2024 Seaborg1200MJ - Special Purchase Opportunity

  • Опубликовано: 20 дек 2024

Комментарии • 15

  • @robertslegers257
    @robertslegers257 Месяц назад +2

    I use mine exclusively for White Croaker.🐟

  • @texasfishing254
    @texasfishing254 Месяц назад

    Just purchased mine.. I've never used an electric reel before so i came on RUclips to try and gather up some knowledge on how to use one and came across this video... immediately bought one from u guys...

    • @CharkBaitUSA
      @CharkBaitUSA  Месяц назад

      Great score TX.
      Great Stuff<

  • @dubyamiyami
    @dubyamiyami Месяц назад +1

    I got two of the new 2024 Seaborg G1200M yesterday for $1620 each :D

  • @davidrauschenbach6871
    @davidrauschenbach6871 2 месяца назад +1

    Nice to see you Mark, definitely miss your charter adventures. Fine looking reel and you’ve bare boned the price! Hope your family and yourself have a great week!

    • @CharkBaitUSA
      @CharkBaitUSA  2 месяца назад +1

      Thanks! Since my son is taking over business, he needs that time on the water more than I do. So, last year and this year's 8 day needed to go that direction. I'm trying to work old-guy-hours here and don't need the R&R time quite as much as before when that was my only break from day to day responsibilities. Next year...we'll see what happens. This buy on the reel was really excellent and an unexpected opportunity from Daiwa.

    • @davidrauschenbach6871
      @davidrauschenbach6871 Месяц назад

      @@CharkBaitUSAknow Sergei (Probably spelled it wrong but tried) will have fun on those charters hopefully he’ll take us with him!

  • @mel_2506
    @mel_2506 Месяц назад

    Hey Mark, just let you know the 800 made the trip, and it is an amazing reel as well. looking forward to using it in the GOM real soon...Thanks again for the flawless sale

    • @CharkBaitUSA
      @CharkBaitUSA  Месяц назад

      Thanks for the feedback and sincere thanks you for your order with us.

  • @JigEmUp
    @JigEmUp Месяц назад

    I picked one up the day you posted the sale. I picked it up just in time for my tile ‘n tuna charter. It worked flawlessly all day reeling in big golden tiles all day including my two biggest at 38 and 45 pounds. I love the two speed feature especially on the big ones. Didn’t have a chance to use it on any tuna that day but the new Okuma PCH Custom Rail Rods in XXH and XXXH that I picked up worked fantastic! I have another trip Nov 2 which is the last of the season so hope to have a great one.

    • @CharkBaitUSA
      @CharkBaitUSA  Месяц назад

      Glad to hear of your success on the recent trip and very happy we were able to make this offer to folks. Wonderful reel to own!

  • @ednesbit2988
    @ednesbit2988 Месяц назад

    Looks like a great deal o bought two of those okumss on sale 2 yrs ago and they are fantastic reels no issues reeling in the bigger bluefins worked flawless thanks

    • @CharkBaitUSA
      @CharkBaitUSA  Месяц назад +1

      We're always trying to get the right gear in people's hands, and the special purchase opportunities help stretch the dollars. Thank you for your support!

    • @ednesbit2988
      @ednesbit2988 Месяц назад

      @@CharkBaitUSA you guys rock I love the videos need more of them and you sell the absolutely best products available to guys and gals that love to fish thanks

  • @tanglediver
    @tanglediver Месяц назад +1

    Good stuff! No, Great stuff!! >