Many Chinese went to Germany and received training in early 1920 due to the Sino-German co-operation. Also other ASIANS SUCH AS INDONESIANS, Thais, Japanese, Koreans and India Hindus . When the war broke out in 1939, many remained and fought for Germany all the way till the end while some returned to their own countries. Many German original war-time photos showed ASIAN Wehrmacht and SS soldiers.
NAPOLA并不是军校,而是寄宿制中学,正式名称是Nationalpolitische Erziehungsanstalten 国家政治教育学院,是纳粹德国对于伊顿公学和哈罗公学的模仿,是培养精英的预科学校。
Many Chinese went to Germany and received training in early 1920 due to the Sino-German co-operation. Also other ASIANS SUCH AS INDONESIANS, Thais, Japanese, Koreans and India Hindus . When the war broke out in 1939, many remained and fought for Germany all the way till the end while some returned to their own countries. Many German original war-time photos showed ASIAN Wehrmacht and SS soldiers.
Napola - Elite für den Führer
@@賴大衛-g8j Thank you.
但是傅昆萁確實經常跑去中國大陸和共產黨高層會面密談。這種人居然還擔任KMT黨團總召,指揮KMT在立法院裡的行動。 dpp罵KMT聯中共賣台是完全沒有問題的。
@@jacky8294 別對雜草要求太高
你之所以还未成功 就是没有不择手段 软懦 造就了平凡 成大事者 六亲不认