Leung Sir, question about the method of wildcard search, if you input only pe in H7, the result is only (peach, 18).Data shows that we also has (pear, 48). This method will show only the first result of the search. If we need a better xlookup function, I am sure that will be more complicate like using index, match, array or need to populate in more rows? I am not good at that, if you have time, maybe you can give us a better way to return multiple result. thanks
Leung Sir, question about the method of wildcard search, if you input only pe in H7, the result is only (peach, 18).Data shows that we also has (pear, 48). This method will show only the first result of the search. If we need a better xlookup function, I am sure that will be more complicate like using index, match, array or need to populate in more rows? I am not good at that, if you have time, maybe you can give us a better way to return multiple result. thanks
If peach is not the target item, user may input more characters to narrow down the scope of wildcards search. It is the idea of wildcards search.
請問如果我想係 #4EXAMPLE 逆向SEARCH
即係我SEARCH $3924 出 APPLE 同 JAN 或者 如果多個一個係$3924 就LIST晒全部出黎
因出外旅遊,要11/18 號才可安排時間研究你嘅提問。謝謝