Hawk-Tuah-Coin | Ty Jones & Akeem Woods | In Godfrey We Trust | Ep 570

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @LovenArtiste
    @LovenArtiste 5 часов назад +8

    Akeem, often, looks like he regrets being on the show by the time they’re half way through 😂😂😂

    • @yolo25000
      @yolo25000 2 часа назад +1

      @LovenArtiste He loses interest when they talk about too much straight stuff.

    • @theoriginalman5206
      @theoriginalman5206 2 часа назад +1

      He needs to go!!

  • @amondavis3663
    @amondavis3663 18 часов назад +18

    Yall gotta start letting people finish the story before you interrupt yall have a bad habit of that

  • @saeyhaqeiqa4628
    @saeyhaqeiqa4628 22 часа назад +18

    Ty won’t be coming back for a while 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 they roasted his ass!!

  • @johnboye211
    @johnboye211 22 часа назад +5


  • @testpm-il7qq
    @testpm-il7qq 22 часа назад +7

    Ty was SICK 🤣🤣🤣 don't take it personal gang, great lineup 👏🏽

  • @repshowhost
    @repshowhost 11 часов назад +2

    That background Family Feud music with the impression is CRAZY. 😁

  • @subvid
    @subvid 18 часов назад +5

    Someone said that Godfrey’s lips look just like Enemy Mine & now I can’t unsee it…smh

  • @NateDFunkt
    @NateDFunkt 5 часов назад

    Homie in the Subaru channeling Stone Cold Steve Austin, HEAVY!!! 😭😭😭😭😭
    Thee CHEMISTRY!!! 😂😭☠️ Godfrey on the car salesman rant and Mike with a Barber's preciseness with the drop of the video EACH TIME!!

  • @edmondjohnson8128
    @edmondjohnson8128 22 часа назад +5

    Godfrey my brother i listen from bermuda can you put chapters in the pod when you upload

  • @djBangzWell
    @djBangzWell 17 часов назад +3

    Keep this lineup Godfrey

  • @datguybrandon9683
    @datguybrandon9683 2 часа назад

    Yall should do a “Fuck Around and Find Out!” Segment 😂😂😂

  • @jakehill2010
    @jakehill2010 15 часов назад +6


    • @bhadshakhanaa
      @bhadshakhanaa 8 часов назад

      Doc umar. The earher.. jones.vishnoo..n a black female z very large comedian dnt no name bt bn on godfrey podcast few times...peace 🎉🎉🎉

  • @Gunit11334
    @Gunit11334 20 часов назад +2

    18:07 "Ya just repeat shit" 😂😂😂😂 Godfreys hating that was funny

  • @sduwop4434
    @sduwop4434 16 часов назад +2

    Love this podcast! It has come a long way. Random question but why doesn't Andre come on the podcast anymore?

  • @boxingtherapy87
    @boxingtherapy87 22 часа назад +2

    Appreciate you guys.....keep laughing...keep living 🎉

  • @yolo25000
    @yolo25000 Час назад

    Ty is DETERMINED to credit as many wytpeople as he can, no matter the subject.

  • @marcoswest2797
    @marcoswest2797 7 часов назад

    Pods getting better, god❤

  • @SethMulet
    @SethMulet 13 часов назад +1

    foxy lost her voice a while ago, i forgot what happened, but thats why she stopped rapping

  • @georgegriffin-o6f
    @georgegriffin-o6f 18 часов назад +3

    i love foxy brown too

  • @JaredMckinney-jo2wi
    @JaredMckinney-jo2wi 3 часа назад +1

    Ty low-key annoyed 😅

  • @AbolishAbolish
    @AbolishAbolish 3 часа назад

    31:00 "Door busters" was right there🤦🏾‍♂

  • @cassandramobley8466
    @cassandramobley8466 5 часов назад

    Foxy speech could be attributed to the fact that in 2005 she suffered severe hearing loss in both ears. Couldn't hear for 6 mos had surgery in June 2006

  • @younggoat7672
    @younggoat7672 22 часа назад +18

    Why are all the black underachievers in entertainment coming after Jay Z and diddy so much😂 like bruh at least wait for the trial to start before determining a verdict

    • @mrmr-qx4jq
      @mrmr-qx4jq 21 час назад +1

      I mean diddy is a know diddler😂

    • @queefburglarr
      @queefburglarr 20 часов назад +3

      Why do you support Jay and Diddy? That's the real question

    • @detroitbadboy313
      @detroitbadboy313 19 часов назад

      ​@@mrmr-qx4jqhe ain't been found guilty neither besides being a freak

    • @detroitbadboy313
      @detroitbadboy313 19 часов назад +5

      I swear it's all the people who hated his success hoping he guilty eventhough the lady has admitted to lying and her dad said he don't remember anything like that

    • @detroitbadboy313
      @detroitbadboy313 19 часов назад +1

      I swear it's all the people who hated his success hoping he guilty eventhough the lady has admitted to lying and her dad said he don't remember anything like that

  • @testpm-il7qq
    @testpm-il7qq 21 час назад +2

    Ali BODIED all of those comedy specials

  • @lakersin556
    @lakersin556 22 часа назад +1

    I like this motley crew. 🍿👍

  • @yolo25000
    @yolo25000 34 минуты назад

    Ty is LEGIT pissed off at Godfrey.

  • @Browneye475
    @Browneye475 23 часа назад +5

    All-star lineup... let's go!!!

  • @subvid
    @subvid 17 часов назад +2

    Godfrey acts like he wouldn’t do anyone’s podcast for the fame…pot and kettle fables

  • @leundrewilliams2433
    @leundrewilliams2433 10 часов назад

    Good shit

  • @fyfn20
    @fyfn20 4 дня назад +2

    Whens akeem coming back to CT?!?

  • @jaistew6346
    @jaistew6346 22 часа назад +3

    They don’t say nothin about the yte people that’s been doin it

    • @mrmr-qx4jq
      @mrmr-qx4jq 21 час назад

      Epstein? No I think that was in the news 😂

    • @SeverancePay500
      @SeverancePay500 2 часа назад

      Godfrey been talking bout Elvis way before diddy stuff came out

  • @TagoJones
    @TagoJones 2 часа назад

    No, Foxy lost her hearing at some point. She been thru - also over Jay and her career. And Jay linking with Kim - when Fox did The Firm w Nas. The hearing problem affected her voice

  • @MarqHarvey
    @MarqHarvey 4 дня назад +4

  • @MelindaHall-v9y
    @MelindaHall-v9y 12 часов назад +2

    Ty that was funny as hell, because it is sooooooo irritating how many times Godfrey repeat that lame shit trying to make it funny!

  • @JohnAquariusPodcast
    @JohnAquariusPodcast 12 часов назад +2

    This podcast is WACK WITHOUT YAMINEEKA!!!!! Yep I said wack

    • @kingjah172
      @kingjah172 5 часов назад +1

      I know for a fact that YAMINEEKA herself typed this Shi ..😂😂

    • @JohnAquariusPodcast
      @JohnAquariusPodcast 4 часа назад

      @kingjah172 it's not but imma let you think that

    • @yolo25000
      @yolo25000 2 часа назад

      ​@@JohnAquariusPodcastHi Yamanieka, stay away from the show, thank you!

  • @taothekoraenchanter1503
    @taothekoraenchanter1503 21 час назад +5

    Ty rubs me the wrong way.

  • @cger.4
    @cger.4 16 часов назад

    😮😟 my face as I'm watching this on the 17th completely missing Godfrey 2x in less than 6 months fml

  • @melaninmann8065
    @melaninmann8065 22 часа назад +2

    That kooley mofo doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Keep up the good (funny AF) work ✊🏿

  • @vrbattlerap
    @vrbattlerap 16 часов назад +1

    Dante talks like he aint white

    • @theonlypoet
      @theonlypoet 15 часов назад

      Black, you're bugging

  • @michaeldouglastv6641
    @michaeldouglastv6641 18 часов назад

    Clearly he had already decided jaìl wasn't that bad of an option 33:00😂

  • @limonnoob
    @limonnoob 19 часов назад +3

    ADHD podcast

  • @thexannyphantom5532
    @thexannyphantom5532 6 часов назад

    Why can’t 2 dudes not like each other and we just leave it at that? Dante always has to make it extra like he knows something you dont. Saying Katt is terrified of someone he is more successful than is crazy😂 and I like Ali but come on man if they don’t like each other let it be.

  • @camwhite4015
    @camwhite4015 11 часов назад +1

    Damn bruh you one of my favorites but you giving andrew a pass is some sellout ish. please dont talk about BLACK CULTURE ANYMORE

  • @kooley2shae836
    @kooley2shae836 23 часа назад +2

    this shit is TOO inclusive im getting confused im feeling it less every show u gotta clean this shit up Godfrey we coming to see u and u got all this weird shit going on tf u on bro frfr

  • @parrishvlewis
    @parrishvlewis 5 дней назад +4

  • @PSWX-do4wj
    @PSWX-do4wj 6 часов назад

    Check out No Malice - Let's Die track you'll see ehat spirit cooking is all about❤

  • @ArthurhwcoF
    @ArthurhwcoF 20 часов назад

    Great video!🚀 Quick question: My OKX wallet contains some USDT, and I have the 12 words: check broom dinosaur stool harsh hurdle morning solve barely umbrella crumble naive. What's the easiest way to send them to Binance?🤔

  • @itsthatwutangguy.9370
    @itsthatwutangguy.9370 День назад +3

    wu tang..

  • @terradax
    @terradax 16 часов назад

    LVMH cancel its contract with Jay Z

  • @entertainmentvidz
    @entertainmentvidz 5 часов назад

    Donte katt is not worrying about Ali Sadiq lol stop. I like Ali but he's not big enough to worry katt

  • @NattyTurnaOfficial
    @NattyTurnaOfficial 35 минут назад

    This Jay take did not age well.

  • @aniwayamuur6767
    @aniwayamuur6767 22 часа назад +1

    This is the topic our people need to learn more about......wake em up

  • @walterego418
    @walterego418 20 часов назад


  • @yolo25000
    @yolo25000 30 минут назад

    Actually, as much as Ty irritates me, I think with the right background music, and just a recorded voice and not him actually on stage, that intro might work.

  • @dee26th11
    @dee26th11 5 часов назад

    Wow Dante you cap hard for the Dems and what made you go on your rant about Katt is terrified of Ali? Not cool bro let them 2 brothas settle their differences whatever it may be brotha.

  • @taothekoraenchanter1503
    @taothekoraenchanter1503 21 час назад +1

    Couldn't finish the episode. Ty was getting me annoyed.

    • @donxaba72
      @donxaba72 13 часов назад +5

      Actually I disagree. I wish Godfrey. Would stop cutting him off🤷🏾‍♂️

  • @modularman8528
    @modularman8528 15 часов назад +2

    Godfrey stick to telling jokes fk all that solving sex/thieving /hate crimes with your lame sleuths & theories🫤😆