Or she's a great actress. I prefer to think that she loves it. It is what sets her apart from many of the others. The event is entertainment for the fans. Her job is to get the fans involved. Smiles help. Would we be as impressed if she had a neutral or negative look on her face?
She always love what she do.
That makes she looks so nice.❤❤❤
Or she's a great actress. I prefer to think that she loves it. It is what sets her apart from many of the others. The event is entertainment for the fans. Her job is to get the fans involved. Smiles help. Would we be as impressed if she had a neutral or negative look on her face?
삼성서 있었어야 전율 느낄텐데
잉 , 삼성에서 해서야 했는데.. ㅜㅜ
삼성에서 못해보고 롯데와서 해보네 ㅋㅋㅋ
최홍라 지금
@@lifeguard19194 영상처럼 롯데로 갔어요
@@lifeguard19194유니폼 보세요. 롯데 치어리더로 옮겼잖아요
@@lifeguard19194 유니폼이 롯데잖아요... 그리고 올 시즌에 롯데로 이적했답니다
엘도라도는 인정ㅋ