Extreme winter day ❄⚡ Hard work in Romanian Carpathians 🔥🔧🚜 TAF with 170 HP Mercedes Engine 🔥💪🚜

  • Опубликовано: 9 фев 2025
  • (c) Tractors & Machines RO
    The action takes place in the Carpathian Mountains, in an area extremely affected by a storm that knocked trees to the ground. In these felled trees some insects develop, more precisely, beetles, which cause immense damage, affecting healthy trees as well. Actions have been started to remove the affected trees. Saplings were planted in the affected areas. Together with two friends, who deal with the exploitation of wood, I participated in a work day. The roads were icy, and in the work area, extremely steep slopes and blizzard snow put us to the test.For starters, we had to fix a tire on the TAF and unlock frozen brakes.
    Acțiunea se petrece în Munții Carpați, într-o zonă extrem de afectată de o furtună care a doborât copacii la pământ. În acești copaci doborâți se dezvoltă niște insecte, cari mai exact, care produc pagube imense, afectând și copacii sănătoși. Au fost demarate acțiuni de înlăturare a copacilor afectați. În locurile afectate au fost plantați puieți. Alături de doi prieteni, care se ocupă cu exploatarea lemnului, am participat la o zi de lucru. Drumurile erau înghețate, iar în zona de exploatare, pantele extrem de abrupte și zăpada viscolită ne puneau la încercare. Pentru început, a trebuit să reparăm o pană la roata TAF-ului și să deblocăm frânele înghețate.
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Комментарии •

  • @tractorsmachinesro1405
    @tractorsmachinesro1405  16 часов назад

    The action takes place in the Carpathian Mountains, in an area extremely affected by a storm that knocked trees to the ground. In these felled trees some insects develop, more precisely, beetles, which cause immense damage, affecting healthy trees as well. Actions have been started to remove the affected trees. Saplings were planted in the affected areas. Together with two friends, who deal with the exploitation of wood, I participated in a work day. The roads were icy, and in the work area, extremely steep slopes and blizzard snow put us to the test.For starters, we had to fix a tire on the TAF and unlock frozen brakes.