Eu nao falo inglês mais assito seus vidios aprendi a jogar com vc Tem mais uma coisa a plantadeira que vc comprou é de plantio direto não precisa gradiar a terra Obrigado
I think you should keep planting Soybean or buy horses, feed them properly, ride them everyday to increase their fitness and they will give you hight profit
Dois canais de fs20 com msm conteúdo . Já tá ficando chato ver isso . Todos dois postando como se gameplay . Quem e o original . Qnd pesquisa de 20 já aparece dois vídeos ig uais . Nem tem o cuidado de mudar a foto da capa .
Yes finally part 2 of the series
Manda o link para mim aí para eu abaixar aqui
I am so excited for this game
Eu nao falo inglês mais assito seus vidios aprendi a jogar com vc
Tem mais uma coisa a plantadeira que vc comprou é de plantio direto não precisa gradiar a terra
In game menu - > Vehicles -> sow machine - > sell
You do know you dont need the power harrow with that drill anymore
Hello Xtreme Gaming Fever
make a video bringing a bitrem please !! 🙏
What? I couldn't understand! Please explain
@@xgfofficial u no more has bitrem in this game no? like if you would bring a loaded bitrem video you know?
Play forza horizon 4 please😂😂
@@xgfofficial please!
Thanks 👍😍
plz fs20 ka zip file ya google drive link upload kro..
Thank you come again.
20:31the sowing was open but not down? can you do that now on fs 20 with control?
no it was because helpers can do that
@@xgfofficial but the helper was not activated
@@bigode18 it was previously hired and when you deactivate helper the seeder or cultivar remained unfold and lifted!
@@xgfofficial ok,bro you know if have weeds on fs 20?
@@bigode18 No I guess
Whats the easiest way to make money fast on this game ?
I think you should keep planting Soybean or buy horses, feed them properly, ride them everyday to increase their fitness and they will give you hight profit
Play this game with no commentary's
When your new video come
In 1 hour
When you new video come
Can the trailers be connected to each other?
@Bestia Bestiala okey
Can we attach many trailers to each other in Farming Simulator 20?
Fuck !😥😪
Bhai tracotr review dalo plz
Hey man you don't need to cultivate if you use the vaderstad seeder or planter.
I wasn't sure if this was implemented in this game or not?
@@xgfofficial it was on the direct drill seeder or the planter from vadestard.
@@xgfofficial do a review on the seeder or planter. Because i seen some german youtuber plant a wheat without cultivating the field.
@@xgfofficialвидео.html that's the link bro
Can that cultivator attach with other tools?
I don't think dear
pls paly live stream
you can’t rewind time like on a computer?
@@xgfofficial and how much time does the crop grow?
@@Dioniks 15 to 20 minutes
@@xgfofficial and what to do at this time?
Feed cows and plant another fields
Can the crop be damaged?
Cosmin NS no
Can you do contracts?
Not now but maybe after 3 December
@@xgfofficial and are we going to be able to use the plough to create/expand fields?
@@matesos4319 no
Kab download kar sakte ha ham
3 December ko
U play with keyboard and mouse?
@@xgfofficial why don't show the commands?
Cow feeding
How did you download farming simulator 20
Early acces...
How much an area
You need do pay for fs 20 or
Pay 6$
Vai ter como expandir o terreno com o arado?
Your mobile name
This video was recorded on Samsung Galaxy A50
Now I'm playing on ipad pro 2020
Can I sown without cultivating?
Yes but only canola and grass
Nice, but soybeans is more profitable, right?
And i saw more comments who said "You can leash items when the game get released" or something like this
You can with the Vaderstad drill and the Horsch and maybe the Amazone too
Will contract?
not sure at this moment as the game is still in development!
Anna link pupu Anna download chasukntaa Anna
كيف انزلها
Anna game link pupu Anna play store lo unavailable undi Anna please Anna direct link tho download chasukntaa Anna MB antha Anna please reply anna
Как ты скачал ???
Algum BR?
upload plyzz
Put it in a link and download it in your channel for free Please we love you
No and sorry
@@xgfofficial Please, please
I want anti aliasing
Dois canais de fs20 com msm conteúdo . Já tá ficando chato ver isso . Todos dois postando como se gameplay . Quem e o original . Qnd pesquisa de 20 já aparece dois vídeos ig uais . Nem tem o cuidado de mudar a foto da capa .
Nadie en español?