The only thing I don't like about this, is the foobarbaz examples. Would've been much better to use somewhat realistic branch names, such as prime/feat/my-awesome-feature
Have you heard about 'tig'? I feel like almost nobody heard about 'tig' but it's a great text-mode viewer for git history, git blames, git trees etc. It's bundled within Git for Windows package, and it's available on every major Linux distro.
The only thing I don't like about this, is the foobarbaz examples. Would've been much better to use somewhat realistic branch names, such as prime/feat/my-awesome-feature
Yeah I don't like that style of explanation either. real examples make it easier to intuit.
I use rebase very often. For me is more useful than merge. Squash+rebase keeps main history clean. One commit per feature branch.
Primeagen you are a diamond in the rough, thanks for all the helpful lessons.
Audio engineer should get a raise
Have you heard about 'tig'? I feel like almost nobody heard about 'tig' but it's a great text-mode viewer for git history, git blames, git trees etc. It's bundled within Git for Windows package, and it's available on every major Linux distro.
Thanks for the recommendation! You just prompted me to update to the latest version of Git for Windows, and yes, it's there!
I use it every day since I saw someone using it an year ago. It's a must I would say.
I hope there is an entrance on the horse 🐴
how awesome is to learn something on a course preview? thanks!
Glad you learned something new! Cheers!
@FrontendMasters tell Primeagen that I love his feet
btw how did Prime start selecting and highlighting things in the terminal?
I am also curious, I know about vi mode in bash (set -o vi), but vi doesn't have selection the way vim does.
It's a mode in tmux
@@7ffy408interesting, what is it called?
@@polic72andDrD3athyeah but the vi mode in bash or zsh is pretty much limited to editing the command that we are typing out though
In tmux, +[ will enter copy mode, which is what you probably are referring to
That banger intro tune…
thought SHA is also disappointing because it has nothing to do with its real purpose nor is it considered to be save (SHA 1 atleast)
I always have my first commit be:
Initial commit
or something like it... yeah, I know, I'm very creative.
this guy used to work for netflix btw
and he was *senor* engineer
@@Sub0x-x40 *señor* engineer*
I love rebase, especially `git rebase -i HEAD~n`
though I am terrified whenever I use it.
The name of the channel includes "frontend" and Prime is wearing a black hoodie. Something's wrong
is this free like the algorithm course?
1:15 silksong reference dropped
how can I get this for free?
/m/, just mostly in the intro the audio Silibance [ the s and sh soundsh] by reducing in between 4Khz to 10Khz in EQ
ohh thats so nice when you talk slow prime
I'm watching this as I pushed some really bad code, production is currently burning. They let me an intern do it.😢
The prime agen 💪💪💪💪💪💪
I think this is my first time seeing Primeagen using a mouse.
Bro really had to flex with his wife and kids.
GitTower FTW
The Gitmagen!!!
lets go
we want the horse!
where is the horse???
Prime has worn him out
I am the horse and I am never worn out. About to go on a long run. Also did 50 back flips yesterday.
The name is… git cherrypick agen!
Thumbs down; no entrance riding on a cat.