I find this discussion very interesting. I have worked in child and adolescent psychiatry for years. We had many single moms upset that we did not medicate their sons. They did not have ADD; they are boys and are active. There seems to be some absenteeism in fathers regardless of whether they were married, divorced, or other. Women even working full time are primary child caretakers. I was always surprised when calling a home how often the father automatically transferred the call to the mom or how clueless they were that there were issue's with the child. What is masculinity? What is the definition of being needed? I guess the definition needs to be broader than the bread winner...just a fascinating conversation
i think it's ok if more women go to college. more men should go into a trade-- they will likely end up actually making more money and being fulfilled if they are not college-type students.
Yep. Boys today are groomed to want soft handed computer sitting 'jobs'. Guess what? Women don't want internet boys unless they have money. A grown man with a trade is the kind of guy the rich boy loses his wife to. Women have primal profiles as well. This guy pretending boys are being maligned somehow leaves out the reality that boys are raised to be misogynists and soft among real men. Sad spin by the coffee cup 'expert'. Dilbert didn't know anything about women.
How about a K-8 reading list for kids? *Citizen of the Galaxy* by Robert Heinlein *Black Man's Burden* by Mack Reynolds *Voyage from Yesteryear* by James P Hogan It is unfortunate to say but a lot of ideas that kids get from local adults are just too shallow.
Most elementary school teachers are women to whom girls can relate and possibly want to please, depending upon the quality of their relationship to their own mother.
However, Elementary teachers have always been female and so something else has changed and one thing has been the lack of recess, gym, and physical activity. Certain states have micromanaged teachers, they no longer have the activity time they did back in the 70s and 80s
Save yourselves boys, the older generations and women want you to serve a society that doesn't serve you in turn, take what you can from society give nothing back.
I wish people would stop talking about any educational reform other than parental choice. Anything else is just opinion. Like in any normal industry, these should be business decisions, and then parents could choose the program that fits.
the university down the street from me has a women's business center. Amazon has preferential treatment for women owned businesses. the school I attended has special scholarships for women. women are eligible for no bid contracts that men are not eligible for at both the state and county level. google has a women's startup accelerator but men are forbidden from organizing in the same fashion. women can join the police, the military or firefighting with lowered standards. women in the aggregate are net tax recipients, men are net tax payers. men are forced to serve in the selective service in order to vote, but women are exempt from the draft. there are a lot more men than women who are homeless but there is no effort to equalize that. the average man pays anywhere between 25 to 65 percent of his income to pay for social entitlements, which is more than serfs were made to pay during feudalism. Social security and medicare are insanely bad investments for men both because men pay more in taxes and don't live as long. women complain about the pay gap but fail to note that men are much more likely to be injured on the job.
I'm going out on a limb and going to suggest you really didn't do well with companionship unless they were other fellas in the pup tent and group showers at your private boarding school. If you're blind to the fact that women have to be much better than men to get promotions on the job, then I'm guessing you're not part of our labor backbone holding America together by a thread. Soft hands guy?
I’m curious why so many discussions talk about “women no longer need men” or fatherhood not being important never talk about what happened on the way to these ideas. While we may hear phrases like this, they sound like whining. Hear me out and decide. I grew up in the late 70’s 80’s when there was a rise in divorce rates. The stories in the news and in neighborhoods were about men leaving their wives and children for younger women and starting whole new families. I was friends with a lot of the first family-children. Fathers were absent. Children experienced trauma. Many of these stories were about men hiding money or not paying alimony or child support. At that time, my mother’s generation could attend college, but jobs paying well were not abundant or easy to get. Men were still paid more, women left college or jobs to have children. Also at this time and hereafter, there was a percentage of vocal men saying women’s homemaker work had no dollar value and therefore, they weren’t worth alimony or child support. This is a HUGE reason girls of the late 70’s - 80’s decided they better rely on themselves if they wanted to be financially secure. It;s not that women don’t need men, it’s that women could not count on men to stay. Women were objectified as a product with no value and a shelf life. Children of these families - boys are these children too, by the way - developed trauma of broken families. Ask these boys what they think of their fathers. Ask my husband, who grew up with a deadbeat dad and never trusted men to stay either. We all need to survive. But in a world where women were treated as property, then their work was economically devalued and left to try to survive with little to no education or experience - this system cannot last and is not acceptable. Also, it’s not acceptable for women to need men - especially if there is abuse or of the men don’t keep them safe in the contract that men created. Now that women are showing they are responsible, smart and successful, they don’t want to NEED men. They want to CHOOSE men. Men who are responsible, accountable, honest, transparent, reliable - those terms you used in this podcast. We don’t need men who aren’t these things if we strive to be these things ourselves. I don’t think this is a crisis for boys and men. I think it;s a crisis of a system of entitlement that now turns to a system of status being earned. Now that women showed they can earn this status, what about men being happy for that and stepping up to stand beside them, equally earning a status we know they are capable of? This is not a crisis for boys. What it is, is a crisis of “boys will be boys” excuses for bad behavior. We need all humans to step up and be role models for the human children of the next generation. All people deserve to thrive. We need to stop putting men vs women and discuss what we want for a society that will thrive. You mentioned qualities like reliable, accountable, responsible…these are what I hear you saying the current education system demands. If boys can’t do that (which I find hard to believe) then why?
I wholeheartedly agree with your comment. To me, we're just dealing with the death throes of the "boys will be boys" mantra that has been the status quo for, honestly, a millennium or longer. It's not that boys can't be more reliable, accountable, or responsible. It's the fact that they are mostly not raised to be. Though most of what I'm going to say is anecdotal, I will attribute it to the fact that girls and young women were taught and socialized from an incredibly young age to be more gentle, docile and nurturing. I'm not going to say brainwashing, but there were very clear gender roles in my family when it came to our larger family and what the boys did versus the girls (e.i. girls did all of the cooking, cleaning, help Ma child rear the siblings, etc.). Prior status quo was to get married, have kids, then take care of all household needs. This ties into your point that even if a woman did everything "correct" and did all the things a "good wife should do", that did not prevent men from being promiscuous or abandoning their family outright. Now that women are not dependent on men for access to bank accounts and credit, have the ability to vote, are allowed to drive, etc. it makes sense that choosing a husband who will be a partner rather than a "head of the household" is far more important. They also discussed the need for more male role models in boys lives. However, I don't see how these young men are supposed to have that with our current culture of eat, sleep, then die. That's just my two cents.
Child of the 70s and 80s and you speak my truth and my husband truth...saw all the time that husband's and dad's left....my generation saw the results of high divorce rates.. I guess, are women now responsible for men to feel mattered? at what point do they need to feel mattered?
The idea that we should stop emphasizing organization, punctuality, attention to detail, concentration, ability to follow directions, communicability, etc. because women are better at them is absurd. And most classes from middle school onward increasingly are based on test performance. In college, most classes had grades based 100% on 1-3 high stakes tests - does that favor the guys too much? The answer is I don’t care. Boys who demonstrate poor executive functioning are no excuse to change the education system.
You're missing the point. If the education gap in 1970's warranted policy changes to enable women, why would the same gap today but reversed not warrant policy changes?
@@WanderingRobotStudio the education gap that used to favor men was caused by strong social pressure and outright discrimination against women. Their lesser career prospects also reduced the returns on education for them. It wasn’t that women were genuinely doing worse than men, as is the case now in reverse. To the extent that women are succeeding today because of different standards, those should be abolished. But that is only responsible on the margins for the gender gap, whereas women doing better in every subject at every age with the exception of a handful of STEM subjects in college and beyond is the primary cause.
@@WanderingRobotStudio you act like these are arbitrary judgements when they’re actually empirical ones. Its not controversial to say women weren’t given the same opportunities as men in education and career in the past. Fortunately that has changed. Now the girls do better in school and there’s nothing systemic about it. When I was in school the average girl was more organized, paid attention more, did homework more reliably, procrastinated less, etc. all the things that make one do better in school. There are plenty of activities men are on average better suited to, and I’d suggest learning in a classroom setting is one women are a bit better at. It’s just not a big deal. Maybe men are uncomfortable accepting that but it doesn’t make it less true
Studies find boys and girls do roughly the same on tests, boys just do much worse on teacher assigned grades, this indicates they understand the content as well but have a disadvantage with the rest for various reasons, none of which should limit their academic progression.
7:01 The idea that boys might do better if they start school later isn't new. I started school in the second grade in 1985. My parents had read a book about how boys develop later than girls and had observed that some of my peers didn't do well in first grade.
the guests comments about MGTOW where disappointingly inaccurate. I also think it would have been good to investigate the difference between GPA and SAT. It seems to me bias of teachers against boys will come out in GPA, but it much more difficult to insert that same bias against boys in a standard test. I also think that the idea that boys, especially in adolescence, are developmentally behind girls is not obvious, and I speculate that girls stop maturing at much earlier age, compared to boys who continue in their maturation for longer. I am not convinced that women do have such a large "civilizing" effect via marriage on men, and I think another powerful signal to men that they have no hope in this life is plain, clear cultural messaging, which wasn't even brought up in this episode.
The guest never mentions that young boys logging lots of time online and watching lots of TV are being conditioned NOT TO respect women's civil rights. Same objectification that's been oppressing women forever, but just delivered in the blue pills ads and video games subliminal messaging. Nobody except PUBLIC SCHOOLS are teaching EQUALITY. This guy has a very strange bias. Probably likes to see Arnold in the Shower.
Well I will say that the poor and falling behind in education horse has been beaten to death since what The '70s? Oh I doubt there's statistics I always have simply because I don't know I think we've seen enough example cases and or enough of the across the board situations a lot of the times they end up as our coworkers where yeah they came from a poor background etc but you know what they ultimately end up working a lot of the places that a lot of middle class individuals end up working granted in today's world the wages have been cut basically across the board for everyone I mean what used to pay $50,000 a year now you're lucky if you see 35 to 40,000 a year for the same damn job I know this is highly true when it comes to retail management which I will say it used to be that if you didn't go to college or if you only got a minor certification perhaps even just a two-year degree but for whatever reason you couldn't enter the exact field that you were supposedly trained in a lot of people would go to retail management retail management at one point was kind of every man's refuge. Yeah that's right there was still a lot of people stuck at the shit factory job making less I mean it's like this not everybody could be a manager not everybody could be a cashier and not everyone can be a factory worker as it is I will say a lot of the problems that I myself have personally witnessed within companies particularly in retail over the course the past 23 years has been that we have too many chiefs and not enough Indians. I will also say that you know what when it comes to education whether or not it's elementary school or somewhere in college a lot of people just don't want to do it frankly I was one of them particularly in the lower grades Iris really wasn't ready to go to school I didn't particularly like it and I find that true of about everyone so the one size fits all education and/or the fact that you're being forcibly removed from your home everyday and you're being told to do all the shit that you would much rather not do and I understand that education is a necessity but there's only so much going to be absorbed when it's forced down your throat some teachers are actually pretty good most are basically crap. Concept that the poor kid isn't able to learn as well or as quickly as the other children is bullshit basically that's just a way to say that they're poor and stupid never mind The special people of the school happen to be the wealthy that by the way our fucking stupid they're superficial know nothing jackasses who quite frankly do not understand how the world works and yet they're the ones that enjoy all of the perks they are the ones that somehow fall ass backwards into decent jobs and yet a lot of them really they have the logic of a gnat. A lot of those very people are the ones that end up sucking up the benefits of the education programs that was put there supposedly for the poor they use the poor as it means of getting supposed better education in but then ultimately it's the preppy types who end up benefiting from it. The same can be said about home loan programs like for instance the whole FHA thing was supposedly started so that lower income people would have a shot at buying a house. Well no that's a scam basically FHA has evolved into the wealthier persons go to for a home loan givens it You're going to play hell getting FHA to approve a house that costs say $80,000. You're going to play the same hell if the house costs $145,000 because their target price is somewhere between $178 and $200,000 on the bottom end and by now I don't doubt that that's actually adjusted upwards. They won't really tell you that but you can sometimes get certain real estate agents to talk about just what the preference is of FHA are FHA is pretty stringent so the house has to be pretty damned immaculate in order for them to you grant you a loan. Education programs are really no different they say that they're for poor people they say they're for this or that but in reality who really benefits from it is the students that are more well-off that even if they're dumb as a box of rocks just simply because the area they come from perhaps even who their parents are especially if their parents happen to be another school teacher then they're going to be touted up as the smartest motherfucker in the classroom and they're the ones that's going to receive the extra tutoring they're the ones that's going to get the extra attention basically what is being realized after 50 years of bullshit within the education system cuz I will say I think the education system largely went to hell since the early '70s so let's just call it 50 years that I would say that everybody's basically realizing that it's a lost cause you can't really do this or that or cut this or that nonsense because the federal government has their nose in it but then you also have the teachers unions and no governor has the balls to stand up to the teachers union because then all the sudden the teachers will pretend that they're a federal employee see they like to pretend they're not a federal government employee except for when it comes to all of those federal fucking holidays and of course the 3% federal step raise they get every year.
I was hoping this podcast would try to tie boys underperformance with the falling female fertility rate. Is it just me or does anybody else see these phenomenon as being connected? Boys would prefer to stay home and play video games instead of studying. Girls prefer to focus on their career and squander their best chances at reproduction. Phenomenon are not unconnected but I expert in this area.
Such an important conversation
I find this discussion very interesting. I have worked in child and adolescent psychiatry for years. We had many single moms upset that we did not medicate their sons. They did not have ADD; they are boys and are active. There seems to be some absenteeism in fathers regardless of whether they were married, divorced, or other. Women even working full time are primary child caretakers. I was always surprised when calling a home how often the father automatically transferred the call to the mom or how clueless they were that there were issue's with the child. What is masculinity? What is the definition of being needed? I guess the definition needs to be broader than the bread winner...just a fascinating conversation
i think it's ok if more women go to college. more men should go into a trade-- they will likely end up actually making more money and being fulfilled if they are not college-type students.
Women hate men in trades and won't pursue relationships with men they view as below them on the educational and career hierarchy.
Yep. Boys today are groomed to want soft handed computer sitting 'jobs'.
Guess what?
Women don't want internet boys unless they have money.
A grown man with a trade is the kind of guy the rich boy loses his wife to.
Women have primal profiles as well. This guy pretending boys are being maligned somehow leaves out the reality that boys are raised to be misogynists and soft among real men.
Sad spin by the coffee cup 'expert'. Dilbert didn't know anything about women.
How about a K-8 reading list for kids?
*Citizen of the Galaxy* by Robert Heinlein
*Black Man's Burden* by Mack Reynolds
*Voyage from Yesteryear* by James P Hogan
It is unfortunate to say but a lot of ideas that kids get from local adults are just too shallow.
Well that was the single worst take I've ever heard on modern dating and why men and women aren't getting married. 1:05:00
i'd agree it's an incomplete explanation, but which part of what he said isn't true.
Most elementary school teachers are women to whom girls can relate and possibly want to please, depending upon the quality of their relationship to their own mother.
However, Elementary teachers have always been female and so something else has changed and one thing has been the lack of recess, gym, and physical activity. Certain states have micromanaged teachers, they no longer have the activity time they did back in the 70s and 80s
40:30 Good point
Save yourselves boys, the older generations and women want you to serve a society that doesn't serve you in turn, take what you can from society give nothing back.
I wish people would stop talking about any educational reform other than parental choice. Anything else is just opinion. Like in any normal industry, these should be business decisions, and then parents could choose the program that fits.
the university down the street from me has a women's business center. Amazon has preferential treatment for women owned businesses. the school I attended has special scholarships for women. women are eligible for no bid contracts that men are not eligible for at both the state and county level. google has a women's startup accelerator but men are forbidden from organizing in the same fashion. women can join the police, the military or firefighting with lowered standards. women in the aggregate are net tax recipients, men are net tax payers. men are forced to serve in the selective service in order to vote, but women are exempt from the draft. there are a lot more men than women who are homeless but there is no effort to equalize that. the average man pays anywhere between 25 to 65 percent of his income to pay for social entitlements, which is more than serfs were made to pay during feudalism. Social security and medicare are insanely bad investments for men both because men pay more in taxes and don't live as long. women complain about the pay gap but fail to note that men are much more likely to be injured on the job.
Be careful who you vote for
@@pbrown0829 Ann Coulter wasn't wrong.
I'm going out on a limb and going to suggest you really didn't do well with companionship unless they were other fellas in the pup tent and group showers at your private boarding school.
If you're blind to the fact that women have to be much better than men to get promotions on the job, then I'm guessing you're not part of our labor backbone holding America together by a thread.
Soft hands guy?
I’m curious why so many discussions talk about “women no longer need men” or fatherhood not being important never talk about what happened on the way to these ideas. While we may hear phrases like this, they sound like whining. Hear me out and decide.
I grew up in the late 70’s 80’s when there was a rise in divorce rates. The stories in the news and in neighborhoods were about men leaving their wives and children for younger women and starting whole new families. I was friends with a lot of the first family-children. Fathers were absent. Children experienced trauma. Many of these stories were about men hiding money or not paying alimony or child support.
At that time, my mother’s generation could attend college, but jobs paying well were not abundant or easy to get. Men were still paid more, women left college or jobs to have children.
Also at this time and hereafter, there was a percentage of vocal men saying women’s homemaker work had no dollar value and therefore, they weren’t worth alimony or child support.
This is a HUGE reason girls of the late 70’s - 80’s decided they better rely on themselves if they wanted to be financially secure. It;s not that women don’t need men, it’s that women could not count on men to stay. Women were objectified as a product with no value and a shelf life. Children of these families - boys are these children too, by the way - developed trauma of broken families. Ask these boys what they think of their fathers. Ask my husband, who grew up with a deadbeat dad and never trusted men to stay either.
We all need to survive. But in a world where women were treated as property, then their work was economically devalued and left to try to survive with little to no education or experience - this system cannot last and is not acceptable.
Also, it’s not acceptable for women to need men - especially if there is abuse or of the men don’t keep them safe in the contract that men created.
Now that women are showing they are responsible, smart and successful, they don’t want to NEED men. They want to CHOOSE men. Men who are responsible, accountable, honest, transparent, reliable - those terms you used in this podcast. We don’t need men who aren’t these things if we strive to be these things ourselves.
I don’t think this is a crisis for boys and men. I think it;s a crisis of a system of entitlement that now turns to a system of status being earned. Now that women showed they can earn this status, what about men being happy for that and stepping up to stand beside them, equally earning a status we know they are capable of?
This is not a crisis for boys. What it is, is a crisis of “boys will be boys” excuses for bad behavior. We need all humans to step up and be role models for the human children of the next generation. All people deserve to thrive. We need to stop putting men vs women and discuss what we want for a society that will thrive. You mentioned qualities like reliable, accountable, responsible…these are what I hear you saying the current education system demands. If boys can’t do that (which I find hard to believe) then why?
I wholeheartedly agree with your comment. To me, we're just dealing with the death throes of the "boys will be boys" mantra that has been the status quo for, honestly, a millennium or longer. It's not that boys can't be more reliable, accountable, or responsible. It's the fact that they are mostly not raised to be.
Though most of what I'm going to say is anecdotal, I will attribute it to the fact that girls and young women were taught and socialized from an incredibly young age to be more gentle, docile and nurturing. I'm not going to say brainwashing, but there were very clear gender roles in my family when it came to our larger family and what the boys did versus the girls (e.i. girls did all of the cooking, cleaning, help Ma child rear the siblings, etc.).
Prior status quo was to get married, have kids, then take care of all household needs. This ties into your point that even if a woman did everything "correct" and did all the things a "good wife should do", that did not prevent men from being promiscuous or abandoning their family outright.
Now that women are not dependent on men for access to bank accounts and credit, have the ability to vote, are allowed to drive, etc. it makes sense that choosing a husband who will be a partner rather than a "head of the household" is far more important.
They also discussed the need for more male role models in boys lives. However, I don't see how these young men are supposed to have that with our current culture of eat, sleep, then die. That's just my two cents.
Child of the 70s and 80s and you speak my truth and my husband truth...saw all the time that husband's and dad's left....my generation saw the results of high divorce rates..
I guess, are women now responsible for men to feel mattered? at what point do they need to feel mattered?
My daughters also roughhouse, but maybe it is not as necessary for their development, dunno.
The idea that we should stop emphasizing organization, punctuality, attention to detail, concentration, ability to follow directions, communicability, etc. because women are better at them is absurd. And most classes from middle school onward increasingly are based on test performance. In college, most classes had grades based 100% on 1-3 high stakes tests - does that favor the guys too much? The answer is I don’t care. Boys who demonstrate poor executive functioning are no excuse to change the education system.
You're missing the point. If the education gap in 1970's warranted policy changes to enable women, why would the same gap today but reversed not warrant policy changes?
@@WanderingRobotStudio the education gap that used to favor men was caused by strong social pressure and outright discrimination against women. Their lesser career prospects also reduced the returns on education for them. It wasn’t that women were genuinely doing worse than men, as is the case now in reverse. To the extent that women are succeeding today because of different standards, those should be abolished. But that is only responsible on the margins for the gender gap, whereas women doing better in every subject at every age with the exception of a handful of STEM subjects in college and beyond is the primary cause.
@@mc80466 So when women are disadvantaged, it's the system. But when women are advantaged, it's the natural order. I see.
@@WanderingRobotStudio you act like these are arbitrary judgements when they’re actually empirical ones. Its not controversial to say women weren’t given the same opportunities as men in education and career in the past. Fortunately that has changed. Now the girls do better in school and there’s nothing systemic about it. When I was in school the average girl was more organized, paid attention more, did homework more reliably, procrastinated less, etc. all the things that make one do better in school. There are plenty of activities men are on average better suited to, and I’d suggest learning in a classroom setting is one women are a bit better at. It’s just not a big deal. Maybe men are uncomfortable accepting that but it doesn’t make it less true
Studies find boys and girls do roughly the same on tests, boys just do much worse on teacher assigned grades, this indicates they understand the content as well but have a disadvantage with the rest for various reasons, none of which should limit their academic progression.
7:01 The idea that boys might do better if they start school later isn't new. I started school in the second grade in 1985. My parents had read a book about how boys develop later than girls and had observed that some of my peers didn't do well in first grade.
the guests comments about MGTOW where disappointingly inaccurate. I also think it would have been good to investigate the difference between GPA and SAT. It seems to me bias of teachers against boys will come out in GPA, but it much more difficult to insert that same bias against boys in a standard test. I also think that the idea that boys, especially in adolescence, are developmentally behind girls is not obvious, and I speculate that girls stop maturing at much earlier age, compared to boys who continue in their maturation for longer. I am not convinced that women do have such a large "civilizing" effect via marriage on men, and I think another powerful signal to men that they have no hope in this life is plain, clear cultural messaging, which wasn't even brought up in this episode.
The guest never mentions that young boys logging lots of time online and watching lots of TV are being conditioned NOT TO respect women's civil rights. Same objectification that's been oppressing women forever, but just delivered in the blue pills ads and video games subliminal messaging.
Nobody except PUBLIC SCHOOLS are teaching EQUALITY.
This guy has a very strange bias.
Probably likes to see Arnold in the Shower.
Well I will say that the poor and falling behind in education horse has been beaten to death since what The '70s?
Oh I doubt there's statistics I always have simply because I don't know I think we've seen enough example cases and or enough of the across the board situations a lot of the times they end up as our coworkers where yeah they came from a poor background etc but you know what they ultimately end up working a lot of the places that a lot of middle class individuals end up working granted in today's world the wages have been cut basically across the board for everyone I mean what used to pay $50,000 a year now you're lucky if you see 35 to 40,000 a year for the same damn job I know this is highly true when it comes to retail management which I will say it used to be that if you didn't go to college or if you only got a minor certification perhaps even just a two-year degree but for whatever reason you couldn't enter the exact field that you were supposedly trained in a lot of people would go to retail management retail management at one point was kind of every man's refuge.
Yeah that's right there was still a lot of people stuck at the shit factory job making less I mean it's like this not everybody could be a manager not everybody could be a cashier and not everyone can be a factory worker as it is I will say a lot of the problems that I myself have personally witnessed within companies particularly in retail over the course the past 23 years has been that we have too many chiefs and not enough Indians.
I will also say that you know what when it comes to education whether or not it's elementary school or somewhere in college a lot of people just don't want to do it frankly I was one of them particularly in the lower grades Iris really wasn't ready to go to school I didn't particularly like it and I find that true of about everyone so the one size fits all education and/or the fact that you're being forcibly removed from your home everyday and you're being told to do all the shit that you would much rather not do and I understand that education is a necessity but there's only so much going to be absorbed when it's forced down your throat some teachers are actually pretty good most are basically crap.
Concept that the poor kid isn't able to learn as well or as quickly as the other children is bullshit basically that's just a way to say that they're poor and stupid never mind The special people of the school happen to be the wealthy that by the way our fucking stupid they're superficial know nothing jackasses who quite frankly do not understand how the world works and yet they're the ones that enjoy all of the perks they are the ones that somehow fall ass backwards into decent jobs and yet a lot of them really they have the logic of a gnat.
A lot of those very people are the ones that end up sucking up the benefits of the education programs that was put there supposedly for the poor they use the poor as it means of getting supposed better education in but then ultimately it's the preppy types who end up benefiting from it.
The same can be said about home loan programs like for instance the whole FHA thing was supposedly started so that lower income people would have a shot at buying a house.
Well no that's a scam basically FHA has evolved into the wealthier persons go to for a home loan givens it You're going to play hell getting FHA to approve a house that costs say $80,000.
You're going to play the same hell if the house costs $145,000 because their target price is somewhere between $178 and $200,000 on the bottom end and by now I don't doubt that that's actually adjusted upwards.
They won't really tell you that but you can sometimes get certain real estate agents to talk about just what the preference is of FHA are FHA is pretty stringent so the house has to be pretty damned immaculate in order for them to you grant you a loan.
Education programs are really no different they say that they're for poor people they say they're for this or that but in reality who really benefits from it is the students that are more well-off that even if they're dumb as a box of rocks just simply because the area they come from perhaps even who their parents are especially if their parents happen to be another school teacher then they're going to be touted up as the smartest motherfucker in the classroom and they're the ones that's going to receive the extra tutoring they're the ones that's going to get the extra attention basically what is being realized after 50 years of bullshit within the education system cuz I will say I think the education system largely went to hell since the early '70s so let's just call it 50 years that I would say that everybody's basically realizing that it's a lost cause you can't really do this or that or cut this or that nonsense because the federal government has their nose in it but then you also have the teachers unions and no governor has the balls to stand up to the teachers union because then all the sudden the teachers will pretend that they're a federal employee see they like to pretend they're not a federal government employee except for when it comes to all of those federal fucking holidays and of course the 3% federal step raise they get every year.
I'm sorry, I wasn't listening 😂.
I was hoping this podcast would try to tie boys underperformance with the falling female fertility rate.
Is it just me or does anybody else see these phenomenon as being connected?
Boys would prefer to stay home and play video games instead of studying.
Girls prefer to focus on their career and squander their best chances at reproduction.
Phenomenon are not unconnected but I expert in this area.
Why would they be connected? What if the previous numbers were inflated due to lack of bodily autonomy?