Documental: "Història i Patrimoni de la Vila Joiosa"

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024
  • Documental realitzat per Jaume R. Lloret i Antonio Sellés que repassa la història de la nostra localitat a través dels monuments i dels personatges més importants.
    L'objectiu d'este audiovisual és fer un viatge en el temps de més de 2.000 anys: des d'Allon fins a l'època d'esplendor del nostre moll. Aquest viatge mostrarà tots els monuments, les troballes arqueològiques i les històries que el nostre poble amaga.
    Documental realizado por Jaume R. Lloret y Antonio Sellés que repasa la historia de nuestra localidad a través de los monumentos y de los personajes más importantes.
    El objetivo de este audiovisual es hacer un viaje en el tiempo de más de 2.000 años: desde Allon, hasta la época de esplendor de nuestro muelle. Este viaje mostrará todos los monumentos, los hallazgos arqueológicos y las historias que nuestro pueblo esconde.
    Audio: valenciano
    Subtítulos: castellano, inglés, francés y ruso.

Комментарии • 8

  • @anjomo1986
    @anjomo1986 10 лет назад +8

    Excelente documental, donde te das cuenta del patrimonio que tiene Villajoyosa y la dejadez de todos ellos, da pena ver el estado lamentable de muchos de ellos, algunos como el palacete de La Mallaeta que está ya perdido.
    Viendo documentales así te da alegría de ver lo que ha sido La Vila y lo que es ahora... (nada).

  • @aranjubel
    @aranjubel 4 года назад +1

    Mu bonico

  • @vecinoslacalavilla
    @vecinoslacalavilla 10 лет назад +5

    Thank you I have learned many things thanks to your subtitles in English. The predominant question I have is... Why are so many of the monuments in Villajoyosa in such a distasteful condition of maintenance??? . I think this is so sad the Islamic mosque for example, Why is it allowed to be covered in Graffiti. I feel that if tourists do come to see these amazing buildings in the state of ruin, they will go away with an extremely bad impression of Villajoyosa. How can there be such amazing buildings, monuments towers etc YET all are in such a deplorable state of preservation?.Surely that is nothing to be proud of ? I think your documental is a wonderful record, but is also a damnation of the total disrespect for historical heritage, which is surprisingly and evidently abundant in villajoyosa, As is the neglect of the treasures too abundant, Thank God for people like you. I wish you well. I hope the political parties in Villajoyosa do find grants from the European Union, or the United Nations to restore these fantastic buildings or at least clean them up from the graffiteros and then protect them from vandals and hooligans, so that they do not continue to fall into disrepair and eventually are lost to future generations, .I found the condition of the monuments alarming and disgraceful. What a huge shame!!. Your documental on the other hand was wonderful and informative , I have learned so much thanks to this video. Well done, Me gusta .999999. FTW.
    The graffiti made me feel sick to see it!! what a tragic pity. Do I think tourists will recommend to their friends to come to Villajoyosa in their thousands to witness the Shambles they are in . I feel angry to see them like this, I would not recommend anyone came to see something that will make them angry or very sad.some people need to step back and really look at what they have and how little they have done. . That is no way to treat History..
    .I have friends that come from America, where they only have recent History and they love European History, Castles Monuments etc I would be ashamed to bring them to see these buildings the way they are, not for me, ashamed for the authorities that sit idly bye building Theatres,and spending money on useless Garden escalators whilst around them their World Heritage crumbles and decays.. David.,

    • @costereta1
      @costereta1 7 лет назад

      The main problem we have in Villajoyosa is not the people but the politicians. If they get money to restore the monuments they will probably keep it for themselves. They are just vampires sucking the money away from their people which they should look after. They don t really care about the city or their population and that is reflected in the terrible conservation stage of their historical monuments but also the economical and social situation of the city. Villajoyosa historically was the engine of the region and after 39 years of selfish politicians and corruption is the dirty ass of the Marina Baixa. I hope this answer your question :)

  • @martapellin3558
    @martapellin3558 2 года назад +1


  • @fernandoots7622
    @fernandoots7622 4 года назад +1

    Mi bisabuelo, Tomás Ots vino de ese pueblo.

  • @vicentabotella9602
    @vicentabotella9602 3 года назад +1

    Soc catalana pero tambe em sento una mica Vilera el meu pare vilero va viure mols añs a Barcelona Y va morir a ki, la meva mare tambe catalana pero part de la juventud la va pasar a la Vila y al final van volver ser enterrats a la seva vila joyosa

  • @rapacul
    @rapacul 10 лет назад +2

    Una ampliació del període de l'expansió cristiana: