茶餐廳|香港美食|Learning from eating with Kala EE in Hong Kong style cafe|廣東話教學|兒童中文學習|親子活動|西多士|紅豆冰|炒蛋|奶油豬
- Опубликовано: 3 дек 2024
- 港式茶餐廳咁多美食,唔只香港大人小朋友鍾意,住外國嘅都好鍾意好想食。KalaEE 同大家一齊食香港代表茶餐廳食物同飲品啊!
So many super yummy food in Hong Kong style cafe (Cha Chaan Tang), not only local kids & adults love them, tourists and non-local people also love a lot! Let's learn from enjoying Hong Kong local food & drink with Kala EE.
小朋友更多有趣學習廣東話和認識香港生活的教學短片會陸續推出, 記得訂閱這個頻道:
/ @kalaee
跟Kala EE傾計可到instagram: @kalaee_
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