the most beautiful drama in the world, it has more than 600 hundred years already, the lyrics are not the lyrics like western drama, it is actually Chinese poems. the players are singing poems in the play, rhyme, sensible, elegant and fantastic.
finally i will get to watch this stunning piece LIVE.... #ThePeonyPavilion is coming to India this my tickets, should be one beautiful experience.
“I cannot find a way to placate my gloomy mood, despite such a nice spring day. Resentment comes into my mind, out of nowhere. Being a young lady, I should have been assigned a good lifelong companion. How can my youth be wasted, if my love has been predestined? And if there is someone willing to understand my heart? What I can do is to follow all the courtesies a young lady should, quietly and shyly, with all my beautiful dreams fading with the withering spring scenery. Hesitant, I can, perhaps, find no one to talk to, over my suffering. Tortured, I can, merely, inquire the heaven, using the rest of my life.”
she's a rich young lady who stayed home almost whole life. She dreamed a beautiful dream, in the dream she meet a perfect Mr.Right. This video is when she waked up and still in the tender mood. She leave her heart in the dream but have no one to tell her feeling. she can't tell anybody because she always have to behave modestly. in fact, she fell in love with the man in her dream. sorry my English isn't very well: )
作为一个苏州人 由衷的希望昆曲这一凝聚了几千年吴文化的艺术 不要消逝 好是好听的啦~ 也希望大家多多喜欢苏州的文化 As a native Suzhounese, I hope Kunqu Opera, which is a condensation of Wu culture over thousands of years, could attract more attention of people from all over the world. Since you all know that we don't have RUclips in China, I would like to recommend you (who finds this enjoyable ^ ^) to go to Suzhou and enjoy all the art forms there and the most beautiful dialect in china. (You don't when it will fade out entirely right....)
你說得對,王西廂是北曲.我重讀那段介紹資料後,發覺原來是我理解錯誤.原文是這樣的: The Story of the West Chamber (Southern Qu) is a 16th century reworking during the Ming Dynasty by Li Rihua. The original play The Story of the West Chamber (Northern Qu) was written in the 14th century by Wang Shifu of the Yuan Dynasty (The Mongolian Empire)............................................................................. 我的拙劣中文翻譯如下 : 西廂記(南曲)是在十六世紀明代由李日華改編.原著劇本西廂記(北曲)是在十四世紀元朝(蒙古帝國)時代由王實甫所作.................
@reggieobster oh thanks a lot (: i saw a photo on National Geographic, the actors makeup themselves... well, i will look for more chinese opera, thanks (:
what are you talking about ?!I just tell you the answer out of my kindness, why you slander at me? i'm chinese, you can find the singer name at Introduction which just below the video. Her name 单雯. --shanwen 单 is her family name. And the 雯mean: the pattern of the clouds which always be used as a girl name. whats wrong with that?!
Not so sure about her movements (hands, arms, paces etc.) but surely her vocal performance is the best I have ever heard. Very intense and warm. What a wonderful singer she is! What is her name? Thank you for posting this!
Peter Pan I cannot find a way to placate my gloomy mood, despite such a nice spring day. Resentment comes into my mind, out of nowhere. Being a young lady, I should have been assigned a good lifelong companion. How can my youth be wasted, if my love has been predestined? And if there is someone willing to understand my heart? What I can do is to follow all the courtesies a young lady should, quietly and shyly, with all my beautiful dreams fading with the withering spring scenery. Hesitant, I can, perhaps, find no one to talk to, over my suffering. Tortured, I can, merely, inquire the heaven, using the rest of my life.
most opera singers in China do their own make up , and excelling at this is considered to be part of the essential qualities of being a great opera singer.
im in love with this opera... just i want to know ....she does her own makeup? and the characters are "playing" be guys only? (it doesnt matter for me really...just i want to know...)
Is this a traditional way this opera should be sung or rather a modern interpretation of traditional opera?I'm asking because it seams like most of traditional arts around the world had been resurrected from memory due to historical and social reasons.They almost died.
That is the question I am asking to myself as well: is this a traditional performance or a modern re-interpretation? I have no idea about this. I had listened about this kind of opera some time ago, but I had not had the occasion to listen to it until now, thanks to RUclips. Anyway it sounds interesting.
Kobzar3374 It is partially true. Kunqu is a very special traditional opera,in which lines are written in literacy Chinese. So in the past, only the upper class and the well-educated can appreciate it. However, in Qing dynasty, Peking Opera came out as an opera for the lower class and soon prevailed. The Kunqu started to fall, but not completely.
Opera this has been practicing and re-writing for hundreds of years. It's hard to say who wrote original of this piece, since we don't know who is original at all.
我从小就出国, 父母也不是文化人或者听曲的人, 现在长大了反而回来听一些属于自己文化的东西。 好棒。
Louise Zheng 嗯 对 我也是
血浓于水。祝安好。something in blood
***** 难说。人口基数太大了,难免有两个痴人。我就是91年生的。
***** 晚辈以为只要能感受到那种美,什么时候的东西都可以的。还有人喜欢唐诗呢。。也没人说他们是千年老不死。。
***** 大陆方面自然只剩下民间口耳相传。台湾我不了解。难道台湾政府也参与破坏?我一直以为台湾是毁于年轻一代过度娱乐的。。
***** 原来政治绑架文化。。两岸都一样。。受教了。很好奇台湾为什么要亲日呢?这是大陆人难以理解的。我知道历史上台湾曾经长期是日本殖民地;但是似乎不构成亲日的理由。难道日本人没有在台湾搞屠杀吗?作为非台湾人真是很难理解的。
***** 我也是九一年的,高中的时候迷越剧,后来觉得听来听去都一个路数,就改听京剧和西方歌剧了。这几年昆曲流行起来了,就开始尝试。 其实我们这一代年轻人本土意识越来越强了,常常觉得中国文化沉沦对我们来说是一大悲剧,应该反思。跟我同一届的一个同学读研读得正是昆曲研究,这在我父亲读大学的那个年代都是无法想象的。
the most beautiful drama in the world, it has more than 600 hundred years already, the lyrics are not the lyrics like western drama, it is actually Chinese poems. the players are singing poems in the play, rhyme, sensible, elegant and fantastic.
finally i will get to watch this stunning piece LIVE.... #ThePeonyPavilion is coming to India this my tickets, should be one beautiful experience.
@@remoteskyou7523 我外公是华侨,但是离中国太早了,那时候还是小孩子呢,不太会中文。到我这一辈是完全不会中文了。
@@remoteskyou7523 謝謝你~ 也許是因為血脈傳承的吧,所以從小就非常喜歡中國語言文化了,看得多聽得多,後來學起來也不太難。現在閱讀普通的文章基本上是沒問題了,但是古文文言文等等還是比較難,我正在努力改善。平時我很喜歡聽崑曲、越劇等傳統戲劇,希望聽得多就能學會更多文雅話語,染上一點文人氣息。( ╹▽╹ )
Yue Zhan 一定年纪,多大啊?哈哈哈
Yue Zhan 是的,我从小学五年级就开始喜欢,有的人不过时间早晚罢了,大家终归都变成提音响去公园的老头😂
并不是衰老 而是只有到了一定年龄有了那个阅历和文化的积累 才会懂得去欣赏。
“I cannot find a way to placate my gloomy mood, despite such a nice spring day.
Resentment comes into my mind, out of nowhere.
Being a young lady, I should have been assigned a good lifelong companion.
How can my youth be wasted, if my love has been predestined?
And if there is someone willing to understand my heart?
What I can do is to follow all the courtesies a young lady should, quietly and shyly,
with all my beautiful dreams fading with the withering spring scenery.
Hesitant, I can, perhaps, find no one to talk to, over my suffering.
Tortured, I can, merely, inquire the heaven, using the rest of my life.”
Please,you can change your life. you have the power.
天啊 超愛這段
不愧是张继青的弟子 很看好她 当然还是比不上她师父的 离完美还有很长一段路要走 章诒和说的对 中国现在这种批量生产胚胎的搞法不对头 旧时的科班制虽然老旧但自有它的道理 每个弟子都是师父根据他们自己的特点 精细入微地调教出来的 细微到语言无法形容 现在培养京剧下一代都像批量生产 所以没大角儿 没大师级的出现了
Very beutifull and fantstisc music and song !
withe love from Armenia
很感謝你的詳細解說, 謝謝!
so beautiful! melted my heart!
美得不得了。娇艳,温柔,多情,古雅,欲说还休的美。Timeless. 我觉得苏昆才是最适合这《牡丹亭》的。杜丽娘应该就是这样的吧!!呓呓哎哎的吟哦,我的心都要化了。
It sounds very appealing and interesting. I would like to know more about this kind of music.
Kobzar3374 that is Kun music,rooted in south of China
Yes but it's actually opera haha, music is not accruate
一腔三转,优美动听啊.... 这是完全不同于西方乐曲的发音方式和发音方法啊... 怎么和西方音乐比?只能说各不相关,各自都有喜爱的人群吧.
我开始连京剧都不听,与其说不爱听不如说听不懂.后来自己有意识的多听并且了解相关资料和背景故事,感觉越听越有味道... 尤其是赵麟童的未央宫唱段,旋律优美.唱词悲壮.百听不厌啊.我也听了这个唱段才入了京剧的门.
she's a rich young lady who stayed home almost whole life. She dreamed a beautiful dream, in the dream she meet a perfect Mr.Right. This video is when she waked up and still in the tender mood. She leave her heart in the dream but have no one to tell her feeling. she can't tell anybody because she always have to behave modestly. in fact, she fell in love with the man in her dream. sorry my English isn't very well: )
Beautiful just BEAUTIFUL now i wanna go to the Chinese opera house!
beautiful I like her style
@ymey2717 这是苏昆,和京剧唱腔以及表达方式都不一样,梅兰芳倒也唱昆曲的,但是味道各有不同罢了。我超爱单雯,曲曲折折,宛宛转转,唱尽韵味与风情。
第一次接觸崑曲 很好聽
作为一个苏州人 由衷的希望昆曲这一凝聚了几千年吴文化的艺术 不要消逝 好是好听的啦~ 也希望大家多多喜欢苏州的文化
As a native Suzhounese, I hope Kunqu Opera, which is a condensation of Wu culture over thousands of years, could attract more attention of people from all over the world. Since you all know that we don't have RUclips in China, I would like to recommend you (who finds this enjoyable ^ ^) to go to Suzhou and enjoy all the art forms there and the most beautiful dialect in china. (You don't when it will fade out entirely right....)
Zoey Hua 苏州现在更多的是评弹
雖然我不大明白你們討論的內容,但我還是留心聽到梅蘭芳,言慧珠和華文漪的個別唱詞咬字發音確是與蘇州的女演員(例如張繼青,張志紅等)不同.從網上資料得知,中國有四大白話: 京白(北京白話,但不等同於普通話),蘇白(蘇州白話,據說近年來漸漸受到普通話影響),韻白(中州音韻的白話)和粵白(廣州白話,即是粵語).看來崑曲是包含了京白,蘇白和韻白.我都知道崑曲有南北之分,我手上就有一份資料是宣傳江蘇省蘇州崑劇院到香港"中國戲曲節"演出,裡面介紹了一個南崑劇目"南西廂",英文資料還說十四世紀王實甫的元雜劇"西廂記"是北崑劇目.也介紹了18位當代崑劇演員,裡面有多位說是梅派傳人或師承俞振飛,也介紹了女演員梁谷音,師承張傳芳,沈傳芷等崑曲名家.若我沒有記錯的話,她在1963年那崑曲電影"牆頭馬上"飾演梅香一角.看她在上海市戲曲學校畢業年份,她應該是言慧珠的學生.這18人當中有師承梅蘭芳或俞振飛的,但說師承言慧珠的就一個都沒有.言慧珠在上海戲曲學校當副校長多年,難道她每天回學校白坐嗎? 她應該教了不少學生,但竟沒有人敢公開承認是她的學生.看來中國戲曲界都是一樣跟紅頂白,真真令人嘆息!!!
您武断了。华文漪就公开宣称是严慧珠的学生,而且谈到老师的一些教学方法。我要是活在当年能成为言的弟子,那绝对是与有荣焉 ! 也可能成名的不多,遂不好意思说出来以免尴尬。
原來是指唱曲和身段. 身段表演每個演員通常有她自己的風格, 我欣賞昆劇水平還不高, 難以評定好與不好! 感謝你的解說, 謝謝 !
this play is performed by Li Yugang too, and he look beautifull like this girl
Sounds romantic :) Her voice is gorgeous
The Story of the West Chamber (Southern Qu) is a 16th century reworking during the Ming Dynasty by Li Rihua. The original play The Story of the West Chamber (Northern Qu) was written in the 14th century by Wang Shifu of the Yuan Dynasty (The Mongolian Empire).............................................................................
我的拙劣中文翻譯如下 : 西廂記(南曲)是在十六世紀明代由李日華改編.原著劇本西廂記(北曲)是在十四世紀元朝(蒙古帝國)時代由王實甫所作.................
中國文化源遠流長,真是多彩多姿.感謝你解答我的疑問,謝謝:) !
a masterpiece
单雯 不错 在她这一代 我最欣赏她 有灵气 走的是张继青的路子 非常好 不像上昆 学的是北昆路数
May Lee 98年的小弟飘过……
@gaosalome1 沒錯~真的是酥掉了!!
@reggieobster oh thanks a lot (:
i saw a photo on National Geographic, the actors makeup themselves... well, i will look for more chinese opera, thanks (:
对 ,其实一直到晚清官诨 尖团都是严格对立的,但是民间方言都急剧 颚化了,现在只有粤语尖团还没退化
@@remoteskyou7523 那是你不懂苏州话吧?这是苏州话的发音! 如你看过张老师教沈的花絮,就知道她们之间说的是苏州话。
@@remoteskyou7523 因为丑角还保留说的苏昆方言。
@@remoteskyou7523 基本如此,因为昆曲进京,要改良,不然北方人听不懂吴侬软语。
what are you talking about ?!I just tell you the answer out of my kindness, why you slander at me?
i'm chinese, you can find the singer name at Introduction which just below the video. Her name 单雯. --shanwen
单 is her family name.
And the 雯mean: the pattern of the clouds which always be used as a girl name.
whats wrong with that?!
+Elina Hu 是,吳儂軟語。
Not so sure about her movements (hands, arms, paces etc.) but surely her vocal performance is the best I have ever heard. Very intense and warm. What a wonderful singer she is! What is her name? Thank you for posting this!
Peter Pan Her nan is Shan Wen 单雯.
Thank you! Is she very famous in China? I think she is marvellous!
Peter Pan I cannot find a way to placate my gloomy mood, despite such a nice spring day.
Resentment comes into my mind, out of nowhere.
Being a young lady, I should have been assigned a good lifelong companion.
How can my youth be wasted, if my love has been predestined?
And if there is someone willing to understand my heart?
What I can do is to follow all the courtesies a young lady should, quietly and shyly,
with all my beautiful dreams fading with the withering spring scenery.
Hesitant, I can, perhaps, find no one to talk to, over my suffering.
Tortured, I can, merely, inquire the heaven, using the rest of my life.
Peter Pan She's one of the most famous young Kun Opera singers
of course 100%sure. because i will join the wedding.her boy friend also an artist, play the tradition instrument Guqin.
i love her "Jen wen" she is so cut and beuty
most opera singers in China do their own make up , and excelling at this is considered to be part of the essential qualities of being a great opera singer.
@bitianfengchui1961 Really? Gratz!
我還想請教為什麼京崑很多時候都是連在一起的? 香港就有個京崑劇場,是向香港人推廣京劇崑劇演藝的.創辦人是鄧宛霞女士,資料介紹她師承俞振飛,這個我又不明白了,她專工青衣與旦角,俞振飛則是生角,他能教她什麼呢? 大師梅蘭芳,言慧珠本來是演京劇的,但他們又會演崑劇,看來京崑是有點互通的.除了劇目不同,曲目曲詞唱腔不同之外,京劇與崑劇還有什麼分別呢?
genialll XD
im in love with this opera... just i want to know ....she does her own makeup?
and the characters are "playing" be guys only? (it doesnt matter for me really...just i want to know...)
Jonathan Hernandez no. They are girls now.
剛才看了兩段思凡片段.我知道京崑有句名言,那就是: "男怕夜奔,女怕思凡." 含意是指這兩場獨腳戲都難以演得好.
我知道我欣賞崑劇水平還不高,所以我還想請教 "男怕夜奔,女怕思凡." 這句話,究竟是指難的是什麼呢?
北崑與南方崑曲的差異, 以我的目前的理解, 差異不是那麼大
主要有幾點, 第一北崑原兼演弋陽腔, 許多戲還保有弋陽腔, 如出塞
二, 很多演員曾入京班演戲, 如侯永奎 曾搭尚和玉的班 拜尚和玉為師.
三, 北崑前身為北方地區的崑班, 有許多地方性的崑腔戲, 比如說棋盤會
但, 我不認為北崑跟南方的崑曲是屬於不同的戲曲.
韓世昌先生曾和梅蘭芳配過春香, 傳字輩老師也配過春香.
不過也有許多戲在路子上差異比較大, 比如說夜奔.
如果是劇種上的差別, 我想世不可能的.
當今北崑許多年輕演員都向南方的老師學戲, 之間的差異性越來越小.
反而是北崑老一輩的路子都沒人學了. 相當可惜
另外您說的沒錯, 咬字上的改動, 上崑是為了改革,
為的是作為全國性的劇種, 不認為必要保留這樣的特色.
遊園的"園"字, 就是蔡正仁老師最常舉的例子.
是哪七大項, 期間的差異是什麼?
do we know who this actor is? or where this performance was?
Her name is ShanWen.
在夢與死中重生 )}i{(
Is this a traditional way this opera should be sung or rather a modern interpretation of traditional opera?I'm asking because it seams like most of traditional arts around the world had been resurrected from memory due to historical and social reasons.They almost died.
That is the question I am asking to myself as well: is this a traditional performance or a modern re-interpretation? I have no idea about this. I had listened about this kind of opera some time ago, but I had not had the occasion to listen to it until now, thanks to RUclips. Anyway it sounds interesting.
Kobzar3374 It is partially true. Kunqu is a very special traditional opera,in which lines are written in literacy Chinese. So in the past, only the upper class and the well-educated can appreciate it. However, in Qing dynasty, Peking Opera came out as an opera for the lower class and soon prevailed. The Kunqu started to fall, but not completely.
Edwin Xie Thank you for the explanation. It is very interesting.
is a female singer
太他妈的美了,昆曲就是得女人唱,唱的我的 sin 都 sei 了。
昆曲的曲詞是普通話還是蘇州方言? 因為有些個別字詞聽來不像是普通話,還望 reggieobster 或各位兄台賜教.
I think most Chinese opera actors/actresses do makeups for themselves....
我指的向京劇靠攏, 並不是指念京白, 而是韻白,
比如說遊園, 北崑有也有遊園, 這折戲, 北崑跟南方的唱法差異性就很小.
再聽傳字輩先生的錄音, 基本上都帶有非常中的蘇音.
旦基本上都是韻白, 差異性只是咬字的口音,
好比各個地方的人講普通話, 說起來都會有不同的口音.
而不是蘇州話, 這點我誤會了.
應該說是剔除蘇音, 力求接近一般觀眾(就包含京劇、崑曲)比較能懂的韻白
不能這樣說, 蘇州的演員多少還是會受到蘇音的影響, 咬字比較蘇.
her lips were emphasized in this make up because it's her advantage
Gang Yue 昆曲是用中洲韵演唱的,俞振飞的俞派特别注重咬字,是不可能用昆山话的,老一辈的的咬字跟现在也有很多不一样的了,现在很多字发音跟普通话越来越近了。你说的湖广韵在昆曲中没湖广韵的说法,中洲韵湖广音是京剧徽汉合流产生的跟昆曲无关联
Who wrote this music? I haven't found any name.
Tang Xianzu
Jose B I might be wrong, but he seems to have written the story behind th opera but not the music.
Yes right. Tang Xianzu is the scriptwriter. There isn't really a definite composer who writes the music.
How is that? Is this music an imporvisation, or were there many composers? Or is is a folk tradition?
Opera this has been practicing and re-writing for hundreds of years. It's hard to say who wrote original of this piece, since we don't know who is original at all.
Concerned Hermit 00后
04 00后😂
shanwen will be my friend's wife.
Jora Bao 我也,想
miu miu 这是昆曲被黑得最惨的一次