ahad a I went to that blog once and was blown away by all the hate. Kinda of scared me lol! Didn’t know people were so goddamn passionate about this stuff :)
zuja734 I know! He doesn’t seem like he puts up with too much when he’s in an “ off mood” I would compare it to women who are bitchy when they are on their period( NOT Erin). Most women who are like that , are only like that cuz they are miserable or they have gotten away with it for too long.
Matt after Zane's surgery: feeding him, changing his clothes, setting up Netflix Zane after Matt's surgery: laughing loudly while he tries to rest in the back rip matt
Some people in this generation need to relax for fucking real. Take your literal easy butt hurt ass elsewhere understand jokes ignore Shit and don’t add words into people’s mouths bc that seems to be the pattern some of y’all whack as hell just let people be happy and mind your business instead of putting your nose we’re it doesn’t belong. Period.
Nah I didn't see all of them attacking the joke. The first one definitely was, but the one who brought up salt was just adding onto the conversation. You know when you hear some weird theory in a sci-fi movie and you go "huh, is that actually real?" so you look it up? That's the vibe I got from the second half of the whole joke thingy. Sort of just like a "huh, could tears actually be good for your skin? ohhhh so its antibacterial so yes but it has salt so no... interesting..." sort of vibe.
I love Erin’s snarky comments tbh. But just for the sake of their rep im glad they didnt. But i couldnt care less Carly & erin hating back SJSKJSS i think its funny
I thought we were fans not critics? There's a difference between holding your faves accountable and just being rude, ya'll need to chill. They're trying to live their best life, so just be happy for them and move on.
I personally think that fan and critic are not mutually exclusive but I got to say I really respect C&E for the way they took those comments not only looking past the harsh tone but correcting misinformation and taking criticism seriously. it is a skill not a lot of people not just RUclipsrs have.
Like the Mariah tweet was so unnecessary. Like she only yells when there’s a bit. Like when they do bits it’s literally the only time she yells. She mostly whispers and she just got out of her comfort zone
None of the comments made sounded like gossip, it just seemed like hate comments. But I love how they responded to everything calmly and informatively.
Tell me why I slept on Carly and Erin for so long? I just started watching them in like February and they're now one of my favorite channels to watch. I live for their uploads tbh. Their vlogs are so chill and their sit down videos are always fun to watch. Idk why it took me so long, but I'm here for them
I don't understand why people say all u care about is money just cause u don't want to review sex toys and risk getting demonitized.... your channels are literally your income. It's like telling a person who goes to work 7 days a week, from 9am to 5 pm "all u care about is money" well actually my ignorant friend.... all I WANT to do is SURVIVE....
the people complaining about carly using the same joke, have you heard of comedians like they literally tell the same jokes over and over again if it works it works shut up.
@@brittanybeard42 Maybe some low iq child like you did, but people like you eat all the crap on RUclips so your opinion matters only to your kind, but not all of them can read yet
Abigail it’s not really hate but,,, I haven’t seen any that are constructive, the one that attempted to be constructive about the Adam and Eve sponsorship didn’t even provide accurate info about monetization
Na facts think about it, a period is once a month meanwhile homie has to life everyday with this, and its not getting any better. I feel for you Zane hang in their bro!
I hate that this account is being so mean about C+E, it used to just be fun gossip, and now it’s so mean, C+E are the best they don’t deserve this 🥺💖💕💕
Yeah having that gossip bog is so toxic bc people feel the need to anonymously nit-pick every tiny detail that bothers them. they all need to go to therapy and let it go
c and e get slept on so harddddd. they r the the sweetest. I feel like they rly get the most chill and genuine sides out of ppl. plus i love gossip like this is excellent
matt in the back cracks me up. poor thing just got his whole jaw rearranged or what not and is now having to be in the back of this loud, funny vid im wheezing
I'm glad zane did all the talking to all the haters cuz man I was so upset seeing what ppl actually say and nitpick about. The fact they put the time and effort to comment and type something that was mainly to bring someone down is mind-blowing
I used to love these vlog squad gossip videos but now it’s not even gossip it’s just annoying people complaining about Carly and Erin and them having to explain themselves. They don’t deserve that negativity in their lives, if you don’t enjoy making them anymore, don’t girls, but if you do I’ll still watch bc I love and support you. Have a nice Sunday!! 💕💕
I get that a lot of this was just considered confusion and criticism but it still seemed kinda harsh, to me at least. It would be cool to have more positivity for a lot of the members in the vlog squad
C&e left out a lot of the positive stuff... it’s not hate at all lol it’s legit just a page to talk about the goings on of the VS, negative or positive. C&e left out the replies defending them and the positive comments probs to just make it more interesting.
i absolutely love these three together, they each bring so many different vibes all at once into one video. the way they play off of each other is so cute :(
It really astounds me how preoccupied some people on the internet are with picking out ANYTHING other people do and twisting it into something that they think warrants judgment.
Matt in the background is me at any family gathering.
Nicole Prestemon YES hahahaha
I came to the comments to say something like this and this was the first comment
Same. I make small talk here and there. They seem like nice people.
zane attacking everyone to protect c and e this is the type of friend i need
Same honestly. I am very protective of my friends.
ahad a I went to that blog once and was blown away by all the hate. Kinda of scared me lol! Didn’t know people were so goddamn passionate about this stuff :)
Jill Marie right like it’s all pointless stuff and the fact that they know the vs see it just pisses me off
@@jillmarie3841 ya... Tbh people put way to much time and effort on criticism/hate for such silly things. It's not that deep imo.
ahad a yes !!!
Matt King being miserable in the background for 7 minutes straight
zuja734 I know! He doesn’t seem like he puts up with too much when he’s in an “ off mood”
I would compare it to women who are bitchy when they are on their period( NOT Erin).
Most women who are like that , are only like that cuz they are miserable or they have gotten away with it for too long.
lol guys he just had surgery give him a break
You can hear how much their voices echo so I can't blame the poor guy 😂😂
Hes probably just high off whatever they gave him after his surgery... hes having a great time, just chillin
@@mra6308 .
Matt after Zane's surgery: feeding him, changing his clothes, setting up Netflix
Zane after Matt's surgery: laughing loudly while he tries to rest in the back
rip matt
He has a room lol
After he got up, there was a cut in the filming for a reason. It's obvious they made sure he was okay before turning the camera back on.
"If y'all can have opinions we can have opinions too"
- Zane
I love Zane lmao
why did you even quote that
@@olive-gy2rt I just thought it was funny lmao
Matt zoned out HARD for like a minute straight where hes just staring and not blinking and I was like.. ??? ya okay buddy? need something?
Sarah Jo when was this
He was most likely tired and felt ill
I wanna baby him and let him rest like let me know if you need anything else or some shit or cuddle him
He’s the cutest.
the will to live
“Whatever, cancel us” PLS MERCH THIS
Maria Theresa OMG YES
Maria Theresa yes !!
i was the 420th like. ur welcome homie
blaz3y aaaaayyyyee
*breaks down chemical compound of tears just to attack a JOKE
Some people in this generation need to relax for fucking real. Take your literal easy butt hurt ass elsewhere understand jokes ignore Shit and don’t add words into people’s mouths bc that seems to be the pattern some of y’all whack as hell just let people be happy and mind your business instead of putting your nose we’re it doesn’t belong. Period.
Nah I didn't see all of them attacking the joke. The first one definitely was, but the one who brought up salt was just adding onto the conversation. You know when you hear some weird theory in a sci-fi movie and you go "huh, is that actually real?" so you look it up? That's the vibe I got from the second half of the whole joke thingy. Sort of just like a "huh, could tears actually be good for your skin? ohhhh so its antibacterial so yes but it has salt so no... interesting..." sort of vibe.
Evelyn D You’re part of the problem lol.
@@d.2542 No
Matt is just staring at the camera and it's so cute
i love how protective zane is🥺 he truly loves and cares for everyone
I’m glad that they actually responded politely & honestly instead of being snarky & defensive
I agree, especially when less of it is real criticism and most of it is just people being kind of rude.
I love Erin’s snarky comments tbh. But just for the sake of their rep im glad they didnt. But i couldnt care less Carly & erin hating back SJSKJSS i think its funny
Idk why Matt in the back is just so entertaining
Just here to let you know you’ve got a lot of likes
I thought we were fans not critics? There's a difference between holding your faves accountable and just being rude, ya'll need to chill. They're trying to live their best life, so just be happy for them and move on.
Unfortunately there will always be people who will hate on anything they do just because they "don't like it".
I personally think that fan and critic are not mutually exclusive but I
got to say I really respect C&E for the way they took those comments not only looking past the harsh tone but correcting misinformation and taking criticism seriously. it is a skill not a lot of people not just RUclipsrs have.
Exactly... the mariah comment was just uncalled for, she's literally the sweetest
Like the Mariah tweet was so unnecessary. Like she only yells when there’s a bit. Like when they do bits it’s literally the only time she yells. She mostly whispers and she just got out of her comfort zone
@@odellebrown5136 even if she does yell like who gives a shit..??? those stupid comments ruined it for me like the salt one. jeeeezz
can we just enjoy matt in the background like KING
cause matt king lmao
Sorry im leaving
Love Zane defending everything. What a good friend (:
"What are you kissing erin?"
Mila Kaul 300th like
holy shit matt just staring down the camera whenever zane moves out of the way i can’t
Its kinda funny and spooky at the same time.🤣🤣
None of the comments made sounded like gossip, it just seemed like hate comments. But I love how they responded to everything calmly and informatively.
Tell me why I slept on Carly and Erin for so long? I just started watching them in like February and they're now one of my favorite channels to watch. I live for their uploads tbh. Their vlogs are so chill and their sit down videos are always fun to watch. Idk why it took me so long, but I'm here for them
Rachel Hageman Same!!:)
Honestly a little upset the vlog squad gossip is just criticism for Carly and Erin. It used to be so funny and cute but now it’s like Yelp reviews.
Zane is such a good friend and so protective of them makes me like him even more.
when people took carly's joke too seriously, I felt her confusion
Kind of can’t believe people took the tears joke so hard.
Right??? People cant take a joke
lmao i didnt even notice i just thought hey thats funny
it’s tumblr lmao tumblr takes everything waaaay too seriously. I don’t think people on tumblr even know what a joke is
Glitter Head it’s tumblr. Most of those people are super insecure and has no friends, no wonder they’re like that.
Thank you!
Wow these girls have some of the rudest “fans”. What the hell?
I love that they got so candid about sponsorships.
I don't understand why people say all u care about is money just cause u don't want to review sex toys and risk getting demonitized.... your channels are literally your income. It's like telling a person who goes to work 7 days a week, from 9am to 5 pm "all u care about is money" well actually my ignorant friend.... all I WANT to do is SURVIVE....
This is exactly what I was going to say!
I know you meant demonitized but demonized really bright this comment together 😂
@@emmachick2757 I didn't even realize I wrote that lol
@@emmachick2757 my auto correct is so inaccurate
Right they have bills to pay like everyone else
i think zane's hat is attached to the top of his head by now
Kianush the fibers are fused!!
Lol it’s bc of his hairline
the people complaining about carly using the same joke, have you heard of comedians like they literally tell the same jokes over and over again if it works it works shut up.
but it didn't worked lmao
Vlad Pl oh really? well i and a bunch of other people laughed. so maybe you just have a bad sense of humor to match your bad grammar.
@@brittanybeard42 Oh sweety, why the personal attack, my comment hurted you? xDD Nobody found it funny thats where the comments from
@@brittanybeard42 Maybe some low iq child like you did, but people like you eat all the crap on RUclips so your opinion matters only to your kind, but not all of them can read yet
Why do I feel like the gossip was especially mean today yikes
i think they were just being brutally honest about certain things, tbh
It definitely is! :(
Abigail it’s not really hate but,,, I haven’t seen any that are constructive, the one that attempted to be constructive about the Adam and Eve sponsorship didn’t even provide accurate info about monetization
Those comments just sound like a bunch of entitled kids complaining and they don't even make sense.
@@drcapparel246 tell me about it
I love how Carly and Erin is being like nice about the mean comments and Zanes like “whatever we do what we want” 😭
“well at least you don’t have a bad hairline”
soo much worse than a period lmao 😂 💀 i can't with zane
Na facts think about it, a period is once a month meanwhile homie has to life everyday with this, and its not getting any better. I feel for you Zane hang in their bro!
javidgt8 oh boy lmaooo
@@rodriguezj532 😂😂😂Just teasing. But still I do feel for him, it's not easy dealing with the ladies and having to hide all that lol
I thought that the “scary” music was really funny on the whitey video.
coldbrewaddict lmao I didn’t even hear it 😂
@@tabbunyea8886 same 😂
It was definitely noticeable but nothing that would ruin the vlog. People can be unnecesarily picky sometimes.
I hate that this account is being so mean about C+E, it used to just be fun gossip, and now it’s so mean, C+E are the best they don’t deserve this 🥺💖💕💕
I think they just picked really salty comments this time.
I agree I went and looked at that page just the other day and it's all just salty peeps really so I stopped reading
Damn! What happened to everyone’s humor? People are mean!
Quincey Rae ya, they get that way when they can stay anonymous
I think they are just jealous
400th like
Yeah having that gossip bog is so toxic bc people feel the need to anonymously nit-pick every tiny detail that bothers them. they all need to go to therapy and let it go
I was so distracted by Matt in the back😂he looks so out of it
Hes probably high as fuck from whatever they gave him for pain from his surgery, poor Matt.
Or feeling really uncomfortable and sick
I love how defensive Zane is of the girls 😭😭 he's so protective of them
I love how Matt just randomly looks at the camera every once in awhile
c and e get slept on so harddddd. they r the the sweetest. I feel like they rly get the most chill and genuine sides out of ppl. plus i love gossip like this is excellent
Matt King getting a headache at 6:21
Matt King escaping at 6:28
matt in the back cracks me up. poor thing just got his whole jaw rearranged or what not and is now having to be in the back of this loud, funny vid im wheezing
why is every video with zane the funniest ever
i died when they zoomed in on matt looking annoyed and then cut to him being out of the room lmaoo 6:20-6:30
The way Zane is attacking everyone that’s talking bad about c&e is the cutest he acts like their older brother I love their friendship!!
I love the alist hauls pls don’t stop your hauls I love them 😭❤️❤️❤️
“Salt is abrasive” wow I didn’t know I was crying out granules of TABLE SALT
The vlog squad is honestly the most kind hearted and genuine RUclips group I’ve ever watched. They all care so much for each other and other people 🥰
Not sure why we aren’t sending Erin a care package for her period she’s always on hahaha
mooncrest_ shell it totally feels like she’s always on it hahahahahahahahahahahahaha but then again it totally feels like I’m always on mine too lol
I love it how Zane gets protective about Carly and Erin!
zane, Carly and Erin are friend goals
And matt
“Matt king and skeletons are funny”
o wow, who could have guessed Jason was foreshadowing a C+E video (7:27)
Carlys laugh is freaking adorable
I'm glad zane did all the talking to all the haters cuz man I was so upset seeing what ppl actually say and nitpick about. The fact they put the time and effort to comment and type something that was mainly to bring someone down is mind-blowing
A woman giving birth:
Zane: "at least you don't have a bad hair line"
omg how does this not have more likes? I actually lol'ed!
Matt in the background just laying there and staring off is the cutest thing. when he spilt his water on himself though i cackled
I be staring at carly this whole video. Shes so gorgeous
Am I the only one watching Matt the whole time 😂
I love the A-List hauls!! Show me everything, I live vicariously through you guys!
Am i the only one that’s never heard Carly chewing a gum!??🤣💀
same i never notice, some people just look for things to be mad at
ik people really be hating on c&e for no reason🙄
That gossip site is vicious. I can’t decide if they like the vlog squad or just like to hate them.
Matt walking away wrapped with a blanket is literally ME ALL THE TIME
I used to love these vlog squad gossip videos but now it’s not even gossip it’s just annoying people complaining about Carly and Erin and them having to explain themselves. They don’t deserve that negativity in their lives, if you don’t enjoy making them anymore, don’t girls, but if you do I’ll still watch bc I love and support you. Have a nice Sunday!! 💕💕
carlys hair looks so pretty with the red scrunchie
why do I feel like everyone was coming for these two on that gossip site? calm down people
Every minute or so I'd look at Matt in the background and start bawling from laughter
major props to you guys for including hard hitting questions, so few people would address those
Matt just staring at everyone is a whole mood 😅
Aw. I wanted to hug Matt the whole time. Poor baby. I hope he feels better.
I get that a lot of this was just considered confusion and criticism but it still seemed kinda harsh, to me at least. It would be cool to have more positivity for a lot of the members in the vlog squad
C&e left out a lot of the positive stuff... it’s not hate at all lol it’s legit just a page to talk about the goings on of the VS, negative or positive. C&e left out the replies defending them and the positive comments probs to just make it more interesting.
@@Olivia-oc7jo Oh okay that's good to know thanks for informing me! :)
i absolutely love these three together, they each bring so many different vibes all at once into one video. the way they play off of each other is so cute :(
I love the A list hauls!!! They show new stuff from obscure brands that I wouldn’t have known about otherwise!! 🥳🥰
2:24 thats the most middle eastern thing i've heard 😂😂 i love zane
Matt sitting on the couch on his phone for the whole video is such a mood.
You guys crack me up!!
I’ve been totally digging David and Carly lately, I think you two would be so cute together!!!
I feel like no one understands what goes on behind the scenes
Zane is literally so supportive 🥺
I loooove Zane’s sass in this video😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I love their friendship with Zane, hes so protective of them, dude friend goals!
matt is a whole mood
honestly i love you guys and zane, a friendship like that>>>
I can't help but lock eyes with Matt King
I loved the different stages of Matt King in this video! Was nice to Zane be so protective of you guys🤣
It really astounds me how preoccupied some people on the internet are with picking out ANYTHING other people do and twisting it into something that they think warrants judgment.
I NEEEEEDD the blanket that matt is using
Yesss i’ve been wanting another vlog squad gossip video, also does this mean we get to see bobby soon??
Omg people take things TOO seriously... like with the tears joke. It kills me.
Erin drunk in davids vlog literally made my entiire life. I wish you guys could show more of that lol.
Anyone just focusing on Matt in the back
matt in the back is a HUGE mood
i could not stop staring at matt the entire vid
Zane's got everybody's back.. my man 👏👏👏
im so stupid. i just realized that CandE meant Carly and Erin🤦🏾♀️
No,you're not i just understood that now from YOU ✋😂😂😂😂
watching matt in the back of this was my favorite!
lolll the RUclips HR analogy is so perfect. It's so true.
Zane looks amazing here, he looks so happy and healthy ! Good job hun
Matt look like he’s about to punch someone in the face any minute now 😂😂😂
Carly and Erin were really in sync at 10:24, I had to rewatch it like 5 times to make sure 😂😂😂
The professionals explaining RUclips life to the children...
I'm literally binge watching your channel right now. And I was so sad that I just really needed this.
Whoever controls that site is obviously clueless when she said "all they care about is money now."