"Äxclulive - In League With Levykäinen" / Sami Yaffa / Kohti Record Store Dayta!
- Опубликовано: 5 фев 2025
- Sami Yaffa luotsaa meidät kohti Record Store Dayta kertomalla fiiliksiään vinyyleistä, sekä omien bändien että omien suosikkien. Videolta näet myös mikä oli Samin ihka eka vinyyli ja kovuuttahan sekin edustaa!
Tilaa Road Bends -erikoisjulkaisu täältä:
Ja The Innermost Journey To Your Outermost Mind CD täältä:
Record Store Dayn 23.4. tarjontaa näet täältä:
Hello! Tuo se on kun hommaat koiran.. Jatkuvasti pitäisi tapahtua..Rasittavaa...T. Kissaihminen. Hanoi Rocks fan since 1980.
Sami,vinyyli myös läyttää paremmalta!
Andrzej Zaucha- Title of song polish titles, Zaucha-Jesienna piosenka
Andrzej Zaucha-Zglebic prawde (I believe in magic and afterlife , I reject science ,Cloud after cloud, world like ball is spinning around) , Sambor Dudziński-Zglebic prawde cover
Andrzej Zaucha- Cest la vie, Zaucha-Cest la vie angielska wersja
Zaucha-Just a pipe dream
Chris Schittulli-Cest la vie cover
Zaucha-Cest la vie piano cover
Zaucha-Bylas serca biciem
Zaucha-Bylas sera remix ,Zaucha-Bylas serca biciem reconstruction
Zaucha-Na jedno zycie (For only one life)
Zaucha-W zlotych kroplach(In golden raindrops, We have our rain)
Zaucha-Poki masz nadzieje (Untill You have hope )
Zaucha-Zaufaj sobie (Trust yourself)
Zaucha-Magia to ja (Magic is me), Zaucha-Gumisie,
Zaucha-Jakie sa szanse narzych marzen (Living beyond/behind the grey wall)
Zaucha-Sny rokokowe (roccoco dreams)
Zaucha-Juz koniec (This is the end ,I'm in my wardrobe, death is waiting form me outside )
Zaucha-Nasze story (It is the end oufr love story, floodlights went out/died)
Zaucha-Boogie dovn cover
Zaucha-New York, Zaucha-Mornin
Zaucha-Kukuryku (fly to the moon on the rooster .Polish man is kingo on the moon )
Zaucha-As times goes by, Zaucha-Monnlight serenade, Zaucha-My cherie amour
Zaucha-Superstition, Zaucha-Kto szczecie ci (Happiness)
Zaucha-Jesienna piosenka (Autumn song)
Zaucha-Tumbleween, Zaucha-I run for my life
Zaucha-Second time around, Zaucha-Shining through
Zaucha-I miss your love, Zaucha-Come baby rock
Zaucha-Coud be love ,Zaucha-Cieplej (raegge)
Zaucha-Szesc godzin z zycia bluesmana (six hours from life of blues man, comedia la finita, Grim Reapper are standing near me in bar ), Zaucha- Rocznicowa, Zaucha-Klawesynem (I love life, world and You )
Zaucha-Jeszcze w serrcu radosc
Zaucha-Blady strach (Ghost), Zaucha-Kochaj czlowieka, Zaucha- Mysmy byli ( We was meant each other)
Zaucha-Co nagle to po diable (Devil is near you)
Zacha-Slonce nad my lay (Sun avoe port May Lay),
Zaucha-Na dwa kroki w chmurach, Zaucha-Dwa odbicia, Zaucha-Krokodyle blues (crocodile blues),
Zaucha- Zakochani staruszkowie, Zaucha-A kind of magic, Zaucha-Przed dniem
Zaucha-Wolanie o slone (pray to the sun)
Zaucha-Linoskoczek aka Tanczac w powietrzu (I balance, rodad to destruction I'm tight tightrope walker)
Zaucha-Nekrologi, Zaucha-Manchatan,
Zaucha-Siodmy rok (My dear) favourite song adored by Stevie Wonder when the was in pOland in 1989 He medt Zaucha-Renifer (Santa Claus and reindeer)
Zaucha-Budzi lek (I feel the fear),
Zaucha- Dobrze miec wroga (It is good to have short-tempered enemy)
Zaucha-Czemu z gory (I have bad luck I med madman)
Zaucha-Wilcz bilet (I will thake One way ticket)
Zauca-Poza mna juz tamten (My time is running out, My Time is bedind me, Sun is the God)
Zaucha-Uslysz, Zaucha-Szczescie Z(fortune is here and then gon/leave me)
Zaucha-Kantata (Poland is the place of grey walls, maze , harsh winter, apathy and stone/tombstone above head )
Zaucha-Stwardnieje (You teardrop will turn into the stone, You will never see the the world )
Zaucha-Ballada kino (Winer ballad)
Zaucha-Piosenka marzeniach (Song about dreams)
Zaucha-Zeby inaczej (Use your fantasy)
Zaucha-Minstoriwie i pory (four seasons)
Zaucha-Doktora Q (Dokctor Quack medicine man )
Zaucha-Jak na lotni (like paraglider pilot) , Zaucha-Sprzedaj mnie (I will fly with the wind)
Zaucha -Dom zlej (adultry House of the femme fatale Road to the hell)
Zaucha-Za to mi placa (They pay mie for this music)
Zaucha-Abys czul (You must feel I was born to walk and feel))
Zaucha-Bezsennosc (Sleeplessness together)
Zaucha-Dwa odbicia, Zaucha-Wszystkie stworzenia (Golden cage)
Zaucha-Polejdziemy Wagary (WE will get out of this boring party)
Zaucha-Narodziny uczucia (Born of love, dance with me like on broadway)
Zaucha-Jak ladnie (Nice landscape)
Zaucha-Wymyslilem (I came up with you)
Zaucha-Wieczor nad (River of time), Zaucha-Koniec dnia (The end of the day)
Zaucha-Sproboj mnie (Catch me If you try)
Zaucha-Zdecydował los (Fate decided , king is dead long live the king)
Zaucha-Swieto strachow (Fest/ holiday of frightnights scarecrows)
Dzamble- Swieto Strachow, Zaucha- oda do (Ode to laziness)
Zaucha-Zanim zastukam bramy (Before I will nock on the heaven door)
Andrew Zaucha singer and his loverZuzanna Susane Lesniak was shot dead in Cracow in 1991 by French film director Yves Goulais 8 bullets killed Zaucha 1 bullet killed woman actress, Zaucha-Wolniej (More slowly)
mój gust muzyczny
Dzem-Harley (my wonderful vintage machine motor , my harley)
Dzem-List do M (There is no God in heaven, mom !)
Dzem- Nie kocham cie (Go away from me ,I don't love you)
Dzem-Kochmarna noc (Terrifying night nightmare)
Dzem- Vehikuł czasu (I deam of Time machine, This wonderful past and wonterful people never come back jam session to the morning )
Dzem band marmelade jamm band (vocla Ryszard Riedel)
Dzem-Malowany ptak (Bird of death smile of death)
Dzem-Lunatycy(Lunatics around me)
Dzem-Sen of Victorii (Dream of Victory)
Budka suflera-Cien wielkej gory (Shadow of great mountain, I will take risk called death and I will be on the top of mountain)
Budka suflera-Cien gory live, Budka suflera- Samothy dom (Abandoned/ deserted house)
Budka suflera-Samotny dom live, Budka suflera-Jeden raz
Budka suflera- Demony wojny (demons of war)
Budka suflera-Jestem sad
Budka sufler-Ragtime, Budka suflera-Piesn Robinsona
Budka suflera-Upior (Frightnight) , Budka suflera-Gratuluje ci (My congratolations)
Krzysztof Cugowski-Za ostatni grosz
Przemyslaw Gintrowski-Tato (I will ne near You my doughter, even as a spirit)
Przemyslaw Gintowski-Barbarzyńcy (Barbarians is comming )
Gintrowski-17 IX (song about war, boys as cannon fodder with musum weapon)
Gintrowski-Krol Artur (King artur)
Gintrowski-Damastes,Gintrowski-Ifigenia, Gintrowski-Ivan Grożny Terrible
Gintrowski-Postacie, Gintrowski-
Dzem-Opowiedzcie wiatry,Zaucha-Ksiezniczka, Zaucha-Oda do lenistwa (Ode to laziness)
Zaucha-Zimny drań,Zaucha-I kind of magic
Lady Pank-Mala wojna(People are to live and dance, People are to fight each other ,People will not be good/better)
Lady pank -Zostawcie tytanika -Leave the Titanic alone
Lady pank- Rozbitkowie, Lady pank-Otuleni, Lady pank-Marchewkowe (Carrot field),LLady Pank-To co mam, Lady pank-Hymn czarownika,Lady Pank-Czarownik (Wizard) , Lady Pank- Rysunkowa (caroon character) , Lady Pank-Kto ukradł
Lady pank-Lavina, lady pank-Hrabia, Lady pank-Latajacy (flying cat) , Lady pank-Oaza
Lady pank-Siedmioramienna (Rainbow lead us) , Lady pank-Jak kamien, Lady pank-Sztuka latania (Art of fly/navigation), Lady pank- zamki na piasku-Castles in the air, Lady pank-Tacy sami (the same but wall between us)
Gintrowski-Powrot, Gintowski-A my nie chcemy (But we don't want escape from burning madhouse)
Gintrowski-Jeszcze dzien, Gintrowski-Dakad nas zaprowadzisz, Gintrowski-Dzieci hioba
Ofra Haza-Im nin alu, Ofra Haza-Kasmir, Karen Carpernter-If we try, Karen Carpenter-Something is mising/ The end
Carpenters-Yesterday, Carpenters-Danging in the street, Carpenters-Close to you, Carpenters-Superstar, Carpenters-I can't make music
The Doors-Bird of prey ,Fatboy slim-Bird of prey Jim Morrison-Wait for mornig ,Doors-Waiting for the sun, Doors-Strange days, Doors-Spanish caravan/ Hour of magic/Ghost, The End, Joy division-Atmosphere, Joy division-Disorder, Joy division- In lonely place, Joy division-Dead souls and ceremony, Queen-Ride the wild wind, Queen- Let me in your heart again, Queen-Highlander , Mercury-In my defense, Mercury-Barcelona/How can I go on, Queen-Prophet song/Innuendo, Queen-making there are the days of our lives backstage
Nirvana-Pen cap chew, Nirvana-Son of gun, Nirvana-Death come on, Nirvana-Big long now, Nirvana-Dive,NirvanaKobain-I hate myself I wanna to die,
Zaucha-Zanim zastukam
David Bovie-I afraid of Americans, David Bovie-Jump, David Bowie-Heroes, David Bovie Queen-Under Pressuere,
David Bovie-Is is not America, David Bovie -As the world as the world fall down, Alicja Majewska-Odkryjemy, Alicja Majewska-Smutne dowidzenia(Sad Goodbye) , Marvin Gaye-Sexual healing/Lets get it on
Cheb Mami -Dezert Rose solo, Rammsterin-Kuss mich/America/Moskau/Spiel mit mir, Sehnsucht,Ohne dich
Viktor Tsoi the best Russian singer Victor TsoiCalm Night Spokoynya Noch
Horner-Red Hot soundtruck
Pink Floyd-Another brick in the wall/ One sleep/Terminal frost/ Yet another movie/ Lerning to fly/Heroes/ return/Stay/ Empty spaces/ On the turning away, Take it back/ High hopes, Comfortably numb, Run like the Hell
Queen-Stone cold crazy, We are the champion, chicken dance, Wew will rock you, Long away, White man,Hitman, Bijou, I'm going slightly man, Show must gon on flashmix, Bohemian Rhapsody,Prophet song, All dead,Nevermore, From father to son, Kind of magig,Making of the radio ga ga backstage, Machines, Hammer to fall, World we created, Keep open the windows, Put out the fire, Call all the the girls, Las palabras, In the laps of Gods, Gimmet the prize, Don't lose your head Pain so close pleasure extended version, I want it all, Rain must fall, Kohaggi ship, Holding on, Scandal, Innuendo, Face it alone, Face AIDS alone, My secret fantasy, Breakthrought Magic train , Freddom Train by Roger Taylor, in archiver Freedom Train by Mercury unpublished train to death, Brian May Nothing but blue instrumental, Just one life instrumental , Last Horizon, Journey ends instrumental, Hinglander instrumntal, funeral, Queen-Beautiful day, Queen-Heaven for everyone, My life is dangerous,Let me in your heart again, Queen -Prionces Universe,Mercury-How can I go on, Barcelona 1987/88 , Queen -Self made man,
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