What You DIDN'T Know About Me (MY BIG SECRET)

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
  • I know this is probably a big surprise for all of ya, well, I guess now you know 😅
    And I apologize for constantly causing the camera to shake (I bet that was at least a little annoying) I didn't realize that all my little movements caused shifts and jitters until I've already finished recording..
    Next time I know NOT to set the camera on the same surface that I'm sitting on lol.
    And if you couldn't get enough of my cute little baby, don't worry, I'm gonna be uploading a lot more videos of her!
    OH! BTW if you found this video extra enjoyable or delightful, would you like to
    Treat Me to a Bubble Tea: ko-fi.com/yell... ^o^
    ~ Appreciate youuuu ~

Комментарии • 25

  • @TheLaughingLion
    @TheLaughingLion Год назад

    I don't like sharing my own personal stuff either on youtube. So this is huge news that you're sharing with us. Wow first look at your girl at 3:32! Blue eyes?! She's super adorable. Wow yeah that was strange seeing you preggo, but really beautiful. Whoa saw the baby moving. Whoa the delivery room. Whoa the exhaustion. Then pop, out comes the baby. Love the family pics! Looks like your channel will be taking a turn in a different direction. We'll be anxious to see you share more of you family life with us. 🎆🎆🎇🎇😻😻

    • @yellowberrio
      @yellowberrio  Год назад

      Aww hehe, thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Huh? Noo, she doesn't have blue eyes, just dark brown I believe 😅 Hahaha, right? You probably would have a hard time imagining me being big and pregnant if I didn't include the pictures 😆 Yea..you're right about that, it's gonna be a lot more videos about the baby now. I'm really hoping people wouldn't mind 👉🏻👈🏻 ..I mean who doesn't wanna look at a cute little baby (unless they're baby-haters 😣)

  • @richerdson3652
    @richerdson3652 Год назад +1

    Congratulations well and I'm glad you have a happy baby girl

  • @RG-3PO
    @RG-3PO Год назад +3

    It was a surprise, but the best kind of surprise! Congratulations! (I had to watch till the end to make sure it wasn't a prank.)

    • @yellowberrio
      @yellowberrio  Год назад

      Aww hehe, thank you so much for being so positive 😊 Hahaha, a prank? That woulda been a veryyy wild prank 😆 I know this was a long video so I really appreciate you staying til the end!!

  • @EmanuelBerlen9704
    @EmanuelBerlen9704 Год назад +2

    Wonderful job friend you are awesome! Blessings 🙌🤗🙏

  • @rokmin8550
    @rokmin8550 Год назад +4

    holy cow YB, I mean that's not a big secret, its HUGE, but congratulations and continued good luck with her through the years. I'm looking forward to seeing more video of her. I have to say, as much as I am trying here, I can't think of you the same way, you're not just the fun young woman that drops things any more, not entirely anyway. To me part of you will always be that but part of you will be a responsible young woman raising another life in this crazy world, a job I feel you'll do just fine at. I do admit I never noticed, wow and usually I notice things about people that most people don't. Well I'll give you a quick something about me, I'm 35 now but I boxed until my late 20's when I quit and decided to leave boxing and pursue an academic career. Why? I was undefeated and looked promising but I began to notice some speech irregularities; when I had to talk for more than a few sentences I almost felt like I was going to stutter, like I couldn't find the right word. Listening to your opening here I know I could not have spoken it all as smoothly as that, so in talking it over with my father (who has since passed) I retired. The problem is still there, whether it will get worse of better over time is anyone's guess but it hasn't gotten worse yet, so maybe it will get better. But I am so happy for you, and excited and looking forward to hearing and seeing more about you both! Ok way off track here, I know you said you are Chinese, did you know today is Bruce Lee's birthday, he would have been 82 today, he's my long time idol! Anyway all the best, I'll be back soon!

    • @yellowberrio
      @yellowberrio  Год назад +3

      Hehe hey Rokmin, yah I guess this was rather HUGE 😅 Lol, I figure people would think differently of me after finding out this big fact about me, whether it'd be a positive change or negative change of perception. Not to mention new assumptions about me (but I'll say a lot of which are likely wrong lol) But yea, the role of being a mother (at least trying to be a "good" one anyway) is no easy feat. Your whole world changes really, seems like everything revolves around her & she'll definitely keep you busy 😅😅 Idk, I want to protect her and raise her the best way that I can, all in all, I just want her to grow up to be a good person. I don't have super intelligence nor a super talent but perhaps one way I can make a difference for this world is to hopefully bring up one additional kind soul, righteous, down-to-earth (bonus points if she grows to be an energetic, cheerful & bubbly person who would brighten up other people's days simply by being around her). There are sadly too many bad people in this world so I just wanna possiblyyy help offset that by making sure to foster, mold, and raise a good individual. OH WOW, you used to be a boxer?! And remained undefeated?? Whoa, that's super dope 😮 I mean I knew you were into martial arts but I didn't know that you made a whole career out of it 😲 Ah man..that sucks that you wind up having to give it up..but I'm glad you placed your health first. Aww..I'm so sorry for your loss..I suppose you and your dad must have been pretty close, huh? 😔 Funny you mentioned stuttering (well it's not funny but you know what I mean), I actually used to have a stuttering problem too 😣 It's gotten a lot better and I overcame it for the most part but once in a while I'll still experience it. When it randomly decides to happen it just sucks cuz I can't control it, my body and mouth just involuntarily locks up.. Lol you talking about my opening being smoothly-spoken..uhh, did you know how many takes it took me? 🤣🤣 But yay, I'm glad you look forward to seeing more of her (cuz I have a lot more coming!) Ooh I didn't know that, that Bruce Lee's birthday was today (Nov. 27th) but I will have a way of remembering it from now on 😁

    • @rokmin8550
      @rokmin8550 Год назад

      @@yellowberrio hello YB (and YBjunior)! How have things been? How was your Thanksgiving? Or did I ask you that already? Well you can tell me again lol. Everything about the same here, I haven't been online as much because I have an intern shadowing me, kind of cool because it wasn't long ago that I was the intern hoping to get the job. He's a nice guy, I think he'll do good, he likes the "visits" we get from other employees, I think more than I do but whatever lol. He's only 22 and hangs on my every word lol so I have to be careful about saying things like, "just chuck the computer out the window" because he kind of looks at me in a strange way. Anyway how have things been on your end? Keeping busy I'm sure. Getting ready for Christmas? Well, get back to me when you can, I'll be looking for you! Talk to you soon

    • @yellowberrio
      @yellowberrio  Год назад

      @@rokmin8550 "YBjunior" awww, you already have a nickname for her, that's too cuteee! Thanksgiving, we went on a one-day road trip to another city, mainly to bring back some foods that we were gonna use for my daughter's birthday (which was in early December). How was your Thanksgiving? Ooh, an intern shadowing you, that is really cool indeed. And omg, he's only 22? Danggg, a young smart one huh? ..oh god, is it weird/bad that I be saying that to my daughter, I be saying stuff like "I'ma chuck you out the window" Of course there's absolutely NO malicious intent and I'm obviously NOT gonna toss her out the window. I'm counting on the fact that she doesn't actually understand what I'm saying yet and the fact that it's just sorta a joke..like you're playfully "threatening" them (okay, threaten, that sounds kinda bad, ugh, idk how to quite explain it)

  • @skyprince42
    @skyprince42 Год назад +2

    😂😆 @10:30 ur reaction is priceless. .Look I have my own Nugget..😁😊👍. I thought is was a prank 😆😆. Congrats on ur little munchkin 🎉

    • @yellowberrio
      @yellowberrio  Год назад

      Hehehe, thank you so muchhh~ I know right, still can't believe it! Loving both the nicknames 'nugget' and 'munchkin' 🤗

  • @byronservies4043
    @byronservies4043 Год назад

    Hey! I was wondering if we were going to get this video. Congratulations to you and your family!

    • @yellowberrio
      @yellowberrio  Год назад

      Haha yea..took me quite a long time to finally put this together 😅 Thank you Byron!

  • @rwhite9994
    @rwhite9994 Год назад

    I like the longer format video, so well done. I am sure that was a ton of editing work also. Congrats on the new baby, belated. I am glad you showed the pregnancy timeline, because I for sure thought.... she stole a baby.
    And that baby looked huge, like a 8lb and long baby also. Again congrats, cannot wait for more content.
    And that covid is no joke, I am a nurse and went almost a year without catching it. Sadly got it from my boss at a print shop, I was in the hospital for 11 days, 9 of which was in the ICU. I was on forced flow oxygen and within an inch of a ventilator. Even my doctor said, I thought for sure you were going to die.
    Must have been really hard, a new mom and covid, sounds rough. I feel for you.

    • @yellowberrio
      @yellowberrio  Год назад

      Aww hehe, thank you! "She stole a baby" 🤣🤣 haha yea I had to provide proof, otherwise people might just not believe I had actually carried and pushed a human being out of me LOL. Well she came out 6lb 12oz and at 19in. Past few times when we went to the pediatrician, both her weight and length was well above average so yea, she's definitely a heavy and long baby now 😆
      And aww yay, I'm so glad you recognized the editing work that went into this 🥺 I know my editing wasn't nothing super fancy or impressive so I'm sure to a professional, they probably coulda finished this project in like 1/20th of the time it took me but wahhh, it did take me quite a LONG time to put this together 😅
      Oh man, you working in the medical field, probably nearly impossible *not* to catch it. Dang..sounds like you had it really bad..oh man, that must have been scary as hell 😬😧 I just battled it out at home..I'm glad I didn't have to be hospitalized.. But yea it was definitely very untimely & wearisome while taking care of a newborn at the same time 😩 But hey, I'm glad we both survived it, so *high five*

    • @rwhite9994
      @rwhite9994 Год назад

      @@yellowberrio Yeah, your editing deserves credit, ton of work and skill developed through long hours and a good eye.
      My greatest worry was, I was watching My Hero Academia anime🤩, on my tablet. Would I have the strength to finish the series before I died.... and also erase my browsing history so no one would see, the last thing I watched was ... My Hero Academia.
      Your going to be the best Mom, she will be so lucky. 🤩

    • @yellowberrio
      @yellowberrio  Год назад

      @@rwhite9994 Aww haha, I personally think there's nothing shameful about My Hero Academia being the last thing you watch 😅 But haha it's actually kinda cute that you were worried you wouldn't have been able to finish it in time, you must have been a very dedicated fan 😁 I've seen part of the series but I don't think I've finished the whole thing lol. "Your going to be the best Mom" ----> Wahhh 😭😭 it means a lot to hear someone say that/think that of me 🥺 As much as I want to be, I feel like I can't/am not being the best mom for her..

    • @rwhite9994
      @rwhite9994 Год назад

      @@yellowberrio Mary Mother of Jesus, probably felt the same way, as do all new mothers. But she achieved saint hood, and I am sure you will also.
      My grandmother told me, that once you become a Mom/parent, it was the last worry free day of your life.
      'the best mom for her..' that is a hard thing to quantify, what really is the best.... I am sure when she looks up at you, the best means nothing to her, and your face looking at hers is all that matters in the universe.
      Sing, Rainych Super Idol song to her, ... such a lucky baby.

    • @yellowberrio
      @yellowberrio  Год назад

      @@rwhite9994 Awws thank you so much R White 🥺 Well, I wouldn't say people who aren't parents are worry-free but YES, those who are parents got a HECKING LOT more to worry about 😟😟😩😩
      Omg it's so funny that you mentioned the Super Idol song cuz I actually did sing that quite often to her during the period when I was obsessed with that song 😆 I actually recorded a video of me trying to sing that song except I couldn't quite, cuz everytime I opened my mouth to sing, she would stop drinking her milk and just stare at me. It's funny, maybe I'll upload that one day lol.

  • @steverussell6984
    @steverussell6984 Год назад

    Congratulations! I went back through some of your older videos to see if I could tell, nope. I did notice there looked like a years gap between videos though. Did you film anything while pregnant?

    • @yellowberrio
      @yellowberrio  Год назад +1

      Hehe, thank you!! Oh yah, I sure did. Maybe a lot of them you can't tell noticeable difference yet but here are a few that was filmed while I was pregnant:
      Video of me cutting my own hair (though this was fairly early on in my pregnancy so I don't think you could tell): ruclips.net/video/U5ygeK0ntNE/видео.html
      Me attempting the Permission to Dance Challenge (you can see my baby bump for a split second when I turn): ruclips.net/user/shortsIgYs0F9repI?feature=share
      In my reactions to TikTok Songs Part 5 & Raincyh's MoonHalo and Nyanpasu (you can see my face getting more swollen/swelled up, the color of my eyebrows really lightened up/faded, and just my skin tone in general looks more ughh lol): ruclips.net/video/su4gDdzU7Ww/видео.html & ruclips.net/video/tg39ncTGiGs/видео.html

    • @steverussell6984
      @steverussell6984 Год назад

      @@yellowberrio Ok, now I have to have a closer look. I know ultimately it doesn't matter, I'm just curious. Normally I'm more observant.