I think the tower being lined with meat is the nature of all towers; I suspect that towers are grown, as opposed to built, by the Orokin, and they all very well may have their own sentience, similar to the Unum, which might also be what controls the neural sentries.
All Orokin Towers (or at least the Towers made after the Warframes were invented) are made out of a substance called Tower Flesh which, like the Warframes, is made of a kind of dormant Infested flesh. This is also demonstrated in the Orb Vallis where tendrils of Tower Flesh cover the land and form big fleshy mushroom things.
I'm not sure you missed this, or just didn't mention it, but in one of the Codex entries you showed, it's said that "the Unum" is also referred to as "the Wall". ... ... THE WALL! THE MAN! THE UNUM! START THEORYCRAFTING I NEED TO KNOW HOW THIS IS ALL CONNECTED UUHGUGH
Its not. It may be that the Unum is a Void entity simialr to the Man in the Wall but they are not the same entity. Personally I prefer the theory that the Unum is a Tenno that used Transference to link with the tower and its the tower systems that gives her her prophetic sight.
@@channonikelman2041 I personaly think that Unum is the Neuro Sentry of this particular tower And thanks to the Kuva she can see the timeline shenanigans
Honestly that little bit at the end made almost not hit the like button, but then I remembered the rest of the video and change my mind back to hitting the like, any one else have that moment too?
Srsly bro, could it been more obvious. Ostron's expression: "By the Unum..." vs common expression: "By the Void". The animals fed on kuva, and somehow the Unum can now see through their eyes. We drunk kuva, and now we are possessed. Yea just a coincidence innit? The void demon(s)... the (wo)man in the wall can possibly exist long before the old war, can *obviously* take down any size of a sentient, can talk to you when she wants to from the other side of the universe, can certainly see the future and *certainly* could have befriended the Tenno. Next thing you know, Onkko has gold eyes behind the mask.
That had not even occurred to me haha, very good point though. I wish we didn't have to wait so long between story updates, I wanna know for sure what Kuva is -____-
I believe kuva is a byproduct of tennis powers. Also drinking of kuva does not possessed as you can not drink it and get the same thing. We know kuva can extract someone's soul if you drink enough.
hey man love your vids to death, will u ever make a video talking about the time before and after transferance was invented since I've had arguments with some of my frends with them saying that the tenno were never inside a warframe, but this is quickly disproved by mirage's quest and excal's P or excal"s codex entry(dont remember which) that says that the warframes were built around the tenno warriors to enhance their powers, but later down the line transferance was used as a weapon and used to control infested pupets from inside the warframes as shown by Rhino P's entry and the recient titania quest lore and stuff, love ur content and keep it up :)
I know this video is old, but for some reason, I have a feeling the tower, *spoilers ahead* Is actually similar to our Warframe’s being some being (potentially a plant similar to the silver grove) be implanted with a unique strain of the infection, thus creating the tower and it’s flesh. Making me think some of the Orokin structures are actually constructed via programmable Syrians of the infection.
Kuva might be the blood of the orokin (pretty sure teshin said that at one point), which means that the phrase 'Giant Orokin Tower' could be literally saying that the tower is one giant orokin. Or rather, is one now because of continuity. The unum may have been an orokin who actually had good ideas (shock, horror), showing how this occurred. But if Kuva is the blood of the orokin, then that means that the Ostron are constantly undergoing continuity with Unum, supported by the fact that she constantly wants to protect her Followers. That adds a new side to continuity that we haven't seen before, it being used to protect others instead of oneself
The tower didn't have followers, the Ostron are a group of people who scavenge oruken stuff and sell it off. In the comic DE released there's actually is/was quite a lot of other towns that had ostrons who scavenged vaults or other towers
I was under the impression that the Quills were the Unum's followers and that they predated the Ostron's arrival to the point that they were present at the end of the Old War. Always figured that Gara's backstory featuring the Unum and her followers at the time, happened way before the arrival of the Yingbindunyai clade who later became the Ostrons. Could be wrong about the timing though as I'm fairly certain there's no concrete timeline given to us as of yet.
wait did the lotus told the tenno to get out so the sentient would capture the tower? I mean after chimera, Gara's decision was an anomaly in the plan to make the sentient win.
Kinda begs the question, are all other towers also flesh inside? Says only living one... does that mean the rest are rotten? That'd explain the corrupted derelicts I guess...
Love your vids btw, best WF lore content out there. Well it might be special now in that it's the only remaining one, or it was special at the time in some other way, but maybe the standard was for orokin towers to be alive and since they've died either partially (like no longer sentient, just maintains itself like a brain dead person on life support) or completely dead/corrupted like corrupted derelicts. "Temple kuva" ... is that different from regular old kuva? I'm really hoping DE will remember to add more content around Unum etc in the future and not just forget about it like so much other WF lore.
Deon Hargrove okay yeah fair enough robot is an oversimplification. Basically one of the Simaris lore fragments from way back talks about the first sentient being able to split apart and regenerate into two full sentients. For whatever reason the coming back through void removed this ability. They are artificial life forms but sort of biomechanical as I understand it.
hold on, the ignorant offworlders called the unum 'the wall' and it can speak to people who have 'the ear to listen' and that makes me have a giant feeling the unum is the man in the wall
The definition for the real use of "Eidolon" is "a specter or phantom". It can be assumed that all the sentients on the Plains are "specters" of a greater sentient that was destroyed in the Plains.
I always thought the unum was a female orokin who wasn't an ass hole, that Gara or gara's operator had fallen in love with. Also favourite moment of Saya's vigil has to be vay hek being awed by the sentient. "It’s beautiful .... Kill it!!!" I can't wait until we get more info on the sacrifice. Inb4 warframes were tenno parents/miss investigator and became meat puppets. That being said I wonder just how much the operator is connected to the warframe do they feel what they feel? And does that mean that if they do what certain rule 34 images (involving operator and warframe)show, they not only get a double orgasm but also experience what it's like for the other sex?(I have too much time on my hands.) Also if we get a female scientist warframe would that be margulis or would she be the demoness warframe Hennya?
Gaming Princess Luna I definitely think there’s a strong possibility that the Warframe are what’s left of the adults on the zariman. On a more serious note than rule 34 limbo, mirage, mag and by the sounds of it, gara have all died whilst using their frames so presumably it’s possible.
I think the tower being lined with meat is the nature of all towers; I suspect that towers are grown, as opposed to built, by the Orokin, and they all very well may have their own sentience, similar to the Unum, which might also be what controls the neural sentries.
Tower in a can
3:24 ahahaha, that was gold.
I argee!
That's for sure
"I mean, it's not like it can hide behind a rock" he says as it hid behind a rock
Numpty Cunt perfect timing! I love his vids
Eidolon: "I heard u been talkin shit"
“I wager she’s gonna be of some serious importance down the line”
Tennocon 2021: you have no idea
I mean, it's not like it can hide behind a rock or something... (meanwhile in the background)
CTAVI lmao
He took advantage of that moment
All Orokin Towers (or at least the Towers made after the Warframes were invented) are made out of a substance called Tower Flesh which, like the Warframes, is made of a kind of dormant Infested flesh. This is also demonstrated in the Orb Vallis where tendrils of Tower Flesh cover the land and form big fleshy mushroom things.
I'm not sure you missed this, or just didn't mention it, but in one of the Codex entries you showed, it's said that "the Unum" is also referred to as "the Wall".
Cyborg Rox it also referred to the unum as a she
Its not. It may be that the Unum is a Void entity simialr to the Man in the Wall but they are not the same entity.
Personally I prefer the theory that the Unum is a Tenno that used Transference to link with the tower and its the tower systems that gives her her prophetic sight.
@@channonikelman2041 I personaly think that Unum is the Neuro Sentry of this particular tower
And thanks to the Kuva she can see the timeline shenanigans
Love these lore series. You sound great and very professional.
when this came out my goals and priorities are set, set into a laser focused and unwavering will;
mining and fishing, and nothing else
Too bad we didn’t got more lores about the Orokin. I was hoping for some more lores about them.
I imagine we'll get more in the sacrifice seeing as Ballas seems to be front and center
Don't forget, the technocyte. It's a tower of porcelain, gold, and flesh
Casey wasey wouldn’t be surprised to see that it’s part of it
so am i the onlky 1 wonder what does the tower tasted like ?
Pham Thien Phuc ass
From the texture we see, possibly brisket or pork
hmmm...man-size brisket :[ ]
Given the orikin it's probably made of some genetic abomination made from humans.
that's just amazing XD
Isn’t the actual sentient
And the eidolon is the Wondering spirit of the sentient
I think both
You’re gonna hit a million soon and I’m excited for you, because you’re amazing and deserve the exposure.
Honestly that little bit at the end made almost not hit the like button, but then I remembered the rest of the video and change my mind back to hitting the like, any one else have that moment too?
I sexually identify as an Orokin tower
Yes, my lore craving has been satisfied, for now.
3:26 As soon as you said that the sentient just popped out behind the rock XD
Srsly bro, could it been more obvious. Ostron's expression: "By the Unum..." vs common expression: "By the Void". The animals fed on kuva, and somehow the Unum can now see through their eyes. We drunk kuva, and now we are possessed. Yea just a coincidence innit? The void demon(s)... the (wo)man in the wall can possibly exist long before the old war, can *obviously* take down any size of a sentient, can talk to you when she wants to from the other side of the universe, can certainly see the future and *certainly* could have befriended the Tenno.
Next thing you know, Onkko has gold eyes behind the mask.
That had not even occurred to me haha, very good point though. I wish we didn't have to wait so long between story updates, I wanna know for sure what Kuva is -____-
I believe kuva is a byproduct of tennis powers. Also drinking of kuva does not possessed as you can not drink it and get the same thing.
We know kuva can extract someone's soul if you drink enough.
3:25 I completely missed that visual joke when I first watched this
3:26 perfect timing on that joke, also the teralyst seriously looks like it's coming over to say "you talkin shit?"
hey man love your vids to death, will u ever make a video talking about the time before and after transferance was invented since I've had arguments with some of my frends with them saying that the tenno were never inside a warframe, but this is quickly disproved by mirage's quest and excal's P or excal"s codex entry(dont remember which) that says that the warframes were built around the tenno warriors to enhance their powers, but later down the line transferance was used as a weapon and used to control infested pupets from inside the warframes as shown by Rhino P's entry and the recient titania quest lore and stuff, love ur content and keep it up :)
Honestly I figure that's the next mystery DE will reveal in the sacrifice so I'll almost definitely be doing a video on it :)
thanks man love u to death :)
The ham hock highrise was pure GOLD
The force field barrier got kinda retconned in the new war but oh well, was a great dlc and added to the lore. Time to update all these lore videos!
Jeez ive been waiting for a new Loreframe
Shouldn't be waiting too long for another :)
I can confirm the mysterious device was a K-BOMB from The Biz 😂😂😂
At 5:00 exactly doesn’t the eidolons shoulder pads look like twisted faces maybe that could be part of the lore
3:22 did anyone see the sentient's war machine come out from the rock it was hiding behind because that was so funny
I know this video is old, but for some reason, I have a feeling the tower, *spoilers ahead*
Is actually similar to our Warframe’s being some being (potentially a plant similar to the silver grove) be implanted with a unique strain of the infection, thus creating the tower and it’s flesh. Making me think some of the Orokin structures are actually constructed via programmable Syrians of the infection.
The Kuva must flow.
Kuva might be the blood of the orokin (pretty sure teshin said that at one point), which means that the phrase 'Giant Orokin Tower' could be literally saying that the tower is one giant orokin. Or rather, is one now because of continuity. The unum may have been an orokin who actually had good ideas (shock, horror), showing how this occurred. But if Kuva is the blood of the orokin, then that means that the Ostron are constantly undergoing continuity with Unum, supported by the fact that she constantly wants to protect her Followers. That adds a new side to continuity that we haven't seen before, it being used to protect others instead of oneself
I'm not sold on it being literally the blood of the Orokin, more of a metaphorical "this is what drives them" kind of thing
Who would win
>Space killer robots who decimated a civilization across the entire system
>A big sausage
Hi man, long time sub here
It's an honour your majesty *bows*
and to get his friends mr eidolon has to give hi soul so his friend can come
3:24 might wanna reconsider that mate
The unum is the man in the wall
Anyone else confused about all these tales of tenno that die and leave behind a warframe for us to find after playing second dream etc?
5:00 where did yoou find that image?
Literally just a cropped screenshot of the in game Eidolon lore fragment in the codex
looks so different from the teralyst rn, i wonder if we'll be getting more teralysts, that can fly?
I think Teralyst refers to the walker but supposedly we're gonna get new boss eidolons later on
Awesome! Truly well done.
Also, is there anything Kuva /can't/ do?
Some gingers can walk in day the legendary daywalker
"like vampires...or gingers"
3:24 Haha great video!
The tower didn't have followers, the Ostron are a group of people who scavenge oruken stuff and sell it off. In the comic DE released there's actually is/was quite a lot of other towns that had ostrons who scavenged vaults or other towers
I was under the impression that the Quills were the Unum's followers and that they predated the Ostron's arrival to the point that they were present at the end of the Old War. Always figured that Gara's backstory featuring the Unum and her followers at the time, happened way before the arrival of the Yingbindunyai clade who later became the Ostrons. Could be wrong about the timing though as I'm fairly certain there's no concrete timeline given to us as of yet.
Are u going to do a play through of the gara quest like harrow
I'd keep your eyes out tomorrow dude ;)
wait did the lotus told the tenno to get out so the sentient would capture the tower? I mean after chimera, Gara's decision was an anomaly in the plan to make the sentient win.
Nice video keep it up
That tower may have something to do with the sacrifice (the next cinematic campaign)
Possibly, but I have a feeling they used the moon for the Sacrifice reveal, to deliberately point us in that direction. Could be wrong though :)
Wouldnt it make sense if the sentients name was eidolon?
I'm more curious on how Unum meat tastes like... I'm guessing that it's a mix between salmon and pork belly.
What is the white and gold warframe he is wearing
I wish that there was an Excalibur plush
Yes yes lore :))))
Kinda begs the question, are all other towers also flesh inside? Says only living one... does that mean the rest are rotten? That'd explain the corrupted derelicts I guess...
It's an interesting theory, I'm inclined to think only a select few were fleshy seeing as they paint the unum as something special
Love your vids btw, best WF lore content out there.
Well it might be special now in that it's the only remaining one, or it was special at the time in some other way, but maybe the standard was for orokin towers to be alive and since they've died either partially (like no longer sentient, just maintains itself like a brain dead person on life support) or completely dead/corrupted like corrupted derelicts. "Temple kuva" ... is that different from regular old kuva? I'm really hoping DE will remember to add more content around Unum etc in the future and not just forget about it like so much other WF lore.
What’s that syndana
How did you even find the lore about the Plains!? Are there cephalon fragments in the plains?
Orville Scott Glass fishes in certain locations of the plains, aren't that hard to get
I saw you completing the second dream quest with Umbra, how? For u to get the sacrifice quest you need to finish the second dream quest fisrt
I don’t think I’ve ever used umbra for second dream. That’s most likely Excalibur prime with the teplo syandana
What prime you using in these videos?
If the sentient are robots the werent they always sterile? This lore is confusing at that part, especially with lotus.
Deon Hargrove okay yeah fair enough robot is an oversimplification. Basically one of the Simaris lore fragments from way back talks about the first sentient being able to split apart and regenerate into two full sentients. For whatever reason the coming back through void removed this ability. They are artificial life forms but sort of biomechanical as I understand it.
@@xayl So techno-organic?
Are you going to play forsaken
Yay Odonata Prime, me had too
Only the slickest ride ;)
i wonder what the tower meat tastes like...
why are your excal p so freakin handsome !!!! tell me your fashionframe!!!
Luqman Alerion The skin is the caduto tennogen skin + Targis Prime Armor and what looks like the Teplo Syandana also from tennogen
Peter Silie thanks man!
Np fellow Tenno ! :)
good lad, cheers
Push ups, sit ups and plenty of juice
Gara is 😩👌
Xayl please upload more :'v
As long as you don't mind that it won't all be loreframe then sure :P
hold on, the ignorant offworlders called the unum 'the wall' and it can speak to people who have 'the ear to listen' and that makes me have a giant feeling the unum is the man in the wall
Bruh where’s the vid at
The Ostron one? Had other commitments at the time and it got pushed back for more current stuff but it's back on the list now :)
Soon TM
Early bird here
But what exaclty is an eidolon?
Seems to be just a name for a certain subset of Sentients AFAIK
The definition for the real use of "Eidolon" is "a specter or phantom". It can be assumed that all the sentients on the Plains are "specters" of a greater sentient that was destroyed in the Plains.
2:59 THICC
I always thought the unum was a female orokin who wasn't an ass hole, that Gara or gara's operator had fallen in love with.
Also favourite moment of Saya's vigil has to be vay hek being awed by the sentient. "It’s beautiful .... Kill it!!!" I can't wait until we get more info on the sacrifice. Inb4 warframes were tenno parents/miss investigator and became meat puppets.
That being said I wonder just how much the operator is connected to the warframe do they feel what they feel? And does that mean that if they do what certain rule 34 images (involving operator and warframe)show, they not only get a double orgasm but also experience what it's like for the other sex?(I have too much time on my hands.)
Also if we get a female scientist warframe would that be margulis or would she be the demoness warframe Hennya?
Gaming Princess Luna I definitely think there’s a strong possibility that the Warframe are what’s left of the adults on the zariman. On a more serious note than rule 34 limbo, mirage, mag and by the sounds of it, gara have all died whilst using their frames so presumably it’s possible.
Xayl mirage's mission was sad.
subed for that kinky likebutton shit :P
Is Unum... Delicious?
*Meat Tower = 1 / Sentients = 0*
Oh shit thanks for spoiler for war within
Destiny rules!!! 😀
1 word
Fortuna :\
me like
Are sentients asexual
Mr. Frete if meant as a serious question then I guess yeah they are. Even lotus is presumably despite taking on a human female form