O Allah, You are the Lord of all creation, the Bestower of wisdom, and the Giver of success. I turn to You in complete humility, asking for Your mercy and guidance. Bless me with knowledge that is beneficial, understanding that is deep, and wisdom that lights my path. O Allah, ease my journey, remove all difficulties from my way, and bless my efforts with immense success. Grant me the strength, patience, and determination to achieve my goal of becoming a doctor and to serve humanity with sincerity and compassion. O Allah, grant me success in this life and the Hereafter, make me among those who please You, and forgive my shortcomings. Ameen."
Veeri will never understand this language and will never comprehend. It is beyound his comprehension and understanding.
Sahi baat hai
100% true
There is no comparison between veeri and Mushtaq sab ocean of knowledge i swear i learn first wadu from him allah isko jannatul firdosa aateh kreh
O Allah, You are the Lord of all creation, the Bestower of wisdom, and the Giver of success. I turn to You in complete humility, asking for Your mercy and guidance. Bless me with knowledge that is beneficial, understanding that is deep, and wisdom that lights my path. O Allah, ease my journey, remove all difficulties from my way, and bless my efforts with immense success. Grant me the strength, patience, and determination to achieve my goal of becoming a doctor and to serve humanity with sincerity and compassion. O Allah, grant me success in this life and the Hereafter, make me among those who please You, and forgive my shortcomings. Ameen."