@ this guy is a challenger jungler making guides to playing the role, I think getting some insight into how he approaches bans would be valuable. How is that laziness?
@@bleuemoone8710 I ain’t Sawyer but in my experience conqueror is better against tanky teams where electrocute gives you more burst damage and therefore is better against squishy champs
Diana Jungle Pathing Cheat Sheet ► mfy.gg/courses/view/diana-jungle-pathing-guide-A8E7Av9M6WS
Maybe you could include who you usually ban on each of the champs you play as part of the guide
Yes please
Bro try it out by yourself you’ll quickly know what champ you don’t want to face y’all are just lazy atp
@ this guy is a challenger jungler making guides to playing the role, I think getting some insight into how he approaches bans would be valuable. How is that laziness?
I’ve been playing a lot of Diana to try to learn something other than tank or bruiser. It’s… a work in progress. Thanks for the guide!
does ur mom know u play tanks?
really appreciate the Diana guide, as she's my main in mid. now that i'm exploring JG with her this will be helpful!
Finally an new Diana guide ❤❤ ty Bob !
Diana is such a fun champ, I usually go Lich Bane 2nd with Nashors but I’ll definitely try this one out
Hi bob. How do you decide whether to start on raptors or red first? Do you have a checklist on what to consider to make that decision?
Weekdays start red
weekends start raptors
Yippie !
Now, do the Diana bruiser/tanky build 😇 : liandry, riftmaker, abyssal mask / unending despair, frozen heart
Try it out !
Red Kayn next!
When would you go conq vs electrocute
@@bleuemoone8710 I ain’t Sawyer but in my experience conqueror is better against tanky teams where electrocute gives you more burst damage and therefore is better against squishy champs
thanks for tipping
Lol these Diana stories feel a little too... real. You good bruh?😆
Day 28 of asking for an Evelynn jungle Bob!
Buy Teemo jungle Bob. Day 24.
put a gurl on
ok what about NOWWWW, day 29 of you know what
some tier lists say mundo is A tier so like you should definitely try it
League of Legends I think is in the worst state it has ever been. Caitlin / Nocturn / Shyv, it's just so disgustung right now and nothing is done
1400 .....
Comment for algorithm 316
is your commentary always this cringe?
stop hating