I liked 曾慶瑜 conducting herself with the host, she was humble and straightforward and she sang 真實 with emotion. She was actually an old friend of the host and was requested to sing in 黃梅調. She agreed but as a male opposite a female 費玉清. Singapore 27/10/2020.
曾慶瑜 國語很好; 她母親 大學時在 北京讀,參加 京劇社,並認識 同樣來自 香港,同樣廣東籍,又同樣 對 京劇 有興趣的 曾父
後來,曾父 做了 香港 一間 名校的 校長秘書 , 曾母 則在 該校 小學部 ( 該校是 幼稚園,國小,國中,高中 都在一間學校)教 普通話 , 那是 一個 著重 中文教育的學校 ,普通話 有 兩位老師教, 一位是 有 京劇底子的 曾母, 一位是 一個 台灣過去的老師,兩位都對 曾慶瑜 的 普通話 很有影響
I liked 曾慶瑜 conducting herself with the host, she was humble and straightforward and she sang 真實 with emotion. She was actually an old friend of the host and was requested to sing in 黃梅調. She agreed but as a male opposite a female 費玉清. Singapore 27/10/2020.
3:00 那位淡江會計的女生好看耶!😂 乾我要拿給淡大朋友看