Размер видео: 1280 X 720853 X 480640 X 360
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You deserve more subscribers, and also great music choice 😆
I personally cringe at it but hey, it's what the bois used back in 2004 so I'll stick with using it lol
absolute fire
@@ryanmendoza1496 Thanks dawg!
Where do you get these uniforms??
eBay has a lot of U.S. Marine Corps uniforns being sold
ironically when i first watched this it had 223 views which is the caliber of his M16A4
You will have to come back again when it reaches 556 views 😂
@@Nick-rk2tp fr lol
full details of kit???
PASGT HelmetOTV Body Armor M81 WoodlandDesert MARPAT BDUOakley EyeproMechanix GlovesBelleville bootsCYMA M16A3 AEGTrijicon ACOG replicaPEQ-2Norotos NVG mount
You deserve more subscribers, and also great music choice 😆
I personally cringe at it but hey, it's what the bois used back in 2004 so I'll stick with using it lol
absolute fire
@@ryanmendoza1496 Thanks dawg!
Where do you get these uniforms??
eBay has a lot of U.S. Marine Corps uniforns being sold
ironically when i first watched this it had 223 views which is the caliber of his M16A4
You will have to come back again when it reaches 556 views 😂
@@Nick-rk2tp fr lol
full details of kit???
PASGT Helmet
OTV Body Armor M81 Woodland
Oakley Eyepro
Mechanix Gloves
Belleville boots
Trijicon ACOG replica
Norotos NVG mount