version and finally I found it. The lead singer's voice might not be as strong as the cd recording (but still very good and this song is not that easy to sing) but the choir is amazing.
So beautiful
Gives me goosebumps, found Globus thanks to stumble, wish it had found them earlier so i could have been at this gig!
Masterpiece like nothing else.
My favorite type of music
I am brazilian but i Love this music ♡♡♡♡♡♡is Perfect!!!Showwwwwwwww
No more war please
Thanks friend.....greatings from Brazil
sheesh!! this song really gives me the chills!! sooooo epic!! ✊✊✊
Amazing, really. The singer is a great performer!
chills every time
This music is epic! :D
Will rule for the next thousand years!!! (Heaven help us)
WOW!! really outstanding!! i love this type of songs!!
its just pure beautyfull
Epic music! everyone needs to hear this!
Best band ever! This is what real music is!
Chills. Absolute chills
N0 more br0ther wars!
It's their best song with a truth behind it
Seems like Yoav Goren is having his very own fun with dancing while playing on his piano :D
I saw that too and its hilarious
I really like this vid I've herd it a dozen of a dozen times it's so good i can't get enough of it
There is no continent which is better than another... the whole world is a great place and we should save it for our children.
Demasido gozu esta canción para los oidos.
So interesting how people write that this song is still relevant. And it is still relevant in 2024, too. In fact, there was never a time where it has not been relevant. It's so sad... Why do we want to kill each other?
You’re asking the real question and I don’t know if we will get the answer
Well done Josh for putting the real performance sound, unlike the others posted on RUclips. ;)
Yes, they are at it again.😢
Thanks for upping this. Epic piece of music.
From Punic war, Hundred Years war, to Napoleonic war, Soviet invasions to World Wars...
From Settlement to Nation into Empire...
From Discovery to Destruction...
Despite their Conflicts and Struggles
Europe still remain as an Awesome continent... with Epic History.
Greetings from Asian
Btw i Like the song especially the Lyrics :)
you know the soviet union was not involed in the first world war right... i was the tzardom of russia in the first world war
El crack de la semana!
2022 here we go!
1:19 Isn't this supposed to be 'Bolsheviks and feudal lords
' part?
yeah, he did a pretty good job in hiding this oopsie though
I love being American, but Europe's great history makes me long to be a part of it.
We sort of did it to ourselves really. But Europe has been the most important part of the world for a long time.
1:46 1:06 vocal is fantastic!!!!
Damn, this is on a other level!
Europa is something Jesus appointed to spread EPIC MUSIC!!!!
God bless Europe.
Damn givezz me the chillz
in my favorites!
uhhhhhh whooooo lml amazing #globus 💕💕💕💕
I was born and raised in Frankfurt Germany, not far from the Haubtbahnhof. I am a Christian and have renounced war and violence. I have nothing against Muslims, (even though my family has been victimized by them in the past). Still it pains me to see Frankfurt slowly turn into a city overrun by foreigners. I can’t see them appreciate German history and culture. At some point in the future this will lead to a violent clash and sad ending. I can’t see Germans just give up their land without a fight. But I personally would rather make my enemies my friends.
Gose I love the little touches added in to the live version like the cymbal at 0.17, and the guitar at 2.31
this is best song ever !!!!
The epic version of "We Didn't Start the Fire".
@duskedennis I think that this is about the middle of the show. If you notice, Dann (the singer) has lost his fancy tuxedo jacket he had in Preliator, but the bassist's jacket is still on (He takes it off by Take Me Away).
2022 is here! All this time and always
this is my war jam
Amazing how this fits recent history.
live is even more epic
I agree he really is!
1 word AWESOME
I Love Much This Music ❤❤❤❤
hermosa canción de lucha y fuerza es tenaz fuerte agresivo pasivo elegante preciso y incontenible que hermosa música genial para luchar hasta morir...
Die Geschichte wiederholt sich.
The song from the closing ceremony of EURO 2012 in Kyiv
How....fitting, considering currents events.
Ty bro for music nice
This is called music
Yes, it's lack a little more power in vocal like the studio version, but it's still pretty good, really good.
Can you imagine what it would be like if these guys did the Superbowl Halftime?
love how they're all getting very into it ;D
the only band that if you listen to them live actually sound great
11 years late, but nightwish?
@@nancywaegeneire5029 still here
i liked his voice in the cd better than the live one
I have to agree, definitely not as energetic as in the studio, but still a cool live track!
No more brother wars!
And still is.
Didnt know booker t played guitar.
kiesko hahaha that was my thought too
WoW very amaging!!
That will be an AMAZING Quote with you name!
Just awesome*
"Avant hier, avons être
Déja demain, (nous) sommes éclairée"
You need to understand French proverbs and manner of speaking to understand this expression. No point directly translating it. The phrase is referring to the past eras. If you are familiar with the whole song, you will know the theme is about the history of Europe - basically the idea of this phrase is to suggest that previously Europe was in a darkness or ignorance but then afterwards became enlightened and moved away from its problems.
AVANT HIER, AVANT ETRE - This means "before yesterday", i.e in the past, and "before we were" or before we became something, before our establishment etc
DEJA DEMAIN, NOUS SOMME ECLAIRE - This is saying "Since yesterday", again speaking of the past but referring to more recently, "nous somme éclaire", - "we were enlightened".
Before yesterday refers to the day/era before the enlightenment
Since yesterday refers to the day/era they became enlightened
If using the days of the week - Sunday being the current day
Friday would be be BEFORE YESTERDAY
Saturday would be YESTERDAY
It's a very poetic way of saying "we were once nothing but now we have become something" i.e - enlightened. Whoever coined that expression was very passionate about the subject matter or they would never worded it in that fashion.
Not mine translation. Found it years ago ?from Quora?
wow thanks for all knowledge. giving me inspire
Cool. But what mean "nous" and why its in "( )"???
This song should be played at every Euro match
Never Again...
@Hailfire97 Actually, it's the second song after Arcana - I have the DVD.
He goes off the stage and comes back on later with the jacket. And just so you know, Preliator is fifth and Take Me Away is eleventh.
Thx !
@TrackRange Yes this is the song on the Globus DVD.
English:From Agincourt to Waterloo
Poitiers and then Anjou
The Roses War, the Hundred Years
Trough battlefields of blood and tears
From Bosworth Field to Pointe Du Hoc
Stalingrad and the Siege of York
The bloody turf of Gallipoli
Had no efect on the killing spree
Bannockburn to Austerlitz
The fall of France and the German Blitz
The cruelest of atrocities
Europa's blood is borne of these
Heaven help in all our battles
Heaven see love
Heaven help us
Empires built, and nations burned
Mass graves remain unturned
Descendants of the dispossessed
Return with bombs strapped to their chests
There's hate for life, and death in hate
Emerging from a new caliphate
The victors of this war on fear
Will rule for the next thousand years
Heaven help in all our battles
Heaven see love
Heaven help us
Avant hier, avons etre
Deja demain (nous) sommes eclairee!
All glory, all honor
Victory is upon us
Our savior, fight evil
Send armies to defend us
Empires built, and nations burned
Mass graves remain unturned
Descendants of the dispossessed
Return with bombs strapped to their chests
There's hate for life, and death in hate
Emerging from a new caliphate
The victors of this war on fear
Will rule for the next thousand years
All glory, all honor
Victory is upon us
Our savior, fight evil
Send armies to defend us
Europa, Europa
Find better days before us
In kindness, in spirit
Lead us to a grater calling!
Europa, Europa
Find better days before us
in kindness, in spirit
Lead us to a grater calling
Never again!!
Leningrad, Berlin wall
March on Rome, Byzantium's fall
Lightning war, Dresden nights,
Drop the bomb, end this fight!
Never Again!!
アバントのhier、avons ETRE
デジャのdemain(ヌース)sommes eclairee!
Od Azincourte Waterloo
Poitiers a potom Anjou
Roses vojne boli Sto rokov
Rovnovážnom stave bojiskách krvi a sĺz
Od Bosworth pole Pointe du Hoc
Stalingrad a obliehanie Yorku
Krvavá trávnik Gallipoli
Nemal žiadny vplyv na vyčíňanie
Bannockburn do Slavkova
Pád Francúzska a nemecká Blitz
Najkrutejšie zo zverstiev
Europa krv je nesený z nich
Neba pomoc pri všetkých našich bitkách
Nebo vidieť lásku
Heaven nám pomôže
Ríše postavená, a národy horel
Masové hroby zostať na kameni
potomkovia olúpený
Vráti s bombami pripútaný k hrudi
Je tu nenávisť k životu a smrti v nenávisti
Rozvíjajúce sa z nového chalifátu
Víťazi tejto vojny na strachu
Bude vládnuť v najbližších tisíc rokov
Neba pomoc pri všetkých našich bitkách
Nebo vidieť lásku
Heaven nám pomôže
Avant hier, avons etre
Deja demain (rozum) sommes eclairee!
Všetky sláva, česť všetkým
Víťazstvo je na nás
Náš Spasiteľ, bojovať so zlom
Poslať armády, aby nám brániť
Ríše postavená, a národy horel
Masové hroby zostať na kameni
potomkovia olúpený
Vráti s bombami pripútaný k hrudi
Je tu nenávisť k životu a smrti v nenávisti
Rozvíjajúce sa z nového chalifátu
Víťazi tejto vojny na strachu
Bude vládnuť v najbližších tisíc rokov
Všetky sláva, česť všetkým
Víťazstvo je na nás
Náš Spasiteľ, bojovať so zlom
Poslať armády, aby nám brániť
Europa Europa
Našli dni pred nami
Láskavosťou, v duchu
Nás vedie k strúhadle povolania!
Europa Europa
Našli dni pred nami
láskavosťou, v duchu
Nás vedie k strúhadle povolania
Nikdy viac!!
Leningrad, Berlínsky múr
Pochod na Rím, Byzancia pád
Lightning vojna, Drážďany noci,
Položiť bombu, skončí tento boj!
Nikdy viac!!
Lena Bacalan wow
Lena Bacalan that must have took us a hell lot of time
"What was the suspect's hairstyle?"
"All of them, officer."