How does the super smoke compare for flavor as opposed to using heat setting of 185 degrees in a Traeger Pro grill? Is there a noticeable difference in smoke flavor? I own the Traeger 780 Pro and was thinking about the Traeger Timberline 1300 just for the super smoke mode for more flavor.
I actually own two 1300’s after cutting my teeth for 5yrs on two Traeger Texas Grills. I also own a trailered Cookshack FEC500. All for a small BBQ catering business that I’m developing locally here in Alaska. In all honesty I have struggled with the 1300’s since day one. I had such high hopes given the built in insulation and added capacity. But this model, as I found out after practicing with them, will load up with soot in the cooking chamber when used for any length of time on lower temp/long cooks. Soot that is both smelled as well as faintly yet visibly present on the product. This is something that I never experienced with my previous Traeger models. After doing some online digging, I found that this is a common complaint, that can sometimes be fixed by updating the firmware to the latest version. A complaint that has been present since their introduction to the market. I purchased my units long after any of these reports, and subsequent updates. And yet both of my 1300’s had the original firmware, and not the latest updates. I have updated one of them to see, but no avail. It still has the sooting problem on cook temps lower than 275deg. To date I have been sadly disappointed in them for anything other than smoke roasting a chicken or turkey at higher temps, and use my larger Cookshack for the majority of my low and slow cooking, even if it means a lot of unused rack space. $4000 in smoker grills that spend most of their time covered on my deck.
Hey have you got this problem fix by the company? I been looking at pellet grill for a while now and I'm looking at this one just because it has allot more room which I need. Can you give me any advice on if I should get The 1300 or just look elsewhere.
So good to see someone finally pull the membrane! I am so picky when I go to a place who brags about their ribs and I bite into that ! They get offended when I tell them my ribs are better on my grill lol
They looked pretty good but my question is why would you wrap such meaty and tender ribs? A full unwrapped smoke would have developed a better bark and color and you still would end up with juicy and tender ribs but they would have developed more flavor.
I own a Timberline 850 for 2 years and only had problems. I spent more time with troubleshooting than with BBQ. In short: it simply stops grilling obviously for several reasons (viod in the pellets, stall of the software), it took more than half a year to even get the firmeware update installed, the Traeger support in Europe is a pure nightmare, after 10 sessions the fan did not work any more, and so on. Even in Feb. 2020 the controller crashed and turned the grill off immediately only because I changed the temperature on the grill.
The Amazing Kosmo has done it again!!! I just got home from working the overnight shift clicked on the video and now I gotta run to the store and get some baby back ribs to throw down on my pellet smoker. Thanks Kosmo.
Question for you. Are all Traeger Grills made equally? I see them at Academy and Im wondering about the quality that Academy sales. I have bought grills before from them and they worked good. Sorry if it seems like a dumb question. Any thoughts?
Hello there. I love your videos and bbq products that you are selling. I have already bought a few of them either from Amazon or your website. I think I was going to ask you. Eventhough in this video with you mentioned at the end the temperature that you put on this pellet grill but not always you do that in other videos. I understand it's not the grill temperature or timings but still it helps. Thank you very much CHEERS
Hey Kosmo! What sauce or glaze do you recommend to go with the honey pecan rub? I’ve been enjoying ribs with dirty bird and cherry apple glaze to top it off! I’m actually cooking that right now lol. Looking to try something different for my next cook. Thanks!
(I like my Traeger) But show me the smoke ring. How much has it penetrated? Is it almost fall off the bone tender? I can' t taste them, so show me what you can that matters.
You said that this unit throws crazy smoke BUT every time you had it open I saw ZERO smoke coming out of it from anywhere. More observation than a complaint.
I have a 1300 and it’s bad ass. I had a lil tex elite Traeger that was ok but the 1300 is a game changer. Heavy duty. Worth the money. I was in the market for a Yoder also until I saw this in person and I was sold.
Kosmo my Man....... Kudos to you, I did my first Hot and Fast brisket and it was Freaking Amazing....I am Truly Sold on your technique on that one, because when you have to get and go that is the way to do it..... Thanks brother....shot out to Dash....
@@Hardingmavman Its a Japanese brand. Razor sharp. if you want a crazy sharp knife without the Japanese handles look at "io shen" knives, I use them and they are the business.
Rather have the timberline.. the Yoder is built well, however all that money on a smoker that eventually the paint peels off and it rust. Not worth it just on that alone
Kosmo's Q I am just getting into barbecuing what would you recommend even if I have to buy two different barbecues I don’t mind I’m from New York and I can afford more than one. I heard that this Traeger cooks but does not grill well . I want something that does everything and I like low and slow but I like crispy meat also . The pit looks like it burns the bottoms of the ribs when they get hung I personally don’t like to trim ,fat yes but meat no I’m Italian we don’t throw anything away besides I’m not doing competition this is for family at home maybe friends . I want to make crispy burgers also I don’t mind char but I don’t want to burned meat? I called the other day and spoke to Chuck nice guy good worker you got there I’m going to be placing an order within the next week or two
@@bradhelfrich6602 yes I had vacuumed it out. Once I sent it back customer service got on the phone with me. They told me the agger had stopped working. I got a Pitts and Spitts instead great grill made in TX it's a tank it works awesome.
Used my twice to it back. Food tasted like a house fire. Char griller akorn for the money it can't be beat from chicken wings to prime rib and trukey I've done em all. Fantastic results.
I have another traeger model was looking at upgrade options. I am not nornally negative on videos, but this might as well have been called a traeger promo video. Definitely not a comprehensive review.
Kosmos I have a timberline 1300 and it has been nothing but trouble. I hate the amount of money that we have spent on this thing. It a pile of shit. went back to my stick burner. But i love your videos
@@andreharrison4788 I have had nothing but problems with it. I was going to get a yoder but we got a deal on the timberline 1300 and now were kicking our self's for not going with the first choice
Flat Top just got this grill my last Traeger lasted 12 years of pretty hard work. Clean and take care if they work very well. This New grill is light years ahead of my old one. My friend got a Jim B grill and the flavor of the smoke on my timberline is much better agreed by both of us.
Bark and smoke ring looks a little lacking? Maybe that’s why the food shots after the food was cooked were very fast and missing close ups? Save your $ buy a Weber.
Kosmo, thanks for continued great information about your products and techniques. But please, kill the music! We want to hear you not attend a rock concert. Your edits are quick and fast and you get right to the point, once we can hear you! LOL! Really, you are great.
Would be a great video if you could turn off the annoying music. I am trying to hear you review a smoker, not be inside the woofer at a 5FDP concert. Sheesh.
Ahh Traeger, the Ron Popeil product of bbq. Set it and forget it. It is nothing like a stick burner and is just barely above an outdoor easybake oven. -perfect for the man (or single mom or old person) that is afraid of fire but wants some low effort but good tasting bbq. Made in China and lasts as long as anything else made there. I have a pro 22 and I think after two years it was a great cooker to learn on but I need a lone star grillz offset.
This was a 1/2 ass effort smoking those ribs on the Traeger. Guess thats what happens when you get paid to use a product you don't really care about. 😂that face when he took a bite... really? hahaha
I bought the timberline 850 a little over a year ago I’ve had had nothing but problems with the Wi-Fi capabilities on this it has been nothing but grief in January they updated their system supposedly to fix it it appears that it had broke my system completely as far as the computer component which I cannot even now use the smoker at all and I’ve recently just been told that the last three weeks I’ve been waiting for the part to get here I will now be waiting till May for it to get here. Do not buy a Traeger smoker!!! I’ll have to look into the weber smokers. This issue has been going on long before the virus
Overpriced junk. Treager has not evolved with the rest of the industry and has not been competitive with other pellet smokers......they just charge way more....and people pay it lmao.
Thanks to Traeger for letting us use this cool smoker. It throws some crazy all natural blue smoke.
I thought you were quitting videos?
If you don’t need your El Ray, I’d be happy to take it off your hands.
Everithing is awesome. One question: where is grill review?
MF'ing this!!
It wasn't a review at all LOL it was a cooking demo 😂😂😂
There is no better review than cooking demos that shows everything that can be done with it and how
You must make your neighbors crazy with all that great smelling barbeque.
I keep wanting 1 of these grills , but then I get onto reading about issues with them and start 2nd thinking about the purchase.
Been enjoying mine for the last 3 years!
How does the super smoke compare for flavor as opposed to using heat setting of 185 degrees in a Traeger Pro grill? Is there a noticeable difference in smoke flavor? I own the Traeger 780 Pro and was thinking about the Traeger Timberline 1300 just for the super smoke mode for more flavor.
I wish I saw better color and a bit stronger bark on those ribs. They just looked wet from being wrapped.
Jonathan Arnold not going to have much bark when you only smoke for 2hrs then wrap with apple juice and finish without throwing them back on uwrapped
Keyboard cook
K Trepanier you have zero clue
The 1300 is one heck of a cooker!!! Awesome video!!!!
I actually own two 1300’s after cutting my teeth for 5yrs on two Traeger Texas Grills. I also own a trailered Cookshack FEC500. All for a small BBQ catering business that I’m developing locally here in Alaska.
In all honesty I have struggled with the 1300’s since day one. I had such high hopes given the built in insulation and added capacity. But this model, as I found out after practicing with them, will load up with soot in the cooking chamber when used for any length of time on lower temp/long cooks. Soot that is both smelled as well as faintly yet visibly present on the product.
This is something that I never experienced with my previous Traeger models. After doing some online digging, I found that this is a common complaint, that can sometimes be fixed by updating the firmware to the latest version. A complaint that has been present since their introduction to the market. I purchased my units long after any of these reports, and subsequent updates. And yet both of my 1300’s had the original firmware, and not the latest updates. I have updated one of them to see, but no avail. It still has the sooting problem on cook temps lower than 275deg. To date I have been sadly disappointed in them for anything other than smoke roasting a chicken or turkey at higher temps, and use my larger Cookshack for the majority of my low and slow cooking, even if it means a lot of unused rack space.
$4000 in smoker grills that spend most of their time covered on my deck.
Hey have you got this problem fix by the company? I been looking at pellet grill for a while now and I'm looking at this one just because it has allot more room which I need. Can you give me any advice on if I should get The 1300 or just look elsewhere.
@@franciscopena446 get a rec tec
@@nathanial41 Agreed. Rec Tec is the way to go. Got a RT-590 and its the best. I love Kosmo, but I hate Traeger.
I’m sure it’s a good smoker .. but I’m a stick burner fan through and through .. this just don’t seem like smoking to me
So good to see someone finally pull the membrane!
I am so picky when I go to a place who brags about their ribs and I bite into that !
They get offended when I tell them my ribs are better on my grill lol
Yep! Pull it off every time 👊🏼💥
They looked pretty good but my question is why would you wrap such meaty and tender ribs? A full unwrapped smoke would have developed a better bark and color and you still would end up with juicy and tender ribs but they would have developed more flavor.
Great camera work!
I own a Timberline 850 for 2 years and only had problems. I spent more time with troubleshooting than with BBQ. In short: it simply stops grilling obviously for several reasons (viod in the pellets, stall of the software), it took more than half a year to even get the firmeware update installed, the Traeger support in Europe is a pure nightmare, after 10 sessions the fan did not work any more, and so on. Even in Feb. 2020 the controller crashed and turned the grill off immediately only because I changed the temperature on the grill.
The Amazing Kosmo has done it again!!!
I just got home from working the overnight shift clicked on the video and now I gotta run to the store and get some baby back ribs to throw down on my pellet smoker.
Thanks Kosmo.
Question for you. Are all Traeger Grills made equally? I see them at Academy and Im wondering about the quality that Academy sales. I have bought grills before from them and they worked good. Sorry if it seems like a dumb question.
Any thoughts?
The Timberline is their crown jewel. I have it and it's built better, studier more space and insulation and Wi-Fi connection to your phone.
Hello there. I love your videos and bbq products that you are selling.
I have already bought a few of them either from Amazon or your website. I think I was going to ask you. Eventhough in this video with you mentioned at the end the temperature that you put on this pellet grill but not always you do that in other videos. I understand it's not the grill temperature or timings but still it helps.
Thank you very much
Nice cook kosmo, always great content! Keep it rollin
Hey Kosmo! What sauce or glaze do you recommend to go with the honey pecan rub? I’ve been enjoying ribs with dirty bird and cherry apple glaze to top it off! I’m actually cooking that right now lol. Looking to try something different for my next cook. Thanks!
Try his pineapple glaze. Outstanding!
Rus ridge that’s the one I was gravitating to! Thanks man I’ll give it a try.
(I like my Traeger) But show me the smoke ring. How much has it penetrated? Is it almost fall off the bone tender? I can' t taste them, so show me what you can that matters.
You said that this unit throws crazy smoke BUT every time you had it open I saw ZERO smoke coming out of it from anywhere. More observation than a complaint.
those ribs didnt have great color either
Because most people attribute white smoke as being good, this is not clean smoke. Clean blue smoke is where it is at. (Not easel visible on camera)
i think the off set and pit barrels has way better color ... ill stick to that. put it nice to plug it in and go... pick your poison.
@@KosmosQ I completely agree about the blue smoke vs the white smoke.
You gotta do a full review of this smoker. And maybe some more cooks on it!! Awesome content Kosmo! My favorite subscription by mile!
Great video what kind of pellets did u use
Their Signature blend.
Man I would love to get my hands on one of those. Awesome cook.
Good review on a great upgrade pellet grill.
Is the loud music necessary?
Not a fan of Traeger, but that Timberline 1300 may have me rethink. A lot of space. 👍🏼💪🏼🇺🇸
I was looking at them a while back. I'm going to a Grilla Grills OG though.
I have a 1300 and it’s bad ass. I had a lil tex elite Traeger that was ok but the 1300 is a game changer. Heavy duty. Worth the money. I was in the market for a Yoder also until I saw this in person and I was sold.
I have the 1300 wast of money
Why? Everyone raves about the ribs that come off my 1300 for the last 3 years... hundreds of people served.@@adamtorres7518
Kosmo my Man....... Kudos to you, I did my first Hot and Fast brisket and it was Freaking Amazing....I am Truly Sold on your technique on that one, because when you have to get and go that is the way to do it..... Thanks brother....shot out to Dash....
Super cool to hear brother!!! Congrats!
Looked amazing my brotha
Why were the pecan rubbed ribs burnt?
Got paid to do a commercial and never used it again. It’s called business
Blue smoke is what's up
Looks like a winner !
what knife are you using that thing looks sweet!
@@KosmosQ shun?
@@Hardingmavman Its a Japanese brand. Razor sharp. if you want a crazy sharp knife without the Japanese handles look at "io shen" knives, I use them and they are the business.
Do you have a video and how to smoked a pork loin bone it?
Looks great would love to have a grill like that keep up the great work
Updated 1300 version comes out in February. Can’t wait
Found out about it at the Royal. Can’t remember the updates but he said they were significant
Hey Kosmo ever tried a rec tec?
Just a Traeger with the fancy paint job
Not as of today.
@@rueridge7597 you couldn't be more wrong check them out!
Way better build quality than a Traeger!!!
@@Thon7373 Not by much. Both are Chinese tin can thin junk.
Can you cold smoke with this thing ??
Yoder YS640........MADE IN KANSAS, USA!!
Rather have the timberline.. the Yoder is built well, however all that money on a smoker that eventually the paint peels off and it rust. Not worth it just on that alone
@@jluberto3852 The Traeger is tin can Chinese junk.
Despite the 9 gauge steel that Yoder uses, the 1300 still insulates better. Traegers thin double layer steel > Yoders thick single layer steel.
@@bradhelfrich6602 you’re a moron. American smokers are the gold standard.
@@Crashtian that’s just an idiotic statement to justify the money you spent on that piece of shit.
Sooooo what do you like better
Treager or Pit barrel?
Pit barrel for me.
Kosmo's Q I am just getting into barbecuing what would you recommend even if I have to buy two different barbecues I don’t mind I’m from New York and I can afford more than one. I heard that this Traeger cooks but does not grill well . I want something that does everything and I like low and slow but I like crispy meat also . The pit looks like it burns the bottoms of the ribs when they get hung I personally don’t like to trim ,fat yes but meat no I’m Italian we don’t throw anything away besides I’m not doing competition this is for family at home maybe friends . I want to make crispy burgers also I don’t mind char but I don’t want to burned meat? I called the other day and spoke to Chuck nice guy good worker you got there I’m going to be placing an order within the next week or two
Not a fan of Treager my last one caught fire in the hopper only after two weeks of owning it, I sent it back.
Did you clean it? Vacuum out the fire pot?
@@bradhelfrich6602 yes I had vacuumed it out. Once I sent it back customer service got on the phone with me. They told me the agger had stopped working. I got a Pitts and Spitts instead great grill made in TX it's a tank it works awesome.
Great video buddy 👍 👍👍
Go with a Yoder ys640
I'm thinking about getting a Yoder ys640 is it better
@@andreharrison4788 Than that Traeger POS? Significantly!
Which knife are you using?
Thanks for the review . Small stainless shelf is useless.
Great job man. Looks so awesome 👍👍 and the Timberline 1300 is one of the best pellet smoker 👍 Best wishes Yours Ronald from BBQ Westerwald (Germany)
How is no one saying anything about these terribly tough ribs made in 3 hours....???!?
You obviously don't know much about what makes meat tender, lol. It's not about how long they've been on, it's about breaking down that fat.
Used my twice to it back. Food tasted like a house fire. Char griller akorn for the money it can't be beat from chicken wings to prime rib and trukey I've done em all. Fantastic results.
I have another traeger model was looking at upgrade options. I am not nornally negative on videos, but this might as well have been called a traeger promo video. Definitely not a comprehensive review.
Are you going to sell these at your store?
Don't think I am allowed to to be honest.
Please let us know if you're sponsored by traeger.
Not a sponsored video
Do you get to keep the cooker?
I love my 1300...
I think it's more of an oven then a smoker.
Kosmos I have a timberline 1300 and it has been nothing but trouble. I hate the amount of money that we have spent on this thing. It a pile of shit. went back to my stick burner. But i love your videos
Shot I would call them and have them fix it brother.
@@KosmosQ I did they changed the controller 4 times, the auger motor , the fan motor and 5 probes and it still wont work right
@@pizzamanpepperoni8192 what's wrong about it
Did it give any smoke flavor and what problem you having I was thinking about getting one I need to know before I spend this money
@@andreharrison4788 I have had nothing but problems with it. I was going to get a yoder but we got a deal on the timberline 1300 and now were kicking our self's for not going with the first choice
I want one.
get the yoder YS640 pellet smoker better quality
You look very uncomfortable using it lol bring out the Drum
They have a reputation for not lasting
Flat Top just got this grill my last Traeger lasted 12 years of pretty hard work. Clean and take care if they work very well. This New grill is light years ahead of my old one. My friend got a Jim B grill and the flavor of the smoke on my timberline is much better agreed by both of us.
Victor Rafa when you grill with the Traeger do you notice smoke rings on the meat or not really
Bark and smoke ring looks a little lacking? Maybe that’s why the food shots after the food was cooked were very fast and missing close ups? Save your $ buy a Weber.
Now lets get a Rec Tec Grill in there and do a side by side comparison!
The Rec Tec clowns are here.
Love the food. Lose the music.. one mans opinion :)
Where is the unbiased review?
I like music. I like reviews. I couldn't watch this review because the music was overbearing - who mixed this video. Really?
Kosmo, thanks for continued great information about your products and techniques. But please, kill the music! We want to hear you not attend a rock concert. Your edits are quick and fast and you get right to the point, once we can hear you! LOL! Really, you are great.
This is an ad. Not a review.
He himself as the question how much smoke did this thing add to the meat and yet never say anything about the smoke on the meat ha ha Ha
Would be a great video if you could turn off the annoying music. I am trying to hear you review a smoker, not be inside the woofer at a 5FDP concert. Sheesh.
Ahh Traeger, the Ron Popeil product of bbq. Set it and forget it. It is nothing like a stick burner and is just barely above an outdoor easybake oven. -perfect for the man (or single mom or old person) that is afraid of fire but wants some low effort but good tasting bbq. Made in China and lasts as long as anything else made there. I have a pro 22 and I think after two years it was a great cooker to learn on but I need a lone star grillz offset.
This was a 1/2 ass effort smoking those ribs on the Traeger. Guess thats what happens when you get paid to use a product you don't really care about. 😂that face when he took a bite... really? hahaha
I bought the timberline 850 a little over a year ago I’ve had had nothing but problems with the Wi-Fi capabilities on this it has been nothing but grief in January they updated their system supposedly to fix it it appears that it had broke my system completely as far as the computer component which I cannot even now use the smoker at all and I’ve recently just been told that the last three weeks I’ve been waiting for the part to get here I will now be waiting till May for it to get here. Do not buy a Traeger smoker!!! I’ll have to look into the weber smokers. This issue has been going on long before the virus
Why do Americans cover their meat with sugar sauce?
Because why not??
Sad you sold out to traeger.. but money is money so can't knock you.
Blond ribs. No smoke ring, I’ll
Good video, but it's not a REC TEC pellet grill.... Boomer !!
The Rec Tec clowns are representing! Chinese junk.
No smoke ring no bark that is a lazy mans smoker. Its the crock pot of smokers.
100% I can’t find a decent video featuring a pellet smoker where they show the rib up close. The ribs are always oven white and zero smoke ring.
Overpriced junk. Treager has not evolved with the rest of the industry and has not been competitive with other pellet smokers......they just charge way more....and people pay it lmao.
justin mock Its been redesigned
justin mock I bought one last year and it's incredible.
I feel like my instagram comment helped with this video
Over priced!!
Uh this is just an advertisement not a review... thumbs down
another paid review...