BADMINTON | Hitting point

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 67

  • @full-swing
    @full-swing  Год назад +3

    full-swing Store 풀스윙 배드민턴 스포츠웨어
    한국 🇰🇷
    ⬇Shopee, Lazada, Global⬇
    Global 🇺🇸 🇮🇳 🇬🇧 🇳🇿 🇨🇦
    台灣 🇹🇼
    Thailand 🇹🇭
    Malaysia 🇲🇾
    Singapore 🇸🇬
    Philippine 🇵🇭
    Vietnam 🇻🇳

  • @nfreddyyy
    @nfreddyyy Год назад +19

    Wow he already improved just in his first 1 minute, even when not understanding korean. Power of Coach Han 😎

    • @full-swing
      @full-swing  Год назад +3

      Oh... that's great. Sooner or later, I will make a video explaining this training and upload it.

  • @kptrader681
    @kptrader681 Год назад +3

    1:41 ❤ Best steep angle that I ever see, I will soon copy from coach, Thanks for great video! 👍🏻

  • @sedevinokirha3681
    @sedevinokirha3681 Год назад +2

    Coach Han’s smashes are one of the satisfying sounds to my ears 😌

  • @masterkyukuro8858
    @masterkyukuro8858 Год назад +1

    Beginner here. Really appreciate the videos uploaded in this channel. Learning a lot from Coach Han and improving. More power!

  • @S2respectS2
    @S2respectS2 Год назад +4

    특별한 원리 설명같은게없음
    근데 영상처음부터 쭉보면 레슨자가 이상하게 좋아짐
    도대체 무슨 강의인질 모르겠는데
    2년전부터 보던 구독자인데 나도 좋아지고있음......너무신기햌ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 한코치님 평생건강하셔야해요!

    • @full-swing
      @full-swing  Год назад +1

      관찰만큼 중요한 배움이 없습니다. 조만간 이 훈련에 대한 설명을 올릴 거예요~

  • @유주아빠-k1x
    @유주아빠-k1x Год назад +2

    어제 처음으로 레슨 받은 사람입니다~ 어제 너무 힘들었지만 너무 재밌게 레슨받고 갔네요^^ 돌아오는 일요일이 두근두근 합니다^^

    • @full-swing
      @full-swing  Год назад +1

      반갑습니다🙂 어제는 월초라 살살하신것 같았는데 ㅎㅎㅎ 일요일에 뵙겠습니다

    • @순댕이-q7j
      @순댕이-q7j Год назад

      진심으로 부럽습니다..

  • @jackchang3940
    @jackchang3940 Год назад +2

    Thank you~

    • @full-swing
      @full-swing  Год назад +1


  • @manish_xingh
    @manish_xingh Год назад +2

    Best Coach Ever ❤

  • @DarkerRoom
    @DarkerRoom Год назад +2

    What shuttlecock are you using in your training in youtube?

  • @minwoong_seo
    @minwoong_seo Год назад +7

    Something which I noticed watching all these videos made me realise, the elbow position is key. Coach Han's elbow position goes up and stays there until hitting the shuttle. The "pushing" effect is seen when their elbow drops before/ as they are hitting the shuttle.

    • @full-swing
      @full-swing  Год назад +2

      you're right. The reason it's okay for pros to have their elbows down is because they know when to raise them. Amateurs should put their elbows up first and wait, right?

  • @CooperClubmanBadmintonTennis
    @CooperClubmanBadmintonTennis Год назад +2

    Thank you for always teaching videos.いつも教えて頂いてありがとうございます。

    • @full-swing
      @full-swing  Год назад


  • @kangndil4888
    @kangndil4888 Год назад +2

    thanks coach han.. easy understand very very thanks...

  • @ctlim4776
    @ctlim4776 Год назад +1

    Question: Coach is hitting power so strong at 1:49. Is it using the wrist? And what specific exercises can improve hitting power?

    • @full-swing
      @full-swing  Год назад +1

      i will make an answer next tuesday. OK?

    • @ctlim4776
      @ctlim4776 Год назад +1

      @@full-swing Ok, take ur time.

    • @theforgotten8081
      @theforgotten8081 Год назад

      Also look how flexible the racket is. That gives extra power with a whiplash effect.

  • @fnsofphn
    @fnsofphn Год назад +2

    1:57 what racket does the teacher use?

  • @manish_xingh
    @manish_xingh Год назад +2

    Sir my hand swing while hitting a toss is very poor.
    How I can improve it ?

  • @오기택-x8j
    @오기택-x8j Год назад +1

    지금 코치님이 시범하시면서 보여주신 라켓에 스트링이 에어로소닉 스트링 맞죠?

    • @full-swing
      @full-swing  Год назад


    • @오기택-x8j
      @오기택-x8j Год назад +1

      @@full-swing 그러면 어떤 스트링이십니까?

    • @full-swing
      @full-swing  Год назад

      이 시범은 13세 레슨자의 것을 잠깐 빌려서 보여준 겁니다. 상세 스펙은 모르고요. 소리로 추측해보면 80일것 같네요

  • @류호용-s1t
    @류호용-s1t Год назад +1

    감사합니다 ^^

    • @full-swing
      @full-swing  Год назад

      이게 심화버전입니다видео.html

  • @mayanksinghrajput2214
    @mayanksinghrajput2214 Год назад +2

    Hello I am unable to understand what he means by not bending wrist? while it looks to me like he does bend wrist at the very last of that powerful smash . Can someone explain?

  • @kelvinyap6110
    @kelvinyap6110 Год назад +3

    for beginner like me who usually using wrist its very hard to change habit for take power from finger T.T , every time try change using finger make me miss the timing

    • @full-swing
      @full-swing  Год назад

      The members in this video are putting in a lot of effort. Although he is Japanese, he trained steadily while living in China, and came to Korea to train on vacation. You will also need a lot of time. don't give up though.

  • @schanmoon1778
    @schanmoon1778 Год назад +6

    우리 몸과 선생님 몸은 다릅니다ㅡㅡ

    • @full-swing
      @full-swing  Год назад +1

      너도 세라믹 파츠 하나 끼워줄까?ㅎㅎ

  • @yijichiu
    @yijichiu Год назад +2


    • @full-swing
      @full-swing  Год назад


  • @rahultaksande4992
    @rahultaksande4992 Год назад +2

    Do you have video on footwork

    • @full-swing
      @full-swing  Год назад

      We don't make videos about footwork. This is because we think rhythm and timing are much more important than the order of feet. Look up our channel.

  • @iimiboy
    @iimiboy Год назад +3

    Coach Han has international students I see 😅

    • @full-swing
      @full-swing  Год назад +1


    • @iimiboy
      @iimiboy Год назад +1

      @@full-swing Very happy to see

  • @Peter-xs3kv
    @Peter-xs3kv Год назад +2

    Hi there, I noticed there are many smashing video, are there any video for basic drop shot? Thank you! :)

    • @full-swing
      @full-swing  Год назад +2

      All overhead strokes follow the same principle. It's not good to learn drop shot-clear-smash separately.

  • @tristix3721
    @tristix3721 Год назад +2

    Dear Coach, I will make sure to wear a helmet when you hit those birdies.

    • @full-swing
      @full-swing  Год назад

      It would be better to avoid haha.

  • @Sir_Biggel
    @Sir_Biggel Год назад +2

    The guy on german is insane haha.
    He got no clue what hes doing and trying to guess xD

    • @full-swing
      @full-swing  Год назад

      I will be posting a video explaining this soon. Amateurs may be unfamiliar with this drill, but it is essential for elite athletes.

  • @GoogleGoogle-jx6zw
    @GoogleGoogle-jx6zw Год назад +1

    와 고프로 체스트캠인가요

  • @처음처럼-j6i
    @처음처럼-j6i Год назад +2

    대단하시네요 저는 죽었다 깨어나도 못혀유

    • @full-swing
      @full-swing  Год назад

      그 마음가짐으로 하는 겁니다. 이 연습이 익숙하지 않겠지만 기초부터 배우는 아이들은 꼭 합니다. 그만큼 중요하다는 거지만 사정상 동호인이 해볼 일이 많지 않죠.. :-)

    • @처음처럼-j6i
      @처음처럼-j6i Год назад

      @@full-swing 지는 63세라 ㅎㅎㅎ

  • @marklin6153
    @marklin6153 9 дней назад +1


  • @순댕이-q7j
    @순댕이-q7j Год назад +1

    감사합니다 선생님