As someone who recently started raising chickens, I came to see how divorced we are from the realities of life - how sacrifices actually sanctified and honored the process of life and death and was a vigilant reminder to our own situation and those of others.
Yes! Much of the supposed barbarism of the ancients was like this, such as initiation rituals , strict codes of virtue, etc.- controlled and ritualized harshness, the absent of which is actually much more harsh and cruel, like factory farming
Me too!! It’s really a special channel. Something is finally changing. This channel is finally clearing up the fog on important things like what are our values and should we redefine them
I appreciate hearing that young men are getting behind this way of thinking. At 38 years old I strongly believe This is the answer for the future of mankind.
"Morality" should be a personal matter, in my opinion. Values help a man reach his full potential, but they should be his own, his personal credo, not those of a society. Because the weak will always attempt to tear down the strong, so they themselves may appear less inadequate.
Hmm I still think a society needs- or even if it doesn't, will always inevitably have- a supreme value / instinct (conscious, or unconscious God) at its core
@@HeroicIdeal I do agree that it inevitably comes about, however, if every man defines a form of morality for himself and towards his own ends/purpose, that supreme value will naturally be individual greatness and competition, because the key aspect automatically shared between these different personal codes will be the attempt to excel as an individual, and the result will be the success of the best.
Although I understand that every person is entitled to their own morality the reality is no one is 100% automous & our decisions are influenced & affected by the actions and morality of other people some of which he have inevitable responsibility such as our children.
@@X23Ninja Absolutely. Instilling a desire for physical prowess and health, a sense of honor and other such things in your children is important. But a strong sense of individual purpose and the will to act on that sense are perhaps most important, in my opinion. An individual that feels largely unfettered when it comes to the pressures of society will generally seek physical and mental growth in accordance with their own character, that's just a natural desire. And just the same, I think the respect for honorable, heroic, powerful, ultimately noble role models is a deep-seated natural instinct, just like the bonds of family etc. So making young people strong, purpose-driven individuals is very fundamental. Because cherishing values like strength, vigor, beauty and true intellegence comes naturally to a strong-minded person that sees reality for what it is.
Why have I always resonated with Machiavelli and nietzsche? Even before I ever began reading them I’ve always felt this way about my outlook on life and morality.
They have a talent for stating natural truth like no other. Check out Callicles, he seems to be the very first in antiquity to lay the seeds for such thought. The original promotor of pride, power & strength; of endless ambition by those capable of it, with no heed paid to morals. He personally berates Socrates & his entourage for being dorks with no money or power lmao
Absolute beauty is what I find here. When people question why I share the very values you showcase in this video I can’t help but go to a place in my mind and think about the movie Wall-E. No amount of equality and safety is worth that fate.
@@HeroicIdeal Luxury itself is a symbol of decadence, of complacency, of material worship today. Luxury in the past used to signify great power, honor, greatness. That was it's sole purpose, the same way animal rituals were done to honor the power of the animals we consume, the power they give to us once we kill and consume them. Now what is the highest definition of power in our current society? Being rich? That's the only axis our society measures greatness in. It completly negates any truly remarkable traits one must have and feats one much achieve to be seen as powerful. This loops back to your video, we have banished power for it's cruelty, for it's suffering and power just so happens to be central in nature. Thus every single thing that branches off power, off nature itself, is corrupted. Then you have nihilism, which is us becoming aware of the corrupted nature around us. That is why something just isn't clicking when we look around, or even inside ourselves. We have detached ourselves from nature in our pursuit of knowing it, how ironic.
Great answers for great questions! Well done, brother, well done, like all your videos. Just stumbled on your channel, and, since 2 days, i listen to you and my heart says "YES!" - to everything you say. Thank you. Tom
Values have evolved as a tool to help an organism to survive , firstly , and after to thrive and expand its space. With this in mind we should not critisize values themselfs but the type of life they serve. A moral system's value should be measured according to the life type who constructed it. For example if a moral assertment created by a population under slavery probably will emphasize on just survival and even hate for expansion and growth just because of ressentment for their masters.
Becoming a Heathen has shown me this disconnect. My morals lie with Nature, that My Gods created and from it, me. My body is of the material stuff of this beautiful Earth, and my soul is divine in essence. I am beholden to the laws with which All Father created by giving all life its existence. Shaking off the secular victim mindset is very difficult, but within me I know there is a conviction and a strength that would frighten the modern liberalist thinker, but that same strength is in all of us.
Look up the myths of your own religion. The germanic gods did not create the universe but are rather creations of it. You are only replacing God with "All Father"
@@LusizcizCertain patterns are universal in religion. Such as the trinity, or the one, through the one the all. I don’t see how this is simply changing the Christian god’s name, it is much deeper than that. It is a shift in Weltanschauung.
It's one thing to make a video about the eternal crisis of societal collapse, and another entirely to actually follow through on what Nietzsche suggested and critically look at morals and values from a genealogical perspective. Everybody does the former, nobody the latter.
The only reason that anything has identity, worth, or power is that since birth, we have been taught to give it so. Culture and morality are not our friends. Terrance McKenna If you base your life upon nature's needs you will never be be poor. If you base your life upon man's opinion you will never be rich. Nature's needs are few- While those of opinions are limitless.................... Seneca the Spaniard of Rome. Powerful and presented video! Empirical information to Live by.
That's a very true concept, morality is a human concept not a natural system. We create morality through the absurdity of nature. It is our way of making sense of nature's humour.
No wonder. The current value system has been built by chaste sickly monks, who resented those in worldly power. This was negated by a certain warrior spirit for a while, which is a commonality in most Indo-European descendant cultures. However, since WW2 we suppressed, leading much of the West to simply become pathetic and weak. I believe that the future of civilization lies primarily in areas that are more violent and thus real to this day. Such as Eastern Europe, Parts of the Southern US, and Latin America. The parts of the West that are too tamed, like Germanic Europe and both US coasts, will lose importance and gradually become peripheries.
Yes, monks changed to mediocre corrupt Narcissistic administrators who hide behind luxury morals to hide their mediocrity, cowardice and greed. These over civilised places will be destroyed by the administrators before they can become insignificant backwaters though.
I don't agree with all the philosophy presented here, but I do appreciate the discussion and your presentation of these points of view. At the very least, it got me thinking about such topics. Thank you for sharing.
@@HeroicIdeal I don´t know much about your beliefs but I worship Zeus in the sense that I seek to become strong and wise like Him, perhaps that is the type of worship ancient Europeans had, instead of bowing in submission.
There is value here, but morality and ethics are not the same. There is overlap, but ethics is a system of duties under morality. It is an important distinction because it lets us be critical about morals as a whole while also critiquing individual systems within those moral frameworks.
Really enjoy your work. I disagree with much of Nietzche's philosophy but he certainly was dead on with some of his observations and diagnoses of our degenerate modern culture. Your presentation and aesthetics are spot on, per usual.
Ok... I work in a nuclear facility and the CEO came down and commanded us to use Ai to transcribe the words from this video He then had us write them all out, by hand, on the largest thermonuclear missle in the facility using an ink quail feather It was loaded onto a giant armoured truck... as the driver left the CEO threw a salute and said "GM" The video has only been out for 1 hour
“Might was right when Caesar bled Upon the stones of Rome, Might was right when Joshua led His hordes o’er Jordan's foam, And might was right when German troops Poured down through Paris gay, It's the gospel of the ancient world And the logic of today. Behind all kings and presidents - All government and law, Are army-corps and cannoneers - To hold the world in awe. And sword-strong races own the earth, And ride the conqueror's car - And liberty has never been won Except by deeds of war. What are the lords of hoarded gold - The silent Semite rings? What are the plunder-patriots - High-pontiffs, priests and kings? What are they but bold master-minds, Best fitted for the fray who comprehend And vanquish by - the logic of today. Cain's knotted club is scepter still - The "right of man" is fraud: Christ's ethics are for creeping things - True manhood smiles at "God". For might is right when empires sink In storms of steel and flame; And it is right when weakling breeds - Are hunted down like game. Then what's the use of dreaming dreams - That "each shall get his own"? By forceless votes of meek-eyed thralls, Who blindly sweat and moan? No! A curse is on their cankered brains - Their very bones decay Go! Trace your fate in the iron game, It's the logic of today. The strong must ever rule the weak, Is grim primordial law - On earth's broad racial threshing floor, The meek are beaten straw - Then ride to power o'er foemen's necks Let nothing bar your way: If you are fit you'll rule and reign, Is the logic of today. You must prove you're right by deeds of might - of splendor and reknown. If need be, march through flames of hell, To dash opponents down - if need be, die on scaffold high - In the morning's misty grey: For "liberty or death" is still the logic of today. Might was right when Gideon led The "chosen" tribes of old, And it was right when Titus burnt, Their temple roofed with gold: And might was right from Bunker's hill, To far Manilla bay, By land and flood it's wrote in blood - The gospel of today. "Put not your trust in princes" Is a saying old and true, "Put not your hope in governments" Translateth it anew. All "books of law" and "golden rules" Are fashioned to betray: "The survival of the strongest" Is the gospel of today. Might was right when Carthage flames Lit up the punic foam - And when the naked steel of Gaul Weighed down the spoil of Rome; And might was right when Richmond fell - And at Thermopylae - It's the logic of the ancient world - And the gospel of today. Where pendant suns in millions swing, Around this whirling earth, It's might, it's force that holds the brakes, And steers through death and birth: Force governs all organic life, Inspires all right and wrong. It's nature's plan to weed-out man, And test who are the strong.”
I’ve always dreamed about having a fit body, having money and getting a beautiful wife… Even those friends who say that being skinny fat, having average income and appearance doesn’t matter when looking for someone to reproduce with will drag you down.
@@HeroicIdeal I love it. I’ll be looking forward to that going live. But yes we need this warband of youth, violently striving for excellence and martial prowess to train together and prepare for the coming vengeance of nature that is sure to storm our sorry facades of “culture” and convention.
Morality is constructed after a biological organism has made an actionable decision based on their biological limits and potential resource/security gain. All decision structures are downstream from the simple behavior of cells. The rejection of this has brought us to where we are today where dysgenic methodology is not just acceptable but in some instances, actively enforced. Metaphyiscal conservativism IS what lead us to where we are today. There is no greater ally to leftism than traditionalists.
I admit and lament that I am an idle laggard and hopelessly addicted to suggary poison. My body is sick and out of shape due to decades of indulgeance. Mentally, intellectually, I know that I need to change, to return to a more primal and biologically true way. I know instincively that our mediocracy celebrating morals will be the death of our species and we need to return to celebrating true excelence. I know that, if we were to live in a truly virtuous world, such as me would not be allowed to exist, for such as me are a vile stain on the glory of humanity. But I have no strength of mind, no discipline, to change myself. Even knowing that, as I am now, I would not be worthy of life, of existing, in the world I wholeheartedly endorse, and I sedate my disgust for myself with the celebrated victimhood of modern times and delude myelf with the hollow excuse that I am worthless because the food, health and entertainment industry didn't give me any other option. This delusion of celebrated victimhood is more comfortable than facing the truth: I am what I am due to my own choices, and what I am is vile. And my wish to change for the better is weaker than my habit of idle indulgeance.
Keeping an eye on this channel. Hopefuly it doesnt subvertly spews some socialist utopia nonsense with few philosphers pictures in their thumbnail. I can say that wont be the case since Nietzche himself opposed the state and called it a weak need for power; "Will to Power".
I think the chapter in the Prine about force and law, the fox and lion is also implicitly anti-Christian. Force and law as opposed to faith and law, the fox and the lion as opposed to the lion and the lamb, the beast man as opposed to the god man... the attack on the value of truth in favor of appearance
@@HeroicIdeal Costin Alamariu has come to my face, his selective breeding. It was not convincing, I've read some 82 pages out of 250. He wants pure Plato and even genetic engineering. For him evolution is gradual and not jumpy as for Nietzsche. Nietzsche organizes the chaos of passions, and I would say a higher number of passions than humans have, and since passions are connections between body and the nervous system, so is every new organization also a new body... So, Alamariu seems to be a shallow scholar who even can't define what aristocracy is and he can only be the new Socrates in case that democracy is defeated, but never a Nietszchean philosopher of the future.
So from your perspective what should a man be pursuing if not might and power? Strength is foremost what EVERY man should have because without that he is not his own man but a mere potential victim/slave to those who are strong/powerful.
@@priley817 Virtues/Happiness. Strength is necessary for that, but not sufficient, it's a means to an end. As always, this power-hungry ethic is motivated by fear. One fears people having more power than them, so they want more power to protect themselves.
@@superduper7874 Because your vague I won’t assume what you define as “virtue” But i’ll assess what you did say. So happiness? Happiness I piss on it, men are here to be effective not “happy” little children or women that are contented. Fear is a natural response , it is what drives you to outcompete and outwork your adversaries. Also virtue stems from the greek word “Arete” which means excellence in being. When translated to latin “Virtus” meaning effectiveness in action. So again tell me what is the highest thing to aim for .. obviously it’s SUPERORITY AS MAN in all REALMS.
@@priley817If power were the highest virtue, then our current “leaders” should be considered virtuous people and hence they deserve to rule over us. In a healthy society, a man’s ultimate purpose and duties should aim to be in conformity with the cosmic order. i.e. Dharma, the will of the gods, the Logos, the Wyrd… To seek power merely for its own sake, is a type of ignorance of cosmic law.
While i definitely agree with your articulation of the need to be strong and brave, i get conflicting thoughts regarding the issue of morality- or at least the way you raise it. Neitzsche emphasized that being a weak, cowardly and hedonistic man is immoral, and that is understandably obvious, as we can observe what such men do in their daily lives. The Pagans were certainly masculine, strong, ferocious, and brave… but what did that earn them other than a “glorious” death? There is a reason the vikings went extinct along with their human and animal sacrifices. We see similar patterns with the Samurai of Japan. I think that we must merge Neitzsche’s idea of the Ubernmench with enlightened thought, and carry and conduct ourselves with honor and virtue while at the same time maintaining a moral compass, led and inspired by religious thought. Sort of like… George Washington. Let us not misunderstand the idea of the Ubernmench. It does not mean becoming an animal sacrificing cruel and ferocious man in my opinion. I also wouldn’t entertain much of Machvialli’s philosophy, as i find most of it (but not all) based on non-enlightened, cruel, cynical and narcissistic thought.
This channel flies high with nostalgia of what young too comfortable people in the west never lived. And I highly doubt they would enjoy if they really were thrown there. Nietzsche himself had a sick and fragile body who couldn't survive in some mythical ancestral past. And died unhappy and mad . (Edit, don't want to be dismissive.and I is not the place where females are welcome, even if they come from a real ancestral tribe... But I also sense many of unsatisfied youth will come back to appreciate the baby this channels seems a bit too anxious to throw with the dirty water.
As someone who recently started raising chickens, I came to see how divorced we are from the realities of life - how sacrifices actually sanctified and honored the process of life and death and was a vigilant reminder to our own situation and those of others.
Yes! Much of the supposed barbarism of the ancients was like this, such as initiation rituals , strict codes of virtue, etc.- controlled and ritualized harshness, the absent of which is actually much more harsh and cruel, like factory farming
Good for you! I've also started raising chickens.
I’ve been recommending this channel like crazy. There’s def a movement in the young men that I’m hanging with. You’re doing the gods/ god’s work!
Fantastic to hear! Many subscribers tell me they came to my channel through word of mouth
Me too!! It’s really a special channel. Something is finally changing. This channel is finally clearing up the fog on important things like what are our values and should we redefine them
I appreciate hearing that young men are getting behind this way of thinking. At 38 years old I strongly believe This is the answer for the future of mankind.
The mainstream media reminds me constantly of the dangers of morality
The Mainstream Media is the best example that you could have mentioned. 👏🏼
This is one of your best videos thus far in my opinion.
Thanks! More to come like it
"Morality" should be a personal matter, in my opinion. Values help a man reach his full potential, but they should be his own, his personal credo, not those of a society. Because the weak will always attempt to tear down the strong, so they themselves may appear less inadequate.
Hmm I still think a society needs- or even if it doesn't, will always inevitably have- a supreme value / instinct (conscious, or unconscious God) at its core
@@HeroicIdeal I do agree that it inevitably comes about, however, if every man defines a form of morality for himself and towards his own ends/purpose, that supreme value will naturally be individual greatness and competition, because the key aspect automatically shared between these different personal codes will be the attempt to excel as an individual, and the result will be the success of the best.
Although I understand that every person is entitled to their own morality the reality is no one is 100% automous & our decisions are influenced & affected by the actions and morality of other people some of which he have inevitable responsibility such as our children.
@@X23Ninja Absolutely. Instilling a desire for physical prowess and health, a sense of honor and other such things in your children is important. But a strong sense of individual purpose and the will to act on that sense are perhaps most important, in my opinion. An individual that feels largely unfettered when it comes to the pressures of society will generally seek physical and mental growth in accordance with their own character, that's just a natural desire. And just the same, I think the respect for honorable, heroic, powerful, ultimately noble role models is a deep-seated natural instinct, just like the bonds of family etc.
So making young people strong, purpose-driven individuals is very fundamental. Because cherishing values like strength, vigor, beauty and true intellegence comes naturally to a strong-minded person that sees reality for what it is.
Why have I always resonated with Machiavelli and nietzsche? Even before I ever began reading them I’ve always felt this way about my outlook on life and morality.
I felt the same way! When I read Nietzsche for the first time, it was like he was giving a voice to all of my unarticulated beliefs and feelings
They have a talent for stating natural truth like no other. Check out Callicles, he seems to be the very first in antiquity to lay the seeds for such thought. The original promotor of pride, power & strength; of endless ambition by those capable of it, with no heed paid to morals. He personally berates Socrates & his entourage for being dorks with no money or power lmao
Great insight in this video
"could our high morals be a way of justifying ourselves to ourselves"
Absolute beauty is what I find here. When people question why I share the very values you showcase in this video I can’t help but go to a place in my mind and think about the movie Wall-E. No amount of equality and safety is worth that fate.
Exactly! Luxury should come only as a byproduct of hard work, just as beauty is born from struggle
@@HeroicIdeal Luxury itself is a symbol of decadence, of complacency, of material worship today. Luxury in the past used to signify great power, honor, greatness. That was it's sole purpose, the same way animal rituals were done to honor the power of the animals we consume, the power they give to us once we kill and consume them. Now what is the highest definition of power in our current society? Being rich? That's the only axis our society measures greatness in. It completly negates any truly remarkable traits one must have and feats one much achieve to be seen as powerful. This loops back to your video, we have banished power for it's cruelty, for it's suffering and power just so happens to be central in nature. Thus every single thing that branches off power, off nature itself, is corrupted. Then you have nihilism, which is us becoming aware of the corrupted nature around us. That is why something just isn't clicking when we look around, or even inside ourselves. We have detached ourselves from nature in our pursuit of knowing it, how ironic.
Great answers for great questions! Well done, brother, well done, like all your videos. Just stumbled on your channel, and, since 2 days, i listen to you and my heart says "YES!" - to everything you say. Thank you. Tom
Fantastic video Ark, strikes right at the core of the many problems of today.
Thanks brother 🙏
I have a feeling this is going to be a good one!
You were absolutely right!
Just finished and i gotta say, you are only getting better at this!
Keep up the good work brother, the struggle is everything!
Thanks brother! Perhaps one day the Ark will produce full movies 😏
Values have evolved as a tool to help an organism to survive , firstly , and after to thrive and expand its space. With this in mind we should not critisize values themselfs but the type of life they serve. A moral system's value should be measured according to the life type who constructed it. For example if a moral assertment created by a population under slavery probably will emphasize on just survival and even hate for expansion and growth just because of ressentment for their masters.
Precisely! And one should take into account the type it creates as well
Becoming a Heathen has shown me this disconnect. My morals lie with Nature, that My Gods created and from it, me. My body is of the material stuff of this beautiful Earth, and my soul is divine in essence. I am beholden to the laws with which All Father created by giving all life its existence.
Shaking off the secular victim mindset is very difficult, but within me I know there is a conviction and a strength that would frighten the modern liberalist thinker, but that same strength is in all of us.
Look up the myths of your own religion. The germanic gods did not create the universe but are rather creations of it. You are only replacing God with "All Father"
@@LusizcizCertain patterns are universal in religion. Such as the trinity, or the one, through the one the all. I don’t see how this is simply changing the Christian god’s name, it is much deeper than that. It is a shift in Weltanschauung.
I don't know what happened to my last comment, but I'll just say, I'm extremely grateful I found your channel.
Thank you brother! Glad to have you
It's one thing to make a video about the eternal crisis of societal collapse, and another entirely to actually follow through on what Nietzsche suggested and critically look at morals and values from a genealogical perspective. Everybody does the former, nobody the latter.
The only reason that anything has identity, worth, or power is that since birth, we have been taught to give it so.
Culture and morality are not our friends.
Terrance McKenna
If you base your life upon nature's needs you will never be be poor.
If you base your life upon man's opinion you will never be rich.
Nature's needs are few-
While those of opinions are limitless....................
Seneca the Spaniard of Rome.
Powerful and presented video!
Empirical information to Live by.
Very well done! Many great points, an excellent analysis!
Thank you!
Been patiently waiting for a new upload. You did not disappoint 🙏 💪
I just found her channel recently bro and I love it
Thanks brother!
Another great essay. Keep up the good work, my friend.
Thanks brother!
Excellent video! 💪👍😊
Thanks! ❤️🔥
That's a very true concept, morality is a human concept not a natural system. We create morality through the absurdity of nature. It is our way of making sense of nature's humour.
Beautiful insights
This channel is the only beam of light in this degenerate place
So well explained, great video
Really well done my guy subbed
This is wisdom to the max. Say , what is the painting in the thumbnail? The man with the sword and the torch ? That’s a bad ass piece.
Thanks! Jean Delville, fire and sword
Thanks for the video
Thanks for watching!
No wonder. The current value system has been built by chaste sickly monks, who resented those in worldly power. This was negated by a certain warrior spirit for a while, which is a commonality in most Indo-European descendant cultures. However, since WW2 we suppressed, leading much of the West to simply become pathetic and weak.
I believe that the future of civilization lies primarily in areas that are more violent and thus real to this day. Such as Eastern Europe, Parts of the Southern US, and Latin America. The parts of the West that are too tamed, like Germanic Europe and both US coasts, will lose importance and gradually become peripheries.
Yes, monks changed to mediocre corrupt Narcissistic administrators who hide behind luxury morals to hide their mediocrity, cowardice and greed. These over civilised places will be destroyed by the administrators before they can become insignificant backwaters though.
I don't agree with all the philosophy presented here, but I do appreciate the discussion and your presentation of these points of view. At the very least, it got me thinking about such topics. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for commenting!
Phenomenal video
This is special, i'm definitely interested!
May the Gods help you brother
Thank you brother! You as well 🏛️⚡️
@@HeroicIdeal I don´t know much about your beliefs but I worship Zeus in the sense that I seek to become strong and wise like Him, perhaps that is the type of worship ancient Europeans had, instead of bowing in submission.
From the Unconscious Hell ❤️
To the Conscious Hell 💚
Until the Paradise of Consciousness 💜
Stay Awake Not Woke ❤️ 💚 💜
Men nowadays being too nice and good (or moral) has allowed evil and corruption to take over.
There is value here, but morality and ethics are not the same. There is overlap, but ethics is a system of duties under morality. It is an important distinction because it lets us be critical about morals as a whole while also critiquing individual systems within those moral frameworks.
Beautiful video. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Speaking as a vegan of 22 years and a practitioner of body building and MMA… I support Human Sacrifices in place of animals. 😈
Profile picture lines up
@@andrewbowen2837 This is my naughty account. 😃 Elsewhere, I have to keep my real thoughts to myself.
@@weaponxiv9701 Your personal preference? 😄 Certainly not mine. Carry on, though.
Haha based, good to have a cannibal around to help keep the tribe well behaved
Really enjoy your work. I disagree with much of Nietzche's philosophy but he certainly was dead on with some of his observations and diagnoses of our degenerate modern culture. Your presentation and aesthetics are spot on, per usual.
Thanks brother!
Joel Davis sent me here.
Excellent! What’s the name of the music?
Check the description ⚡️
Ok... I work in a nuclear facility and the CEO came down and commanded us to use Ai to transcribe the words from this video
He then had us write them all out, by hand, on the largest thermonuclear missle in the facility using an ink quail feather
It was loaded onto a giant armoured truck... as the driver left the CEO threw a salute and said "GM"
The video has only been out for 1 hour
"GM" stands for grumpy marmoset. It's the name of our intergalactic colonization operation
What is the ID of the artwork with sword and torch?
Jean Delville fire and sword
That man knows it will die and can imagine its death, must have some kind of meaning.
No other lifeforms know they are going to die consciously.
“Might was right when Caesar bled
Upon the stones of Rome,
Might was right when Joshua led
His hordes o’er Jordan's foam,
And might was right when German troops
Poured down through Paris gay,
It's the gospel of the ancient world
And the logic of today.
Behind all kings and presidents -
All government and law,
Are army-corps and cannoneers -
To hold the world in awe.
And sword-strong races own the earth,
And ride the conqueror's car -
And liberty has never been won
Except by deeds of war.
What are the lords of hoarded gold -
The silent Semite rings?
What are the plunder-patriots -
High-pontiffs, priests and kings?
What are they but bold master-minds,
Best fitted for the fray who comprehend
And vanquish by - the logic of today.
Cain's knotted club is scepter still -
The "right of man" is fraud:
Christ's ethics are for creeping things -
True manhood smiles at "God".
For might is right when empires sink
In storms of steel and flame;
And it is right when weakling breeds -
Are hunted down like game.
Then what's the use of dreaming dreams -
That "each shall get his own"?
By forceless votes of meek-eyed thralls,
Who blindly sweat and moan?
No! A curse is on their cankered brains -
Their very bones decay
Go! Trace your fate in the iron game,
It's the logic of today.
The strong must ever rule the weak,
Is grim primordial law -
On earth's broad racial threshing floor,
The meek are beaten straw -
Then ride to power o'er foemen's necks
Let nothing bar your way:
If you are fit you'll rule and reign,
Is the logic of today.
You must prove you're right by deeds of might - of splendor and reknown.
If need be, march through flames of hell,
To dash opponents down -
if need be, die on scaffold high -
In the morning's misty grey:
For "liberty or death" is still the logic of today.
Might was right when Gideon led
The "chosen" tribes of old,
And it was right when Titus burnt,
Their temple roofed with gold:
And might was right from Bunker's hill,
To far Manilla bay,
By land and flood it's wrote in blood -
The gospel of today.
"Put not your trust in princes"
Is a saying old and true,
"Put not your hope in governments"
Translateth it anew.
All "books of law" and "golden rules"
Are fashioned to betray:
"The survival of the strongest"
Is the gospel of today.
Might was right when Carthage flames
Lit up the punic foam -
And when the naked steel of Gaul
Weighed down the spoil of Rome;
And might was right when Richmond fell -
And at Thermopylae -
It's the logic of the ancient world -
And the gospel of today.
Where pendant suns in millions swing,
Around this whirling earth,
It's might, it's force that holds the brakes,
And steers through death and birth:
Force governs all organic life,
Inspires all right and wrong.
It's nature's plan to weed-out man,
And test who are the strong.”
The urge to go hunting with my stone spear intensifies...
I’m going to start trying to make a superior Murdoch Murdoch series, I would appreciate if you would let me use some of your audio in sound bites
I’ve always dreamed about having a fit body, having money and getting a beautiful wife… Even those friends who say that being skinny fat, having average income and appearance doesn’t matter when looking for someone to reproduce with will drag you down.
I've never understood those who would rather stay comfortable than wage war upon themselves in pursuit of great things!
Sounds very american ideal!
Where does one go to join the forming war band of wolves living outside the customs and conventions of Nomos!? Please tell me
I'm working on an online community. But in time, we will build networks in person, I hope!
@@HeroicIdeal I love it. I’ll be looking forward to that going live. But yes we need this warband of youth, violently striving for excellence and martial prowess to train together and prepare for the coming vengeance of nature that is sure to storm our sorry facades of “culture” and convention.
As a Christian when Christ fails me I turn to Nietzsche.
Morality is constructed after a biological organism has made an actionable decision based on their biological limits and potential resource/security gain. All decision structures are downstream from the simple behavior of cells. The rejection of this has brought us to where we are today where dysgenic methodology is not just acceptable but in some instances, actively enforced. Metaphyiscal conservativism IS what lead us to where we are today. There is no greater ally to leftism than traditionalists.
Far out your IQ must be through the roof. I am envious.
You flatter
I admit and lament that I am an idle laggard and hopelessly addicted to suggary poison. My body is sick and out of shape due to decades of indulgeance.
Mentally, intellectually, I know that I need to change, to return to a more primal and biologically true way. I know instincively that our mediocracy celebrating morals will be the death of our species and we need to return to celebrating true excelence. I know that, if we were to live in a truly virtuous world, such as me would not be allowed to exist, for such as me are a vile stain on the glory of humanity. But I have no strength of mind, no discipline, to change myself.
Even knowing that, as I am now, I would not be worthy of life, of existing, in the world I wholeheartedly endorse, and I sedate my disgust for myself with the celebrated victimhood of modern times and delude myelf with the hollow excuse that I am worthless because the food, health and entertainment industry didn't give me any other option. This delusion of celebrated victimhood is more comfortable than facing the truth: I am what I am due to my own choices, and what I am is vile. And my wish to change for the better is weaker than my habit of idle indulgeance.
Name of this painting?
Jean Delville fire and sword
Keeping an eye on this channel. Hopefuly it doesnt subvertly spews some socialist utopia nonsense with few philosphers pictures in their thumbnail.
I can say that wont be the case since Nietzche himself opposed the state and called it a weak need for power; "Will to Power".
I knew somewhere was the passage of M about Christianity, but not exactly where. And it seemed to me overly Nietzschean, before 14 years.
I think the chapter in the Prine about force and law, the fox and lion is also implicitly anti-Christian. Force and law as opposed to faith and law, the fox and the lion as opposed to the lion and the lamb, the beast man as opposed to the god man... the attack on the value of truth in favor of appearance
@@HeroicIdeal Costin Alamariu has come to my face, his selective breeding. It was not convincing, I've read some 82 pages out of 250. He wants pure Plato and even genetic engineering. For him evolution is gradual and not jumpy as for Nietzsche. Nietzsche organizes the chaos of passions, and I would say a higher number of passions than humans have, and since passions are connections between body and the nervous system, so is every new organization also a new body...
So, Alamariu seems to be a shallow scholar who even can't define what aristocracy is and he can only be the new Socrates in case that democracy is defeated, but never a Nietszchean philosopher of the future.
Make our creator great again
Treating might/power as the highest thing to pursue is just as bad as treating the negation of power as good in itself.
So from your perspective what should a man be pursuing if not might and power? Strength is foremost what EVERY man should have because without that he is not his own man but a mere potential victim/slave to those who are strong/powerful.
Any system of values that doesn't put power as the highest value, is destined to be destroyed by the one that does
@@priley817 Virtues/Happiness. Strength is necessary for that, but not sufficient, it's a means to an end.
As always, this power-hungry ethic is motivated by fear. One fears people having more power than them, so they want more power to protect themselves.
@@superduper7874 Because your vague I won’t assume what you define as “virtue” But i’ll assess what you did say. So happiness? Happiness I piss on it, men are here to be effective not “happy” little children or women that are contented. Fear is a natural response
, it is what drives you to outcompete and outwork your adversaries.
Also virtue stems from the greek word “Arete” which means excellence in being. When translated to latin “Virtus” meaning effectiveness in action. So again tell me what is the highest thing to aim for .. obviously it’s SUPERORITY AS MAN in all REALMS.
@@priley817If power were the highest virtue, then our current “leaders” should be considered virtuous people and hence they deserve to rule over us.
In a healthy society, a man’s ultimate purpose and duties should aim to be in conformity with the cosmic order.
i.e. Dharma, the will of the gods, the Logos, the Wyrd…
To seek power merely for its own sake, is a type of ignorance of cosmic law.
While i definitely agree with your articulation of the need to be strong and brave, i get conflicting thoughts regarding the issue of morality- or at least the way you raise it. Neitzsche emphasized that being a weak, cowardly and hedonistic man is immoral, and that is understandably obvious, as we can observe what such men do in their daily lives.
The Pagans were certainly masculine, strong, ferocious, and brave… but what did that earn them other than a “glorious” death? There is a reason the vikings went extinct along with their human and animal sacrifices. We see similar patterns with the Samurai of Japan. I think that we must merge Neitzsche’s idea of the Ubernmench with enlightened thought, and carry and conduct ourselves with honor and virtue while at the same time maintaining a moral compass, led and inspired by religious thought. Sort of like… George Washington.
Let us not misunderstand the idea of the Ubernmench. It does not mean becoming an animal sacrificing cruel and ferocious man in my opinion. I also wouldn’t entertain much of Machvialli’s philosophy, as i find most of it (but not all) based on non-enlightened, cruel, cynical and narcissistic thought.
I think I address these things @8:20 and @12:48 !
This channel flies high with nostalgia of what young too comfortable people in the west never lived. And I highly doubt they would enjoy if they really were thrown there. Nietzsche himself had a sick and fragile body who couldn't survive in some mythical ancestral past. And died unhappy and mad . (Edit, don't want to be dismissive.and I is not the place where females are welcome, even if they come from a real ancestral tribe... But I also sense many of unsatisfied youth will come back to appreciate the baby this channels seems a bit too anxious to throw with the dirty water.
Our so called "Good" is the problem
Yes indeed