I don't understand a thing about abstract art but for some reason this man's work is just very visually appealing to me, in it's simplicity. Hundreds and hundreds of strokes to make it look like just one.
U-fan Lee's works have equal value as forgeries and originals. Gallery Hyundai, Korea's largest gallery, sold a large number of forgeries. In addition, at least several hundred forgeries were sold on the market through various Korean galleries. When it was exposed by a South Korean court in 2016 and 2021, the artist seemed embarrassed, but within days acknowledged all the forgeries as genuine. Collectors in Korea purchased items based on the authenticity certificate, but the certificates were also fake. However, ufan lee recognized even those works as genuine. Korean collectors are afraid that the value of the works they own will drop, so they tolerate collusion between artists and counterfeiters. Now it's okay to counterfeit Ufan's work anywhere in the world. In Korea, Ufan guaranteed even the crudest counterfeits as genuine, so Ufan had no choice but to recognize them all as originals anyway.
Qu'est ce donc ce fameux grand art ? Celui où vous voyez des personnages bien représentés selon les canons classiques et où les paysages sont jolis et où il ne se passe rien ni dans ni derrière la peinture? Je me souviens que les nazis faisaient ce genre de peinture et bannissaient toute autre forme de créativité, on sait tous où cela a mené. Avez vous essayé de comprendre ici la démarche de l'artiste? Revenez commenter quand vous aurez fait cet effort. Et pour information ce n'est pas parce qu'1 artiste choisit de ne pas faire de la "belle peinture figurative" qu'il ne sait pas le faire.
Il y a des personnes vraiment vivantes! C’est le cas de Lee Ufan. Je le remercie de me faire partager cet art de vie.
I don't understand a thing about abstract art but for some reason this man's work is just very visually appealing to me, in it's simplicity. Hundreds and hundreds of strokes to make it look like just one.
U-fan Lee's works have equal value as forgeries and originals. Gallery Hyundai, Korea's largest gallery, sold a large number of forgeries. In addition, at least several hundred forgeries were sold on the market through various Korean galleries. When it was exposed by a South Korean court in 2016 and 2021, the artist seemed embarrassed, but within days acknowledged all the forgeries as genuine. Collectors in Korea purchased items based on the authenticity certificate, but the certificates were also fake. However, ufan lee recognized even those works as genuine. Korean collectors are afraid that the value of the works they own will drop, so they tolerate collusion between artists and counterfeiters. Now it's okay to counterfeit Ufan's work anywhere in the world. In Korea, Ufan guaranteed even the crudest counterfeits as genuine, so Ufan had no choice but to recognize them all as originals anyway.
Ufan signed a large number of artist confirmations to Gallery Hyundai, and Gallery Hyundai used them to sell more than hundreds of works.
Qu'est ce donc ce fameux grand art ? Celui où vous voyez des personnages bien représentés selon les canons classiques et où les paysages sont jolis et où il ne se passe rien ni dans ni derrière la peinture? Je me souviens que les nazis faisaient ce genre de peinture et bannissaient toute autre forme de créativité, on sait tous où cela a mené.
Avez vous essayé de comprendre ici la démarche de l'artiste? Revenez commenter quand vous aurez fait cet effort.
Et pour information ce n'est pas parce qu'1 artiste choisit de ne pas faire de la "belle peinture figurative" qu'il ne sait pas le faire.
English? :(
Ce genre d'art j'en crée tous les matins avant de tirer la chasse d'eau.
enlevez le discours...regardez l oeuvre... et revoir les inconnus. la jet set. sketches.
La frontière entre le "grand art" et le charlatanisme est-elle si floue ?
Je dirais plutôt diffuse!!!
이 작가는 한국의 법원이 위조로 밝혀낸 가짜작품들을 전부 자기 작품이라고 인정했습니다. 위조범들과 한패입니다. 사기꾼이죠.
Les inconnus n'auraient pas fait mieux....quel escroc !