This is what dota needs more, some people willing to play with or train newbies. Like how my friends did for me and tolerated me for many games before I learnt to be useful. Who in their right mind would try to learn a game like this all on their own.
a bro from the same school bus took me and my friend out to a local internet cafe for dota 1; let 2 of us first pick, i picked naga and my friend picked storm, we played mid only 2 vs 1 with him playing axe, stomped us so hard, i asked why his hero is so good and he replied "just read English" i teach my friend dota, on second match i use cheat codes "lvlup 25", toss combo their lvl 2 husker when they had no idea, fun times
I remember my first game of dota my friend tell me to download it and I pick brewmaster and feed mid having no clue what im doing then abandon the game i said the game sucks and make no sense I was new to computer games lol i came back like 9 months later and learn game playing bot matches that was almost 10 years and im still playing
I tried dude, i tried so hard for years to teach my archon and legend friends to play more "decent". They refuse to understand my point, and keep denying my advice.
Just wanted to let you know Blitz that i havent played dota for about a year now but your videos are so entertaining you are the only dota guy i watch still. Keep up the good work man.
all of your series are really cool and I laugh so much. I SUCK at the game but I love trying to learn the little things high level players has to teach (specially when it's not specfic to one hero). I wish I had an opportunity like this.
As a 2.4k mmr piece of shit TA Enjoyer that learned from Blitz streams and vids in the past. I really am finding this funny and entertaining as well Keep it up JERRY MY BELOVED POOKIE WOOKIE
i actually think it isn't that bad even if lower ranked players like Ancients or Divines coach people. Its still a big improvement in game understanding and gameplay compared to like herald, guardian, crusader. So they will step up their game nonetheless... maybe its even better sometimes, i know that i tend myself to overload people that i coach a lot. They just can't keep up with it.
This is what dota needs more, some people willing to play with or train newbies. Like how my friends did for me and tolerated me for many games before I learnt to be useful. Who in their right mind would try to learn a game like this all on their own.
Me who learnt the game solo:
a bro from the same school bus took me and my friend out to a local internet cafe for dota 1; let 2 of us first pick, i picked naga and my friend picked storm, we played mid only 2 vs 1 with him playing axe, stomped us so hard, i asked why his hero is so good and he replied "just read English"
i teach my friend dota, on second match i use cheat codes "lvlup 25", toss combo their lvl 2 husker when they had no idea, fun times
I remember my first game of dota my friend tell me to download it and I pick brewmaster and feed mid having no clue what im doing then abandon the game i said the game sucks and make no sense I was new to computer games lol i came back like 9 months later and learn game playing bot matches that was almost 10 years and im still playing
I tried dude, i tried so hard for years to teach my archon and legend friends to play more "decent".
They refuse to understand my point, and keep denying my advice.
Him accidentally popping DD then getting denied 3 creeps was so funny
"I hate building wand" as crusader as it gets XD
Because no damage 😂
When he tipped the WR and paused i cracked laughing
he hit her with the full combo
Wasting tp during it was just extra BM
and blitz approved the toxicity ,classic
@@Localpref416 lmfao
Just a little banter 😂 eleg
I love the coaching vibes so much. I just wished that dota has a bigger audience. This video should be 100k views. ❤
"That's kinda toxic.. I LOVE IT" ... I was laughing on the floor
Dude i haven't laughed this much for years my stomach was falling specially in the ancient stack one😂
Thanks man.
This guy definitely deserved in crusader lmao
The nerve to say bad team mate is insane xD
i hate building wand just tell me start from video he definitely deserves his bracket
It's always the ones that blames the teammates who are the worst players in the actual team smh
I'm guardian. I beat this guy 100% 1v1 on any hero this guy chooses, unless he's trolling here
@@AuroxDD Here comes another one of the kind who think he is so good xD
Yeah totally deserve. Blink in the enemy while alone and say miss click. This dude is too stupid and ignorant to go to another medal
7:42 this cracks me up 😂😂
Now that's some quality content right there brother!
First game felt like a troll game where blitz is getting his own medicine lol
Karma is real 😂
KEKW x 100000 XD
My dude is pushin buttons
This was great lol
You sounded like my friends when they spectate me :,)
best dota content ive seen in a while damn hilarious
loved this, wouldnt mind seeing many more of these
Shinero my man... it was so fun watching you play. casually kills Wind and tips him. awesome!
Always looking forward to your videos man, much love
Just wanted to let you know Blitz that i havent played dota for about a year now but your videos are so entertaining you are the only dota guy i watch still. Keep up the good work man.
"it's coz he's flying" fcking sent me to jesus lmao
Man this is my favorite type of content😂
video suggestion: 1k mmr coaches Blitz. hahaha you have to do all what the coach want to do.
all of your series are really cool and I laugh so much. I SUCK at the game but I love trying to learn the little things high level players has to teach (specially when it's not specfic to one hero). I wish I had an opportunity like this.
actually good content, the viewers were so good content :D
Keep publishing videos bro when you publish a video you make my day big thumb
"That is Toxic! I Like that" xD
The blitz comeback
I love these videos they are gas ⛽️
Holy shit the first guy made you a damn good video man 😂😂
15:53 LMFAO
Where and when can i watch your streams??
that "whatttttt" i cant XD
The most stressful coaching video I have ever seen lol🤣
love them contents man keep em comin
time to sacrifice some sanity
Best Dota content creator 🙌
The guy dying from to stacks i cant 😂😂😂😂😂
That Psi Blades with the Genshin Impact Artifact stats lol
that dazzle man holy shit
Nobody's gonna talk about np shrouting lion where he was about to blink. Emperor eye shit
keep going Blitz!!!!
“Pay girls to play with me”
Ahhh yes. Just like high school
Wrong video
I am enjoying more than blitz spanks
Toxicity first, skill later, love it.
Even if it was dull af, nobu have lost his touch FeelsOldMan
That missclick blame is sooooo fkin herald like my friend
Dazzle was so good❤❤❤
26:50 F@cking Legend 😂😂
The double gloves of haste thing is a shop bug, Valve hasn't fixed it for years.
Whats the bug
@@kayosensei If you press your quick buy too fast you can buy the same component twice.
This is Masterpiece
just keep uploading man i love all ur shit! for real
That dazzle deserve MVP
As a 2.4k mmr piece of shit TA Enjoyer that learned from Blitz streams and vids in the past. I really am finding this funny and entertaining as well
meanwhile when I play furion everyone buys quelling blade or just eats their way out lol. And that's unranked
Bro's misclicking of the key is the ultimate reason why he is stuck in crusader 😂😂😂
i actually think it isn't that bad even if lower ranked players like Ancients or Divines coach people. Its still a big improvement in game understanding and gameplay compared to like herald, guardian, crusader. So they will step up their game nonetheless... maybe its even better sometimes, i know that i tend myself to overload people that i coach a lot. They just can't keep up with it.
Really fun video! Also somewhat useful 🙂🙂🙂
The pain of watching this video omgoodness 😂
Peace he said OMEGALUL
Need more of this 😂
This was so damn good to watch
Holy fuck blitz closing in on 100k babbby!! lesss go
Why you even mention that shinereno chat about pokemon ****
I felt that when he said the game was Joever
Not gonna lie, it was actually painful to watch, and i don't know which game was the worst. That dazzle though... I wish he was my support
Get this man his 100k subs
Yo blitz can we have a yay or nay for the new collectors cache? Banger vid btw!
Yes. I was put into Dota2 because of my friends. Now they've moved on to other games or gaming all together but I'm still here.
This is hurting me., i can't 😂😂😂😂
How do I apply for master bitz's coaching sessions
Teleport requires hold stop prevents such TP shenanigans
W video
W vid
Hey Blitz, what do you do when you're team doesn't want to build BKB ? I'm about 3K MMR btw
This is so funny lmao
I can't tell if that second guy was trolling or if he legit having that many issues.
Idk how they managed to win both games with so much trolling but then I realize the enemy is doing the same stupid shits
Does anyone will make a review about the new inventory UI and all the UI changes in dota 2
what a nightmare 😂😂
Please do this often
Very fun contest xd
Love the content, how do i apply to be coached :")
Yo Blitz, will you upload purely dota content? Or will you start going back to variety, always loved discovering new shit games with you
i love u blitz, please steal me a child
I feel like Watching his gameplay reduce my mmr 😂
That was so good☺
i am him, misclick everything when it fucking matters
I wish they would give you ranked role que game tokens for coaching.
i want to learn TA from you, I bought golden TA but I am not master of her yet
I need to get back to playing. I toped at a whopping 500 mmr and I also want to be coached. 😂😂😂
Whats the ds link
I love winter wyvern
I love lion
Best r34
@@levisamom5069 bruh
Me too
What is that anime character at the background? I swear i know her from somewhere?