Mahendra Kapoor A popular playback singer in Bollywood, Kapoor sang for many popular actors, including Dilip Kumar, Raj Kapoor, and Dev Anand. He won several awards, including the Mian Tansen Award in 1967, the Bollywood Music Awards- New York Life Time Achievement Award in 2000, and the Lata Mangeshkar Puruskar in 2002.
Mahendra Kapoor and B.R. Chopra worked together on many films, with Kapoor as Chopra's first choice for the male ghost voice in his films from 1959 to 1982: Gumrah (1963): Kapoor sang the song "Tujhko Mera Pyar Pukare" in this film. Nikaah (1982): Kapoor sang the song "Dil Ke Armaan Aansuo Mein Bah Gaye" in this film. MahaBharata: Kapoor was involved in the title track rehearsal for this film.
Mahendra Kapoor
A popular playback singer in Bollywood, Kapoor sang for many popular actors, including Dilip Kumar, Raj Kapoor, and Dev Anand. He won several awards, including the Mian Tansen Award in 1967, the Bollywood Music Awards- New York Life Time Achievement Award in 2000, and the Lata Mangeshkar Puruskar in 2002.
Great work 👏🏻💯
Absolutely correct
Very Nice Sir 👍
Mahendra Kapoor and B.R. Chopra worked together on many films, with Kapoor as Chopra's first choice for the male ghost voice in his films from 1959 to 1982:
Gumrah (1963): Kapoor sang the song "Tujhko Mera Pyar Pukare" in this film.
Nikaah (1982): Kapoor sang the song "Dil Ke Armaan Aansuo Mein Bah Gaye" in this film.
MahaBharata: Kapoor was involved in the title track rehearsal for this film.