Is Marvel Rivals Worth Playing?

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 186

  • @DegenerateJay
    @DegenerateJay  4 дня назад +36

    Thanks again for hanging out and checking out my channel. If you enjoy, I'd love to see you back. Also, we have an RPG channel here - and a let's play channel too! - along with a store, ! We appreciate you!

    • @_zaldivar2590
      @_zaldivar2590 3 дня назад

      @DegenerateJay Jay, I think the blue Venom skin is unlocked after you reach level 30.

    • @chainsawash4566
      @chainsawash4566 3 дня назад

      Thares a mod you can download that makes venom blue for you

    • @shawnrankin6708
      @shawnrankin6708 3 дня назад

      They did bring up that fact up about the beta skins they will return at some point in time

  • @zwergz1122
    @zwergz1122 4 дня назад +64

    Short answer: "yes"
    Long answer: "YESSSSSSSS"

    • @glassofwater281
      @glassofwater281 3 дня назад +1

      I was gonna say that lol

    • @AngelitoRage
      @AngelitoRage 3 дня назад +2

      ​@@glassofwater281 just say it brother, Amien

  • @visionary1138
    @visionary1138 3 дня назад +27

    The comments defending MTX prices do not pass the vibe check. Nobody is asking for the game to be free and then have no way of funding itself, but I can't believe some people are okay with the idea of a $20 to $25 costume and don't see how that's a predatory price.

    • @Frostydog-99
      @Frostydog-99 3 дня назад +7

      Well to be fair if you play long enough you can get skins via the non-premium currency. Besides at least it's not like League of Legends and smite with its extremely predatory gacha system. Also the game was just released, and devs probably will adjust the pricing later down the line.

    • @MysterytheMaker
      @MysterytheMaker 3 дня назад +6

      Those are bundle prices. The costumes themselves can be purchased separately for the usual price compared to games like fortnite.

    • @DigitalHIFI09
      @DigitalHIFI09 2 дня назад +1

      Also if you're doing the challenges that rewards that currency, you can knock that price down lower if you grind it out. I would rather spend $20 here for a extremely good skin that comes with a unique MVP than a boring OW2 skin. Sometimes OW would even try to charge like $40🤷🏾‍♂️

    • @bigbeautifulape5283
      @bigbeautifulape5283 2 дня назад

      But every hero is free. The skins are also really high quality. I think you're underestimating how few people are genuinely interested in buying skins. Most of them will buy one or two, and in those cases probably just use a combination of money and the ingame currency you earn. I dunno, I don't really see the issue here. I'd rather just have a baseline of quality and a set price for most skins instead of having a bunch of shitty $5 skins that have no real features but then all the premium ones with custom animations and such are all $20 anyway.

    • @lordmew5
      @lordmew5 2 дня назад

      We left predatory prices like 15 years ago. It's time you get over it because most gamers do not care.

  • @andyowski1515
    @andyowski1515 3 дня назад +21

    Love the game. I do agree the prices for cosmetics are a little high. Yeah the game is free but buying like 3 costumes already puts you anywhere between 40$ and 70$ and they're not going to stop releasing them. It would be nice if all these games just toned down the price by like 5 or 10 dollars per cosmetic. Its weird to me I could buy a game from a year or 2 ago for $20 new now but an endgame skin in this one game is that same price

    • @RGB2060
      @RGB2060 3 дня назад +8

      I was talking to some people a few days ago and the topic of the latest ow bundle that goes for €40 came up... basically for €40 in 2017 you could buy the WHOLE game, versus just a bundle with two skins, a battle pass and 2000 coins now. Prices for microtransactions are crazy nowadays, they can't even be called microtransactions anymore. The issue is that these things sell a ton, and there's no reason for companies to lower prices at all.

    • @Soriano98
      @Soriano98 2 дня назад +8

      High is the standard cosmetic price these days almost every skin in any game is at least 20$ it’s so cancer

    • @visionary1138
      @visionary1138 2 дня назад +1

      ​@@Soriano98Yet under my comment about the same thing people are defending it. No wonder companies don't listen to gamers, so many of them just don't value or care about money at all.

    • @cathylickpriest7775
      @cathylickpriest7775 2 дня назад +6

      @@RGB2060People will defend it though because they have to stand up for the helpless companies. Even in these comments I’ve seen it. Then they have the audacity to complain about games not being complete or not having features and it’s like they helped create that environment.

    • @aerostrafe1075
      @aerostrafe1075 2 дня назад

      Prices are always that rough aspect. The bundles are $20 but they typically have the skin with an mvp pose that is really cool. If you buy just the skin then its like $15. I think gamers want everything to just be $5 to $10 all the time. I'm pretty sure that just doesn't make the profit companies are after especially when i've talked to people in marketing jobs outside of videogames. They tell me primarily that just lowering the price of something doesnt exponentially increase the amount of buys/customers. Dollar tree for example is a good reasonable place to buy a lot of things but they are not the heavy hitter that wal mart is.

  • @biggusy4249
    @biggusy4249 3 дня назад +35

    For years everything marvel does is trying to be like the MCU. This games art direction and roster is unique and refreshing.

  • @_zaldivar2590
    @_zaldivar2590 3 дня назад +11

    Jay, you should do videos on characters you'd like to see added to the roster and how they would play like. I think they would do well.

  • @brendancox6462
    @brendancox6462 3 дня назад +43

    I’ve been really enjoying this game and my favorite character is wolverine because I like getting into the action but I do agree that Wolverine does need a little work. I would like him to have his healing factor for example I really do enjoy this game. I’m glad you’re enjoying it too.

    • @jeast9648
      @jeast9648 3 дня назад +16

      Yeah, wokvering does need a passive heal or something. His passive should be on a shorter cooldown too.

    • @Jlopezocasio
      @Jlopezocasio 3 дня назад +10

      I think he needs more movement options as when others use get off me tools he is just stuck walking forward slowly with a vary tiny dash with only a 3 second cooldown but it’s too so small it doesn’t help me too often. His leap also needs a bigger hit box and an arc for aiming it. If I sneak behind someone and leap he jumps above them and leaves the behind unless it’s a tank. I’m fine with him being good against tanks but he can’t be as bad as he seems to be against everyone else. I’d make his dash go bit further, make the changes to his leap, give his standard attack a bit of horizontal homing when he has rage (not the crappy nonsensical flying homing Iron Fist has), or a speed boost, some bonus health, and getting rid of status effects like being frozen with his screaming ability.

    • @nzpowa._.6662
      @nzpowa._.6662 3 дня назад +8

      ​@@jeast9648 give wolverine a block akin his x men origins game, like a weaker verison of captain sheilds. I was hoping for a dodge roll too his Lil charge slash works too.

    • @glassofwater281
      @glassofwater281 3 дня назад

      Wolverine is a very all or nothing hero. You gotta really put in the work to make him good. I popped off on him multiple times today, but had to play other characters during other matches.

    • @andyowski1515
      @andyowski1515 3 дня назад +18

      ​@@glassofwater281Yeah you absolutely can make him work but it takes a lot more effort than some of the roster which is kind of a problem for a guy who is known for healing from most wounds. He shouldn't be invincible but I think he needs something to make him more viable without having to go Olympic Mode compared to another character you can just pick up and do very well with quickly.

  • @RvnWolf
    @RvnWolf 4 дня назад +17

    Currently I love the game that I left Overwatch for Rivals.
    I would have Hela's mobility fixed, her crow form has atrocious maneuverability that it's a terrible escape option on certain maps and situations.
    And maybe some wind up time on Jeff's ultimate, as uts ridiculously fast to react to on time.

    • @austin2594
      @austin2594 3 дня назад +9

      hela is so broken, she’s fine. She’s already probably the best character in the game

    • @awsome14619
      @awsome14619 3 дня назад +3

      Hela is already too good. She is a sniper that has more health than a sniper should, an escape option with the bird, and she can two shot most characters in the game.

    • @appleseed445
      @appleseed445 3 дня назад

      Hela does not need any help. Lmfao

  • @VoidedMirror
    @VoidedMirror 3 дня назад +6

    It's just fun and the character designs and animations are just awesome. It's very clear that the developers put a lot of love and care into this game and players appreciate that.

  • @awhitney3063
    @awhitney3063 3 дня назад +4

    FYI you can get the skins for free in Marvel Rivals, which you can't do in other games; you can convert any of your units into lattice and vice versa 1:1, meaning that you can use the credits that you earn in the daily missions in order to get any costume or bundle that you want. Back when OW went to OW2 I was super annoyed at how all of my in game gold was literally meaningless because I'm not the kind of gamer to drop human money on a digital game asset - at least Marvel Rivals will let me still participate and get a costume that I want by using the in game currency. And I never had to spend $60 to get it like I did with Overwatch in the first place. I really hope people notice that about the monetization because I think it's important to praise companies when they actually monetize things fairly, rather than insanely like they've been trying to do as of late - I mean what kind of lunatic spends even $10 on a single digital game asset? People who's idea of value has been entirely divorced from reality, that's who.

    • @visionary1138
      @visionary1138 3 дня назад +8

      I was with you in a lot of ways until the end of it. I think it's highly self-focused to think that anyone who spends money on a game asset is a lunatic. At that point, why not just include games in general? You could go buy real tangible items IRL and not a digital game or a disc. Like good on them for making it so you can convert currency, even though it's a long grind to do that, but I think all these games have gotten really greedy with the asking price. They get you with a foot in the door technique of being free and then thousands of people who are more psychologically inclined to gamble etc end up dropping loads of money on the games because the companies do dopamine triggering things to get them to.

    • @geypanis
      @geypanis 3 дня назад +4

      @@visionary1138 Yeah I was mostly like sure this makes sense till the end of the rant got unhinged lmao

  • @valenetta8017
    @valenetta8017 3 дня назад +13

    We need more mystic reps. Wong, the ancient one, Dormammu, Nightmare

  • @Sperg10
    @Sperg10 4 дня назад +13

    I just downloaded it a couple days ago, but I haven't played any rounds yet. I'm planning on grouping up with my friends and getting in some games to see if I enjoy it or not. Great video, Jay!

  • @dime1012
    @dime1012 4 дня назад +16

    I’ve seen Luna Snow in comics and Future Fight shes awsome

    • @dislikebutton8979
      @dislikebutton8979 3 дня назад +4

      Future fight is when I first saw her. That game was so awesome

    • @dime1012
      @dime1012 3 дня назад +1

      @ I actually still check it out from time to time….they’re still always adding new characters and skins…and as you know different skins actually can come with entirely new and more powerful abilities…imagine if it was like that for Rivals at some point….

  • @and-o1482
    @and-o1482 4 дня назад +5

    I like the game after putting some hours into it; I'll commend them for making healers and Tanks pretty fun to use. The main thing that I hope they change/add back is the repeatable quest that grants BP points like they had in the beta (but removed for the full game). It just a sucky feeling when all your quest are done and there is no real reason to keep playing until your dailies refresh.

    • @justawhiteguy4706
      @justawhiteguy4706 3 дня назад

      There are some challenges in the "Your profile", section also incase you didn't know, some of them give battlepass currency and also blue shop currency as well as some skins, nameplates and titles. Something else to work towards if you feel like you've got nothing to do!

  • @BlindedBraille
    @BlindedBraille 3 дня назад +5

    I don't like Overwatch, I only played it because I like Marvel. I was surprised how much I liked it. I put like 30 hours into the game. Star Lord is the GOAT.

  • @P8nplays
    @P8nplays 4 дня назад +8

    If this was a marvel vs dc project this woudl be even better im glad this game exists but imagine avengers vs justice league in this

  • @Rockstarrclarke
    @Rockstarrclarke 3 дня назад +13

    No hero needs a nerf / there are just quite a few who need buffs

    • @andyowski1515
      @andyowski1515 3 дня назад +7

      If they buffed all the weak ones it would probably be fine. I'm surprised there's no real downside to Wanda just drinking your health nonstop though.

    • @miguelortiz8350
      @miguelortiz8350 3 дня назад +3

      Id say jeffs ult could use an AOE nerf. Its too big

    • @geypanis
      @geypanis 3 дня назад +2

      @@miguelortiz8350 Yep it's huge and it's only used for self-deletes by taking as many with you as possible rn. All I see is people aim for the edge of the map with it.

    • @Leisli
      @Leisli 3 дня назад +2

      @@andyowski1515wut? Wandas weakness is she has to get much closer then Hawkeye Hela ironman etc to deal Damage and you will instantly die for useing your Ult as Wanda if you dont set it up.

    • @visionary1138
      @visionary1138 2 дня назад +2

      ​@@LeisliI have never seen someone do poorly as Wanda yet. It's not hard at all to exploit her abilities. Having to get close for her isn't really a downside, because it's still a good distance. Having to get close as Wolverine is a downside because you have to literally be breathing down someone's neck at point blank.

  • @Ricepad
    @Ricepad 3 дня назад +1

    My heart races everytime I see that Cloak and Dagger intro. Netease really cooked with the art and character intros. The developer showcase with the artists pouring over the art from the comic books shows how respectful they are to the source material.

  • @cole6843
    @cole6843 4 дня назад +6

    What are some marvel characters they should add to the roster?

    • @lazygamer4746
      @lazygamer4746 3 дня назад +7

      Daredevil, Deadpool, Cable, Domino, Professor X, Cyclops, Kitty Pride, Iceman, Fantastic 4, Dr. Doom, Thanos, Omega Red, there are so many!

    • @_zaldivar2590
      @_zaldivar2590 3 дня назад +4

      Daredevil, Ghost Rider, Thanos, Carnage, Nova, Darkhawk, Brother Voodoo, Luke Cage, Gambit, Mysterio.
      Some of the other characters that others mentioned have allegedly been leaked to be coming (Blade, F4, etc.)

    • @vokuhila6913
      @vokuhila6913 3 дня назад +1

      fantastic 4 got leaked so the thing should be in there soon, should have dr doom and rhino

    • @justawhiteguy4706
      @justawhiteguy4706 3 дня назад

      Ghost Rider and Blade, although I believe leaks have shown Blade is in the works so thats dope!

  • @jeast9648
    @jeast9648 3 дня назад +3

    There's not really very many villains yet. But I'm sure there will be. I'm waiting on carnage and doctor doom.

    • @michaelpritchett709
      @michaelpritchett709 3 дня назад

      I will be complete once Doom arrives

    • @emirlerdtm6774
      @emirlerdtm6774 3 дня назад

      ​@@michaelpritchett709Doom is canonically in the game, twice.

  • @BigBlackBarret
    @BigBlackBarret 2 дня назад +1

    The protection money joke was pretty good. That is always a good faith or good will thing when games do that because at least it supports free entertainment too like youtubers and stuff. But yeah some of those top tier prices are a bit much.

  • @AnAverageFan
    @AnAverageFan 3 дня назад +2

    You should make more videos on this game it's fun

  • @mobumikey1447
    @mobumikey1447 4 дня назад +1

    The week before the game dropped my friend got me to try valorant since I wanted to play rivals so bad I saw a bundle for weapon skins for 50 bucks and I was stunned so when I saw that I could get a cool skins with a mvp personal to the skin for half the price it’s so much better than most monetization. Also something I really appreciate is the fact you can put a dollar into the game most games will have bundles be between a like 20 dollar and 50 dollar purchase which tricks people into getting the 50 since that means they can use it later but if I want a 28 dollar bundle I can spend exactly 28 dollars

  • @94jetsfan
    @94jetsfan 2 дня назад

    Maybe I missed it but one thing that really should've been mentioned is the fact that not only are all 33 launch characters completely free but all future characters will be free as well. There are VERY FEW ftp games that do this and while yes the skins are absolutely too expensive, it's really nice that you can not pay a dime if you want to and still get the full rivals experience regardless on when you pick up the game. Deserves a lot of praise for that

  • @theoutsiderjess1869
    @theoutsiderjess1869 3 дня назад +1

    Definetly worth a try I personally dont like how Spidey plays but it is a fun game to have fun in plus you get every hero right out the gate

  • @Wrecktar96
    @Wrecktar96 3 дня назад

    I wish they made trapper kinda of class where their focus is on stunning/trapping. Medium health, low attack strength, but high uptime on traps.

  • @jimbeaux89
    @jimbeaux89 4 дня назад +2

    I’ve been having an absolute blast with rivals.
    I haven’t touched overwatch since it was overwatch 1.
    I’m not interested in the direction OW has been going, and since they’re hell bent on not giving their players what they want, I’ll look elsewhere.
    Blizzard needed a kick in the ass to bring them back to reality.
    But yeah, I’ve been absolutely loving Rivals

  • @dime1012
    @dime1012 3 дня назад

    Luna Snow is apart of the Marvel Asian superhero team “Agents of Atlas” that has Shang Chi (China), Silk (Korean American), Luna Snow(Korean), Amadeus Cho (Korean American), Crescent & Lo (Korean) Wave (Philippines), White Fox (Korean), Sword Master (Chinese), Aero (Chinese)….
    to me it totally makes sense to expand other heroes and teams in other parts of the world. South America, Asia, Africa, Europe, Australia……so many different continents that should theoretically be involved in these world ending scenarios as well their own regional mass events. “The Earths Mightiest Heroes” wouldn’t all happen to be located in America.

  • @NightWing-l3i
    @NightWing-l3i 4 дня назад +9

    I’d say that it’s worth playing but I do wish dc would make a game like rivals because then it would be even better

  • @awsome14619
    @awsome14619 3 дня назад +1

    Does the battlepass work like that? I thought if you bought the battle pass, you can finish it from noe to forever. So no FOMO. But you can't buy the season 1 battle pass once we move on to season 2

    • @ColonelCorrect-b8j
      @ColonelCorrect-b8j 3 дня назад

      Really? From how they said it it seemed like you could get it whenever.

    • @Ricepad
      @Ricepad 3 дня назад

      That is correct. You can buy a season and it lasts forever. If you miss buying a season, you can't go back. $5 USD is very cheap.

    • @Ricepad
      @Ricepad 3 дня назад

      That is correct. You can buy the battlepass and it doesn't expire. If you skip a season, you cannot buy the previous ones. $5 USD is cheap for a monthly.

  • @Mandomerc851
    @Mandomerc851 3 дня назад +3

    I love marvel rivals. I main moon knight and I love the gameplay and models. I do fear for the future of the game because of new greedy devs or getting bought out by a company like blizzard or gaijin that will just turn it into a cash grab. But I do love the game and am super optimistic about the future of the game.

    • @awsome14619
      @awsome14619 3 дня назад

      I don't think they'll get bought out. They have a huge game that will be profitable. If someone offers to buy, they know the game is worth a lot more money than whatever they offered.

    • @bigbeautifulape5283
      @bigbeautifulape5283 2 дня назад

      No one is buying out NetEase lmao. Don't worry.

  • @jamestierney4596
    @jamestierney4596 2 дня назад

    I think you could do two videos based on the costumes one video for every hero and one for every villain

  • @dakotacornett4621
    @dakotacornett4621 3 дня назад

    Bro a video of you telling us your ideal roster for DC counterpart game would be awesome!

  • @lazygamer4746
    @lazygamer4746 3 дня назад +2

    Very much worth it the price of nothing. I been having a blast

    • @andyowski1515
      @andyowski1515 3 дня назад

      I'd say your time is worth just as much since we all have a limited life but even so it's so fun that it doesn't feel like a waste of it. A lot of free games do so props to the devs.

  • @aydensimpson3809
    @aydensimpson3809 4 дня назад +1

    I'm personally fine with Spider-Man being a bit squishy but he needs to hit harder. He doesn't have great confirms for a guy who can punch out a T-rex.

    • @AzureExia
      @AzureExia 3 дня назад +1

      Spider-Man holds back against everyone that's why alot of ppl get the better of him

    • @Leisli
      @Leisli 3 дня назад

      as a healer i would have to say no... Spiderman Ironfist are annoying... they die if your Team insta focuses them and thats good. If your Team doesnt have the awareness you die as a healer unless you hit your Stun as A Luna or Mantis. on other Healers its usually GGs...

    • @aydensimpson3809
      @aydensimpson3809 3 дня назад +1

      @Leisli fair enough and I do believe their are strategists who should be able to take more damage. Like Adam Warlock and Loki. I personally believe IronFist could use a near to me squishier. As for Spider-Man if he runs out of webs he's done for. That 5 shots and the lower he is the slower it comes back. You say you play healers the best thing you can do against a Spider-Man is hug your tank. My bad days as Spider-Man starts with Cap and Venom. There are healers that Spider-Man can't even get to easily like Jeff and C&D. Really what I want for Spider-Man if they are gonna keep is web shooters weak is if you can land 3 with him it ties up his opponent. That's a save and can help improve Spider-Man.

    • @Leisli
      @Leisli 2 дня назад +1

      @@aydensimpson3809 actually Penny Parker or hulk are the best at protecting from those flankers with traps or their stun. Cap and Thor usually go in themselfs

  • @Blindish22
    @Blindish22 3 дня назад

    If you play wolverine how he is supposed to than he is hard to take down. He has 300 health with an ability that makes him take half damage and his passive that gives him 300 extra health if you have your rage maxed out

    • @andyowski1515
      @andyowski1515 3 дня назад +2

      He is not hard at all to take down and that's why almost nobody bothers with him.

  • @BackstabAna
    @BackstabAna 3 дня назад

    I think i can say I LOVE IT , I started playing 2 days ago because I moved and had no time, i have 30 hours on the game, WORTH IT , I honestly haven’t had fun in a game in a long time ( short answer) it’s awesome

  • @Smithers-s
    @Smithers-s 3 дня назад

    I’ve been loving Marvel Rivals and while yes the overwatch comparisons are there I find many similarities to a game like smite at well which I’m a huge fan of so I really enjoy the gameplay and abilities

  • @hyperonrex
    @hyperonrex 4 дня назад +1

    After play through a good amount of the game I can say it definitely worth check out indeed for those out there who want a fun and crazy time with the Marvel Heroes with great graphics and gameplay for the most part with this live service game even those I don’t like the battle pass progression being too slow and the usual micro transactions of course not a surprised there still hopefully it continue like this move forward with the roadmap already revealed look good from they have planned next overall

  • @featherguardian6023
    @featherguardian6023 4 дня назад +1

    This Game is Worth Playing

  • @Soriano98
    @Soriano98 2 дня назад

    Honestly I’m already over it I’ll try again when hella gets fixed having her and iron fist in literally every game gets stale

  • @TurtleTarp
    @TurtleTarp 4 дня назад +1

    I like it but it's just like every other shooter it's not fun without a campaign where I can learn the controls. I liked it but I'm not good at competition shooters....I wish it had a campaign I could play alone just cuz I love the characters...shoot same design turn it into a campaign.

    • @dime1012
      @dime1012 4 дня назад +2

      It’s free what you expect lol, if you wanna spend 70$ then sure which I might

    • @Moonveil69
      @Moonveil69 3 дня назад

      Just go to the training grounds and turn on the hero you want to practice against set movement to random and speed to middle and put in 20 mins a day.

  • @lukeamparo6586
    @lukeamparo6586 3 дня назад

    Love the game so far but I find it a problem that Punisher and Iron Fist have more durability than Spider-Man and Wolverine.
    The comic nerd in me just can’t stand that. Buff Spider-Man’s spider sense (ie. See enemies through walls when close) and give him a manual reload on web shots and Wolverine ought to have a better heal than Iron Fist during combat.
    Hulk should have a smash move instead of a shout and instead of shields he should buff ally damage. His kit just seem weird, more like Iron Man than Hulk.

  • @silvertaken
    @silvertaken 3 дня назад

    I'd say download the game and try it, since it's free. A lot of people nowadays have this mentality that they have to completely commit to a game, creating a really toxic relationship with it. Try it for a couple of matches and if you don't like it, uninstall it.

  • @gabrielknighte7262
    @gabrielknighte7262 3 дня назад +1

    Gameplay is to simple right now let them cook for about a year

  • @Misael-n3k
    @Misael-n3k 3 дня назад

    I never played overwatch was never a fan, but I’m a Spider-Man fan and let me tell you. I’m having a lot of fun with this game and yes, I did buy the costume.

  • @eliteghost1001
    @eliteghost1001 4 дня назад +1

    Sense when does hulk start shooting like gemma energy oh I know for this game and also they couldn't use smart hulk who uses guns and I probably know why they didn't do that either

  • @Ziori
    @Ziori 3 дня назад

    i honestly dont think the monetization is that bad i was able to get the scarlet witch mcu skin for free from units and achievements

    • @thequestionable1413
      @thequestionable1413 3 дня назад +3

      Yeah you can if you really grind for it but most people won't and the monetization of these games takes advantage of people with mental problems like gambling addicts or even kids who don't know better and that's why people call the prices out when they start to get up there like on the Spidey bundle for No Way Home and the higher price tiers.

  • @AngelitoRage
    @AngelitoRage 3 дня назад

    we need more mutants, weird, unique but loved by many people

  • @KeeneRaccoon
    @KeeneRaccoon 3 дня назад +2

    I think the pricing is fair for the cosmetics in this game, especially due to it being free to play. And the fact that the game is extremely polished and you get to see the skins due to the third person camera.
    There is also the fact that they made all the skins purchaseable with units (non premium currency), which means if you complete the battle pass and daily tasks/achievements, while it may take a while, you can purchase premium skins for free. Most games like this do not do that. And because premium currency converts 1:1 even if you can't purchase it outright with units, it effectively gives you a discount as you will need to buy less premium currency to get the skins.
    All in all I think it feels fair even if they are a bit spendy. They are optional after all and not needed to have an amazing time with this game ^-^

    • @andyowski1515
      @andyowski1515 3 дня назад +3

      They're ok but I really wish they were all about 5$ less. It doesn't have to be like they're a 2$ skin but you can buy games from a year or 2 ago worth a hundred hours of entertainment for the same price as Iron Man from Endgame. That isn't to say this is a Marvel Rivals only thing. There are games way more expensive but I've always found skin prices too high compared to other full video games you could just buy. I guess if you just planned to spend a bunch of time on this game and stopped at buying 2 or 3 expensive skins, you'd have paid like $60 for the game. The issue is once people start buying skins they don't usually stop at just a couple.

    • @KeeneRaccoon
      @KeeneRaccoon 3 дня назад

      @@andyowski1515 Most definitely agree, it would be awesome if we could get prices lower across the industry for sure in terms of cosmetic shops. I think most people would be totally down for that.
      Mostly I just wanted to emphasize that Marvel Rivals seems a bit less egregious in this area than most due to the battle passes not expiring and the shop items being available for purchase via non-premium currency.
      Overwatch for example only lets you spend non premium currency on old skins from Overwatch 1 for the most part, not newer shop items. You cannot earn new shop items via gameplay as far as I know.
      I do think there's a lot of room to get even better in this area though, like not having arbitrary sales on things that are just a marketing tool to make you think it's a better deal, which both Rivals and Overwatch do... Just price things what they are and be consistent ya know? XD
      Overall, I just hope that it doesn't deter people from playing this game. I know in- game shops leave a sour taste in many people's mouths, but truly, you do not need to spend a dime on cosmetics to enjoy this gem. The whole game just feels awesome to play from the art to the music to the character design. It's very cool and completely free if people wish to play it that way, and I'm glad to see so many enjoying it so far, I know I am! ^-^

  • @wisconsinking323
    @wisconsinking323 3 дня назад

    Marvel puts Luna Snow in the game.
    Ice Man: am I a joke to you?

    • @justinsider7890
      @justinsider7890 3 дня назад +1

      Ice man should have been a hot girl! lol

  • @Mennion3
    @Mennion3 3 дня назад

    I don't know man
    $15 dollar costume for a free to play game isn't that bad. That's just supporting the game. No one is forcing anyone to buy that skin meanwhile there are bills to pay for the game.

    • @visionary1138
      @visionary1138 3 дня назад +6

      Some of them are above $20. That gets kinda pricey. All these games have gone out of control on their pricing. Nobody is "forcing" anyone to even play the game at all but that doesn't mean someone cant have an opinion. MTX almost never starts cheap and gets cheaper or stays where its at, and almost always gets more expensive with time. It makes me wonder what prices will be in 3 years on some skins. Its hard to believe this is the price ceiling from other games' experimentation pushing prices higher in similar genres over time.

  • @JCQ205
    @JCQ205 3 дня назад

    I feel like I want to like this game, more than I actually like it.

  • @destroyermcw626
    @destroyermcw626 2 дня назад

    Tried it on Series X won me first game. Think it's alright

  • @kamenrangerzeo8251
    @kamenrangerzeo8251 3 дня назад

    The game is a lot of fun and worth it. Plus the character dynamic is marvelously excelsior.

  • @treytucker7404
    @treytucker7404 3 дня назад

    It hasn't even been a month yet and I've already developed a love hate relationship with this game (and im not talking about losing due to a trash team) therefore is it worth playing?
    Hela F*cking Yes!😁

  • @TMFUncharted
    @TMFUncharted 4 дня назад +2


  • @johntsang0314
    @johntsang0314 3 дня назад

    The price of ow2 and marvel rivals skin are similar, i would say the price is proven by players that it is acceptable, especially this is a totally f2p games

  • @tofu_golem
    @tofu_golem 3 дня назад

    You can't say there's no message in this game, given that certain messages are inherently baked into the stories and backstories of these characters.
    Every mutant in the game is explicitly about society-level oppression of marginalized groups and how people deal with that.
    Sure, the game doesn't explicitly convey those messages, but it's pretty much implied when you include those characters.
    Cloak and Dagger are meant to remind us of how society treats the homeless, particularly homeless teens and children.
    Ilyana (Magik) explicitly conveys the normal mutant messages about marginalized groups, but she and her brother Colossus were introduced to the comics at the height of the Cold War to remind Americans that Soviet citizens are human beings, not the faceless monsters American media often portrayed them as at the time.
    Every woman on the roster challenges the societal belief that women should not make decisions that matter or in any way impose their will on others. That is baked into every woman superhero going all the way back to Wonder Woman.
    Black Panther and Wakanda challenge the way popular media portrays Africa and Africans.
    All stories are inherently political, whether or not the brain-damaged audience is able to decipher the subtext or not. I don't understand why anyone would want a story to be "free of messages," and these characters are all about the many stories they have been in over the course of decades.

  • @Rockstarrclarke
    @Rockstarrclarke 3 дня назад

    Anyone playing BO6 over this is suffering from brain rot

  • @IveBeenJinxed
    @IveBeenJinxed 3 дня назад

    You can actually play against the bots in full matches

  • @dime1012
    @dime1012 4 дня назад

    Loki was OP for me…iron fist was the funnest…

  • @kaivos
    @kaivos 3 дня назад

    Putting it simply it’s worth playing for sure it’s really fun.
    But Comp is a bit like overwatch’s so expect Elo Hell or being hardstuck and this is coming from a player that mostly plays support and Tank.
    I also feel like in comp with these higher ranks specifically Gold and higher I feel like they have bots in them. Do you really believe you’re 90% higher than the player base? After 10 million players YOU are 90%!? No I don’t believe it I feel something’s a bit off with comp and it’s gotta be bots.

  • @Rockstarrclarke
    @Rockstarrclarke 3 дня назад

    I think its. Must play. It’s fire 🔥

  • @sandrafraser1326
    @sandrafraser1326 3 дня назад

    Thicc Squirrel girl for life

  • @QuiwaSouza
    @QuiwaSouza 4 дня назад

    I haven’t watched the video yet, but the answer is yes

  • @StonedTroopa
    @StonedTroopa 3 дня назад

    only worth playing if you have folks to play with. 👍

  • @MinisterofViolations
    @MinisterofViolations 2 дня назад

    for starters....Marvel is Dead cinematically imo, then , for me personally have no interest in the looter shooter / Hero whatever these type of shooter are called.
    havent seen much, but from what i see and have heard, sounds like quite a few fans of this type genuinely feel it is a blast, has dept etc.....
    Worth playn ?
    sounds like it might if u play these type of games

  • @gehnzou1
    @gehnzou1 3 дня назад

    Yes, it's free, it's fun

  • @brandoncheney2815
    @brandoncheney2815 3 дня назад

    its worth playing but please play tanks your healers need tanks lol

    • @visionary1138
      @visionary1138 3 дня назад

      Do you have a tank you suggest? I really didnt enjoy Magneto for example because he fired so slowly it was just boring compered to every other role and character I've tried.

  • @billiam1285
    @billiam1285 3 дня назад


  • @noirvenacava834
    @noirvenacava834 3 дня назад

    Winter soldier doesn’t have enough health? lol never watching you again clueless

  • @TimDahHuman
    @TimDahHuman 3 дня назад

    Hahaha dude, just admit you're ass at the game its okay, its a hard game to learn and master.

    • @andyowski5021
      @andyowski5021 3 дня назад +2

      You're right, it's perfectly balanced and there's nothing wrong with it at all and the thousands of people who are discussing it are all just bad, you're the best. Hopefully being a narcissist doesn't follow you offline too.

  • @adandyguyinspace5783
    @adandyguyinspace5783 4 дня назад

    It's a decent game, but compared to Overwatch it's woefully unbalanced and needs role queue. That being said I still do get great kills, a good killstreak, and good players (not enough times being put with good people) but just like Overwatch the matchmaking is terrible. Those are my thoughts in a nutshell.

  • @lonnieholmes9723
    @lonnieholmes9723 3 дня назад

    They have bots on this.

    • @lonnieholmes9723
      @lonnieholmes9723 3 дня назад

      I get what you're saying

    • @jeppejuul7620
      @jeppejuul7620 3 дня назад +2

      ​@lonnieholmes9723 forgot to switch account?

    • @jeppejuul7620
      @jeppejuul7620 3 дня назад


    • @lonnieholmes9723
      @lonnieholmes9723 2 дня назад

      @@jeppejuul7620 I replied while watching the video. Then he clarified after I commented. He meant they don't have offline bots.

  • @neroptah
    @neroptah 3 дня назад

    0:01 yes it is

  • @BlindedBraille
    @BlindedBraille 3 дня назад +1

    I don't like Overwatch, I only played it because I like Marvel. I was surprised how much I liked it. I put like 30 hours into the game. Star Lord is the GOAT.

  • @AngelitoRage
    @AngelitoRage 3 дня назад
