Puede "materializar" una cadena y no puede materializar unos eslabones más para que pase por la cabeza a ese hombre. Pobres ilusos que creéis en juegos de magia y os dejáis llevar sin más sin discernir lo más mínimo. El único maestro que existe está en nuestro corazón, y es nuestra esencia misma que a la vez es parte de Dios mismo.
To što je on radio čuda od pepela,takve moći u lndiji ima skoro svako selo po jednog.Oni nerade reklamu svojih moći i njih ne obožavaju kao Boga,oni su skromne duše koje znaju da su sluge jedinog Boga Krišne koji kroz vrijeme dobiva razna imena.Samo je jedan Bog za sve vjerodostojne vjeroispovjesti s različitim imenima🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️
абсолютно верно! Если мадам Блаватская еще в середине девятнадцатого века писала о том, что Индия уже была совершенно другой, нежели еще сто лет назад! На рынках Бомбея или Мадраса можно было встретить кого угодно: факиров, фокусников, предсказателей на птичьем помете, шарлатанов всех мастей, йогов прокалывающих свои животы и ходящих по углям, но ни одного настоящего святого! Так что говорить о 20 и 21 веке?))
Я с интересом наблюдаю на чудеса, которые делает Саи Баба. Он сам сказал, что он материализует вещи из будущего. Тоесть он каким-то образом входит в будующее и берет их оттуда. Так он сказал о самом большом бриллианте, который перенёс в наш мир и подарил одному человеку. Но когда тот человек умер, тот бриллиант опять ушёл в свое время. Он на время пощаимствовал вещь, поэтому никто не мог его найти потом. Если этот человек Саи Баба может так делать, то не Бог ли он? А вы так можете?
Прочтите статью блога Шамбалы Валерии Кольцовой о Мироздании и Вселенной, там есть вся информация, и о Вселенной, и о душах, развитии, как усмирить гордыню и Эго, а понять эту информацию или проигнорировать в угоду гордыне - каждый выбирает сам..
Why did he always wear long sleeves? To do these simple magic tricks to fool his unquestioning devotees. Why did he only "materialize" small objects (rings, watches) that could easily be hidden up his sleeves? He has been exposed as a faker.
Это не деньги , а письма от людей. Тогда,когда снимали это видео не у всех были компы и планшеты. телефоны кнопочные без интернета и люди писали письма и передавали через знакомых , кто ехал в Индию и я тоже. Что интересно, СатьяСаи Баба не все письма принимал, письма написанные искренне и он принимал.
If materalising a gold chain qualifies him to be a godman, I'm wondering what that would make of David Copperfield, who managed to disappear the Eiffel Tower!
He would be a greater god then. Desperate men will believe in whatever they think as their escape. Some even turn to the devil. Clinging onto something regardless how absurd and nonsensical it is
@@stjournalist Famous illusionist Doug Henning stated that he could not replicate what Sai Baba did in uncontrolled environment also there were scientist who captured the "tricks" with best cameras at that time and examined video frame for frame and there was nothing coming from sleeves
Entretanto, o grande escândalo aconteceu, quando em 16 de junho de 2011, quase dois meses após a sua morte em 24/04/2011, iniciou-se uma busca nos aposentos privados (Yajur Mandir) de Sai Baba, um complexo com cerca de 15 quartos, na sede Prasanthi Nilayam, em Puttaparthi, sul da Índia, foi encontrada uma fortuna em tesouro e em dinheiro. No dia 17/06/2011, os jornais indianos noticiaram a descoberta de 120 milhões de rúpias em dinheiro (US$ 1,7 milhão), 98 kg de ouro e 307 kg de prata. Depois desta primeira busca, mais três buscas foram feitas, nas quais foram descobertas mais grandes quantidades em dinheiro, ouro, prata, diamantes, uma coroa de ouro pesando meio kg, um conjunto de diamantes e duas mil peças de sari de seda nobre. Depois desta surpreendente descoberta, a pergunta mais unânime foi a de que “por quê um santo que pregava a austeridade e a caridade guardaria uma fortuna tão grande em seus aposentos”?
@@poweroffmamakmamak8335 yes these poel have been fooled by gurus and they have no idea of what they are into buddy inteepognev isbtheboly thingbwgichbwiol save you not any gur
Просите, и дано будет вам; ищите, и найдете; стучитесь, и отворят вам. Ибо всякий просящий получает, и ищущий находит, и стучащемуся отворят (Мф 7:7-11).
لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله....استغفر الله العظيم واتوب اليه عدد خلقه ورضا نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته استغفر الله العظيم واتوب اليه عدد خلقه ورضا نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيئ قدير
🙅🏻♀️ I reject your false idol who chooses pdfiles for prophets who advise husbands to strike their wives, fight non-believers, and tax non-muslims. Your false idol is a politician. Our samskritam is actually thousands of years old, unlike your illiterate author’s political religious rhetoric. Mohamed was a gold-digger who used his first wife for her money. Then her cousin was who told him Gabriel spoke to him, not God and not Gabriel. 😂 Your Mohamed wiped away pre-islamic paganism and spread genocide and division. Please go back to your section of RUclips and stay where you belong.
Саи Баба помоги мне использовать все инструменты, которые есть во мне, помоги правильно пользоваться ими. Поставь меня на путь истинный. Помоги найти союзника по жизни, союзника во всём. Дай мира, здоровья всему живому на планете. Помоги осознать и принять твою божественность. Благодарю за всё. Да будет так и так и будет!!!!
Every human being on Earth can materialize a meaningful object and also walk on water and be able to heal the sick with our Agape Love Meditation taught at Agape Center.
His magic snake is hidden in his pants...he Never shows that magic stick in public but only to his favorite disciples on whom he has his utmost mercy....
J’ai la chance d’avoir des contacts de temps en temps avec lui comme le jour où je sortais du musée au Caire En parlant des Égyptiens il me dit J’adore ce peuple Il était à ma droite dans mon dos Il est tellement simple cet homme
It's kinda weird. Even if he actually has this power, why would he manifest jewelry? Doesn't that go against the idea of attachments? And, if he's really that powerful, why can't he walk? I'm confused.
Великий Саи Баба,исцели меня от всех обид,негатива прошлого,Помоги преодолеть все мои страхи,комплексы,стереотипы. Помоги мне встать на своё место в иерархии семейной.Пусть мои дети будут здоровыми,умными,добрыми,достойными людьми. Помоги моим детям,очисти их от кармы рода,прошлых воплощений. Помоги и мне очиститься от кармы рода,прошлых воплощений.Помоги мне простить и принять моих родителей.Помоги мне встать на свое законное место ребенка по отношению к моим родителям.Помоги стать свободной,уверенной в себе,успешной,богатой,здоровой,красивой,молодой.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Обратитесь к Истинному Богу! "Берегитесь лжепророков, которые приходят к вам в овечьей одежде, а внутри суть волки хищные. (Мф. 7:15)" - В данном случае звучит практически буквально...
Even Jesus gave food and bread to the hungry and said that if you have faith as a mustard seed you can move mountains and do much much more. Does not a lover make gifts to his wife and buys her a diamond ring or a gold chain?
Krishna stands Mahapurush but God can never be born from dirty human genital, Lord Shiva exists as the real God who is everlasting maintaining no death & birth, Shiva-Purana, represents Him the supreme deity. Understand Beda does not recognize Krishna nevertheless I respect him as a God not The God.
There are unbelievably naive people in this world who revere and believe an impostor who originally could not help himself and in the end died like all human beings
Sai baba I know baba frees me from ancestral karma and from now on bless me with enlightenment and unconditional love Krishna bless me with unlimited abundance bless me with instant manifestation bless me gold
@@hafidzmohmar5620 He didn't die, his body die, our souls are immortal, the death of the body is like worn-out clothes that are no longer needed, a spacesuit for existence on Earth, our body is not us, it's just a tool to live on Earth
Even the pope can not walk but yet he is the wicker of Christ. Just because he can not walk does not make him less of what he is or of his teachings. Even the pope has millions of devotees and people who love him.
Amazing, he can make a solid gold necklace appear before your very eyes but he is knackered when it comes to getting the clasp open. Also, what was the result when he appeared on penn and teller : fool us, i missed that episode?.
Haha you got that right! That's no "materialisation" or power of Ashta Siddhi.. It is only a sleight of hand which magicians/ illusionists perform! thats why he couldnt open the clasp!
Великий Человеколюбче Саи Баба. И я вам оставлю записочку с просьбой об излечении после операции. Помогите восстановить здоровье, Великий Человеколюбче Саи Баба 🙏🙏🙏
Como podem as pessoas deixarem de ver o óbvio de uma prestidigitação para acreditar no maravilhoso, num milagre. Mesmo que ele estivesse só de sunga, ainda assim seria muito mais razoável acreditar num ilusionismo a acreditar em algo sobrenatural.
Miracles of Sai Baba Looking at how many are trying by all means to refute the miracles of Sai Baba, I understand why he himself forbade telling about them to those who are still underdeveloped. I see how teeth snap, and some saliva drips - so passionately they want to refute and expose! Interestingly, the number of votes for and against this video was roughly equal. This suggests that the division into sheep and goats has finally begun. It must be said that an attempt to reduce the phenomenon of Sai Baba to miracles in itself indicates insufficient development. Miracles are a necessary accompanying phenomenon, an indicator of his power, which always happened next to him and around him, as if automatically. Sai Baba is a multidimensional and multifaceted phenomenon, and anyone who has studied this issue sufficiently understands that it is not possible to reduce Sai Baba's influence on the world to the naive faith of backward people. First of all, you need to know about the incredible sense of humor that Sai Baba possessed! He laughed very subtly at the "deniers". To them, he materialized cheap fakes, which he copied from a nearby souvenir shop, while, of course, the chain or ring fell out, as expected, out of the sleeve. At the same time, sincere and profound people received their souvenirs from a hand rolled up to the elbow, and materialization took place half a meter from the observer's nose. The subject emerged from a flash of blue light, often with the palm facing downward! Often, an object created in this way had no analogue at all in the earthly dimension. What can you say about a watch made of solid gold (that is, without a mechanism), the hands of which always showed the exact time, in any continent? Sathya Sai Baba is humanity's reward for the hard path traveled. Just by looking at him, you can learn how high a person can stand. Amazing purity and tenderness, the deepest understanding and knowledge of you through and through, to the very depths of your soul! Baba knew everything - not only about you, but also about your relatives, friends and even about your tailor. It was possible to draw and draw from the ocean of Sai Baba, and this has accelerated your development many times over - for entire epochs. You were not just there - you became a part of the great that he represented on our planet. So stop clicking your teeth and splashing saliva! It's time to be ashamed of the fur on your feet and stop being a primitive creature. It's time to open the door and enter the next class! Take this chance, because the crossroads of evolution and involution are already in front of you. There is no more time left. I am telling you this, a drop of His consciousness. I went the same way as you did. I have scientific works and degrees behind me. I experienced all the passions I could find. And yet I managed to establish myself in the great Universal Existence that Sai Baba showed me. I wish you success too! Hari OM
The photographer and his aides do a good job of distracting people / blocking view while he reaches for the items they supply him with :) His expression at 2:34 is priceless: "Oh sh*t, how do I unmaterialize the other trinket I already have in my hand". Fortunately, his aide quickly comes to the save :) I don't want to hurt anyone's religious sensitivity but if a fraudster fools thousands of people, how can it be right? Any stage magician can do that except that he doesn't have the advantage of the audience that's already fooled.
first of all I'm not a hater of baba,I'm an indian,i love the way he treated poors,charities,hospital and it is beyond my words. baba is a great human being not a god and this necklace trick you can see the tricks in youtube and these materialisation is a fake(this is for the ones who believe him as GOD,baba is a great human being)
not god, I agree...but what about finding a person that can do this "miracle"? He or She'd be a God or Godess? I'm sure not...I read in some place about that...It's a re-wiring in the brain or conciousness, etc...maybe through mistic religion or something like that...Ramana Maharshi said once: "nor telepathy, nor distance sight, nor bilocation, nor seeking past or future are wisdom...be nothing...know nothing...having nothing..and stay in the being ... I'am ness are true wisdom"
Do you really want to know about him so listen first he’s not Hindu second in our santandharm we don’t kill or eat animals but Sai loves to eat goat cow and snakes and third our hindus vedh books are written 5000 years ago and on that book there are not a single mention of any Sai or what ever you want call him he’s cult leader he’s not even close to us Hindus and you are saying he’s god stop waisting time for this con man Sai if you really want to pray there is only one god who can save you or give directions for better life his name is shiva the creator the destroyer
Brow Mohon maaf ya, dia saja tanganya cukup utk meluk satu orang gmn melindungi negara Brow 😄🤭..kalau tentara jelas cpt larinya boleh diadu larinya pasti menang tentara.. Gmn mau melindunginya Brow.. Hadeuh Brow 😄jlnnya saja tdk bisa masih dibantu orang Brow 😂🤭
Allah, there is no god but Him. O, he is eternally alive. Its existence is from itself and it rules the whole universe. Neither slumber nor sleep can catch him.
Саи Баба, помоги и научи пользоваться инструментами, которые есть во мне. Помоги наладить жизнь. Встретиться со своим союзником. И идти по дороге жизни, вместе. 🕊💞🧚♂️Благодарю 👨👩👧💖🕊
I'm a Hindu from south Africa. I am a disciple of Sri Swami Sahajananda from the divine life. These miracles are nothing for a god realised being. It's as easy as breathing. I once watched Swami Sahajananda read a letter from a closed envelope word for word which was just handed to him by a stranger. Such is the power of the almighty Jai Shree Ram Jai Shree Hanuman 🙏
Allah, there is no god but Him. O, he is eternally alive. Its existence is from itself and it rules the whole universe. Neither slumber nor sleep can catch him.
Обратитесь к Истинному Богу! "Берегитесь лжепророков, которые приходят к вам в овечьей одежде, а внутри суть волки хищные. (Мф. 7:15)" - В данном случае звучит практически буквально...
@@tissakarunaratne5042 This man was a cheat and a charlatan, he used to drink the semen of young boys, read Lord of the Air by one of his ex followers, if youwant to be cheated then a cheater will lead and amaze you with magic shows. CC Madhya 6.242 harer nāma harer nāma harer nāmaiva kevalam kalau nāsty eva nāsty eva nāsty eva gatir anyathā Synonyms hareḥ nāma - the holy name of the Lord Hari; hareḥ nāma - the holy name of the Lord Hari; hareḥ nāma - the holy name of the Lord; eva - certainly; kevalam - only; kalau - in this Age of Kali; na asti - there is not; eva - certainly; na asti - there is not; eva - certainly; na asti - there is not; eva - certainly; gatiḥ - means; anyathā - other. Translation “ ‘In this age of quarrel and hypocrisy, the only means of deliverance is the chanting of the holy names of the Lord. There is no other way. There is no other way. There is no other way.’ ” Purport Because the people of this age are so fallen, they can simply chant the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra. In this way they can rid themselves of the bodily conception of life and become eligible to engage in the Lord’s devotional service. One cannot engage in the devotional service of the Lord without being purified of all contamination. This is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gītā (7.28): yeṣāṁ tv anta-gataṁ pāpaṁ janānāṁ puṇya-karmaṇām te dvandva-moha-nirmuktā bhajante māṁ dṛḍha-vratāḥ “Persons who have acted piously in previous lives and in this life and whose sinful actions are completely eradicated are freed from the dualities of delusion, and they engage themselves in My service with determination.” Sometimes people are surprised to see young men and women take so seriously to the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement. By giving up sinful activity - illicit sex, meat-eating, intoxication and gambling - and strictly following the injunctions given by the spiritual master, they have become purified of all contamination. They can therefore fully engage in the devotional service of the Lord. In this Age of Kali, hari-kīrtana is very, very important. The importance of chanting the holy name of the Lord is stated in the following verses from Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam (12.3.51-52): kaler doṣa-nidhe rājann asti hy eko mahān guṇaḥ kīrtanād eva kṛṣṇasya mukta-saṅgaḥ paraṁ vrajet kṛte yad dhyāyato viṣṇuṁ tretāyāṁ yajato makhaiḥ dvāpare paricaryāyāṁ kalau tad dhari-kīrtanāt “The most important factor in this Age of Kali, which is an ocean of faults, is that one can be free from all contamination and become eligible to enter the kingdom of God simply by chanting the Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra. The self-realization that was achieved in the Satya millennium by meditation, in the Tretā millennium by the performance of different sacrifices, and in the Dvāpara millennium by worship of Lord Kṛṣṇa can be achieved in the Age of Kali simply by chanting the holy names, Hare Kṛṣṇa.”
Sai Baba trabalhou 70 anos de sua vida fazendo curas e criando recursos para o seu povo tão sofrido. A perseguição e a difamação que alguns fizeram contra ele não impediu que ele realizasse o seu grande trabalho espiritual aqui na terra coisa que os acusadores de Sai Baba nunca fizeram. O mais lindo da missão de Sai Baba aqui na terra foi o grande legado que ele deixou para a humanidade e o mundo inteiro curvou-se aos seus pés. GRANDIOSO SAI BABA 👏👏👏👏👏
Tenho muitas dúvidas, se Sai Baba era tão elevado porque foi encontrado com ele uma fortuna em dinheiro e ouro, encontrei em várias reportagens. Muitos ilusionistas pelo mundo detectaram seus truques e mostraram como funciona. Existe também um documentário da BBC mostrando o lado obscuro de Sai Baba, será que esse documentário é totalmente falso?
O grande problema desses "iluminados" são que sempre que se aprofunda nas investigações, todos tem obras de caridade, filantropia, falsos milagres e muito, mas muito dinheiro envolvido, se querem ser "santo" me Parece que Jesus não tinham muita coisa não e foi um grande exemplo de caridade e amor, me parecesse que são Francisco de Assis também era nessa linha, esse Sai Baba parece que é tipo o tal João de Deus, do Brasil, escândalos sexuais, abusos de menores segundo alguns ex. seguidores da seita.
Allah, there is no god but Him. O, he is eternally alive. Its existence is from itself and it rules the whole universe. Neither slumber nor sleep can catch him.
انا آله الذي يحتاج ألا الكرسي لكي يسوقه فكينا يقضي حاجتكم ويحتاج الا الطعام لكي يقوي جسدها فكيف تصدقونه ولا يقدر ان ينصر نفسه من المرض فكيفا سايشفكم ألا تتفكرون فعلمو يا ايوها الهندوسيون أنا الله لا يحتاج الا كولا ذالك فانهو الله سبحانه يوطعم ولا يوطعام وا يوحيي ولا يموت
All Gods and Human Gods are trying to teach you how to believe in yourself unconditionally . If those devotees are capable to realise the meaning of self beliefs these Human Gods never do such magics . These are all just to make people confident . I cant blame this magician simply.Its a methodology to bring people to teach the power of self beliefs and trust.
I was here to say they are idiots etc... Ok, I actually agree with you. What they are doing isn't so bad as long as they are making people better. It's like the super hero who rapes but he saves. But he saves more than he rapes 🤣🤣🤣 Thanks bro
Allah, there is no god but Him. O, he is eternally alive. Its existence is from itself and it rules the whole universe. Neither slumber nor sleep can catch him.
Как люди могут просить исцеление у того кто не был в состоянии исцелить самого себя, Как кто то может просить у этого человека богатство в то время как он существовал на сбор средств прихожан, Наматериализовал бы себе кучу золота )) Как кто может верить в эту ересь вы что сума сошли
@@adrianacr927 Olha, eu não acredito que exista ninguém santo (no sentido de ser perfeito), eu não sou, você não deve ser. O problema é que esses gurus passam por pessoas perfeitas, basta olhar o vídeo e ver a veneração das pessoas. A questão é quem mesmo não sendo perfeito, ele se passava pelo que ele não era, ou seja, ele enganava que fazia materializações (isso já foi descoberto há muito tempo), então eu não vejo sentido em venerar alguém porque fez isso e aquilo (por mais bem que tenha feito aos outros), mas que traia a confiança, engane aqueles que o seguem. Ele passava por milagreiro, pois materializar objetos seria um milagre e o que ele fazia eram truques de ilusionismo e nem tão bons assim. Também há relatos sobre seu envolvimento com jovens, abuso sexual. Minha cara, o que você não percebe é que há mais de um motivo para alguém fazer o bem, ser pobre, bancar o humilde e isso está, no caso dele e de outros, em ser admirado, venerado, ou seja, fez ou bem por vaidade e não materializou ouro para custear as obras que fez, enganou os outros se passando por um santo milagreiro e assim conseguiu arrecadar fortunas que proporcionaram as obras que você relatou. Se para você alguém pode enganar se passando por quem não é, se para você ele pode ter sido acusado de abuso sexual e mesmo assim deve ser admirado pelas obras materiais que fez e que ajudaram outras, se é esse o seu critério de admiração, então não posso fazer nada. Na primeira vez que eu percebesse que ele estivesse fazendo um truque (e eu nunca acreditaria que ele estivesse fazendo um milagre) eu viraria as costas e nunca mais o consideraria além de um falcatrua. Como eu disse, não sou perfeito e acredito que ninguém seja, mas não me proponho a ser guru de ninguém e muito menos enganar para que multidões me sigam, me admirem, mesmo que eu tivesse essa capacidade, coisa que muito religioso tem de sobra e vemos diariamente pela tv.
Existem vários vídeos desmascarando esse Guru, explicando como eram realizados os truques de mágica! Mostram também algumas falhas de Sai Baba que demonstraram que era mesmo truque, como em um caso que ele deixou sem querer o saquinho de "pó sagrado" cair no chão.
Фокусы 7 й класс)) это сверхчеловек??)) вот не из рукова хотя бы)) там его окружение по-любому хорошо знает про этот обман. Вот на глазах у всех бы и показал и то это не достойно "аватара".
Allah menunjukan kuasa nya,. Bahwa Allah itu maha adil,. Melalui ali baba tsbt. . Contoh ada yg di lahirkan sempurna, dan juga ada yg cacat, ada siang ada malam,.. Ada pintar ada bodoh, ada yg pandai sepritual ada yg tidak. Ada ahli sihir ada tidak.. Allahuallam
I know that this nonsense has existed in India for a long time, but I am surprised by these Russians who worship this man. How did they end up like this?
4:15….He uses the letters to hide his right hand so it is free to move and the white shawl on his legs to hide objects… it is particularly clear when he gives a necklace to the child. You can clearly see the right hand taking the object …He isn’ t a real guru neither a good prestigididator…
Allah, there is no god but Him. O, he is eternally alive. Its existence is from itself and it rules the whole universe. Neither slumber nor sleep can catch him.
Bro, That's a pretty good magic trick.
Puede "materializar" una cadena y no puede materializar unos eslabones más para que pase por la cabeza a ese hombre. Pobres ilusos que creéis en juegos de magia y os dejáis llevar sin más sin discernir lo más mínimo. El único maestro que existe está en nuestro corazón, y es nuestra esencia misma que a la vez es parte de Dios mismo.
To što je on radio čuda od pepela,takve moći u lndiji ima skoro svako selo po jednog.Oni nerade reklamu svojih moći i njih ne obožavaju kao Boga,oni su skromne duše koje znaju da su sluge jedinog Boga Krišne koji kroz vrijeme dobiva razna imena.Samo je jedan Bog za sve vjerodostojne vjeroispovjesti s različitim imenima🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️
@@ivankastrlek377are you Russian and do you believe in Hinduism?
абсолютно верно! Если мадам Блаватская еще в середине девятнадцатого века писала о том, что Индия уже была совершенно другой, нежели еще сто лет назад! На рынках Бомбея или Мадраса можно было встретить кого угодно: факиров, фокусников, предсказателей на птичьем помете, шарлатанов всех мастей, йогов прокалывающих свои животы и ходящих по углям, но ни одного настоящего святого! Так что говорить о 20 и 21 веке?))
Я с интересом наблюдаю на чудеса, которые делает Саи Баба. Он сам сказал, что он материализует вещи из будущего. Тоесть он каким-то образом входит в будующее и берет их оттуда. Так он сказал о самом большом бриллианте, который перенёс в наш мир и подарил одному человеку. Но когда тот человек умер, тот бриллиант опять ушёл в свое время. Он на время пощаимствовал вещь, поэтому никто не мог его найти потом. Если этот человек Саи Баба может так делать, то не Бог ли он? А вы так можете?
God is one who is unborn recite God name with each breath gives peace and happiness
Absolutely true
Помоги мне пожалуйста найти смысл своего существования,обрести мир и покой в душе,усмирить свою гордыню и познать всеобъемлющею любовь
Иди по пути йоги
Читай работы ВП СССР. Начни с лекций Петрова или с канала Нестора Шило.
Прочтите статью блога Шамбалы Валерии Кольцовой о Мироздании и Вселенной, там есть вся информация, и о Вселенной, и о душах, развитии, как усмирить гордыню и Эго, а понять эту информацию или проигнорировать в угоду гордыне - каждый выбирает сам..
U Need Jesus
😭Why would he need money in envelopes, after all he could manifest them
Scam, nothing more. Mass manipulation.
Why did he always wear long sleeves? To do these simple magic tricks to fool his unquestioning devotees. Why did he only "materialize" small objects (rings, watches) that could easily be hidden up his sleeves? He has been exposed as a faker.
Да, неэто не деньги в конвертах, это через людей передают письма от тех кто не смог приехать.
Это не деньги , а письма от людей. Тогда,когда снимали это видео не у всех были компы и планшеты. телефоны кнопочные без интернета и люди писали письма и передавали через знакомых , кто ехал в Индию и я тоже. Что интересно, СатьяСаи Баба не все письма принимал, письма написанные искренне и он принимал.
If materalising a gold chain qualifies him to be a godman, I'm wondering what that would make of David Copperfield, who managed to disappear the Eiffel Tower!
He is better than you.
He would be a greater god then. Desperate men will believe in whatever they think as their escape. Some even turn to the devil. Clinging onto something regardless how absurd and nonsensical it is
He's hypocrate anyway
Haha I worked for Copperfield no magic only foolish minds would agree with
grow up!
So you mean if I be a magician in India, people think I'm a fucking saint and sht? Damn, India is wild.
its an extremely low IQ society
You should probably move there and open your own ashram may e you have much to teach and give to the world.
But can he still do it without sleeves..??
Nah, he's just an magician. Camera angle is everything. LOL!
yes plenty of videos of that too
@@stjournalist Famous illusionist Doug Henning stated that he could not replicate what Sai Baba did in uncontrolled environment also there were scientist who captured the "tricks" with best cameras at that time and examined video frame for frame and there was nothing coming from sleeves
Yes magicians use sleeves 😅
He is more than just a magician
I have seen him twice years back@@kinidiosodlosios6892
нет!)) как и для любого фокусника рукава это часть фокуса)
Entretanto, o grande escândalo aconteceu, quando em 16 de junho de 2011, quase dois meses após a sua morte em 24/04/2011, iniciou-se uma busca nos aposentos privados (Yajur Mandir) de Sai Baba, um complexo com cerca de 15 quartos, na sede Prasanthi Nilayam, em Puttaparthi, sul da Índia, foi encontrada uma fortuna em tesouro e em dinheiro. No dia 17/06/2011, os jornais indianos noticiaram a descoberta de 120 milhões de rúpias em dinheiro (US$ 1,7 milhão), 98 kg de ouro e 307 kg de prata. Depois desta primeira busca, mais três buscas foram feitas, nas quais foram descobertas mais grandes quantidades em dinheiro, ouro, prata, diamantes, uma coroa de ouro pesando meio kg, um conjunto de diamantes e duas mil peças de sari de seda nobre.
Depois desta surpreendente descoberta, a pergunta mais unânime foi a de que “por quê um santo que pregava a austeridade e a caridade guardaria uma fortuna tão grande em seus aposentos”?
É q a caridade era só para os seguidores, pra ele não. 🤭🤭
Poisé né kk
El oro y la plata claramente fueron materializados el dinero fueron ganancias de sus equipos
Саи Баба, прошу, пусть впереди у нас с сыном всё будет хорошо ❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏
Tuhan kok mati😂
Stress ni orangg
Saibaba please bless our family to reach our dream destination and help us to live peacefully with our kids......sairam
That stupid pray..he is not god..😂😂😂
Buddy for that you have to gain inteoegjec not blessings from these assholes
@@poweroffmamakmamak8335 yes these poel have been fooled by gurus and they have no idea of what they are into buddy inteepognev isbtheboly thingbwgichbwiol save you not any gur
how can god be dead
@@atiqakmal2774 Sathyasai baba is God incarnate.
Просите, и дано будет вам; ищите, и найдете; стучитесь, и отворят вам. Ибо всякий просящий получает, и ищущий находит, и стучащемуся отворят (Мф 7:7-11).
A mais pura verdade....Aquele que levanta cedo e vai trabalhar todos os dias vencera 👊
A true Conman... A pathological liar and you guys buy into it
It's not magic but tricky only.
Look at his right hand took from left hand under the tissu before giving something to every one.
Baba is doing his such business only with due to the stupid bhakt
@@lamyaesour9121 A wise man said if you dont believe in the true God you can fall for anything
Yes dekman ur right
This baba is answerable 2 god
لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله....استغفر الله العظيم واتوب اليه عدد خلقه ورضا نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته
استغفر الله العظيم واتوب اليه عدد خلقه ورضا نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته
لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيئ قدير
🙅🏻♀️ I reject your false idol who chooses pdfiles for prophets who advise husbands to strike their wives, fight non-believers, and tax non-muslims. Your false idol is a politician. Our samskritam is actually thousands of years old, unlike your illiterate author’s political religious rhetoric.
Mohamed was a gold-digger who used his first wife for her money. Then her cousin was who told him Gabriel spoke to him, not God and not Gabriel. 😂
Your Mohamed wiped away pre-islamic paganism and spread genocide and division. Please go back to your section of RUclips and stay where you belong.
I believe this guy can manifest gold chains. That’s just makes him a mix between Criss Angel and Chris Rock.
I belive that this guy is old faker
@@teoivanovic3796 😂😂😂😂
His miracles were felt even 10,000 miles away
@@warsil3735 This man is demon possess
الحمدالله علی نعمت اسلام
الحمد للعقل على نعمت الالحاد
@@alt4699 😆😂🤣
Dajjal sai baba🤪
Alhamdulillah La Ilaha Illallah Muhammad Rasool Allah ☝️
Пусть будут все существа, во всех мирах свободны и счастливы!!! 🌠💖 Благодарю! 🙏🙏🙏
Вы сумашедшая ?
@@БорисХренПопадешь-ж5е Если Вам так видится, то это Ваши трудности! 😜😁
@@ЛарисаПлюшкина-н3у это не видеться а факт,вы как это представляете что человек произвёл внутри себя ювелирное изделие
@@БорисХренПопадешь-ж5е Всего Вам хорошего! 💖
@@ЛарисаПлюшкина-н3у и вам не хворать
Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya ❤️❤️❤️🙏
Indie! Covah ya heart!!!
Bali mangthi Kali ma. Shakthi degi Kali ma...Kali ma...Kali ma...Kali ma, Shakthi deh!
Саи Баба помоги в здравии и благополучии моей маме и мне!благодарю
Como satanás usa a los hombres para engañar a la humanidad
Idiot sai bab idiot
How do you feel today?
I love You Sai Baba please heal my dad
He died in 2011 also he was a complete fraud
That said I hope your Dad gets proper medical treatment
Demand him ,believe him, it will happen
@@BrokeTheSeal.....explain how
@@MataMerah11 you mom also can join
He need a proper hair cut and a mantle hospital to treat himself may Allah protect all the people from satain 👿 they are the human saytans🤦🏼♀️👿💀
Allah himself is a Satan
Саи Баба помоги мне использовать все инструменты, которые есть во мне, помоги правильно пользоваться ими. Поставь меня на путь истинный. Помоги найти союзника по жизни, союзника во всём. Дай мира, здоровья всему живому на планете. Помоги осознать и принять твою божественность. Благодарю за всё. Да будет так и так и будет!!!!
всё будет норм, иди с миром
Просите у Бога
Пусть Ваши намерения исполнятся со скоростью ракеты❤️❤️❤️
Он просто фокусник😢😂
@@Страстоморд так а чего вы тут фокусничаете? идите смотрите кого-нибудь другого! Атеисты блин
Every human being on Earth can materialize a meaningful object and also walk on water and be able to heal the sick with our Agape Love Meditation taught at Agape Center.
Bigot of pedo criminal you are
His magic snake is hidden in his pants...he Never shows that magic stick in public but only to his favorite disciples on whom he has his utmost mercy....
@@DW-xv4vz yes
Do you not enjoy to have sex every once in a while as well... Sai Baba was a man just like you and was not God more than you are God.
Best magic illusionist, very good.
He never studied majic.
Почему же иллюзионист , святой Спиридон Тириминфутский из змеи сделал золото чтобы помочь одному бедняку.
An illusionist doesnt transform the heart of people😕simple entertain. Try to find the difference please
Same thought but he never make mistake its not possible for human
J’ai la chance d’avoir des contacts de temps en temps avec lui comme le jour où je sortais du musée au Caire
En parlant des Égyptiens il me dit J’adore ce peuple
Il était à ma droite dans mon dos
Il est tellement simple cet homme
C'est un pedo criminel qui aimait les jeunes garçons ! Vous délirez complètement !
Саи Баба, благослави меня на работу, которой я занимаюсь сейчас.
Вы думаете он прочитает ваш комент)))
Om Sai Ram 🙏
I thinked he was only one overcome to american got talents always froud magic
Sai ram
It's kinda weird. Even if he actually has this power, why would he manifest jewelry? Doesn't that go against the idea of attachments? And, if he's really that powerful, why can't he walk? I'm confused.
Because he is a false guru, a charlatan
@@MichaelRogers424Very good, IS true!!!
@@especiehumana1055 😀
Every guru has people criticising him
Jésus stayed on his cross however he is God
🙏yes all this materialization is 100 % true.
My self having experience about this. 🚩 om sri sairam
Poor credulous
Великий Саи Баба,исцели меня от всех обид,негатива прошлого,Помоги преодолеть все мои страхи,комплексы,стереотипы. Помоги мне встать на своё место в иерархии семейной.Пусть мои дети будут здоровыми,умными,добрыми,достойными людьми. Помоги моим детям,очисти их от кармы рода,прошлых воплощений. Помоги и мне очиститься от кармы рода,прошлых воплощений.Помоги мне простить и принять моих родителей.Помоги мне встать на свое законное место ребенка по отношению к моим родителям.Помоги стать свободной,уверенной в себе,успешной,богатой,здоровой,красивой,молодой.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Just help the poor people just out side is waiting than in side
Великий Саи Баба,восстанови пожалуйста мои суставы 🙏🙏🙏
Иди ко мне, я помогу
OMG.. it's fraud baba.. it's better you go to doctor not to this fraud
He is dead now
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 RIP
Обратитесь к Истинному Богу! "Берегитесь лжепророков, которые приходят к вам в овечьей одежде, а внутри суть волки хищные. (Мф. 7:15)" - В данном случае звучит практически буквально...
Buying his slaves with gold, classic.
Georgi , when people don’t have faith in their god this happens they need god who they can see and listen and fix their issues, shortcuts you know.
harpreet shahi Hey, yeah but he’s not a god, he is a deceiver, that’s the problem.
It's called hypnotism
Even Jesus gave food and bread to the hungry and said that if you have faith as a mustard seed you can move mountains and do much much more. Does not a lover make gifts to his wife and buys her a diamond ring or a gold chain?
@@enterthejouz6728Sai Baba was a deceiver and a liar
Из этого видео не видно материализации.
Mayaavadi Satya Sai..You will never be forgiven by Krishna
Krishna stands Mahapurush but God can never be born from dirty human genital, Lord Shiva exists as the real God who is everlasting maintaining no death & birth, Shiva-Purana, represents Him the supreme deity. Understand Beda does not recognize Krishna nevertheless I respect him as a God not The God.
Yes, It is.
Allah is the Lord of the Worlds, there is no deity besides Him
@@yagyabasnet4712 hmm. Let's see what you answer when Yama drags you to Naraka for the mahapaapa of differentiating between Hari and Shiva.
He is krishna
Jay sai ram 🙏🙏🙏
There are unbelievably naive people in this world who revere and believe an impostor who originally could not help himself and in the end died like all human beings
why does god not fly but is pushed with a wheelchair??
WHO said he is God? He never Said It.
Sai baba I know baba frees me from ancestral karma and from now on bless me with enlightenment and unconditional love Krishna bless me with unlimited abundance bless me with instant manifestation bless me gold
If sai baba can free yourself, why can't he resurrect himself when he dies?
@@hafidzmohmar5620 He didn't die, his body die, our souls are immortal, the death of the body is like worn-out clothes that are no longer needed, a spacesuit for existence on Earth, our body is not us, it's just a tool to live on Earth
@@hafidzmohmar5620because only the true Lord and Savior is capable through Gods grace.
Because ITS only avatar@@hafidzmohmar5620
Cause when it's Ur time to go it's ur time to go
Is just simple person still need someone to push & pull his chair 24hour..why not helping him self😂 to stand up ass a god
Even the pope can not walk but yet he is the wicker of Christ. Just because he can not walk does not make him less of what he is or of his teachings. Even the pope has millions of devotees and people who love him.
Amazing, he can make a solid gold necklace appear before your very eyes but he is knackered when it comes to getting the clasp open. Also, what was the result when he appeared on penn and teller : fool us, i missed that episode?.
hahahhaha he was a bad illutionist
how coud you believe this hahahahhahahahahhahahha
Tudo e uma grande mentira.
Padre Quevedo nele
Tudo mentira. Padre Quevedo nele
Haha you got that right! That's no "materialisation" or power of Ashta Siddhi.. It is only a sleight of hand which magicians/ illusionists perform! thats why he couldnt open the clasp!
Oh. I saw that episode ..he made Penn & teller disappear!! 🙃
Великий Человеколюбче Саи Баба. И я вам оставлю записочку с просьбой об излечении после операции. Помогите восстановить здоровье, Великий Человеколюбче Саи Баба 🙏🙏🙏
In front of scientist he folded sleeves and took chain. You fool.
Como podem as pessoas deixarem de ver o óbvio de uma prestidigitação para acreditar no maravilhoso, num milagre. Mesmo que ele estivesse só de sunga, ainda assim seria muito mais razoável acreditar num ilusionismo a acreditar em algo sobrenatural.
Miracles of Sai Baba
Looking at how many are trying by all means to refute the miracles of Sai Baba, I understand why he himself forbade telling about them to those who are still underdeveloped. I see how teeth snap, and some saliva drips - so passionately they want to refute and expose! Interestingly, the number of votes for and against this video was roughly equal. This suggests that the division into sheep and goats has finally begun.
It must be said that an attempt to reduce the phenomenon of Sai Baba to miracles in itself indicates insufficient development. Miracles are a necessary accompanying phenomenon, an indicator of his power, which always happened next to him and around him, as if automatically. Sai Baba is a multidimensional and multifaceted phenomenon, and anyone who has studied this issue sufficiently understands that it is not possible to reduce Sai Baba's influence on the world to the naive faith of backward people.
First of all, you need to know about the incredible sense of humor that Sai Baba possessed! He laughed very subtly at the "deniers". To them, he materialized cheap fakes, which he copied from a nearby souvenir shop, while, of course, the chain or ring fell out, as expected, out of the sleeve. At the same time, sincere and profound people received their souvenirs from a hand rolled up to the elbow, and materialization took place half a meter from the observer's nose. The subject emerged from a flash of blue light, often with the palm facing downward! Often, an object created in this way had no analogue at all in the earthly dimension. What can you say about a watch made of solid gold (that is, without a mechanism), the hands of which always showed the exact time, in any continent?
Sathya Sai Baba is humanity's reward for the hard path traveled. Just by looking at him, you can learn how high a person can stand. Amazing purity and tenderness, the deepest understanding and knowledge of you through and through, to the very depths of your soul! Baba knew everything - not only about you, but also about your relatives, friends and even about your tailor. It was possible to draw and draw from the ocean of Sai Baba, and this has accelerated your development many times over - for entire epochs. You were not just there - you became a part of the great that he represented on our planet.
So stop clicking your teeth and splashing saliva! It's time to be ashamed of the fur on your feet and stop being a primitive creature. It's time to open the door and enter the next class! Take this chance, because the crossroads of evolution and involution are already in front of you. There is no more time left.
I am telling you this, a drop of His consciousness. I went the same way as you did. I have scientific works and degrees behind me. I experienced all the passions I could find. And yet I managed to establish myself in the great Universal Existence that Sai Baba showed me.
I wish you success too!
Hari OM
Mas ele não tem poder para se curar !?
But still u got fooled
Om sai ram Jay sai ram 🐏 ♥ 🙏 🙌 ✨ ❤ 🐏 ♥ 🙏 🙌 ✨ ❤ 🐏 ♥ 🙏 🙌 ✨ ❤ 🐏 ♥ 🙏 🙌 ✨ ❤ 🐏 ♥ 🙏 🙌 ✨ ❤
Tiada tuhan selain allah takbir allohuakbar 💪
Allahu akbar
Om Sayi Ram 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Саи Баба! Я молюсь и знаю что ты слышишь меня! Я хочу быть похожа на тебя! 🙏 помоги мне раскрыть Божественную природу в себе! 🙏💖💖💖
seni nasıl duysun o senin gibi aciz bir insan uykusu gelince gözlerini açık tutamayan
The photographer and his aides do a good job of distracting people / blocking view while he reaches for the items they supply him with :) His expression at 2:34 is priceless: "Oh sh*t, how do I unmaterialize the other trinket I already have in my hand". Fortunately, his aide quickly comes to the save :) I don't want to hurt anyone's religious sensitivity but if a fraudster fools thousands of people, how can it be right? Any stage magician can do that except that he doesn't have the advantage of the audience that's already fooled.
Allahu Akbar ,tiada tuhan selain Allah
Islam fractured into pieces Shia vs wahabi vs Ahmedia vs Sufi vs barelvi vs deobandi vs bla bla bla
Baba is dajjal, u know??
Какие вы счастливые люди получившие блогословение!!!!!продолжайте учит людей к мудрости!!!!!!
Этот сай баба уже сдох . Какое благословение?
Он некогда не умрёт знай человек божество
@@ГузальПорозова Какое божество? Обо всех воплощениях Господа упомянуто в священных писаниях (Веды). Сай Бабы там нет.
@@DīnaKṛṣṇaDāsa Пути Всевышнего Создателя неисповедимы, вы мыслите как человек линейно, Бог он многогранный он есть всё, что есть вокруг😁😁😁
first of all I'm not a hater of baba,I'm an indian,i love the way he treated poors,charities,hospital and it is beyond my words. baba is a great human being not a god and this necklace trick you can see the tricks in youtube and these materialisation is a fake(this is for the ones who believe him as GOD,baba is a great human being)
not god, I agree...but what about finding a person that can do this "miracle"? He or She'd be a God or Godess? I'm sure not...I read in some place about that...It's a re-wiring in the brain or conciousness, etc...maybe through mistic religion or something like that...Ramana Maharshi said once: "nor telepathy, nor distance sight, nor bilocation, nor seeking past or future are wisdom...be nothing...know nothing...having nothing..and stay in the being ... I'am ness are true wisdom"
Chutiye bnata h ye
ЛЮБЛЮ ❤ ТЕБЯ ГОСПОДЬ🙏🎶🌺💕🌸🌹💖⚘️💝🎶💕🪷🌹💖🙏⚘️💝
Саи Баба! Милый! Храни землю нашу! Помоги избавиться от всякой нечисти!❤❤❤
Do you really want to know about him so listen first he’s not Hindu second in our santandharm we don’t kill or eat animals but Sai loves to eat goat cow and snakes and third our hindus vedh books are written 5000 years ago and on that book there are not a single mention of any Sai or what ever you want call him he’s cult leader he’s not even close to us Hindus and you are saying he’s god stop waisting time for this con man Sai if you really want to pray there is only one god who can save you or give directions for better life his name is shiva the creator the destroyer
Вы эт серьёзно?
Brow Mohon maaf ya, dia saja tanganya cukup utk meluk satu orang gmn melindungi negara Brow 😄🤭..kalau tentara jelas cpt larinya boleh diadu larinya pasti menang tentara.. Gmn mau melindunginya Brow.. Hadeuh Brow 😄jlnnya saja tdk bisa masih dibantu orang Brow 😂🤭
GOD is invisible, cannot be perceived as a body, she sees and knows everyone, but the servants cannot see her and cannot know her properly! ".
Allah, there is no god but Him. O, he is eternally alive. Its existence is from itself and it rules the whole universe. Neither slumber nor sleep can catch him.
Саи Баба, помоги и научи пользоваться инструментами, которые есть во мне. Помоги наладить жизнь. Встретиться со своим союзником. И идти по дороге жизни, вместе. 🕊💞🧚♂️Благодарю 👨👩👧💖🕊
Manusia lemah yg tua renta di sembah.. Anjriiit...... Jauh kan lah kami dari hal seperti ini tuhan ku.. 🙏🙏
Aamiin, orang nya dah meninggal tuh
@@infomiliterdunia1348 serius? Kok lawak
If he had so much power he would have helped poor people of this country ,what a gimmick
He did
4:17 a bag of materialization
He is stupid😂
You stupid 🤣
his tissue :) 6:33
I'm a Hindu from south Africa. I am a disciple of Sri Swami Sahajananda from the divine life. These miracles are nothing for a god realised being. It's as easy as breathing. I once watched Swami Sahajananda read a letter from a closed envelope word for word which was just handed to him by a stranger. Such is the power of the almighty Jai Shree Ram Jai Shree Hanuman 🙏
wake up man you God used to shit and piss
@Eric Dundee u idiot
😂😂😂😂😂 retarded
@Eric Dundee go take ur medicine 😂😂😂😂
Cba nyanyi y jaipongan ap koplo pasti yg disitu goyang semua hae haeeee
Bisa jadi
Фокус, кулон из рукава в руку выпадает ниже кадра специально! Поставьте на замедленную скорость 0.25
Это чудо! Шёл сильный ливень, стала смотреть это видео и засияло яркое солнце 🌞! Как часто мы не замечаем, что наша жизнь это ЧУДО!
Sai baba itu syetan dajal
saçma git horoza tap daha iyi
Allah, there is no god but Him. O, he is eternally alive. Its existence is from itself and it rules the whole universe. Neither slumber nor sleep can catch him.
А чем же ливень не угодил?! Любая погода прекрасна, также как и жизнь - любое проявление
Обратитесь к Истинному Богу! "Берегитесь лжепророков, которые приходят к вам в овечьей одежде, а внутри суть волки хищные. (Мф. 7:15)" - В данном случае звучит практически буквально...
If he god, why he use translator?.. Coz the real god can understand all the langguages, im rite?... This is jin in human.., nauzubillah himinzalik
Life is a Miracle.Peace is Miracle.God is a Fantasy.
@@tissakarunaratne5042 This man was a cheat and a charlatan, he used to drink the semen of young boys, read Lord of the Air by one of his ex followers, if youwant to be cheated then a cheater will lead and amaze you with magic shows.
CC Madhya 6.242
harer nāma harer nāma
harer nāmaiva kevalam
kalau nāsty eva nāsty eva
nāsty eva gatir anyathā
hareḥ nāma - the holy name of the Lord Hari; hareḥ nāma - the holy name of the Lord Hari; hareḥ nāma - the holy name of the Lord; eva - certainly; kevalam - only; kalau - in this Age of Kali; na asti - there is not; eva - certainly; na asti - there is not; eva - certainly; na asti - there is not; eva - certainly; gatiḥ - means; anyathā - other.
“ ‘In this age of quarrel and hypocrisy, the only means of deliverance is the chanting of the holy names of the Lord. There is no other way. There is no other way. There is no other way.’ ”
Because the people of this age are so fallen, they can simply chant the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra. In this way they can rid themselves of the bodily conception of life and become eligible to engage in the Lord’s devotional service. One cannot engage in the devotional service of the Lord without being purified of all contamination. This is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gītā (7.28):
yeṣāṁ tv anta-gataṁ pāpaṁ janānāṁ puṇya-karmaṇām
te dvandva-moha-nirmuktā bhajante māṁ dṛḍha-vratāḥ
“Persons who have acted piously in previous lives and in this life and whose sinful actions are completely eradicated are freed from the dualities of delusion, and they engage themselves in My service with determination.” Sometimes people are surprised to see young men and women take so seriously to the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement. By giving up sinful activity - illicit sex, meat-eating, intoxication and gambling - and strictly following the injunctions given by the spiritual master, they have become purified of all contamination. They can therefore fully engage in the devotional service of the Lord.
In this Age of Kali, hari-kīrtana is very, very important. The importance of chanting the holy name of the Lord is stated in the following verses from Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam (12.3.51-52):
kaler doṣa-nidhe rājann asti hy eko mahān guṇaḥ
kīrtanād eva kṛṣṇasya mukta-saṅgaḥ paraṁ vrajet
kṛte yad dhyāyato viṣṇuṁ tretāyāṁ yajato makhaiḥ
dvāpare paricaryāyāṁ kalau tad dhari-kīrtanāt
“The most important factor in this Age of Kali, which is an ocean of faults, is that one can be free from all contamination and become eligible to enter the kingdom of God simply by chanting the Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra. The self-realization that was achieved in the Satya millennium by meditation, in the Tretā millennium by the performance of different sacrifices, and in the Dvāpara millennium by worship of Lord Kṛṣṇa can be achieved in the Age of Kali simply by chanting the holy names, Hare Kṛṣṇa.”
He's not Got! He never said what he's Got! No body can to be Got, but everybody can to be like Got!
We witnessed miracles with our eyes and we know it was divinely planned
Fake lol
Good morning
Come on he's a pedo criminal
लगता है कि जादू का खेल चल रहा है दुनिया झुकती है झुकाने वाला चाहिए
Di bantu ya... simsalabim jadi apa "prok prok prok" 👏👏👏
Hader wkwkwk
Jadi kucing wkwek😂
Sai Baba trabalhou 70 anos de sua vida fazendo curas e criando recursos para o seu povo tão sofrido.
A perseguição e a difamação que alguns fizeram contra ele não impediu que ele realizasse o seu grande trabalho espiritual aqui na terra coisa que os acusadores de Sai Baba nunca fizeram.
O mais lindo da missão de Sai Baba aqui na terra foi o grande legado que ele deixou para a humanidade e o mundo inteiro curvou-se aos seus pés.
Tenho muitas dúvidas, se Sai Baba era tão elevado porque foi encontrado com ele uma fortuna em dinheiro e ouro, encontrei em várias reportagens. Muitos ilusionistas pelo mundo detectaram seus truques e mostraram como funciona. Existe também um documentário da BBC mostrando o lado obscuro de Sai Baba, será que esse documentário é totalmente falso?
O grande problema desses "iluminados" são que sempre que se aprofunda nas investigações, todos tem obras de caridade, filantropia, falsos milagres e muito, mas muito dinheiro envolvido, se querem ser "santo" me Parece que Jesus não tinham muita coisa não e foi um grande exemplo de caridade e amor, me parecesse que são Francisco de Assis também era nessa linha, esse Sai Baba parece que é tipo o tal João de Deus, do Brasil, escândalos sexuais, abusos de menores segundo alguns ex. seguidores da seita.
Сатья Саи Баба, зовём тебя!!!🙏🙏🙏 Помоги нам избавиться от Сатаны!!! 🙏🙏🙏 Да будет, Господи, твой Свет на Земле вечно ☀️
He is a fraud serch on him
GOD is invisible, cannot be perceived as a body, she sees and knows everyone, but the servants cannot see her and cannot know her properly! ".
Allah, there is no god but Him. O, he is eternally alive. Its existence is from itself and it rules the whole universe. Neither slumber nor sleep can catch him.
انا آله الذي يحتاج ألا الكرسي لكي يسوقه فكينا يقضي حاجتكم ويحتاج الا الطعام لكي يقوي جسدها فكيف تصدقونه ولا يقدر ان ينصر نفسه من المرض فكيفا سايشفكم ألا تتفكرون فعلمو يا ايوها الهندوسيون أنا الله لا يحتاج الا كولا ذالك فانهو الله سبحانه يوطعم ولا يوطعام وا يوحيي ولا يموت
All Gods and Human Gods are trying to teach you how to believe in yourself unconditionally . If those devotees are capable to realise the meaning of self beliefs these Human Gods never do such magics . These are all just to make people confident . I cant blame this magician simply.Its a methodology to bring people to teach the power of self beliefs and trust.
I was here to say they are idiots etc...
Ok, I actually agree with you. What they are doing isn't so bad as long as they are making people better.
It's like the super hero who rapes but he saves. But he saves more than he rapes 🤣🤣🤣
Thanks bro
This is false.
😂 بشر مثلنا كيف تعبدونه 😅
ساحر غسل عقول البشر 😅
Google translation:हम जैसे इंसान, उसकी पूजा कैसे करते हैं, एक जादूगर जो लोगों का मन धोता है UDP
I like it, when he hears the prayers of a people, gone from the world, and brings them back in his universe
Allah, there is no god but Him. O, he is eternally alive. Its existence is from itself and it rules the whole universe. Neither slumber nor sleep can catch him.
Как люди могут просить исцеление у того кто не был в состоянии исцелить самого себя,
Как кто то может просить у этого человека богатство в то время как он существовал на сбор средств прихожан,
Наматериализовал бы себе кучу золота ))
Как кто может верить в эту ересь вы что сума сошли
Religiously scamming people 😂
Masa tuhan bikin chanel youtube
ini dibikinin orang😭
Nossa, que coisa mais impressionante essas materializações! Se é mágica, impressionante também pois não dou conta de fazer igual 🙌👏👏👏👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏
Fenômeno de materialização
O tema materealizacões e vasto !
Ilusionismo. E o pior é que conseguiu enganar tanta gente. Inacreditável a crendice humana.
Olha, eu não acredito que exista ninguém santo (no sentido de ser perfeito), eu não sou, você não deve ser. O problema é que esses gurus passam por pessoas perfeitas, basta olhar o vídeo e ver a veneração das pessoas. A questão é quem mesmo não sendo perfeito, ele se passava pelo que ele não era, ou seja, ele enganava que fazia materializações (isso já foi descoberto há muito tempo), então eu não vejo sentido em venerar alguém porque fez isso e aquilo (por mais bem que tenha feito aos outros), mas que traia a confiança, engane aqueles que o seguem. Ele passava por milagreiro, pois materializar objetos seria um milagre e o que ele fazia eram truques de ilusionismo e nem tão bons assim. Também há relatos sobre seu envolvimento com jovens, abuso sexual.
Minha cara, o que você não percebe é que há mais de um motivo para alguém fazer o bem, ser pobre, bancar o humilde e isso está, no caso dele e de outros, em ser admirado, venerado, ou seja, fez ou bem por vaidade e não materializou ouro para custear as obras que fez, enganou os outros se passando por um santo milagreiro e assim conseguiu arrecadar fortunas que proporcionaram as obras que você relatou. Se para você alguém pode enganar se passando por quem não é, se para você ele pode ter sido acusado de abuso sexual e mesmo assim deve ser admirado pelas obras materiais que fez e que ajudaram outras, se é esse o seu critério de admiração, então não posso fazer nada. Na primeira vez que eu percebesse que ele estivesse fazendo um truque (e eu nunca acreditaria que ele estivesse fazendo um milagre) eu viraria as costas e nunca mais o consideraria além de um falcatrua. Como eu disse, não sou perfeito e acredito que ninguém seja, mas não me proponho a ser guru de ninguém e muito menos enganar para que multidões me sigam, me admirem, mesmo que eu tivesse essa capacidade, coisa que muito religioso tem de sobra e vemos diariamente pela tv.
Existem vários vídeos desmascarando esse Guru, explicando como eram realizados os truques de mágica! Mostram também algumas falhas de Sai Baba que demonstraram que era mesmo truque, como em um caso que ele deixou sem querer o saquinho de "pó sagrado" cair no chão.
I am not believing his magic but i am believing his helping nature to poor people and poverty.
*☪️ GOD İS ONE ☪️*
Я тебя любила в России еще в 1990года,когда узнала про тебя,родное сердце будь со мной!!
🙏❤❤❤❤ॐ साई राम बाबा आशिर्बाद दिनुस् बाबा ❤❤❤❤🙏
Фокусы 7 й класс)) это сверхчеловек??)) вот не из рукова хотя бы)) там его окружение по-любому хорошо знает про этот обман. Вот на глазах у всех бы и показал и то это не достойно "аватара".
Magic trick
Allah menunjukan kuasa nya,.
Bahwa Allah itu maha adil,. Melalui ali baba tsbt. . Contoh ada yg di lahirkan sempurna, dan juga ada yg cacat, ada siang ada malam,.. Ada pintar ada bodoh, ada yg pandai sepritual ada yg tidak. Ada ahli sihir ada tidak..
Dajjal kecil
He is good magician
No power full drama man
U can't understand him.So pls leave it
And u follow a child abuser
Allah bless you and he must be very happy with you because you are criticising
barak allah fik 🙏🏻
Is it an Spiritual deed to materialize golden jewels for another human being?
If I can choose, please give me peace of mind and not a golden necklace.
Это просто человек а люди поклоняются ему и называют богом вот где невежество.....эх ....люди вы
I know that this nonsense has existed in India for a long time, but I am surprised by these Russians who worship this man. How did they end up like this?
A depiction of Ashta Siddhis ❤️
This is nowhere near to the true AshtaSiddhis..
@@manasadhikarionlinejediassume as you can
4:15….He uses the letters to hide his right hand so it is free to move and the white shawl on his legs to hide objects… it is particularly clear when he gives a necklace to the child. You can clearly see the right hand taking the object …He isn’ t a real guru neither a good prestigididator…
That's it!
Воплощение Творца на Земле запечатлённое на многие видео нам по счастливилось увидеть его воочию а не на бумаге.Всеобъемлющая любовь ❤
GOD is invisible, cannot be perceived as a body, she sees and knows everyone, but the servants cannot see her and cannot know her properly! ".
Allah, there is no god but Him. O, he is eternally alive. Its existence is from itself and it rules the whole universe. Neither slumber nor sleep can catch him.
Here in Brazil we had a "holy person" João de Deus, look him up and see how it turned out... after years os acting like a God envoy
He is good human being solved watercrisis problem in antapur district
Os assassinatos fos jovens nos aposentos de saibaba, ninguém explicou ate hoje
🤣🤣🤣. God creates planets and controls weather. I would like to know which shop supplied him with this cheap items.
Tota ud kawa ud maina ud
@@amitpatil9952 Alahûmme salli alâ seyyidina muhammedin ve ala ali seyyidina muhammed/ Lailahe illallah muhammeden resulullah..
Allahu akbar
4:10 music? very beautiful sound
It’s kirtan
@@aahanakarki3701 Hey thx but the exact song you know?
What good are trinkets if he can’t liberate the mind?