Here is a lesson I learned. When my kids were younger they had pet rabbits. They also had their allotted time on the console (with wired controllers). "Dad can the rabbits watch us play some games?" Yes, I sad thinking that the placid animals would just sit there. While the rabbits mostly were just sitting there one was eyeing the wire of the controller dangling just above its head. I didn't pay it much attention until.... mumph... the rabbit in one swift move bites the annoying cable in half, destroying the controller in one go. Lesson: rabbits and gaming don't mix.
Dynamite Dave is deeply rooted in the lure of PlayStation Access! What a fantastic series and honestly to this day I still watch those videos whenever I need a laugh 👏🏻💙
You know, Dave, bravery isn’t the lack of fear. It’s doing the thing despite the fear, so judging by the amount of scary stuff we’ve seen you play since, yeah, I’d say you’re most likely braver now.
A lesson I only just learned was that it's okay to drop difficulty for a game section if it's really unsatisfying to play on harder difficulty... I went through SO much frustration with the Horizon Forbidden West melee pits. So many things I had issue with in those and just in the end saved myself the stress on the last one by dropping it to easy temporarily!
A lesson I learned the hard way: have patience and wait for a sell. Not only are you saving a few bucks, but you're also getting the best version of a game after a couple of patches.
yep same here. always wait for some time til there r special deals or they r simply cheaper cuz the games r not super new anymore. also, i get to read/watch reviews to know if i really wanna invest money into a game (not a failsafe but still). plus sometimes the dlc is already included and its great.
@@mattsully2238 that breaks my heart especially being the original FF7. My friend and I growing up had a deal when we would borrow games. If one of us broke the game we were borrowing then the other got to keep the game they were borrowing.
VOD Squad - The original God of War game. It had some of the coolest looking attacks I'd ever seen and I made it all the way through just spamming attacks and never once using dodge. Then, at the very end, there's the 3 part boss fight against Ares and you could ONLY survive the third phase by using dodge. I never finished that game.
Multiplayer. You finish a game on single-player. You beat it on the hardest difficulty. You become the PRO. Then you go online and it is instantly obvious you are a noob and there's always a better noob in the match with you.
Incredible. I actually thought for a second at 13:04 that my screen froze, but Dave was actually just sitting so perfectly still and literally not moving a muscle. Never seen such a perfect impression of a statue like that.
I can relate to Rosey, when I was a kid I just somehow missed the memo in the Deep Jungle that I was meant to destroy the purple fruit in this one section and I remember going for nearly an hour, trying to survive against the waves of annoying Monkey Heartless that I had an extremely difficult time against. Eventually, I lost and got so annoyed that I restarted the whole game, Grinded to (Yes, SERIOUSLY) Level 40 on the Destiny Islands and came back with Rob-Level overpowered vengeance. Then, of course, I realized I was just supposed to whack the fruit and it would end the encounter and I breezed through a good part of the game because I was so over-prepared.
In the Nioh games, i was always loading up my different short cuts, and getting caught on the wrong one when I needed to heal...then I realized to you designate heal to each of the different shortcut pouches, so you could always have heal on tap when switching for other items.
A video game lesson that I learned the hard way comes from Alien Isolation when I first started playing the game I didn't find out until later that the xenomorph starts learning your strategies and how to counter them.
The KH1 fight was especially hard on proud mode, I remember grinding Munny to buy potions because cure magic wasn't available until you beat that fight
Having never played Final Fantasy, Rob and Rosie talking about junctioning never fails to bamboozle me. Are we sure this is a fun video game and not an accounting job??
Essentially you can associate your stats with your magic to gain a boost based on what type of magic is used. So essentially Rob got to the point of no return but since he never cared about magic, didn't have the resources to properly strengthen himself for the battle.
I have played final fantasy and hearing them talk about junctioning still bamboozles me. No matter how many videos and things i have seen still don't understand it
10:25 To be fair, this is one of the problems of the junction system in Final Fantasy VIII. It devalues the use of magic in battle, so you just summon and use physical attacks. The stronger spells give better increases to stats, but using that spell will weaken you until you can replenish it.
Magic almost always gets overshadowed in FF games. Don't think I used it once in FF15 or many of the games. Some of the earlier games like FF4 or FF5 is where I ended up using it quite a bit more. And even then it was magic from items and not so much magic.
I had exactly the same experience as Rob with FF8. Even worse, on my second playthrough (doing it properly) three quarters of the way through the FINAL BATTLE we had a power cut. That final battle can take an hour for those who haven't played it.
Hahaha, Rob 😂 I played FF8 sooo many times now, and I really love the Junctioning System by now. I usually am already overleveled after the fire cave 😂 Also, get Diablo right away. Assign it to Squall and have a 1000 sympathy after the first 30min of gameplay 😂 I love FF8 so much 😍
The lesson I learnt the hard way is to always have a backup save file. As a kid I had gotten stuck in Final Fantasy 7 on disc 3 so I decided to start from the beginning and I accidentally overwrote my save file. I later found out I was literally at the end of the game lol
I think I'm the only person on the planet that understood the FF8 junctioning system fine and even enjoyed it! Kinda had to when you go after the likes of the extra endgame weapon fight...
Man, the Clayton/Stealth Sneak fight WRECKED me as a kid. Since you couldn't skip cutscenes yet, I memorized that, the Dragon, and Riku II cutscenes by heart. By Kingdom Hearts, if you will. It was rough on my little brain, for sure.
Mine was level up all your party members, not just the ones you prefer, and actually pay attention to all conversations in games. The first time I got to disc 3 on FF9, I was looking for Kujas palace after the Black Mage Village and mainly just leveled up my starting 4 characters. Didn't really listen to Kuja and went to Oeilvert with Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, and Steiner. So 2 magic users in a place where magic cannot be used and lvl 30 characters in the palace.
I've done the same as Rosie with my first Pokemon game. I didn't really battle against wild Pokemon, only either caught them when I didn't have them yet or ran away, I avoided some of the trainers, I just wanted to see what's next. The games since gen 6 at least give you a chance to train Pokemon equally, even if you don't constantly switch around and level grind each of them for hours and hours. But I started with the 1st gen, my first game was Red, so you basically would have to battle everything you see, everything the game throws at you on your way, and then some additional hours of searching for more unless you want your entire team to be underlevelled at everything. And I also learned that you can't turn back at the elite 4 and had to stock up on items beforehand. To this day I have no idea how I managed to make it through and beat the champion on my first try because I had barely anything to work with. Maybe the gen 1 elite 4 ist just the easiest of all the games.
a video game lesson I learned the hard way was in Final Fantasy 13, I chose to charge through the whole game and not grind levels when I reached Grand Pulse, as a result, I've never actually beaten the game, I couldn't beat the final boss, I repeated that mistake in Final Fantasy 13 2, and I've also never beaten that game
From PS1/2 era...When manually saving a game make sure it is the right file. I still hesitate when saving games after I wrote over my FFXII file that had all hunts and side quests and treasures and everything done besides killing Yziamat. Sigh.
Rosie, I learned the doggo lesson too - leaving your vintage copy of Pokemon Ruby with all your one-time only Pokemon in your parents' house when they have two very young and spunky doggos... tends to end up losing all your Pokemon forever because I ended up losing that Pokemon cart when one of them thought it was a chewie. I'll never get that shiny bonus Jirachi back again. ;_;
Horror in VR is a whole new level, I just cannot take it! I don't mind flat horror games, so I imagine Dave's fear in Rush of Blood must be that past my own breaking point. Dave would forever be my horror-hero if he tackles it again!
I'm with Rob here. As a kid I never read the tutorial, because I just wanted to play. Then I had to go and ask my younger brother what I was supposed to do xD
Never believe in auto-save, and always save in at least 3 different slots in a cycle, so that if the save file is corrupted, or your younger sibling decides to overwrite the save, you're safe.
Haha I really hope that Lara's demise taught you two things: -protect your toys -puppy proof every room. For the pup's safety! That includes putting things out of reach that they can chew on. Don't ask if it makes sense, don't ask if it's tasty, can they put it in their mouth? Away. Especially if it can break easily or contains any liquid/powders!
Attacking friendly NPCs in Soulsborne games. I went straight in on Eileen The Crow as she looked like she was possibly an enemy, and then she destroyed me. I look her up to find out she's a friendly, and go back to her when I'm alive again. Oh, she's aggro forever now. My first soulsborne game and that's how I learned if you attack a friendly NPC they're angry forever (unless you're able to absolve your sins).
When I was at university, the two girls I lived with bought Kingdom Hearts thinking it was a fun family-friendly game, so I happily let them play on my PS2. They didn't even make it to Destiny Islands.
Way back in the day when I played my first Souls-Game in Dark souls , I learned the hard way how important it is to lock onto your enemy and ALSO know when to attack without locking mode- on. Because there are situations in which you are attacked by dogs, rats, soldiers etc in a bunch and you will need that freedom of a free camera, which a locked on system will choke you out of. So yeah...many deaths can and were avoided since that. But also: many deaths came because of that.
Speaking of Rosie’s second entry - my kitten chewed on Triss’ fingers and on Geralt’s and Ciri’s swords - so now they live on a more remote / safe shelf!
6:49, i know the scene you're talking about rosie and im pretty sure tarzan didnt sing the witchdoctor song like that lol, there wasnt an oo ee oo ah ah, or a ting tang walla walla bing bang
Oddly spesific but never bring Vincent with a full Limit Break bar to the Materia Keeper boss fight in Mt Nibel in Final Fantasy VII. The boss absorbs fire damage. With Vincent’s first (and usually at this point only) Limit Break he transforms into Galian Beast, goes berserk and you lose control of him. He has two attacks he uses, at random. And one of them is Beast Flare, that does massive fire damage. Probably obvious where this is going? God it took me ages to kill this guy, cuz Vincent kept healing him! And no, I did not think to attack Vincent to knock him out and then revive him, why would I do that, guy’s a Galian Beast, I’m not gonna swing my sword to that!!!
My god!....Rosie n me had the same experience with kingdom hearts.... same boss n everything. As a kid it was this boss that showed me the importance of XP rinding......Also from then on I actually started reading the in game tips n tutorials in video games instead of skipping them as an impatient kid.
Ahhh ffviii junction system, thought I knew everything bout this game till I reached seifer at the start of disc 4 and was obliterated. I gave up at that point and gave my memory card to my friend who changed about 3 of my junctions and was near invincible, never cleared it to this day 😅
The lesson I learned was to pay attention to weaknesses and use buffs and debuffs when I first played SMT Nocturne on the PS2 because I got constantly stuck and then finally just gave up on it till it got remastered on PS4.
I'm currently playing through RDR2 again and a couple of days ago had my own Dynamite Dave moment!! Travelling through the world, 2 random npc's trying to break open a safe with a hammer..... they didn't like me watching them so of course they made the silly decision to draw their weapons on me. 2 perfectly placed headshots later and the safe is mine! I made sure my horse was far enough away from the blast radius, approached the safe and placed the dynamite. Then pressed to ignite said dynamite..... no animation of doing so happened and I proceeded to stand there asking myself, did it ignite?!!🤔 a few seconds later I got the answer to my question as Arthur flew through the air!!💣💥🤣
I learned you have to grind from FFX. Not grinding before the final boss. I learned to read tutorials from Kingdom Hearts 3. So many quick commands and how to move to the next one.
I mean you don't have to grind till quite late when you arrive at osmone planes, most of FFX is quite leisurely to stroll through, though when I was a kid I struggled a lot more with FFX.
I played attack of the saiyans, and I had no clue about proper stat allocation. So, what I ended up doing is making all the stats even. Completely disregarding the unique characteristics of each character.
Dynamite Dave is the BAWSSSS! 🤣 That being said, Rob I did the same thing in FFIIIV. It's still my favorite Final Fantasy game. Even though I still have very little idea how to junction. 😅
OMG, Rob and i have the same mistake. One of the few games i never finished. I didn't get the hole junction system and tossed it aside. Did learn the lesson. Always do the tutorial!
Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition taught me to Always ALWAYS have recent back-up saves. Don't trust the auto save. Don't run around with just one save slot. THEY WILL CORRUPT on you. And they'll do it at inconvenient times, such as when you've spent hours getting all the collectables only to have your save corrupt when you only have three left!
My gaming lesson is don't keep your TV on the floor when playing anger inducing games if you get mad and throw your controllers it's easy for them to ricochet and smash your TV. I learned this lesson twice. 😌
I've asked this before and never found the correct answer, but does anybody know what the large golden mech looking statue is in the bottom right of the Access statue case. I have all the other statues on display and would love to add that one to my collection. The start of this video has the clearest picture I've seen to date of the thing, but it's still too low detail for image searches to help
Is it an Anthem Colossus? Maybe it's one of the mech variants from No Man's Sky? I want to know the answer to this question myself because I can't ID it either. 🤔
My lesson is that grinding alone won't save you in a Soulsborne game. Bloodborne was my first FromSoft game, so I used an item dupe glitch to get my character to the max level at the start of my first file. It didn't help much.
There is no failure; only learning. What lessons did videogames teach you? Let us know!
Save often
Be prepared and never underestimate an enemy.
If you save when on a horse in Skyrim, all hell breaks loose
@PlayStation Access I love how Dave calls gameplay suggestion of Rob as the ROUTE OF EVIL
Fall Guys, you don’t have win the Crown, the Crown chooses you
I love how Ash said her cover letter said “please let me scare Dave” 🤣
“Why am I being soo honest?!”
That’s a real mood, Dave - I felt that 😂
15:30 Oh no, is Dave being too honest again? XD
Dave: ...I think.
Oh, good safe... maybe :D
Here is a lesson I learned. When my kids were younger they had pet rabbits. They also had their allotted time on the console (with wired controllers). "Dad can the rabbits watch us play some games?" Yes, I sad thinking that the placid animals would just sit there. While the rabbits mostly were just sitting there one was eyeing the wire of the controller dangling just above its head. I didn't pay it much attention until.... mumph... the rabbit in one swift move bites the annoying cable in half, destroying the controller in one go. Lesson: rabbits and gaming don't mix.
Rabbit 1. Game controller 0
@@Danarchy3 they were his kids' pets, what the hell is wrong with you!?
Dynamite Dave is still one of the funniest moments in Access history.
Dave gave his freedom for our enjoyment! RIP Stress-free Dave. We appreciate you!
Dynamite Dave is deeply rooted in the lure of PlayStation Access! What a fantastic series and honestly to this day I still watch those videos whenever I need a laugh 👏🏻💙
“I just hear the name Dave and I’m reminded of the shame…..”
…..omg….can we get this man a hug please!? *hugs*
Mine was ff8 as well actually. The time I realised that levelling up doesn't always make things easier. In that game, the enemies level up with you
I don't think the game ever explains this and it works different to other FF. Caught a lot of us i think
I liked that the enemies leveled up with you. It made it more fun, for me anyway. I liked gaining new powerful magic spells.
As someone who literally gets mentally wrecked for weeks if exposed to horror, I sincerely hope Dave knows when to say stop, if he needs to❤️
Don’t play the evil within or dead space then. They are amazing games though
@@tomasdelcampo2 I don’t play any horror games, or watch any horror streams, videos etc. or movies.
Agreed; it's a little disconcerting seeing them all like "haha, let's torture dave" "plz no" "haha, yes"
Yeah, I’ve never found it particularly funny watching people being scared, unless they themselves find it funny as well 😊
Daves entry, reminded me of the excellent Red Dead Redemption 2 Christmas challenges, from a few years back. Good times.
You know, Dave, bravery isn’t the lack of fear. It’s doing the thing despite the fear, so judging by the amount of scary stuff we’ve seen you play since, yeah, I’d say you’re most likely braver now.
A lesson I only just learned was that it's okay to drop difficulty for a game section if it's really unsatisfying to play on harder difficulty... I went through SO much frustration with the Horizon Forbidden West melee pits. So many things I had issue with in those and just in the end saved myself the stress on the last one by dropping it to easy temporarily!
I did it for the Arena, I just want the tokens for the fancy armour.
@@random_nonsense oh yeah I tried that once and haven't been back. I'm used to stealth mainly so I got destroyed when I tried it...
A lesson I learned the hard way: have patience and wait for a sell.
Not only are you saving a few bucks, but you're also getting the best version of a game after a couple of patches.
yep same here. always wait for some time til there r special deals or they r simply cheaper cuz the games r not super new anymore. also, i get to read/watch reviews to know if i really wanna invest money into a game (not a failsafe but still). plus sometimes the dlc is already included and its great.
The lesson I learned the most in my video gaming life is not to loan my disk games to a specific friend who always scratch has been beyond repair.
@@mattsully2238 that breaks my heart especially being the original FF7. My friend and I growing up had a deal when we would borrow games. If one of us broke the game we were borrowing then the other got to keep the game they were borrowing.
sad you had to.
VOD Squad - The original God of War game. It had some of the coolest looking attacks I'd ever seen and I made it all the way through just spamming attacks and never once using dodge. Then, at the very end, there's the 3 part boss fight against Ares and you could ONLY survive the third phase by using dodge. I never finished that game.
That Red Dead challenge Rob and Dave had to do was one of the all time great Access videos.
Multiplayer. You finish a game on single-player. You beat it on the hardest difficulty. You become the PRO. Then you go online and it is instantly obvious you are a noob and there's always a better noob in the match with you.
Incredible. I actually thought for a second at 13:04 that my screen froze, but Dave was actually just sitting so perfectly still and literally not moving a muscle. Never seen such a perfect impression of a statue like that.
Gosh, I lovvved the Red Dead Christmas streams and Dynamite Dave! 😆
"always read the tutorial" words gamers should heed but also gamers ignore
I can relate to Rosey, when I was a kid I just somehow missed the memo in the Deep Jungle that I was meant to destroy the purple fruit in this one section and I remember going for nearly an hour, trying to survive against the waves of annoying Monkey Heartless that I had an extremely difficult time against. Eventually, I lost and got so annoyed that I restarted the whole game, Grinded to (Yes, SERIOUSLY) Level 40 on the Destiny Islands and came back with Rob-Level overpowered vengeance. Then, of course, I realized I was just supposed to whack the fruit and it would end the encounter and I breezed through a good part of the game because I was so over-prepared.
In the Nioh games, i was always loading up my different short cuts, and getting caught on the wrong one when I needed to heal...then I realized to you designate heal to each of the different shortcut pouches, so you could always have heal on tap when switching for other items.
A video game lesson that I learned the hard way comes from Alien Isolation when I first started playing the game I didn't find out until later that the xenomorph starts learning your strategies and how to counter them.
The KH1 fight was especially hard on proud mode, I remember grinding Munny to buy potions because cure magic wasn't available until you beat that fight
Having never played Final Fantasy, Rob and Rosie talking about junctioning never fails to bamboozle me. Are we sure this is a fun video game and not an accounting job??
I ask myself that every now and then, but still find fun on it anyway.
For me it feels like watching a foreign film without subtitles. I get the emotion but the words are meaningless
Essentially you can associate your stats with your magic to gain a boost based on what type of magic is used. So essentially Rob got to the point of no return but since he never cared about magic, didn't have the resources to properly strengthen himself for the battle.
I have played final fantasy and hearing them talk about junctioning still bamboozles me. No matter how many videos and things i have seen still don't understand it
I am an accountant. The FF8 junctioning system is far more complicated. FF7 is my favorite game, so I was quite disappointed by 8.
Ironically, the puppy made Rosie's figurine look more like the original Tomb Raider games
I love Rosie’s Buzz Lightyear jacket.
10:25 To be fair, this is one of the problems of the junction system in Final Fantasy VIII. It devalues the use of magic in battle, so you just summon and use physical attacks. The stronger spells give better increases to stats, but using that spell will weaken you until you can replenish it.
I would say it taught me to stack up magic and only use it when I need it, but it does make up for it by junctioning attacking spells to my weapons.
Magic almost always gets overshadowed in FF games. Don't think I used it once in FF15 or many of the games. Some of the earlier games like FF4 or FF5 is where I ended up using it quite a bit more. And even then it was magic from items and not so much magic.
FFVIII = Stay at low level, rack up AP, mod your cards, cast aura, Renzokuken, win.
LOOOVE the Buzz Lightyear hoodie, Rosie! I have the same one~ 😍😍😍
I had exactly the same experience as Rob with FF8. Even worse, on my second playthrough (doing it properly) three quarters of the way through the FINAL BATTLE we had a power cut. That final battle can take an hour for those who haven't played it.
Hahaha, Rob 😂 I played FF8 sooo many times now, and I really love the Junctioning System by now. I usually am already overleveled after the fire cave 😂 Also, get Diablo right away. Assign it to Squall and have a 1000 sympathy after the first 30min of gameplay 😂
I love FF8 so much 😍
The lesson I learnt the hard way is to always have a backup save file. As a kid I had gotten stuck in Final Fantasy 7 on disc 3 so I decided to start from the beginning and I accidentally overwrote my save file. I later found out I was literally at the end of the game lol
I think I'm the only person on the planet that understood the FF8 junctioning system fine and even enjoyed it! Kinda had to when you go after the likes of the extra endgame weapon fight...
7:43 That's why I like how the monsters level up with you in FF8. Then it's all about your Junctioning.
Man, the Clayton/Stealth Sneak fight WRECKED me as a kid. Since you couldn't skip cutscenes yet, I memorized that, the Dragon, and Riku II cutscenes by heart. By Kingdom Hearts, if you will. It was rough on my little brain, for sure.
Mine was level up all your party members, not just the ones you prefer, and actually pay attention to all conversations in games. The first time I got to disc 3 on FF9, I was looking for Kujas palace after the Black Mage Village and mainly just leveled up my starting 4 characters. Didn't really listen to Kuja and went to Oeilvert with Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, and Steiner. So 2 magic users in a place where magic cannot be used and lvl 30 characters in the palace.
I've done the same as Rosie with my first Pokemon game. I didn't really battle against wild Pokemon, only either caught them when I didn't have them yet or ran away, I avoided some of the trainers, I just wanted to see what's next. The games since gen 6 at least give you a chance to train Pokemon equally, even if you don't constantly switch around and level grind each of them for hours and hours. But I started with the 1st gen, my first game was Red, so you basically would have to battle everything you see, everything the game throws at you on your way, and then some additional hours of searching for more unless you want your entire team to be underlevelled at everything. And I also learned that you can't turn back at the elite 4 and had to stock up on items beforehand. To this day I have no idea how I managed to make it through and beat the champion on my first try because I had barely anything to work with. Maybe the gen 1 elite 4 ist just the easiest of all the games.
a video game lesson I learned the hard way was in Final Fantasy 13, I chose to charge through the whole game and not grind levels when I reached Grand Pulse, as a result, I've never actually beaten the game, I couldn't beat the final boss, I repeated that mistake in Final Fantasy 13 2, and I've also never beaten that game
I realy miss Dynamite Dave and his (hillarious) adventures! 😊🙌🏽
“Go… Run Dave! Run Dave!” 😂
Save early, save often, save to the cloud.
I did my first FF8 playthrough EXACTLY the same way, Rob! Got to Ultimecia with only 4 GFs, because I did get Diablos from the magic lamp
Great video once again.
Question for Dave! Where’d you get your Tee?! It’s awesome!
From PS1/2 era...When manually saving a game make sure it is the right file. I still hesitate when saving games after I wrote over my FFXII file that had all hunts and side quests and treasures and everything done besides killing Yziamat. Sigh.
ouch... 🥺🥺🥺
@@thatguywesmaranan hahaha! It’s a lesson that has lasted, for sure!
Rosie, I learned the doggo lesson too - leaving your vintage copy of Pokemon Ruby with all your one-time only Pokemon in your parents' house when they have two very young and spunky doggos... tends to end up losing all your Pokemon forever because I ended up losing that Pokemon cart when one of them thought it was a chewie. I'll never get that shiny bonus Jirachi back again. ;_;
Dynamite Dave! Good times, and it wasn't just once as well. I remember he murdered a bunch of NPCs on a different train with dynamite
I think that Laura Croft doll goes to the same hairstylist as that Cynthia doll off of Rugrats 😂😂😂
That Rush Of Blood clip will never get old. :D
Horror in VR is a whole new level, I just cannot take it! I don't mind flat horror games, so I imagine Dave's fear in Rush of Blood must be that past my own breaking point. Dave would forever be my horror-hero if he tackles it again!
Wait, you guys are learning from your mistakes? THATS ALLOWED?!
I'm with Rob here. As a kid I never read the tutorial, because I just wanted to play. Then I had to go and ask my younger brother what I was supposed to do xD
Never believe in auto-save, and always save in at least 3 different slots in a cycle, so that if the save file is corrupted, or your younger sibling decides to overwrite the save, you're safe.
Haha I really hope that Lara's demise taught you two things:
-protect your toys
-puppy proof every room. For the pup's safety! That includes putting things out of reach that they can chew on. Don't ask if it makes sense, don't ask if it's tasty, can they put it in their mouth? Away. Especially if it can break easily or contains any liquid/powders!
Attacking friendly NPCs in Soulsborne games. I went straight in on Eileen The Crow as she looked like she was possibly an enemy, and then she destroyed me. I look her up to find out she's a friendly, and go back to her when I'm alive again. Oh, she's aggro forever now. My first soulsborne game and that's how I learned if you attack a friendly NPC they're angry forever (unless you're able to absolve your sins).
When I was at university, the two girls I lived with bought Kingdom Hearts thinking it was a fun family-friendly game, so I happily let them play on my PS2. They didn't even make it to Destiny Islands.
How do you not make it to Destiny Islands if you actually play the game?!
@@katrose5179 They couldn't beat the Heartless in the dream/tutorial bit at the start
@@Wogle …oh wow. Okay, that would do it.
Way back in the day when I played my first Souls-Game in Dark souls , I learned the hard way how important it is to lock onto your enemy and ALSO know when to attack without locking mode- on. Because there are situations in which you are attacked by dogs, rats, soldiers etc in a bunch and you will need that freedom of a free camera, which a locked on system will choke you out of. So yeah...many deaths can and were avoided since that. But also: many deaths came because of that.
Oh no, we are definitely going to see Dave back in the VR to revisits rush of blood. I feel for Dave, always. 💚
Dynamite Dave is a great name lol
Speaking of Rosie’s second entry - my kitten chewed on Triss’ fingers and on Geralt’s and Ciri’s swords - so now they live on a more remote / safe shelf!
Rob (Marston): I implore you to do the tutorial.
Dynamite Dave: but there is no dynamite tutorial!
6:49, i know the scene you're talking about rosie and im pretty sure tarzan didnt sing the witchdoctor song like that lol, there wasnt an oo ee oo ah ah, or a ting tang walla walla bing bang
The fuse does burn down if you just hold on to it, but he puts it out before it's blows his hand off
Oddly spesific but never bring Vincent with a full Limit Break bar to the Materia Keeper boss fight in Mt Nibel in Final Fantasy VII. The boss absorbs fire damage. With Vincent’s first (and usually at this point only) Limit Break he transforms into Galian Beast, goes berserk and you lose control of him. He has two attacks he uses, at random. And one of them is Beast Flare, that does massive fire damage. Probably obvious where this is going? God it took me ages to kill this guy, cuz Vincent kept healing him! And no, I did not think to attack Vincent to knock him out and then revive him, why would I do that, guy’s a Galian Beast, I’m not gonna swing my sword to that!!!
My god!....Rosie n me had the same experience with kingdom hearts.... same boss n everything. As a kid it was this boss that showed me the importance of XP rinding......Also from then on I actually started reading the in game tips n tutorials in video games instead of skipping them as an impatient kid.
I knew Rob's was going to be the junctioning system as soon as he came on the screen. 🤣🤣🤣
Awkwardly wearing the same Buzz Lightyear top as Rosie - I’m a 32 year old man, which one of us is the cool one…
Ahhh ffviii junction system, thought I knew everything bout this game till I reached seifer at the start of disc 4 and was obliterated. I gave up at that point and gave my memory card to my friend who changed about 3 of my junctions and was near invincible, never cleared it to this day 😅
The lesson I learned was to pay attention to weaknesses and use buffs and debuffs when I first played SMT Nocturne on the PS2 because I got constantly stuck and then finally just gave up on it till it got remastered on PS4.
Relate heavily to Rob’s stories… always. Of course, we now have the beauty of RUclips to teach me things these days
i have both of those lara croft toys/displays somewhere still, i loved those things hehe
I'm currently playing through RDR2 again and a couple of days ago had my own Dynamite Dave moment!!
Travelling through the world, 2 random npc's trying to break open a safe with a hammer..... they didn't like me watching them so of course they made the silly decision to draw their weapons on me. 2 perfectly placed headshots later and the safe is mine!
I made sure my horse was far enough away from the blast radius, approached the safe and placed the dynamite. Then pressed to ignite said dynamite..... no animation of doing so happened and I proceeded to stand there asking myself, did it ignite?!!🤔 a few seconds later I got the answer to my question as Arthur flew through the air!!💣💥🤣
I learned you have to grind from FFX. Not grinding before the final boss.
I learned to read tutorials from Kingdom Hearts 3. So many quick commands and how to move to the next one.
I mean you don't have to grind till quite late when you arrive at osmone planes, most of FFX is quite leisurely to stroll through, though when I was a kid I struggled a lot more with FFX.
I feel for you David, but I’m proud of your resilience
I too didn’t have a clue with FF8. Pretty much all of that game went over my head, and still does really. The tutorial was so gibberish to me 🙈
My favorite part of this video is Dave basically navigating a vocal minefield to avoid giving his mates more Dave/horror-game video ideas. 🤣
Lol Ash was immediately looking to scare dave the moment she joined playstation access 😂 😂 😂
3:53 Dave’s Wile E Coyote moment
Another lesson for Rob's tutorial entry would be "that game"
As someone who has anxiety and a morbid fear of horror I feel Dave so much!
I played attack of the saiyans, and I had no clue about proper stat allocation. So, what I ended up doing is making all the stats even. Completely disregarding the unique characteristics of each character.
I did the same the first time I played Dark Souls. I made the game so much more difficult for myself
I learned that Rosie’s hoodie is amazing and I now need one
Is Rosie wearing Buzz Lightyear jacket ? It’s so cute, I love it ! 💕
Dynamite Dave is the BAWSSSS! 🤣 That being said, Rob I did the same thing in FFIIIV. It's still my favorite Final Fantasy game. Even though I still have very little idea how to junction. 😅
OMG, Rob and i have the same mistake.
One of the few games i never finished. I didn't get the hole junction system and tossed it aside. Did learn the lesson. Always do the tutorial!
I miss Nath egging Dave on and then laughing at him.
"He will never learn so he will continue to be punished"- sounds like me getting back with my ex haha 😔
I LOVE Dave's shirt❤❤!!
Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition taught me to Always ALWAYS have recent back-up saves. Don't trust the auto save. Don't run around with just one save slot. THEY WILL CORRUPT on you. And they'll do it at inconvenient times, such as when you've spent hours getting all the collectables only to have your save corrupt when you only have three left!
Same here. Almost finished the game and got saved mid-fall.
rob... i sorted ultimecia by having irvine in my party equiping pulse ammo n just let rip with limit breaks lol
My gaming lesson is don't keep your TV on the floor when playing anger inducing games if you get mad and throw your controllers it's easy for them to ricochet and smash your TV. I learned this lesson twice. 😌
i feel your pain Rosie- my puppy chewed up my 20th Anniversary DualShock 4 controller and it still hurts to this day.
I've asked this before and never found the correct answer, but does anybody know what the large golden mech looking statue is in the bottom right of the Access statue case. I have all the other statues on display and would love to add that one to my collection.
The start of this video has the clearest picture I've seen to date of the thing, but it's still too low detail for image searches to help
@@mattsully2238 That's a good guess, but that isn't the statue. People have also suggested Titans from Titan fall, but they don't match either.
Is it an Anthem Colossus? Maybe it's one of the mech variants from No Man's Sky?
I want to know the answer to this question myself because I can't ID it either. 🤔
@@mayhemmcfly4229 join me in asking on all their videos until we get an answer
Save the best ammo for the bosses. Resident evil taught me that
My lesson is that grinding alone won't save you in a Soulsborne game. Bloodborne was my first FromSoft game, so I used an item dupe glitch to get my character to the max level at the start of my first file. It didn't help much.
Returnal taught me the answer to any problem is Electropylon Driver.
“I’m the sadistic Ash Millman, and this What Culture Horror’s 10 Greatest Frights of Dave!”
Dave is because you a good person, always honest dave
Love Rob narrating.
Dynamite dave 😅 still the best ever stream 🙌