The original novel had squirrels and nuts. In the 1971 movie, they did not have the technology to recreate the squirrels at work, so they had geese laying golden eggs instead. The 2005 movie returns to the original squirrels thanks to computer animation.
Ok, I was wrong. Well done. Exceptional performance. Stayed very true to the original actress in the movie. Voice was so identical. You should look forward to a successful career.
It makes no sense to combine them though. What's the point of having squirrels if you have a machine like that? Wonka's motivation for using squirrels in the 2005 version: they KNOW a bad nut by instinct, the training they need is in SORTING the nuts. It's the eggdicator or the squirrells, they are not compatible.
Nice work! We did the world premiere back in '90. Got Roald's permission just two weeks before he passed. Tony Newley flew in to personally supervise the music. BEST. TIME. EVER!
I was raised by British people and this was my nickname as a child! Don’t, worry…. I’m getting my payback triple with my daughter! And my poor son, the oldest is totally Charlie! Well done! I’m a former theatre kid, long story the child cast at my theatre actually met the real cast! Don’t tell anyone, but I think this performance might be better! 😊😉
I know this is not your fault but the squirrels is in the newer version of charlie and the chocolate factory from 2005 the outfit veruca is wearing is from the one in the 70s
Her singing voice very much reminds me of Darla Dimple from Cats Don't Dance.
smkanimator2009 she's big and loud
Veruca's dress is very similar to the one worn by Julie Dawn Cole in 1971.
Jeff Swanson And wonka
Uhh I think that’s the point it’s suppose to be veruca salt 1971
Nawww really that’s crazy💀
@@RattEEElolol right
She was fantastic! She has a strong voice and her choreography was very well done. Great job Chanelle.
I love how Wonka just yawns while Veruca sings about what she wants.
Yeah she could sing all she wants but nobody cares she won’t get it.
And just like any other teenager, she throws fits and tantrums in iambic tetrameter.
Only 2 replies in 7 years? Let me fix that
She NAILED it!!! GREAT job!!
It's a bit like a mix of the 1971 and 2005 movie
Mostly 1971
The original novel had squirrels and nuts. In the 1971 movie, they did not have the technology to recreate the squirrels at work, so they had geese laying golden eggs instead. The 2005 movie returns to the original squirrels thanks to computer animation.
@@TnseWlms but the squirrels are real.
@@TnseWlms right
This little girl is so talented
My favorite song in Willy Wonka
Ok, I was wrong. Well done. Exceptional performance. Stayed very true to the original actress in the movie. Voice was so identical. You should look forward to a successful career.
Why were you wrong
Amazing performance! Brava to the young actress!
her voice is great!
THIS! Amazingly done! She's got "it"! AND an incredibly amazing voice!Thanks for sharing!
A combination of the 2 movies. Nicely done. The girl has a future in acting
It makes no sense to combine them though. What's the point of having squirrels if you have a machine like that? Wonka's motivation for using squirrels in the 2005 version: they KNOW a bad nut by instinct, the training they need is in SORTING the nuts. It's the eggdicator or the squirrells, they are not compatible.
I auditioning for veruca on saturday!!
Chanelle, you really did terrific!
I just stumbled across this video while doing research (I’m playing Veruca as well) and this is absolutely splendid.
Im veruca too
Nice work!
We did the world premiere back in '90.
Got Roald's permission just two weeks before he passed.
Tony Newley flew in to personally supervise the music.
that was awesome!!!! great job
Inspiring my daughters performance coming up!
Same outfit as Julie Dawn Cole - captured the spirit of the movie. Really terrific. And Mr. Salt looks like Mr. Salt from the movie. Really dynamite!
My favorite song 🤩
Some lovely gestures and dance moves during this performance.
Despicable me margo and I will be there for you and the ❤😊
Good morning 3am 😊
I like how she fell into the chute!!!! Great idea
I wish we could see the whole play
brilliant as good as the original :fabulous voice!
She could of sang as fast as the original veruca
I have an audition for this soon. I want Veruca soooo bad
She's so great!
Great job!The way you said squirrel😂😂
Exploding Creeper203 aw, same! I could try to give advice... Just be bratty and selfish. 😂
She did good to get that part!!
I lost it when wonka said, we dont want you to float away 😂
This was very well done :-)
2010 the year I was born and now I’m veruca in a play 😌
I have an performance coming up and I am Veruca and this helped alot
Awesome Chanelle! Do you have any advice for being Veruca? I'm going to be her in a play. Great Job!
Margaux Francoeur same
Margaux Francoeur good luck
Margaux Francoeur I'm wonka 😂😂
I was violet
PokéAnimator i was humpalimpa
Love it!!!
Awesome video.
This is so good
She touched the squirrel and it ran to willy wonka lol 😂
that was super cool
I want it nooooooowwwwwwww!!!
I just got the part of Veruca in a version of Willy Wonka similar to this one !!
the garbage chute is creative
Ye i liked it lol
I was raised by British people and this was my nickname as a child! Don’t, worry…. I’m getting my payback triple with my daughter! And my poor son, the oldest is totally Charlie! Well done! I’m a former theatre kid, long story the child cast at my theatre actually met the real cast! Don’t tell anyone, but I think this performance might be better! 😊😉
XD she hit herself off lol
XD she knocked herself down
Can you give some advice I am doing the play tomorrow please
3:45 🙋
The old version is with eggs but in the new one is with squriels and there is nuts in this one XD
This is such a good performance
I want it nowwwwwwww
I wish I could play veruca! on my school play
Well done Chanelle
👌👌👌👌👌👍👍👍👍👍soooo goooooood!
Awesome she should gave been in the remake movie!
Love it 😂🎉❤😊
Veruca Slat: Whan Now!!!
this made 2010
me born 2009 🤐
It's really funny! 😀😃😄😁😆😅🤣😂
does anyone know where to find the sheet music?
3:45 thank God
They should got Mr Teavee.
damn talent
I know this is not your fault but the squirrels is in the newer version of charlie and the chocolate factory from 2005 the outfit veruca is wearing is from the one in the 70s
The original book had squirrels in the nut room for Veruca's demise
horsefield tortioses in mine we just mix the ideas together
Ur goood Channelle any advice u can give I'm playing Veruca in Willy Wonka Jr.
Me: a very Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious bad nut Muwahahahahaha
Why is it so slow!!!
Btw I love the Veruca actor, no hate
3:45 LOL
me: what It now!!!!!!!!!!!!! Willy Wonka: he Just falling my dad: my son will save You bad nut
When I’m 30 I want 10,000 tons of ice cream. I will always be Veruca Salt. I always get what I want.
Same dress
I wanna be an actor when I grow up
the Musical is so similar to the movie
why don't u have aklot of subs girl your good
Edd: what It now!!!!!! Tom: and Matt Will save You
was this the original musical or jr?
The Oompa Loompas looked like the ones in the 1973(2) movie
She was amazing i dont know whats the year 2010 or 2014 man you comfused ne
Veruca is angry as a bull.
"The man in the funny hat"
Hi ur so good 😊
she funny me
2:08 xdddddddddddddddddd
Wow she really dedicates to the original. Gives the same spoiled azz vibes of Veruca.
And just like most other teenagers, she throws fits in iambic tetrameter.
i dont really like how she did her voice but she is good
They did a amazing job from Jillian Eva muldowney ❤ 😂🎉 😂❤🎉😊❤😂🎉😅
Why does the stage look like the one at Howard S Billings
3:43 i want it NOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooo......... *bad nut*
Do you know the name of the guy who plays Willy Wonka here?
That fall scene was so wrong
It’s very hard to recreate the trapdoor
Lol 2:08
I'm veruca
RIP Veruca Salt. O.o
Neither one of the girls who played Veruca Salt is dead. And I'm sure that the character and her father both survived being dumped in the garbage.
What theater was this at
Very bad nut😂😂😂😂😂
me: what It now!!!!!!!!!!!!