I've had this suggested to me and I think it's a solid call. The only issue with it being that against decks like Gamma or Cooler that also run 1 drops in their engine they can choose to remove that one instead, but for this current meta Yearning is probably better. It also has the benefit of being searchable with the 2 drop Mechi that you can side deck.
Been Playing Towa since release and kept tweaking on the deck until now. Never though thought about taking the heroic strike card in consideration, but giving your leader 10k while Ko'n a 2 or less cost sounds great! I've been trying recently to bring back another tech option myself. Used to be in Vegeks Aggro format, Haru Haru, Shun Shun's Sister. With our Unison turn 3 plus switching two energy active, I feel like another 1 cost 15k double strike Haru is great to either put pressure or bait out stuff. Thanks to the token spam and running additional 4 Super combo like Kai, its pretty easy to stack them up to 25k plus. Haru haru is also a demon realm race which can be searched by the 1 cost putine :)
That's a solid idea but I prefer the searchable Super Combos and find that a lot of the time you can kill or put on enough pressure by Turn 3 that you don't need Thwarting on Turn 4 to finish people off
I tried it in early iterations of the deck but it was just tricky to resolve. A lot of the times there are better plays turn 4 that play better around counterplays, and I would struggle to find either the Towa or one of the Miras when I wanted to play them.
Yessss love it. Have you taken on gamma since the update? 😂
Not yet! I've tweaked the sideboard to help deal with it better so hopefully that works out
Any opinions on "Yearning for the Dark Dragon Balls" vs "Heroic strike", Yearning seams less clunky.
I've had this suggested to me and I think it's a solid call. The only issue with it being that against decks like Gamma or Cooler that also run 1 drops in their engine they can choose to remove that one instead, but for this current meta Yearning is probably better. It also has the benefit of being searchable with the 2 drop Mechi that you can side deck.
Been Playing Towa since release and kept tweaking on the deck until now. Never though thought about taking the heroic strike card in consideration, but giving your leader 10k while Ko'n a 2 or less cost sounds great!
I've been trying recently to bring back another tech option myself. Used to be in Vegeks Aggro format, Haru Haru, Shun Shun's Sister. With our Unison turn 3 plus switching two energy active, I feel like another 1 cost 15k double strike Haru is great to either put pressure or bait out stuff.
Thanks to the token spam and running additional 4 Super combo like Kai, its pretty easy to stack them up to 25k plus. Haru haru is also a demon realm race which can be searched by the 1 cost putine :)
That's a cool idea I may have to try it out!
That ANOTHER Tom Smith tech shout out... wild... granted I didn't come up with this one though
You do come in clutch with the techs although there's a certain Mechi ball I've been recommended which may end up replacing it. Back to testing ig
If you run crisis crusher… wouldn’t be an option to play vegeta super combo and put SS4 Gogeta, thwarting the dark empire?
That's a solid idea but I prefer the searchable Super Combos and find that a lot of the time you can kill or put on enough pressure by Turn 3 that you don't need Thwarting on Turn 4 to finish people off
You dont run the mira engine? thought it was good in this deck since you have the 5 drop towa
The theory on it is great, but you’re generally looking to play it turn 4. By that point, it’s super counter-able, feels bad losing it.
I tried it in early iterations of the deck but it was just tricky to resolve. A lot of the times there are better plays turn 4 that play better around counterplays, and I would struggle to find either the Towa or one of the Miras when I wanted to play them.
I see understandable it also can take space in the deck and if it’s something inconsistent definitely not worth running