Top awesome Microsoft projects unexpectedly closed and killed

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • C# was born in 1978, than for many years it was be improved, because program writing programmer to programmer, not to machine. As a resolt of this movement Visual Basic was born, as special language for simple and RAPID programming.
    VB use more advanced OOP conception, for example Shadowing, Module. Enums, for example can be defined inside interfaces. Implements and Inherits is full different conception in VB, in VB we never use one char ":" to define both of it. In VB.NET we never be confused what difference between inheritance from abstract class and interface implementation. In other side similar thing (like property and method without parameters) call in C# by full different way.
    VB use remarkable and understandable manipulation of events and delegates AddHandler , RemoveHandler, Event, WithEvents, RaiseEvents, AddressOF, Handles. If you use Event declaration, in VB delegates declare automatically and exemplar of delegetes will be create automatically, you can use manual delegate declaration only if it needed. In VB.NET we never be confused what in events and what is delegate, we never manipulate eventhandler as digital by char "+" because this is full different entity and each of it has remarkable and different keywords.
    VB has alternative exception concept, for example Resume Next. This is convenient way of process exception for example in ASP page and VBA program.
    VB has advanced future for Array manipulation like ReDim
    VB has other advanced datatype, like date and XML
    VB has default Namespace for whole project, no need to use at all this conception at all. Assembly name, OOP, extension, partial class definition and so on is full enough to build any complexity system.
    All needed to programing type conversion and string manipulation function is part of VB.NET, VB function LIKE is more simple and useful than Regular expression.
    Interaction with user like read input or show message is part of VB. Many other part of .NET Framework (for example working for Files, Registry, Color, Memory dispose and so on) also is domestic parts of VB.NET. All environment of your program (including network card, memory, videoadapter) you can see and check in class My. You can use any of this function independently of used NET.Framework version.
    Various most usable in practice type checking function like (IsNothing, IsNumeric, IsDbNull and so on) is domestic part of VB.NET and you can use it independently from current version of .NET Framework. Also various useful constant as VbCrLF and VbTab is part of languages. All you need for simple desktop program - you always have inside languages, this is benefits for beginners to immediately start programming and make code short and amazing.
    VB can compare string globally as case sensitive or insensitive. This is two different historical culture - Windows and Linux and you can once define type of string comparison in compiler options.
    Various mathematical operation like Raise in power and more advanced is part of VB.NET.
    No need to write dump spell "return null" if you can not make needed operation in function, return null will be attaching automatically. And you can use "End" to full stop execution of your program.
    A lot of other statement, despite the similar name to C#, like Tuples in VB working differently.
    in VB you can a lot various keywords (absent in C#) to help other programmer understand what exactly you doing, for example ByVal parameters modifier. Instead this C# has a lot of mindless ritual spell, for example {get;set;} in short form of property declaration.
    In VB we never use the same characters for full different thing, for example if you want concatenate string you can use "&", if you want adding numeric value you can use "+", if you can add event handler you can attach it statically by Handles or dynamically by AddHandler. For all this different thing you must use in C# only "+". Even full opposite idea as implementation and inheritance in C# you must use the same character ":". And in VB you never denote the same thing by different way, for example what difference between method without parameters and property? But in C# one perform with "()" and second without "()".
    VB languages is case insensitive, this is one or research result to transform ancient C syntax to RAPID programming languages. Since VB4 environment and VBA for Excel VB.NET programmer declare variable in UpperCamelCase and type in program body variables in lowCamelCase. If variables and keywords is recognized successfully by IDE, IDE immediately кфшіу up first letter, make first letter capital. Also VB compiler is more intellectual, no need type dump character ";" after each line.
    Other result of research to improve stupid C syntax is follow human mind pattern, "var X" ("Dim X as string") is native human way to thinking, not "(string) x;", i.e in VB.NET you never use inverse pattern of your mind thinking.

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