「 Timestamps」 ーーーーーーーー 02:40 Start 03:29 Kobo matiin lampu, biar lebih kerasa horor 04:32 Game Start 05:32 BokoBoko Kanaeru at your service~ 05:43 Kobo merasa controlnya genak 06:30 Mengkaget 08:16 Kobo takut banget karena setannya serem 09:13 Kena jumpscare 10:15 Challenge : Kobo g terian di donet 1 Juta 12:16 SB : Hantunya kasih nama Kobo : Palakkau kasih nama 15:14 Kobo Vs Kecoak terbang 17:07 Linda EEQ 17:44 Ada apa itu ges 20:24 Review Mbak mbak 20:43 Kobo di suruh ngikutin orang yang cara ngomongnya serem 21:38 Ada anj1ng, Itu anj1ng? 22:00 Fet1sh toilet 22:40 Kobo Vs Zeta 23:31 Goyang pantura 25:02 Duar NMAX 25:25 Kena Jumpscare + Anj1ng 26:10 Kobo bingung, Dikiranya udh tamat, Padahal cuma Demo mode 26:42 Beranikan diri Untuk Menganying~ Eh menerobos 28:55 Yang mau Punya jodoh, Hubungi nomor tersebut 29:31 Siapa yang suka Hitung menghitung? 30:47 Terobosss, Segala rintangan, Walau hujan Menganying 32:23 Kobo ngebaca Donasi Napking 33:26 Saking takutnya, Kobo pengen EEQ 35:25 Kena jumpsker + Anj1ng 36:00 Basah basahan, Becek becek an 36:44 Kenapa napking jadi streamer L, Bukannya dia strimer s terakhir kali ya? 39:40 Kobo Vs Pocong Bawa g0lok 43:14 Playing L1ngsir W3ngi 45:00 Foto selebgram 52:48 Kobo ketemu An1me, Ketemu benett 54:25 Alasan Kobo suka Seblak 57:23 Donasi yang sangat family friendly (Ini Real) 58:36 Bu Siska Slebew sangat Cool disini 🥶🥶🥶 1:02:43 Yanggg, Ayangggg (Dipanggil ayang sama Kobo ) 1:05:37 Teruntuk developer DO, Di ajak makan seblak sama Kobo 1:09:21 Kobo dikejer Bab1 1:15:14 Dapet Tip dari Penumpang, Bukannya dikasih keluarga, Malah dikasih an1me 1:16:21 siapa yang ingin Memegang lambang di Dadanya Linda? 1:17:12 Kobo Found the Jengl0t 1:19:36 How to be Rich in Life 1:23:59 Kobo teringat, Kalau disini ada Jumpscare 1:24:40 Itu Ap4 Any1ng + Mantra hujan versi Ket4kutan 1:25:16 K4lau kobo kag3t s3but UwU 1:25:52/1:26:31/1:28:30 Kobo Terkena jumpscare 1:30:14 Kobo ketemu kucing lagi 1:42:32 Kobo merasa terskem + Hantu kepsek 1:48:50 The secret Room 1:50:05 Kobo Vs Hantu Guru BK 1:50:40 Untung saja kobo tidak Botak 1:52:44 Bertemu dengan Bayi Bocil kemat1an 1:58:34 Anj1ng 2:01:14 Kena jumpscare + Anj1ng 2:03:54 Jumpsker 2:04:10 Kobo ketakutan di kejer Merah merah 2:05:21 Dikeroyok sirkel kecoak Terbang 2:10:18 Kaget 2:11:00 Joget bersama Sinden merah 2:13:10 We Are the champion 🤙 2:13:26 Dikiranya udah tamat, Ternyata baru Act 1 2:15:10 Donat1on Reading 2:16:01 Kobo ganyangka bisa selesai 1 Act 2:16:15 Kobo hari ini belum makan nasi 2:26:43 Kobo mau masukin Mantra hujan Ke Spotify, Dan alasan kenapa belum dimasukin ke spotify 2:27:52 Kobo suka makan Otak² 2:42:17 Pesan Kobo buat Chat/Kobo Message for chats (PENTING/IMPORTANT) 2:50:34 Ulil adi otw Di sate jadi Bab1 Guling 2:59:00 Hiragi san Being Very SuS 2:59:52 Hiragi san di tawarin Batu bata sama Kobo, Mau dit1mpuk 3:05:25 Gocar Gacor 3:09:21 Kobo's so Happy because Overseas always supporting her 3:09:46 Kobo cuma pake deodoran Pas mau pergi 3:24:02 Ciri Khas donasi Kobo dari masing² Negara 3:33:14 Kobo is Very ideal for an anime character 3:37:13 Seeing kobo pant1es? 👀 3:47:25 Kobo udah belajar bahasa mandarin 6 Tahun, Walau gangerti apa apa 3:56:45 OtsuKaeru
Otsu! Thank you for the horror game stream~ it's really fun to watch! looking forward for the continuation of the other arc as well~ good night! looking forward for tomorrow as well! Don't forget to take some rest and as always to drink water~
@@natadecoco1188 if you understand Indonesian, that dude above you already commented the meaning of that traps word/sentence. You can go to the latest comment from this video to see that comment
Ini yang gw takutin, Kobo kan cuma terjemahin lewat google translate. Nanti kalau ada SC yang ngirim sesuatu kayak "带碗是真实的国家" dan kobo baca, tamatlah riwayat Kobo.
Thank you for this spooky stream, Kobo! It was a thrill to watch you play Dreadout! Going on a school field trip would take a bad turn as you and your friends found yourselves lost in an abandoned town haunted by evil spirits! Uncovering the place’s dark secrets had us hooked to the plot while the game’s unique combat added to the thrill of survival against the ghosts! You made some good progress with the first episode! We’re intrigued to find out what happens next in part two! Your Kobokerz will also be looking forward to Inscryption tomorrow! One horror-based odyssey to another! Sleep well tonight! OtsuKaeru! ☔️❤️
Otsukaeru,, Thanks all Kaigai Nikki and Indo Nikki for all your support for Kobo on Sociabuzz and SupaChat Thank you for representing us chat, therefore I hope you can treat Kobo well.
RestroomがRavatoryって日本以外だと伝わりにくいのかしら? I wonder if it might be difficult to convey that Restroom refers to Ravatoty outside of Japan. もしくはバスルームって言えば、伝わるのかな? Or if I say bathroom, will they get it? 日本では、バスルームにトイレが置いてあることは少ないから、違和感があるんだよね… In Japan, toilets are rarely placed in bathrooms, so it feels strange... 夜に一人でトイレに行ける?大丈夫?って言いたかったんだが… "Can you go to the bathroom alone at night? Are you okay?" I just wanted to say... 文化的な感覚の違いでとんでもない事を言ってしまってごめんね… Sorry for saying something crazy in a different cultural context... まぁチャットの人たちは盛り上がったかもしれないけどな! The chatters might have been entertained, though! Sleep well, sweet dream, take a nice night.
OtsuKaeru Ketiduran di menit" terakhir lah But thank you for this fun stream! It was so nostalgic seeing DreadOut 1 gameplay again haha. Let's do our best on Act.02 as well~
Thanks for the Stream ✨ Terima Kasih Streamnya Kobo~ Stream kali ini sangat seru dan tidak toksikable sesuai janji 4:00 . Semangat terus Kobo. Btw Candu Banget Ini 2:46:19 😊😚😆 Otsukaeru~
「 Timestamps」
02:40 Start
03:29 Kobo matiin lampu, biar lebih kerasa horor
04:32 Game Start
05:32 BokoBoko Kanaeru at your service~
05:43 Kobo merasa controlnya genak
06:30 Mengkaget
08:16 Kobo takut banget karena setannya serem
09:13 Kena jumpscare
10:15 Challenge : Kobo g terian di donet 1 Juta
12:16 SB : Hantunya kasih nama Kobo : Palakkau kasih nama
15:14 Kobo Vs Kecoak terbang
17:07 Linda EEQ
17:44 Ada apa itu ges
20:24 Review Mbak mbak
20:43 Kobo di suruh ngikutin orang yang cara ngomongnya serem
21:38 Ada anj1ng, Itu anj1ng?
22:00 Fet1sh toilet
22:40 Kobo Vs Zeta
23:31 Goyang pantura
25:02 Duar NMAX
25:25 Kena Jumpscare + Anj1ng
26:10 Kobo bingung, Dikiranya udh tamat, Padahal cuma Demo mode
26:42 Beranikan diri Untuk Menganying~ Eh menerobos
28:55 Yang mau Punya jodoh, Hubungi nomor tersebut
29:31 Siapa yang suka Hitung menghitung?
30:47 Terobosss, Segala rintangan, Walau hujan Menganying
32:23 Kobo ngebaca Donasi Napking
33:26 Saking takutnya, Kobo pengen EEQ
35:25 Kena jumpsker + Anj1ng
36:00 Basah basahan, Becek becek an
36:44 Kenapa napking jadi streamer L, Bukannya dia strimer s terakhir kali ya?
39:40 Kobo Vs Pocong Bawa g0lok
43:14 Playing L1ngsir W3ngi
45:00 Foto selebgram
52:48 Kobo ketemu An1me, Ketemu benett
54:25 Alasan Kobo suka Seblak
57:23 Donasi yang sangat family friendly (Ini Real)
58:36 Bu Siska Slebew sangat Cool disini 🥶🥶🥶
1:02:43 Yanggg, Ayangggg (Dipanggil ayang sama Kobo )
1:05:37 Teruntuk developer DO, Di ajak makan seblak sama Kobo
1:09:21 Kobo dikejer Bab1
1:15:14 Dapet Tip dari Penumpang, Bukannya dikasih keluarga, Malah dikasih an1me
1:16:21 siapa yang ingin Memegang lambang di Dadanya Linda?
1:17:12 Kobo Found the Jengl0t
1:19:36 How to be Rich in Life
1:23:59 Kobo teringat, Kalau disini ada Jumpscare
1:24:40 Itu Ap4 Any1ng + Mantra hujan versi Ket4kutan
1:25:16 K4lau kobo kag3t s3but UwU
1:25:52/1:26:31/1:28:30 Kobo Terkena jumpscare
1:30:14 Kobo ketemu kucing lagi
1:42:32 Kobo merasa terskem + Hantu kepsek
1:48:50 The secret Room
1:50:05 Kobo Vs Hantu Guru BK
1:50:40 Untung saja kobo tidak Botak
1:52:44 Bertemu dengan Bayi Bocil kemat1an
1:58:34 Anj1ng
2:01:14 Kena jumpscare + Anj1ng
2:03:54 Jumpsker
2:04:10 Kobo ketakutan di kejer Merah merah
2:05:21 Dikeroyok sirkel kecoak Terbang
2:10:18 Kaget
2:11:00 Joget bersama Sinden merah
2:13:10 We Are the champion 🤙
2:13:26 Dikiranya udah tamat, Ternyata baru Act 1
2:15:10 Donat1on Reading
2:16:01 Kobo ganyangka bisa selesai 1 Act
2:16:15 Kobo hari ini belum makan nasi
2:26:43 Kobo mau masukin Mantra hujan Ke Spotify, Dan alasan kenapa belum dimasukin ke spotify
2:27:52 Kobo suka makan Otak²
2:42:17 Pesan Kobo buat Chat/Kobo Message for chats (PENTING/IMPORTANT)
2:50:34 Ulil adi otw Di sate jadi Bab1 Guling
2:59:00 Hiragi san Being Very SuS
2:59:52 Hiragi san di tawarin Batu bata sama Kobo, Mau dit1mpuk
3:05:25 Gocar Gacor
3:09:21 Kobo's so Happy because Overseas always supporting her
3:09:46 Kobo cuma pake deodoran Pas mau pergi
3:24:02 Ciri Khas donasi Kobo dari masing² Negara
3:33:14 Kobo is Very ideal for an anime character
3:37:13 Seeing kobo pant1es? 👀
3:47:25 Kobo udah belajar bahasa mandarin 6 Tahun, Walau gangerti apa apa
3:56:45 OtsuKaeru
sasuga time keeper
gg Shiesuta
Thank you for the horror game stream~
it's really fun to watch!
looking forward for the continuation of the other arc as well~
good night!
looking forward for tomorrow as well!
Don't forget to take some rest and as always to drink water~
Kaigai-niki. If u send SC to Kobo, pls don't make her say something weird. Lately, there are ALOT of traps. "機掰", "叔叔能帶我去撈金魚嗎", "kobo 聽話 讓我看看"...
gila itu yg ngirim sc c*abu*l bgt
what does it mean?
@@natadecoco1188 if you understand Indonesian, that dude above you already commented the meaning of that traps word/sentence. You can go to the latest comment from this video to see that comment
Ini yang gw takutin, Kobo kan cuma terjemahin lewat google translate. Nanti kalau ada SC yang ngirim sesuatu kayak "带碗是真实的国家" dan kobo baca, tamatlah riwayat Kobo.
Om jangan Om
Thank you for the stream
And thank you for oversea fan who always support our cute kobokan
Excited to see the continuation of this game. Please be respectful to each other in the chat and makes Kobo life easier. Thanks all!
2:46:20 Epicto Momento
Thank you for this spooky stream, Kobo! It was a thrill to watch you play Dreadout! Going on a school field trip would take a bad turn as you and your friends found yourselves lost in an abandoned town haunted by evil spirits! Uncovering the place’s dark secrets had us hooked to the plot while the game’s unique combat added to the thrill of survival against the ghosts! You made some good progress with the first episode! We’re intrigued to find out what happens next in part two! Your Kobokerz will also be looking forward to Inscryption tomorrow! One horror-based odyssey to another! Sleep well tonight! OtsuKaeru! ☔️❤️
BTW, Genshin reference yang aq jumpa
52:51 Bennett
2:25:16 Azdhaha and Zhongli
Mantap, Kobo main game horror lokal 🇮🇩💻👾🎮 ditunggu lanjutannya bo.
57:00 ya... itu yang warga FB pengen liat.
Klo boleh tau konteksnya apa ya? Cuma penasaran sih
@@porobeststudio3308 di ajak ngobrol malah mau masukin motor
1:00:06 Legendary scene in DreadOut
3:43:42 自己用
Happy for u, good night
Btw someone bu11y kobo..?
i don't understand Mandarin,can u Explain...?
Otsukaeru,, Thanks all Kaigai Nikki and Indo Nikki for all your support for Kobo on Sociabuzz and SupaChat Thank you for representing us chat, therefore I hope you can treat Kobo well.
*Indo Nikki kan?
@@LynerxAurica Ngantuk bang wkwk
1:00:03 selalu ngakak pas scene ini 😂
Nice to see that whenever there is horror,
Kobo goes into spontaneous singing.
It's good to be back.
Thanks for the stream Kobo!
02:42:17 Pesan penting dari Kobo!
Kadang2 ada orang2 norak emang di chat nya kobo
first time seeing shaman afraid of ghosts lol, omae Lmao Sugiru. Thanks for cheering me on this weekend, have a nice weekend Kobo. OtsuKaeru☔💙
2:30:55 Legenda Selular
Main ml ternyata
So funny seeing her can't do stuff and start yelling at chat asking for help haha
I love how chat prefer kobo to say Any*** instead of UwU. Thank you for the stream Kobo, Sleep well. Otsukaeru
Otsukare Kobo~
Thank you for the scary game stream!!
Nice clear ACT 1~
see you the next horror stream!!
I wonder if it might be difficult to convey that Restroom refers to Ravatoty outside of Japan.
Or if I say bathroom, will they get it?
In Japan, toilets are rarely placed in bathrooms, so it feels strange...
"Can you go to the bathroom alone at night? Are you okay?" I just wanted to say...
Sorry for saying something crazy in a different cultural context...
The chatters might have been entertained, though!
Sleep well, sweet dream, take a nice night.
May i know what you like about kobo?
Terimakasih sudah menemani malam minggu kami Kobo
Makasih streamnya kobo!
Sangat menghibur ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Stand Master: Aqua Kobok 🗿
Ketiduran di menit" terakhir lah
But thank you for this fun stream! It was so nostalgic seeing DreadOut 1 gameplay again haha. Let's do our best on Act.02 as well~
Archive: 2:46:18
Thanks for the Stream ✨
Terima Kasih Streamnya Kobo~
Stream kali ini sangat seru dan tidak toksikable sesuai janji 4:00 . Semangat terus Kobo.
Btw Candu Banget Ini 2:46:19 😊😚😆
@Boboyyogi Baihaki samaaa
Gw jadiin alarm
Otsukaeru Kobo~
Thanks for the stream
OtsuKaeru Kobo that was really fine stream and never know Kobo can swear in cute voice
Hatur nuhun streamnya kobo 🙏
Develover dreadout juga bakal ngeluaran game multiplayer baru mirip DbD, bisatuh gantiin konten DbD tapi ciri khas indo
57:00 yang punya lagu mantra hujan lagi nyatirin yang maling lagu
@@lukurgaming7172 malah yg maling lagu ngaku klo itu diupload orang
@@itsdavinn trus ngeles,"bentar ngeluarin motor"
@@lukurgaming7172 dah mending ngudu
Butuh timestamps yg jokes masukin motor ges
Edit : 57:02 masukin motor dulu ya
Otsukaeeru Kobo
2:25:14 kungkingkang
2:45 Start
Stream kali ini sangat family friendly dalam mengahadapi hantu2 di game Dreadout,terima kasih atas streamingnya
Terima kasih buat stream hari ini bo
Otsukaeru, makasih stream nya ya kobo
Thanks for the stream tonight
Makasih sudah menemani malam Minggu kami and good night
OtsuKaeru makasih stream nya Kobo
Lingsir wengi
Otsukaeru mood parah bo nontonin kobo terima kasih atas stream nya sehat selalu ya bo
Kobo ktika foto ama pocongnya:ciss dulu kita siss
The Indonesia language sounds like mix of Mexican, Portugal and Spanish )))
Is it because of the thicc accent and the way they roll the R?
Basically Spanish right
Indonesia languange based on Melayu and Dutch language general
Makasih Atas Streaming nya Kobo, moga dimainkan sampai tamat ini game
Makasih streamnya kobo
Paling seru nonton kobo main game horror
di tunggu lanjut part 2 nya
57:00 motor nya terbang gus
Not gonna lie her cantonese sound cute.
gg! Terima kasih utk strim hari ini.. 👊😎
nice stream Kobo ditunggu next act 😳👍
Otsu kobo, kaget kocak jumpscarenya
59:57 Meme Moment
Yeeeee akhirnya kobo main dread out ku spoiler ya bo di series ke 2 banyak boss sama hantu khas Indonesia semangat bobmainya😆
57:00 peroasting handal
awoawojum di tampolnya keras amat ampe kedengaran🤣
OtsuKaeru, thanks for the stream kobo
Congrats 750k Subscriber 🎉
Yanuar : Lopyuu Koboo..
Kobokan : Love me too
2:25:16 Osmanthus Wine tastes the same as i remember 🗿
akhirnya legah kwkwkw, ilang semua rasa penasran
iofi juga pernah sih bahas Jenshin di streamnya 🗿
xixixi gaboleh senggol soalnya gan game sana sejak kejadian naga kemaren
Moona kemarin ada main PUBGM Tencen 🗿
Terima kasih stream Dreadout nya kobo sangat sangat seru dan aku sangat menatikan stream berikutnya, jangan lupa schedule Minggu depan
Otsuukaeruuu, thank you for the stream
Makasih juga udah bilang anyink, ternyata anyink mu lebih lucu daripada uwu mu
Typical Kobo tools
02:46:19 Anying~~ : 😍😍😍
02:47:50 UwU : 🤮🤮🤮
02:26:45 😱😱😱
53:17 Pritttt gelap
1:00:00 ditampar🤣
main Dreadout 50% sisanya freetalk, mantap skali gameplaynya ,
2:46:27 Momen lokotre
@@bijimangga7 akun impostor jgn aneh2 ya... 👁🗨👁🗨
2:46:20 cute kobo
Mantab kobokan
Thanks for the stream Demon Lord
Sungguh bermotivasi
18:48 agus
kobo luvyu❤️
Nice stream⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
kobo kobo kobo kanaeruu,, kawaii
Ditunggu kata kata mutiara lainnya
Ketiduran liat livee😭
Otsu Kobo, jangan lupa mandi..
Adios Kobo, tengs stream ny
Nice stream,.penonton cemburu sama sc luar🤣
Udah ngak terlalu mah sekarang. Yang ada yang caper berlebih di chat.
Yg caper berlebihan biasanya penonton hololive baru
Lanjut *Dread Out Keeper of the Dark*
Keren Koboooo
Tq Kobo for the streamm Goodnight have a nice dreammm wwkwkwkk
gw nonton rplay aj ikutan kaget aowoakwo
Love u bo
keren kobo