Multiplayer Buzzard Chases in GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony

  • Опубликовано: 31 янв 2025

Комментарии • 45

  • @giantpaulosa
    @giantpaulosa 13 лет назад +2

    In multiplayer games, if you have flying skills you have everything! Buzzard FTW!

  • @scottyupiner
    @scottyupiner 14 лет назад +2

    1 thing i love about this game, so darn epic

  • @MrILikepie76
    @MrILikepie76 11 лет назад +1

    i love when guys with helicopters rage like this.

  • @4tehwinners
    @4tehwinners 14 лет назад +1

    I like how your partner betrays you in the end :D

  • @mexicangangster50
    @mexicangangster50 11 лет назад +2

    Okay so I'm a pilot in gta for both the regular, and the ballad of gay tony , and I just now played gta 5 , and flew a buzzard and I was extremely disappointed, it sucks . You can't control it at all . It turns sooooo slow . And you have to switch between rockets and machine guns. Not both, also when you should rockets they actually lock on to ur enemies. But still I don't like it . It's gonna be hard trying to pilot that thing

  • @Ghostshooter23
    @Ghostshooter23 14 лет назад

    2:09 Good eyes finding great cover, but he betrayed you for the buzzard at the end lol XD

  • @GetSignalized
    @GetSignalized 12 лет назад

    The blades of the helicopter got him.

  • @themuffinman775
    @themuffinman775 10 лет назад

    Imo, I think everyone should experience being chased by a chopper in GTA4. Its a VERY exciting experience.

  • @Valkyrie427
    @Valkyrie427 13 лет назад

    The Police Stinger. Fastest land vehicle in TBOGT. The Buzzard, second fastest air vehicle in TBOGT. I think it's possible to escape in the Stinger, just as long as you can go for. Hopefully when you get into a place that's too small for the Buzzard to fit into or can't shoot at you, the pilot gets bored and leaves.

  • @Alonless
    @Alonless 14 лет назад +1

    I really like to chase other ppl on multi with buzzard , and using only machine gun , and ofcourse using rockets occassionally...well i dun like when some noobs take buzzard and spam rockets at me , and i realy wanted to make someone chase me with buzzard too , but there are only rocket spammers online , these chases are very exciting...i wish i had an capture card...
    really awesome helicopter...

  • @RonanJamesPhelan
    @RonanJamesPhelan 14 лет назад

    the buzzard is epic :D

  • @Mrmadman54
    @Mrmadman54 14 лет назад

    turn volume up loud and listen to the epic scream at 0:42

  • @P3OPLE
    @P3OPLE 15 лет назад

    that was a holy shit moment

  • @davidoneill2983
    @davidoneill2983 15 лет назад

    lol 0:49 "oh shit...!"

  • @crackalacking-gaming
    @crackalacking-gaming 13 лет назад

    @rhysowendavies i love it whn my car breaks down its more exciting but i just run through alley ways climb across rooftops and eventualy snipe or rpg the buzzard :P

  • @zzzzuuuu123456
    @zzzzuuuu123456 14 лет назад

    @jeffmysterio619 not always depends on how far the sticky is away from the person

  • @frenchcheeto
    @frenchcheeto 15 лет назад

    pretty cool

  • @itzvincentx3
    @itzvincentx3 13 лет назад

    @THAREALDAN Do you know how other player can shoot you down easily with just a pistol when you are in the buzzard?

  • @itzvincentx3
    @itzvincentx3 13 лет назад

    @SergeiSovietUnion1 Is it true that if you use the first person view and you can shoot down other players easily? Do you have other ideas and plz tell me?

  • @checo165
    @checo165 14 лет назад

    @BMXphilli he wasnst the one driving he was the other guy just sitting in the car

  • @itzvincentx3
    @itzvincentx3 14 лет назад

    @shadowslider1 you mean in multiplayer mode, other people always do that to you by using their buzzard?

  • @dabeast4800
    @dabeast4800 13 лет назад

    0:14 u shud of gt the double t bike on the ground u still wud live and make it harder to shoot it always worked for me and the double t is beast

  • @scottyupiner
    @scottyupiner 14 лет назад

    gd game

  • @K1enzan
    @K1enzan 14 лет назад

    @itzvincentx3 yeah

  • @K1enzan
    @K1enzan 14 лет назад

    why do people always get the buzzard and kill for no reason? I this always happens :/ good driving by the way

  • @doomscroll69
    @doomscroll69 15 лет назад

    damn dat GabeLogan a bastard

  • @K1enzan
    @K1enzan 14 лет назад

    @itzvincentx3 I do when i get the chance, then they start crying like stop! Stop lol

  • @Ciukyexacta
    @Ciukyexacta 14 лет назад

    Does police chase you with that purple cops car in single player mode? If yes, at what wanted level?

  • @98assassinscreed
    @98assassinscreed 13 лет назад

    how do you change your person in live?

  • @P0LL0Non
    @P0LL0Non 13 лет назад

    Can u aim with the buzzard?

  • @zzzzuuuu123456
    @zzzzuuuu123456 14 лет назад


  • @itzvincentx3
    @itzvincentx3 14 лет назад

    @shadowslider1 Why don't you do the same to them?

  • @XxSpyroKetchumxX
    @XxSpyroKetchumxX 14 лет назад

    Well Then Take Down with Annihilator

  • @MrFrankfurt431
    @MrFrankfurt431 14 лет назад


  • @OverTheBrinks
    @OverTheBrinks 12 лет назад

    WHAT HAPPENED!!? 0:52

  • @DillaryTrumpton
    @DillaryTrumpton 15 лет назад

    @jeffmysterio619 Nope XD

  • @greyfoxau
    @greyfoxau 13 лет назад

    @CriminalIntent89 dont think so noob

  • @greyfoxau
    @greyfoxau 14 лет назад

    I notice when I kill sum1 in a buzzard with rifles/sniper from the ground they leave or are "under average" in using guns. (therefore get their ass kicked again and leave) Heli pilots (GTA4 also) and Buzzard pilots like to dish it out but "can't take it" (if they can't get to a chopper they leave HAHA). Overall heli pilots are shit in GTA period.

  • @VeriganXO
    @VeriganXO 14 лет назад

    @alleyboy852 Xbox Live

  • @MARKSMEN197
    @MARKSMEN197 14 лет назад +1

    Awesome beginnig, crappy ending

  • @tylerboy1333
    @tylerboy1333 14 лет назад

    and you guys are terrible drivers