One of the most powerful assignments I did in undergraduate school was interview my grandparents in 1995. My grandmother talked about how she couldn’t walk on a sidewalk if a white person was on it or they would kick or spit on her; my grandfather talked about having to go to a white person’s back door to speak with them. They talked about being denied education because they were black-not because they were Christian-even though they were. My grandparents talked of the terrorism blacks endured living in the south. With all of the indignities they endured, they never taught us to hate. One of the things American History has taught us is that it wasn’t white evangelicals who sided with their ostensible black brothers and sisters during slavery, share cropping (slavery 2.0), Jim Crow, Redlining and police brutality-I know Heather McDonald has made a name for herself with shoddy scholarship. One could make the case-I guess I am-that part of God’s judgment on the white evangelical church is that the culture has been able to use the black experience in America-which any sane person can see is horrifying and triumphant-to shoehorn themselves into their narrative in the name of sameness. When they want to have same sex marriage, they’ll just bring up the time when blacks and whites could not marry-something white evangelicals supported. When they want to give transgender people a choice to go to the bathroom of their gender of choice, they’ll just just bring up the time when blacks couldn’t go into whites only bathrooms-something supported by white evangelicals. Can you imagine if Billy Graham would have went to those white racist “churches” and told them that they were dragging Christ’s name through the mud? When I see how petulant and defiant James White and other white evangelical leaders have been about the Covid-19 mask mandates, they should apologize to Martin Luther King and other Civil Rights leaders who were facing real oppression-not a requirement to wear a mask on a plane or in a restaurant. Remember it was Billy Graham and other religious leaders telling Martin Luther King that he was moving too fast. Thank God he didn’t listen to that nonsense (read his letter from Birmingham Jail). As for CRT, it is a boogeyman created by Fox News. They probably found the two schools in America toying with it and created mass hysteria. Sure there are academics who would love to use CRT for their own self-aggrandizement, but it is nothing with which to be concerned. Because CRT means so many things to so many different people, make sure people define their terms. At a basic level, people need to stop lying about history, period. Being bearers of the imago dei does not mean that we as people come out of a vacuum. Jesus was born into a Jewish family and milieu. He went to synagogue; he spoke Aramaic; he read Hebrew and Aramaic; and he hung out with twelve Jewish disciples, along with many others. His conversation with the Samaritan woman only can be appreciated by knowing their distinct histories and customs; the parable of the Samaritan cannot have its intended lesson if we don’t catch the nuances of peoples’ backgrounds. Paul gives the Gentile Christians a history lesson in Romans 11, in order that they not be too arrogant because they were not natural branches. He drew on their distinctive backgrounds-never giving any indication that they were not one in Christ. Being one in Christ doesn’t mean we lie and romanticize the past. FYI, I like and believe Alisa loves Jesus.
The Church needs to tread carefully when it comes to CRT. Why? Because CRT examines ACTUAL laws that were/are unjust. The examination of those laws make up the bulk of CRT scholarly works. CRT is, after all, a post-graduate course typically studied by lawyers. You can debate all you want about the solutions CRT has for societal ills. However, if you are not aware of all the LAWS that CRT examines, then you need to tread carefully and refrain from saying that CRT is antithetical to the Gospel lest you wind up agreeing with unjust laws. For example, if you cannot intelligibly speak about the Mabo vs. Queensland case while making the point that stealing is against God’s divine law and order and that it was an act of justice for Mabo to be able to reclaim his ancestral lands as an Aboriginal man, then you are not ready to talk about CRT in a way that benefits anybody. Study, pray, and learn. Not everything about CRT is correct, but some things CRT brings attention to is correct. Another thought I will leave with you is how Derrick Bell, one of the founders of CRT, was opposed to race-based testing that measured people’s “intelligence” based on their race. I don’t think most Bible-believing Christians are FOR testing people’s intelligence based on their “race.” In fact, CRT scholars believe that race is a social construct and that we are all a part one one race, which is what Christians also believe. There are tribes, tongues and nations, but not races (plural). There is but one human race. Therefore it is imperative for Christians to explain what they mean when they say that CRT is antithetical to the Gospel. Of course, there is more to CRT than this but I only wanted to challenge Christians to be specific about their objections to CRT. Broadly saying that CRT is antithetical to the Gospel is not helpful, especially when we know that cases like Brown v. Board of Education, which CRT also examines, are not things that Christians need to give any impression that they are opposed to. Also, there is an entire sub-field of CRT that deals with tribal sovereignty and land rights for the Indigenous people of this land who have been wronged greatly by the US government and continue to be. May God have mercy on us. (Sorry for the spelling and/or grammatical errors. I am writing this on my phone in a rush).
Yeah man ppl are talking about CRT like they know what it is. Instead they are using it as a way to fear-monger evangelical conservative white ppl to consolidate power. Very sad.
Thanks for this! Your response is an example of what happens when facts, intellect, and compassion collide! The speaker should get a full understanding of CRT instead of misleading people with what she feels about it.
“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Gal. 3:28 (LSB)
@@JustinGehman whether the Plantation owners used it or not is irrelevant. You denying the text based on it misuse in history doesn't invalidate it's claim that we are one in Christ.
@@JustinGehman I doubt it. If anything, it's more likely that the plantation owners skipped this verse, since God is saying that in Christ all are equal. If you keep reading the text, God further says that a freeman is a slave to the Lord and the slave is a freeman in the Lord. God also says this: My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. People who are saved and who have the Holy Spirit dwelling in them are able to understand the scriptures because it is the Holy Spirit who actually gives the true understanding to those willing to humble themselves to hear and know the truth (as opposed to what they want the bible to say) However, this doesn't stop those who have never been born again, including atheists, from trying to figure out the intended meaning, which has lead in large part to the twisting of scripture to support evil agendas. Slavery was one of them. Lqbtq is another.
I don't know much about CRT where it originated from and what's it goal but All I can say on this issue is that Jesus Christ would want Christians to help the opressed and speak up for them regardless of skin color. Christianity does not revolve around government policies or cult like behavior from specific political parties,their leaders and the so called "church leaders" and their opinions. As an non American Christian the more america seems to try to bury,deflect and deny it's past the worse it seems to get. It's a country that lacks compassion and contrary to popular belief in it's never been a Christian nation.
I have been thinking a lot about this whole issue and the changes that have been happening. I do think she is right about one thing though, this will never end. Take the confederate statues that have been removed, to be clear I don't care that they were taken down, or the school names that have been changed. I think it is great to see more people of color involved in the news programs, etc. The problem lies in the human heart and like the bible says it is evil. We can make all of these changes but until people decide to change nothing will get better. The past is the past. It is true we should be aware of the past or we will be doomed to repeat it but we cannot live in the past if we do we will never heal. I think about how hard MLK and his group fought to change things only to have them change back now with people voluntarily segregating at college. It breaks my heart to read stories like that. We cannot change the past but we can change today.
@@thomasgallagher1559 I see where you're coming from and I agree with most of what you said. I believe statues and colonial era legacies being destroyed are just part of God's judgement as He is taking down people's idols. Eventually we have to remember there will be no peace or Utopia until Jesus Christ returns and to those in pain of the past as God said vengeance belongs to Him. Until then we all have to be focused on spreading the Word of God and winning people to His Kingdom which is not of this World.
America doesn't try to bury, deflect, and deny it's past. We are well aware slavery is in our past and we have moved past that a long time ago. Slavery didn't happen first in America and it won't be the last. Slavery still exists today in the form of sex trafficking, labor, and others all around the world. Yet, the people who put the focus on "America's past" do nothing to speak out against what's currently going on. Critical Race Theory has it's roots with Karl Marx and is an attempt to brainwash the world for communism. Karl Marx's econmic revolution didn't happen so they're trying to force Antonio Gramsci's cultural revolution through propaganda. Race relations are getting worse specifically because of Critical Race Theory. Because you have compassion, (naturally) you seem to be falling into it. The American experiment was the first nation in history to enshrine unalienable rights and self evident truths given by "the creator" as intrinsic human rights, protected, not granted, by the government. Yet people CONTINUE to demonize America and try to tear it down. America has faced this onslaught ever since it's conception and it accelerated in the late 1800s to early 1900s with the progressives and especially just after WWII. As a result, America is now deeply corrupted, most likely beyond reversal.
Critical Race Theory? I do not think it means what you think it means. As far as I am aware it is not used to separate people as of different colours or as oppressed and oppressors. Rather it's a way of looking at systems and history and identifying when race was used as a way of dividing people and as a reason for oppression so it can be remedied. It's use is to identify where that happened, not apply it to all cases. What is described here is how some people might misuse CRT, not a reflection of what CRT is designed to be and how it is used by many people. It is a secular method of achieving social reconciliation and so imperfect and can only do so much but it's not a threat to the Lord or his kingdom. Just one of many alternatives people construct for themselves, like democracy or capitalism, to help us live together rather than just all worship God together.
Critical race theory (CRT) is a study of learning regarding 20th century legal academia programs (Delgado and Stefancic) taught at a college level. I am pretty sure that most everyone using this term does not understand it. It’s goals are to transform and understand the relationship between: race, racism and power….
Critical Race Theory is also one of those technical terms that has been thrown around a lot lately. It would probably be helpful to define what it really is when explaining why it contradicts the Gospel. Critical Race Theory gets used alot by conservatives to dismiss conversations about race.
What is going on is not "conversations about race". It is the pushing of racism toward, demonization of and control over white people. It is a witch hunt for racism. It's the spirit of the devil operating, a spirit of suspicion, accusation, slander, contention and division. Not genuine (biblical) love, peace, unity
When arguing about a theory does not change anything for those affected by historical injustice and inequalities maybe it’s time to focus on the actions that will end the injustice. Otherwise we’ve picked a convenient ideological battle rather than doing the hard work of laying down our lives for the sake of our neighbour.
Guess who else went thru that. Jesus!!!! This world is the devils. Live for God and reach for his arms!! You are beautiful cause God created you!! And that's it!!
IMO before anyone with a platform speaks on CRT they should be well versed and open minded about it. The Christian community has failed people of color, women, children, and widows etc. When you say we are one but there are systems in place that keep us divided and oppressed, and the Christian community does not stand up and speak up, then the Christian community is complicit. For hundreds of years these oppressors have proudly proclaimed to be Christians without the Christian community rebuking them. People want to continue burying and editing history but truth must be told. Where is this "we are one" mentality when parts of the "one" are systematically, continually and consistently devalued, ignored, targeted and demoralized? The church is as divided as the world because truth is not being told in church either. Our true problem is sin. But we don't want to face ours or call it out when we see it. I'm not against CRT, BLM etc, I'm against placing the problem on or focusing solely on race. But let's face it,, racism is a huge problem among many.. When white Christians stand up for all who are oppressed, we will see true change. Until then we will hear the Jesus is love, we are one rhetoric and nothing will change.
I am going to speak to you as a sister in Christ, since that is what I believe you are based on your comments. Without excusing any past actions by anyone, regardless of time, race, Christian or non Christian let me ask you this: Why are you waiting on people to save you or somehow deliver you? Speaking up is one thing. I call out various sins in the church as they arise (I can only speak for myself here) But this is one of the biggest deceptions of CRT. It gets our focus off of Christ and onto ourselves. We can deceive ourselves that maybe if we all just join hands and band together and rise up we can bring change, healing and deliverance. But is this what God commands of us? Or does he want us to seek His face? Pray, seek and knock to him? Judge with righteous judgment? Give place to wrath? Forgive 70 times 7? God says cursed is anyone who puts their trust in men. Do we really want to mix with unrighteous worldly teachings? I
"Judge not by appearance but judge by righteous judgment." Jesus Christ People do judge by appearance. We condemn groups of people by similarities of appearance instead of forgiving everyone as Jesus told us to do. God's judgment is to love everyone. That's righteous. Laws should not discriminate, as you say, Alisa. And abortion discriminates by who you can kill by whether they are taking physical breaths or not. That is an appearance. We all need a chance at life to be the best we can be.
Slavery & systemic racism in laws & policies, especially in America, contradicts the New Covenant. Question: do you engage with these comments or do you leave them open for ‘data analysis’?
@Alisa Childers I have been following you since I saw one of your videos with pastor Winger. I just want to thank you for all the care you put into your videos. I have come across so many fascinating things on your channel, that you have become a blessing. I pray that the Holy Spirit will water all the seeds you are planting. Your gentle demeanor often rebukes my temper (I get angry when I see how our fellow believers are scorned .) I have to thank you for the needed correction as well. God bless you and your family. Greetings from South Africa 🇿🇦
Teaching black history is not wrong. But when people use it to divide black and white people, that’s when it is wrong. But I am not against the teaching of injustices done to people of color in the past. The history of every race should be taught to avoid ignorance. It’s the way that it’s taught in most instances that’s the problem.
When I was a little girl, I was under the impression that Jesus was a German guy. Its those pictures and statues of him that made me think so. When I started to grow up and read the bible that I realized that Jesus was Jewish and not German. Been a middle eastern Jew and born in Palestine means he most definitely had to be an olive skinned male and short in stature. On that basis alone all the racists that keep using his name and image to promote their stupid agenda are morons.
That's a false representation of Critical Race Theory. What CRT actually says is that systems can discriminate based on race - it's not just individuals who are racist. Documented discrimination in medical care and treatment, the justice system, in home appraisals, voter suppression, etc. are living proofs that CRT is right at its core. People can even be discriminatory when not intending to be -- like in Artificial Intelligence. AI-powered cars don't recognize Black people as pedestrians. God is against that kind of unfairness and injustice as well, and misrepresenting or denying these realities that have been extensive studied, reported and otherwise documented -- is what is contrary to scripture.
“And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place,” Acts 17:26 ESV
Here's the thing and I'm going to try to explain it in a way that I hope makes sense. If something comes up in my marriage and my husband looks at the bank statement he goes whoa it looks like you spent quite a bit this month with the credit card You need to reel that in. And I say well what do you mean reel it in? I thought it was okay for me to use the credit card when I needed things. My husband goes it is but maybe you weren't paying attention to how much you were spending maybe you thought you were spending X amount but you really weren't but it turns out at the end of the day you spend too much so how about if you're going to buy something over $100 we touch base with each other for both of us okay. And I agree to that and we then do that. That didn't cause a division between the two of us. we talked about it It was cleared up AS IT CAME UP. That's the important part. Racism is going to rear its head in the church. Paul talks about all kinds of things that go on in the church when he wrote to the Corinthians and how we should deal with those things as they come up. Should we devote an entire practice or should we devote a whole church to it Well of course not. But over intellectualizing it and make it seem like talking about race at all is a bad or a sinful thing is grossly wrong. The Lord never said we could not talk about racism He said he didn't want schisms. Simply talking about something doesn't make a schism It doesn't make a division likely to happen just because we're talking about something. There were times I had to confront white brothers and sisters when I felt like they were being racist to me and they were I wasn't making it up I wasn't inventing something, they really were. They were grateful that I said something to them They repented and they asked me to forgive them and the relationship was repaired. as simple as that, but if you never confront somebody about something then how are they going to grow? I think the needing to always talk about race is fear-based and I think the lalalalala and the finger in the ears is also based off of fear.
Absolutely! And CRT is a religion that trains people to be chronically victim minded, and to view all their brothers and sisters as perpetrators, or victims. That’s why it’s anti gospel, and not compatible. We live in unity within the Church, as 1 human race. Where there are many tribes, from many nations, and we are all a basket of sinners. Sinners will bump into each other’s sometimes on accident, and sometimes on purpose. Following the Matthew instructions for addressing that sin, should always be done. And always aiming for reconciliation as the goal for everyone! ♥️🙏🏽 It sounds like you did well, in your addressing actual racism. I applaud that sis. ♥️♥️♥️
Wow... well said Alisa! Once again, I'm sharing your posts to spread the truth! I cannot recommend your book, podcasts, and video's enough... Have been so enouraged and learned so much!
I love the Lord and wish Whyt people would talk about racism in this country and not harp on CRT racism did more damage and doing more damage to this country than CRT could ever do. Of course you’d say scares me calling out racism scares white people.
What I am only concerned about is that the Jim Crow laws, CRT, SJW's, white privilege & etc is that the DNC (Democratic National Convention) & Democratic Party are continuing to prepetuating these thing and making them overinflated when in reality these things are moral and spiritually wrong. Yes slavery in the USA existed and it was wrong happened but slavery also happened in Ireland, in the Middle East, in oriental Asia, in Africa and in Europe, so slavery is nothing new what is new is social media and social justice warriors. And to tear down statues that you don't agree with will not solve the problem either. Our brothers & sisters in Jesus the Messiah of color (black, brown, red and yellow) need us to be there to defend them, love them, to cry with them and etc.
It's funny how "evangelicals" are so concerning about CRT, but seemed to have no issue with the messianic view of Trump among evangelical Christians. Which one is more spiritually dangerous?
Because they are deceived like many other denominations. I don't support CRT theory or even know much about what it stands for or where it originated from but I can see how the hypocrisy of evangelicals.
Strawman. Only fringe NAR nuts saw Trump as a messisnic figure. Trump is neither the Messiah, nor Hitler. In choosing a president between two deeply flawed candidates, I will choose the candidate and the political party whose policies are more aligned with Scripture. Trump and the Republicans promote policies more in line with Scripture than Biden and the Democrats. If your theology is Marxist (i.e. black liberation theology) of course you'll choose anti-Christian, Marxist candidates from the anti-Christian Marxist Democrat Party.
Nothing to do with it, but many of us were calling out Trump and the idolatry of those who practically worshipped him. Pastors who called this out include Good Fight Ministries, On Point Preparedness, and E511 Ministries.
@@DefenderoftheCross Evangelicals are always addressing fringe radical issues, except for Trump "worship." The sin of Christian nationalism is totally acceptable but far more dangerous and anti-gospel than CRT. Why so much attention to CRT? Its just fear-mongering. I thought the Christian's calling was to conform to Christ, not CRT or the Republican Party.
At about 4:20 She makes a massively important comment about relying on Gov't, rather than God. I submit that in the US, gov't has become a sort of 'god', but that is a long discussion that can't be solved on RUclips.
That's true. It's also true that the other side has made individualism their god. Everyone who is obsessed with the individual, the personal, me, my, mine is worshipping the self instead of God. We have to balance the individual with the society. Not choose one over the other.
I think the abortion example can move this conversation along in a productive way. Okay so, when I see abortion supported by institutions, I can say, “Oh look, murder is supported by law and institutions; therefore, we have a systemic problem.” Abortion is simple to address because we’re dealing with one issue (murder), primarily. That’s something a guy like me can focus on. But whenever we discuss racial disparities, it gets… complicated. What are we talking about, exactly? Education, economic situations, past oppression (ie, Jim Crow), policing neighborhoods and police brutality? See the difference between racial disparities and abortion? Even if we agree that racism is at least a component in all of these different issues, how would we go about addressing them? How do we discuss them, productively, without moving all over the place? On top of that, outlawing abortion is far different than outlawing racism. We even have laws against racial discrimination on the books, but we’re still debating racism and its systemic impacts to this day. So obviously, the solutions are going to be different. How can we make racial disparities a simple topic to address? If there’s a way to simplify all of that with concrete examples, I think we can make progress. But here’s what I think most of us can agree on - dealing with systemic issues aside - whenever we see discrimination occur against someone, in our personal lives, we must stand up and help. That alone can be most frightening, but God is with us. I hope that, someday, I can go out of my way to evangelize to people, and to stand up for the oppressed.
Think about it this way you have 2 communities, and a river flows to them both equally and they both depend on it. One day one of the community's decides to illegally divert the river entirely to their community. This makes that Community very prosperous but it has the opposite effect on the other community. The other community falls into extreme poverty and bad Health outcomes and desperate behaviors because of the lack of the resource they all needed. The question becomes how do we make this situation better and the answer is easy but also requires the prosperous community to be willing to sacrifice inorder to achieve our shared goal.
@@kolob4697 Exactly. As you said, that’s the question: How do we make it better? What does sacrifice look like in the context of dealing with systemic racial disparities?
I think in all honesty we deal with issues by going straight to the heart. Out of everything Alisa said I would only want her as an African American to speak to. “There’s never enough even a white person can do to bring Reconciliation.” I personally think when addressing comments like this we get places. That’s probably a deep rooted feeling that is never addressed for White ppl. Not just pertaining to CRT.
@@marcusj0507 Definitely. That’s another essential question: when would reconciliation be finalized? From a Christian perspective, it seems like reconciliation should be immediate, or at least there’s a process with a clear endgame in sight (Matthew 18:15-17). Concerning racial sin in a local congregation, Matthew 18 would serve as a solution. But concerning reconciliation for racial disparities on a systemic scale, it sounds like there’s no end in sight, or at least there’s no end-point that’s well-defined. Would reparations be treated as the end of it, for example? Would more anti-discrimination laws bring reconciliation? Probably not, and that highlights part of the issue. Ultimately, I think it boils down to how we handle racism in our lives. That’s where it has to begin; it depends on the Gospel and transformation in Christ.
@@zekdom i personally believe reconciliation won’t be finalized until Christ’s return. I think it can be established at a solid level while on earth. I think what we don’t pay attention is how cycles continue. Just a little while ago you heard black ppl talking about the value of CRT. Now what are you seeing? We we’re seeing a lot of white calling CRT demonic, divisive, evil and whatever else. So we see once again something black ppl are pushing combatted by white ppl. Now I can understand some of Alisa thoughts but we have to be careful not to make everyone’s perspective an extremist one. Because there are ppl who will take CRT to its extreme and that’s awful. But if we look at someone like Thurgood Marshall he was essentially a critical race theorist. He essentially said that a system can be wrong and we should dismantle. Now if we look at the systems of America pls tell me that something didn’t mean to be fixed. Jim Crow, women’s rights, and whatever else we want to bring up. I think it is extreme when Christians like John MacArthur claim “CRT is the most dangerous issue in the evangelical community recently and in his lifetime. Over the last 100 yrs.” Do know how divisive that is? So we have a long road ahead of us.
I've read a lot about CRt, trying to understand it from diverse perspectives. The net out is that it shines a light on a dark side of our human nature. As humans an undeniable part of our nature is to form tribes and to opporess others. Seeing this helps us on our journey to manifest the Fruit of the Spirit. Christians should celebrate CRT in clearly showing us this sinful nature and in so doing draw closer to the Spirit.
Very beautiful point Alisa! Many people don’t see it how CRT contradicts the gospel. Some brothers & sisters in Christ that I know have unfortunately dug too deeep in it than have the gospel be the core
It's satanic Marxist trash designed to attract deceived pawns for their own long term political agenda. Which is to DESTROY EVERYTHING and rebuild from the ashes as Karl Marx preached. Destroy the family, Church, gender, laws, Judeo-Christian values and every aspect of humanity. Marx follower Chairman Mao from China actually wanted to kill every type of one bird in China and change the national language to only English as part of his "destroy to rebuild philosophy" but was talked out of it by Western & Soviet Union diplomats. Like i said, demonic and psychotic belief system.
Your coverage of CERT is to simplistic. You might want to have a person of color, a black person, on your shell so that you have a better perspective why people are prejudiced, biased, and racist. If we neglect the heart of people, we may minimize the need for talking about race relations.
That's simply ethnic gnosticism, only a person of color can tell a white person how they are oppressive or bias?! More post modern philosophical argumentation that denies objective realities and places it upon a person's experience. It's counter to the gospel.
Well said. It’s tiring when something like crt is constantly dismissed, and yet, it feels like it’s never understood. I’m mean, is it really that hard to believe that racist/bigoted attitudes were baked into laws and policies? I don’t think so.
@@JustinGehman personal experience can absolutely help one better understand how their situation could have involved elements to which they were marginalized or not given equal opportunity. But that's just it, it's YOUR personal experience. But tell me something, is it ALWAYS the person of color that is marginalized and/or oppressed? Should their ethnicity be the determining factor to who has a say in these matters? If so you are preaching an anti biblical message that emphasizes partiality over unity in Christ. CRT is anti biblical at its roots because it focuses on social structures and ethinicities as the determining factor for ones experience instead of the universal experience we all face as sinners before God. CRT constantly seeks to divide, the gospel unifies. They aren't compatible. I can recognize that racism has existed and still exists without compromising the gospel the way those who advocate for CRT do.
@@carlosmembreno7831 I think that’s because most people only define what crt is, according to what Tucker Carlson says it is. Maybe having a person of colour, speak on a subject that affects them most, is not such a crazy idea.
The grievances cited by CRT can be answered/resolved/solved by putting into action the words of two "men:" 1. "... to judge [people] according to the content of their character, and not the color of their skin." (Martin Luther King, "I have a dream speech," August 1963.) Paraphrase mine. 2. "... do unto others as you would have them do unto you." (Jesus of Nazareth, Gospel of Luke, Chapter 6, verse 31.)
@@finchborat No, I agree it's not a credibility killer, but you gotta admit it was funny that she brought up her several black friends in order to establish credibility!
@@jaehwan123 . I don't think Alisa was trying to say she is credible because she has black friends. She was referencing how her friends themselves had concerns about CRT. This race business has blown up to such proportions, people literally can't think straight about it anymore.
@@boshman78 I agree that the race thing has been blown out of proportion, and I agree with Alisa that CRT is unbiblical...if you take a conservative evangelical fundamentalist interpretation of the Bible. But Alisa was definitely trying to bolster her own credibility with that statement. If she wasn't, why did she even mention her "several black friends?" Why even mention that her friends are black? Can you imagine any of the great debaters in history making an argument that starts with, "But my friends think..." It would seem to me that her Biblical critique should be able to stand on its own without her having to tell us all about her black friends!
She got so close to the right answer. There is no extreme that this could move to. It’s a recognition of history not half the things she drew connection to.
Luke 4:18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,Because He anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor.He has sent Me to proclaim release to the captives,And recovery of sight to the blind,To set free those who are oppressed,” Jesus.
We can’t JUST feed the poor through their flesh ( clothes , food , etc ) , how about we actually feed the poor ( whatever that means ) by actually touching hearts and souls . Spiritual food !!!! Check your heart, speak out if you see someone being unfairly treated, extend real love and friendship to people outside your neighborhood, stay humble , strive to be genuine with others .. So much theory in our heads but so little action
🛡A CALL TO ARMS🛡 ⚔️WE ARE AT WAR⚔️ On the brink of disaster a warrior is called through time and space to fight an ancient evil, so come and place your helmet of salvation, your breast plate of righteousness, your belt of truth, your shoes of the gospel, your shield of faith, your sword of the spirit and a Bible in your hand and fight! FIGHT! For the world and the people in it to come to Christ! We are living in desperate times! Times of war and famine, heed the warning! Know your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Bow before him ! Honor him! Praise him! Worship him! We cannot continue living this way! We need to live a new way, Christ’s way! 🩸✝️🕊 We are not defeated! We are more than conquerors through Christ who strengthens us! Amen
one of the great enemies of the corporate church of America, is the music! WEAK, Complaisant and compromising and no skill required, just a big sing a long with vain full repetition. Singing the fake Gospel songs promoted by a wicked music industry full of none believers. I know this sounds harsh, but when you get to know these artists on a personal level and see their lives then you have evidence, Jesus said you will know them by their fruits. Jesus also said in John 9:31 that He does not hear to praise of the wicked or their prayers. I know this is hard to hear but its the truth!!!!!!!!
As a follower of Jesus Christ and having accepted and believe what He accomplished on the cross and He rose again is first and foremost in our walk with God. The United States of America is not a religious or faith based nation in regards to where the mainstream of people living in this country are not "Christian" etc. Being a human we do not go or follow God's rule because of sin. Since God has forgiven those who have accepted His Son as their Lord and Savior we are reconciled and right with God. Humans are separated from each other due to race, culture, language barriers etc. Look at the Tower of Babel for instance. In our Current race theory there are people who are being shunned, abused, hurt, and not given the aid when others are not judged by and are allowed to move freely
It’s not just white privilege but white supremacy. White supremacy is embedded into so many things in American culture and this is what critical race theory addresses. It seems to align perfectly with biblical truth. It’s something that every Christian should research for themselves in an open and honest fashion. Way too much to address here.
@@finchborat it’s in everything now and historically. Go read the Bar Association’s piece on CRT. You’re probably white and male and know that it will impact those with privilege the most. It’s your responsibility to educate yourself but I’m pretty sure you won’t.
@@melaniexoxo The only thing CRT is doing is dumbing down and gaslighting people. The Bar association is a bunch of lefties pushing nonsense. I refuse to listen to woke garbage. Not judging by race isn't racist and labeling non-racist things as "racial gaslighting" is a real example of racial gaslighting.
And who decides who's the "marginalized"? A pretty strong argument could be made that young, straight, white Christian males are the most marginalized within American society today. You would 100% support seeing the world through their eyes correct? I think we should stick with THE BIBLE as our spiritual guideline and not Satanic, Marxist, CRT which only seeks to use the "oppressed" and "oppressors" as tools for their own political gain.
Ask and you shall receive. We receive the life we decide to have. Being marginalized is a decision, not fate or victimhood. That doesn't mean that people who need help shouldn't get it; just don't give help out of thinking they have been wronged by another.
This needs to be shared to those in the Christian Left who have bought into woke logic. Carlos Rodriguez and others who push a woke/social justice-themed gospel need to hear this. Their lies need to be debunked.
I have a bit of an issue calling the recognition of a basic human right (aka inalienable rights) a privilege. The very purpose of the creation of a just government (according to our Founders) is the protection of our inalienable rights. If we accept this, this tells us 1) basic human rights are the standard NOT some privilege granted to one person or another AND 2) the denial of basic human rights IS the injustice. This isn't to say that there haven't been those denied their basic human rights but, to recognize the denial of these rights and NOT the protection of them as the injustice. To look to a "white" person and suggest that the acknowledgement of them as a human being with inalienable rights is something that they should be ashamed of seems to me to be backwards thinking. And don't be confused "white privilege" is a pejorative term meant to inflict shame. The only shame that one ought to feel is in denying another that same status of human being (including those human beings in the whom). "White privilege" is certainly little more than the latest iteration of Marx's conflict theory with the emphasis shifted from economic class to race.
I've recently heard the US referred to as a "salad bowl, not a melting pot." We are defo divided along race/cultural lines. But people have following Christ have to learn to be different. Any form of racism is not God's design.
1 Timothy 2:12 is the twelfth verse of the second chapter of the First Epistle to Timothy. It is familiarly quoted using the King James Version translation: But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
Asking a child to ask for forgive for something they had nothing to do with is an abomination. We all go to Jesus for forgiveness. We all have to repent.
"Asking a child to ask for forgive for something they had nothing to do with is an abomination." Glad you agree original sin is bogus. Someone born in the 21st century has nothing to do with Adam and Eve. lol
Oh well it just sounds like if you're a white suppressor like Jesus our Lord then we need to quickly cryo ourselves to avoid the tsunami of black karma and then come back when the tables have turned.
Isn't Jesus the ultimate critical racist? Everyone who ends up in hell he predestined to be there. That's to say he has a chosen people group. Why? Hell if I know. He's a sadistic psychopath who’s the champion of hide and seek? Seemingly.
People choose hell by rejecting God's free offer of salvation. It's God's will that none perish, but people love darkness (sin) rather than the light (truth) Jesus's words, not mine.
Hey man, Predestination (in the reformed sense) is not a doctrine that you have to believe and I would go as far as to say unbiblical.. reformed theology does not have a monopoly on the way we interpret the Bible.
@@heathers4961 I would argue it’s because they think the characters and situations you’re referring to are as fictional as you find as being reincarnated into a worm when u die. FYI, I find gravitating towards truth is a better method for most people existing in reality. And I think most people agree.
@@lolersauresrex8837 I applaud your seeming desire for predestination to not be true. Is Mrs Childers not a Calvinist? I’ll admit, if people end up in hell and an Omni god decided to create them, then it’s essentially a wash anyway, no?
@@zach2980 She does lean reformed, so where my contention with that theology resides I have no qualms disagreeing with this channel that is otherwise great. You have to ask yourself a question: Does knowledge necessitate causation? I think the answer is no, and there’s a couple narratives in the Bible that affirm that conclusion in my estimation. Also where predestination is talked about in the New Testament is always referring to Jesus being sent, crucified and ultimately resurrected. That’s the predestined plan, the way that God chose to save humanity - from the foundations of the world.
@@robertdouglas8895 nope, should have been kind several hundred years ago. As the USA and most of Europe is transferred to other peoples (happening now) get ready for your punishment! ✌🙏
One of the most powerful assignments I did in undergraduate school was interview my grandparents in 1995. My grandmother talked about how she couldn’t walk on a sidewalk if a white person was on it or they would kick or spit on her; my grandfather talked about having to go to a white person’s back door to speak with them. They talked about being denied education because they were black-not because they were Christian-even though they were. My grandparents talked of the terrorism blacks endured living in the south. With all of the indignities they endured, they never taught us to hate. One of the things American History has taught us is that it wasn’t white evangelicals who sided with their ostensible black brothers and sisters during slavery, share cropping (slavery 2.0), Jim Crow, Redlining and police brutality-I know Heather McDonald has made a name for herself with shoddy scholarship. One could make the case-I guess I am-that part of God’s judgment on the white evangelical church is that the culture has been able to use the black experience in America-which any sane person can see is horrifying and triumphant-to shoehorn themselves into their narrative in the name of sameness. When they want to have same sex marriage, they’ll just bring up the time when blacks and whites could not marry-something white evangelicals supported. When they want to give transgender people a choice to go to the bathroom of their gender of choice, they’ll just just bring up the time when blacks couldn’t go into whites only bathrooms-something supported by white evangelicals. Can you imagine if Billy Graham would have went to those white racist “churches” and told them that they were dragging Christ’s name through the mud? When I see how petulant and defiant James White and other white evangelical leaders have been about the Covid-19 mask mandates, they should apologize to Martin Luther King and other Civil Rights leaders who were facing real oppression-not a requirement to wear a mask on a plane or in a restaurant. Remember it was Billy Graham and other religious leaders telling Martin Luther King that he was moving too fast. Thank God he didn’t listen to that nonsense (read his letter from Birmingham Jail). As for CRT, it is a boogeyman created by Fox News. They probably found the two schools in America toying with it and created mass hysteria. Sure there are academics who would love to use CRT for their own self-aggrandizement, but it is nothing with which to be concerned. Because CRT means so many things to so many different people, make sure people define their terms. At a basic level, people need to stop lying about history, period. Being bearers of the imago dei does not mean that we as people come out of a vacuum. Jesus was born into a Jewish family and milieu. He went to synagogue; he spoke Aramaic; he read Hebrew and Aramaic; and he hung out with twelve Jewish disciples, along with many others. His conversation with the Samaritan woman only can be appreciated by knowing their distinct histories and customs; the parable of the Samaritan cannot have its intended lesson if we don’t catch the nuances of peoples’ backgrounds. Paul gives the Gentile Christians a history lesson in Romans 11, in order that they not be too arrogant because they were not natural branches. He drew on their distinctive backgrounds-never giving any indication that they were not one in Christ. Being one in Christ doesn’t mean we lie and romanticize the past. FYI, I like and believe Alisa loves Jesus.
The world asks, "What family were you born to?"
The Church asks, "Have you been born again?"
The Church needs to tread carefully when it comes to CRT. Why? Because CRT examines ACTUAL laws that were/are unjust. The examination of those laws make up the bulk of CRT scholarly works. CRT is, after all, a post-graduate course typically studied by lawyers. You can debate all you want about the solutions CRT has for societal ills. However, if you are not aware of all the LAWS that CRT examines, then you need to tread carefully and refrain from saying that CRT is antithetical to the Gospel lest you wind up agreeing with unjust laws. For example, if you cannot intelligibly speak about the Mabo vs. Queensland case while making the point that stealing is against God’s divine law and order and that it was an act of justice for Mabo to be able to reclaim his ancestral lands as an Aboriginal man, then you are not ready to talk about CRT in a way that benefits anybody. Study, pray, and learn. Not everything about CRT is correct, but some things CRT brings attention to is correct.
Another thought I will leave with you is how Derrick Bell, one of the founders of CRT, was opposed to race-based testing that measured people’s “intelligence” based on their race. I don’t think most Bible-believing Christians are FOR testing people’s intelligence based on their “race.” In fact, CRT scholars believe that race is a social construct and that we are all a part one one race, which is what Christians also believe. There are tribes, tongues and nations, but not races (plural). There is but one human race. Therefore it is imperative for Christians to explain what they mean when they say that CRT is antithetical to the Gospel. Of course, there is more to CRT than this but I only wanted to challenge Christians to be specific about their objections to CRT. Broadly saying that CRT is antithetical to the Gospel is not helpful, especially when we know that cases like Brown v. Board of Education, which CRT also examines, are not things that Christians need to give any impression that they are opposed to. Also, there is an entire sub-field of CRT that deals with tribal sovereignty and land rights for the Indigenous people of this land who have been wronged greatly by the US government and continue to be.
May God have mercy on us.
(Sorry for the spelling and/or grammatical errors. I am writing this on my phone in a rush).
This was excellent thank you for taking the time to post.
Yeah man ppl are talking about CRT like they know what it is. Instead they are using it as a way to fear-monger evangelical conservative white ppl to consolidate power. Very sad.
Thanks for this! Your response is an example of what happens when facts, intellect, and compassion collide! The speaker should get a full understanding of CRT instead of misleading people with what she feels about it.
definitely agree, thank you
“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”
Gal. 3:28 (LSB)
@@JustinGehman whether the Plantation owners used it or not is irrelevant. You denying the text based on it misuse in history doesn't invalidate it's claim that we are one in Christ.
@@troyte831 bingo!
@@JustinGehman your fallacious analogy just got destroyed. But thanks for playing!
@@JustinGehman I doubt it. If anything, it's more likely that the plantation owners skipped this verse, since God is saying that in Christ all are equal. If you keep reading the text, God further says that a freeman is a slave to the Lord and the slave is a freeman in the Lord.
God also says this: My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
People who are saved and who have the Holy Spirit dwelling in them are able to understand the scriptures because it is the Holy Spirit who actually gives the true understanding to those willing to humble themselves to hear and know the truth (as opposed to what they want the bible to say)
However, this doesn't stop those who have never been born again, including atheists, from trying to figure out the intended meaning, which has lead in large part to the twisting of scripture to support evil agendas. Slavery was one of them. Lqbtq is another.
@@heathers4961 perfectly said!
I don't know much about CRT where it originated from and what's it goal but All I can say on this issue is that Jesus Christ would want Christians to help the opressed and speak up for them regardless of skin color.
Christianity does not revolve around government policies or cult like behavior from specific political parties,their leaders and the so called "church leaders" and their opinions.
As an non American Christian the more america seems to try to bury,deflect and deny it's past the worse it seems to get. It's a country that lacks compassion and contrary to popular belief in it's never been a Christian nation.
I have been thinking a lot about this whole issue and the changes that have been happening. I do think she is right about one thing though, this will never end. Take the confederate statues that have been removed, to be clear I don't care that they were taken down, or the school names that have been changed. I think it is great to see more people of color involved in the news programs, etc. The problem lies in the human heart and like the bible says it is evil. We can make all of these changes but until people decide to change nothing will get better. The past is the past. It is true we should be aware of the past or we will be doomed to repeat it but we cannot live in the past if we do we will never heal. I think about how hard MLK and his group fought to change things only to have them change back now with people voluntarily segregating at college. It breaks my heart to read stories like that. We cannot change the past but we can change today.
@@thomasgallagher1559 I see where you're coming from and I agree with most of what you said. I believe statues and colonial era legacies being destroyed are just part of God's judgement as He is taking down people's idols.
Eventually we have to remember there will be no peace or Utopia until Jesus Christ returns and to those in pain of the past as God said vengeance belongs to Him.
Until then we all have to be focused on spreading the Word of God and winning people to His Kingdom which is not of this World.
Amen. Perfectly said.
There is no moving forward without repentance.
Well said, my brother!!
America doesn't try to bury, deflect, and deny it's past. We are well aware slavery is in our past and we have moved past that a long time ago. Slavery didn't happen first in America and it won't be the last. Slavery still exists today in the form of sex trafficking, labor, and others all around the world. Yet, the people who put the focus on "America's past" do nothing to speak out against what's currently going on. Critical Race Theory has it's roots with Karl Marx and is an attempt to brainwash the world for communism. Karl Marx's econmic revolution didn't happen so they're trying to force Antonio Gramsci's cultural revolution through propaganda. Race relations are getting worse specifically because of Critical Race Theory. Because you have compassion, (naturally) you seem to be falling into it. The American experiment was the first nation in history to enshrine unalienable rights and self evident truths given by "the creator" as intrinsic human rights, protected, not granted, by the government. Yet people CONTINUE to demonize America and try to tear it down. America has faced this onslaught ever since it's conception and it accelerated in the late 1800s to early 1900s with the progressives and especially just after WWII. As a result, America is now deeply corrupted, most likely beyond reversal.
Critical Race Theory? I do not think it means what you think it means.
As far as I am aware it is not used to separate people as of different colours or as oppressed and oppressors. Rather it's a way of looking at systems and history and identifying when race was used as a way of dividing people and as a reason for oppression so it can be remedied. It's use is to identify where that happened, not apply it to all cases.
What is described here is how some people might misuse CRT, not a reflection of what CRT is designed to be and how it is used by many people.
It is a secular method of achieving social reconciliation and so imperfect and can only do so much but it's not a threat to the Lord or his kingdom. Just one of many alternatives people construct for themselves, like democracy or capitalism, to help us live together rather than just all worship God together.
Critical race theory (CRT) is a study of learning regarding 20th century legal academia programs (Delgado and Stefancic) taught at a college level. I am pretty sure that most everyone using this term does not understand it. It’s goals are to transform and understand the relationship between: race, racism and power….
Critical Race Theory is also one of those technical terms that has been thrown around a lot lately. It would probably be helpful to define what it really is when explaining why it contradicts the Gospel. Critical Race Theory gets used alot by conservatives to dismiss conversations about race.
What is going on is not "conversations about race". It is the pushing of racism toward, demonization of and control over white people. It is a witch hunt for racism. It's the spirit of the devil operating, a spirit of suspicion, accusation, slander, contention and division. Not genuine (biblical) love, peace, unity
ANYTHING that distracts us from the gospel of Christ should not be monopolizing our lives.
When arguing about a theory does not change anything for those affected by historical injustice and inequalities maybe it’s time to focus on the actions that will end the injustice. Otherwise we’ve picked a convenient ideological battle rather than doing the hard work of laying down our lives for the sake of our neighbour.
Beautifully said
Agree... beautifully said and so true!
Guess who else went thru that. Jesus!!!! This world is the devils. Live for God and reach for his arms!! You are beautiful cause God created you!! And that's it!!
Biblically we are supposed to focus on building God's kingdom
IMO before anyone with a platform speaks on CRT they should be well versed and open minded about it. The Christian community has failed people of color, women, children, and widows etc. When you say we are one but there are systems in place that keep us divided and oppressed, and the Christian community does not stand up and speak up, then the Christian community is complicit. For hundreds of years these oppressors have proudly proclaimed to be Christians without the Christian community rebuking them. People want to continue burying and editing history but truth must be told. Where is this "we are one" mentality when parts of the "one" are systematically, continually and consistently devalued, ignored, targeted and demoralized? The church is as divided as the world because truth is not being told in church either. Our true problem is sin. But we don't want to face ours or call it out when we see it. I'm not against CRT, BLM etc, I'm against placing the problem on or focusing solely on race. But let's face it,, racism is a huge problem among many.. When white Christians stand up for all who are oppressed, we will see true change. Until then we will hear the Jesus is love, we are one rhetoric and nothing will change.
I am going to speak to you as a sister in Christ, since that is what I believe you are based on your comments.
Without excusing any past actions by anyone, regardless of time, race, Christian or non Christian let me ask you this: Why are you waiting on people to save you or somehow deliver you? Speaking up is one thing. I call out various sins in the church as they arise (I can only speak for myself here)
But this is one of the biggest deceptions of CRT. It gets our focus off of Christ and onto ourselves. We can deceive ourselves that maybe if we all just join hands and band together and rise up we can bring change, healing and deliverance.
But is this what God commands of us? Or does he want us to seek His face? Pray, seek and knock to him? Judge with righteous judgment?
Give place to wrath? Forgive 70 times 7?
God says cursed is anyone who puts their trust in men.
Do we really want to mix with unrighteous worldly teachings?
Well said. The solution is where the problem is. Repentance is needed. Until that, there is no healing nor moving forward.
amen, it is sad but fairly true
"Judge not by appearance but judge by righteous judgment." Jesus Christ
People do judge by appearance. We condemn groups of people by similarities of appearance instead of forgiving everyone as Jesus told us to do. God's judgment is to love everyone. That's righteous. Laws should not discriminate, as you say, Alisa. And abortion discriminates by who you can kill by whether they are taking physical breaths or not. That is an appearance. We all need a chance at life to be the best we can be.
People miss the point about the issue of race when they fail to allow the Word of God be the golden source.
Slavery & systemic racism in laws & policies, especially in America, contradicts the New Covenant. Question: do you engage with these comments or do you leave them open for ‘data analysis’?
@Alisa Childers I have been following you since I saw one of your videos with pastor Winger. I just want to thank you for all the care you put into your videos. I have come across so many fascinating things on your channel, that you have become a blessing. I pray that the Holy Spirit will water all the seeds you are planting. Your gentle demeanor often rebukes my temper (I get angry when I see how our fellow believers are scorned .) I have to thank you for the needed correction as well. God bless you and your family. Greetings from South Africa 🇿🇦
praise the Lord and God bless you all glory be to the HOLY TRINITY forever and ever amen
Teaching black history is not wrong. But when people use it to divide black and white people, that’s when it is wrong. But I am not against the teaching of injustices done to people of color in the past. The history of every race should be taught to avoid ignorance. It’s the way that it’s taught in most instances that’s the problem.
Have you spoken to an expert on this, Alisa?
Lol obviously not. Most Christian speakers who freak out on CRT have no clue what it actually is.
@@frankm6546 haha so true!
When I was a little girl, I was under the impression that Jesus was a German guy. Its those pictures and statues of him that made me think so. When I started to grow up and read the bible that I realized that Jesus was Jewish and not German. Been a middle eastern Jew and born in Palestine means he most definitely had to be an olive skinned male and short in stature. On that basis alone all the racists that keep using his name and image to promote their stupid agenda are morons.
So Jim Crow, Segregation and Redlining are consistent with the Gospel?
That's a false representation of Critical Race Theory. What CRT actually says is that systems can discriminate based on race - it's not just individuals who are racist. Documented discrimination in medical care and treatment, the justice system, in home appraisals, voter suppression, etc. are living proofs that CRT is right at its core. People can even be discriminatory when not intending to be -- like in Artificial Intelligence. AI-powered cars don't recognize Black people as pedestrians. God is against that kind of unfairness and injustice as well, and misrepresenting or denying these realities that have been extensive studied, reported and otherwise documented -- is what is contrary to scripture.
“And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place,”
Acts 17:26 ESV
Here's the thing and I'm going to try to explain it in a way that I hope makes sense. If something comes up in my marriage and my husband looks at the bank statement he goes whoa it looks like you spent quite a bit this month with the credit card You need to reel that in. And I say well what do you mean reel it in? I thought it was okay for me to use the credit card when I needed things. My husband goes it is but maybe you weren't paying attention to how much you were spending maybe you thought you were spending X amount but you really weren't but it turns out at the end of the day you spend too much so how about if you're going to buy something over $100 we touch base with each other for both of us okay. And I agree to that and we then do that. That didn't cause a division between the two of us. we talked about it It was cleared up AS IT CAME UP. That's the important part. Racism is going to rear its head in the church. Paul talks about all kinds of things that go on in the church when he wrote to the Corinthians and how we should deal with those things as they come up. Should we devote an entire practice or should we devote a whole church to it Well of course not. But over intellectualizing it and make it seem like talking about race at all is a bad or a sinful thing is grossly wrong. The Lord never said we could not talk about racism He said he didn't want schisms. Simply talking about something doesn't make a schism It doesn't make a division likely to happen just because we're talking about something. There were times I had to confront white brothers and sisters when I felt like they were being racist to me and they were I wasn't making it up I wasn't inventing something, they really were. They were grateful that I said something to them They repented and they asked me to forgive them and the relationship was repaired. as simple as that, but if you never confront somebody about something then how are they going to grow? I think the needing to always talk about race is fear-based and I think the lalalalala and the finger in the ears is also based off of fear.
Absolutely! And CRT is a religion that trains people to be chronically victim minded, and to view all their brothers and sisters as perpetrators, or victims. That’s why it’s anti gospel, and not compatible. We live in unity within the Church, as 1 human race. Where there are many tribes, from many nations, and we are all a basket of sinners. Sinners will bump into each other’s sometimes on accident, and sometimes on purpose. Following the Matthew instructions for addressing that sin, should always be done. And always aiming for reconciliation as the goal for everyone! ♥️🙏🏽 It sounds like you did well, in your addressing actual racism. I applaud that sis. ♥️♥️♥️
Now there's no distinction between people. Rather conveniently late, isn't it?
Wow... well said Alisa! Once again, I'm sharing your posts to spread the truth!
I cannot recommend your book, podcasts, and video's enough... Have been so enouraged and learned so much!
I love the Lord and wish Whyt people would talk about racism in this country and not harp on CRT racism did more damage and doing more damage to this country than CRT could ever do.
Of course you’d say scares me calling out racism scares white people.
Critical race theory describes the consequences of living in a fallen world and of being fallen human beings. Perhaps.
It's not just Jim Crow. It goes much deeper
What I am only concerned about is that the Jim Crow laws, CRT, SJW's, white privilege & etc is that the DNC (Democratic National Convention) & Democratic Party are continuing to prepetuating these thing and making them overinflated when in reality these things are moral and spiritually wrong. Yes slavery in the USA existed and it was wrong happened but slavery also happened in Ireland, in the Middle East, in oriental Asia, in Africa and in Europe, so slavery is nothing new what is new is social media and social justice warriors. And to tear down statues that you don't agree with will not solve the problem either. Our brothers & sisters in Jesus the Messiah of color (black, brown, red and yellow) need us to be there to defend them, love them, to cry with them and etc.
I think the label CRT has been a misapplied nuanced legal (theory)
It's funny how "evangelicals" are so concerning about CRT, but seemed to have no issue with the messianic view of Trump among evangelical Christians. Which one is more spiritually dangerous?
Because they are deceived like many other denominations. I don't support CRT theory or even know much about what it stands for or where it originated from but I can see how the hypocrisy of evangelicals.
80% + of the Evangelicals ignored Trump's three marriages, adultery, vulgarity, ignorance of the bible etc etc - to vote for him twice. lol
Strawman. Only fringe NAR nuts saw Trump as a messisnic figure. Trump is neither the Messiah, nor Hitler. In choosing a president between two deeply flawed candidates, I will choose the candidate and the political party whose policies are more aligned with Scripture. Trump and the Republicans promote policies more in line with Scripture than Biden and the Democrats. If your theology is Marxist (i.e. black liberation theology) of course you'll choose anti-Christian, Marxist candidates from the anti-Christian Marxist Democrat Party.
Nothing to do with it, but many of us were calling out Trump and the idolatry of those who practically worshipped him. Pastors who called this out include Good Fight Ministries, On Point Preparedness, and E511 Ministries.
@@DefenderoftheCross Evangelicals are always addressing fringe radical issues, except for Trump "worship." The sin of Christian nationalism is totally acceptable but far more dangerous and anti-gospel than CRT. Why so much attention to CRT? Its just fear-mongering. I thought the Christian's calling was to conform to Christ, not CRT or the Republican Party.
At about 4:20 She makes a massively important comment about relying on Gov't, rather than God. I submit that in the US, gov't has become a sort of 'god', but that is a long discussion that can't be solved on RUclips.
That's true. It's also true that the other side has made individualism their god. Everyone who is obsessed with the individual, the personal, me, my, mine is worshipping the self instead of God. We have to balance the individual with the society. Not choose one over the other.
CRT has Nothing to do with healing and restoration
If we could get white evangelicals to come out of the pride of the history that they were taught this would not be an issue.
“How can Critical Race Theory not be against God and the Bible when the Bible teaches only one race?”
I think the abortion example can move this conversation along in a productive way.
Okay so, when I see abortion supported by institutions, I can say, “Oh look, murder is supported by law and institutions; therefore, we have a systemic problem.”
Abortion is simple to address because we’re dealing with one issue (murder), primarily. That’s something a guy like me can focus on.
But whenever we discuss racial disparities, it gets… complicated.
What are we talking about, exactly? Education, economic situations, past oppression (ie, Jim Crow), policing neighborhoods and police brutality?
See the difference between racial disparities and abortion? Even if we agree that racism is at least a component in all of these different issues, how would we go about addressing them? How do we discuss them, productively, without moving all over the place?
On top of that, outlawing abortion is far different than outlawing racism. We even have laws against racial discrimination on the books, but we’re still debating racism and its systemic impacts to this day. So obviously, the solutions are going to be different.
How can we make racial disparities a simple topic to address? If there’s a way to simplify all of that with concrete examples, I think we can make progress.
But here’s what I think most of us can agree on - dealing with systemic issues aside - whenever we see discrimination occur against someone, in our personal lives, we must stand up and help. That alone can be most frightening, but God is with us.
I hope that, someday, I can go out of my way to evangelize to people, and to stand up for the oppressed.
Think about it this way you have 2 communities, and a river flows to them both equally and they both depend on it. One day one of the community's decides to illegally divert the river entirely to their community. This makes that Community very prosperous but it has the opposite effect on the other community. The other community falls into extreme poverty and bad Health outcomes and desperate behaviors because of the lack of the resource they all needed. The question becomes how do we make this situation better and the answer is easy but also requires the prosperous community to be willing to sacrifice inorder to achieve our shared goal.
@@kolob4697 Exactly.
As you said, that’s the question: How do we make it better?
What does sacrifice look like in the context of dealing with systemic racial disparities?
I think in all honesty we deal with issues by going straight to the heart. Out of everything Alisa said I would only want her as an African American to speak to. “There’s never enough even a white person can do to bring Reconciliation.” I personally think when addressing comments like this we get places. That’s probably a deep rooted feeling that is never addressed for White ppl. Not just pertaining to CRT.
@@marcusj0507 Definitely. That’s another essential question: when would reconciliation be finalized?
From a Christian perspective, it seems like reconciliation should be immediate, or at least there’s a process with a clear endgame in sight (Matthew 18:15-17).
Concerning racial sin in a local congregation, Matthew 18 would serve as a solution.
But concerning reconciliation for racial disparities on a systemic scale, it sounds like there’s no end in sight, or at least there’s no end-point that’s well-defined. Would reparations be treated as the end of it, for example? Would more anti-discrimination laws bring reconciliation? Probably not, and that highlights part of the issue.
Ultimately, I think it boils down to how we handle racism in our lives. That’s where it has to begin; it depends on the Gospel and transformation in Christ.
@@zekdom i personally believe reconciliation won’t be finalized until Christ’s return. I think it can be established at a solid level while on earth. I think what we don’t pay attention is how cycles continue. Just a little while ago you heard black ppl talking about the value of CRT. Now what are you seeing? We we’re seeing a lot of white calling CRT demonic, divisive, evil and whatever else.
So we see once again something black ppl are pushing combatted by white ppl. Now I can understand some of Alisa thoughts but we have to be careful not to make everyone’s perspective an extremist one. Because there are ppl who will take CRT to its extreme and that’s awful. But if we look at someone like Thurgood Marshall he was essentially a critical race theorist.
He essentially said that a system can be wrong and we should dismantle. Now if we look at the systems of America pls tell me that something didn’t mean to be fixed. Jim Crow, women’s rights, and whatever else we want to bring up.
I think it is extreme when Christians like John MacArthur claim “CRT is the most dangerous issue in the evangelical community recently and in his lifetime. Over the last 100 yrs.” Do know how divisive that is? So we have a long road ahead of us.
What ? Reality contradicts the Gospel
Dear Alisa,
my heart goes out to Josh Mcdowell.
I've read a lot about CRt, trying to understand it from diverse perspectives. The net out is that it shines a light on a dark side of our human nature. As humans an undeniable part of our nature is to form tribes and to opporess others. Seeing this helps us on our journey to manifest the Fruit of the Spirit. Christians should celebrate CRT in clearly showing us this sinful nature and in so doing draw closer to the Spirit.
This is so good. Thank you, Alisa, for speaking the truth.
Very beautiful point Alisa! Many people don’t see it how CRT contradicts the gospel. Some brothers & sisters in Christ that I know have unfortunately dug too deeep in it than have the gospel be the core
It's satanic Marxist trash designed to attract deceived pawns for their own long term political agenda. Which is to DESTROY EVERYTHING and rebuild from the ashes as Karl Marx preached. Destroy the family, Church, gender, laws, Judeo-Christian values and every aspect of humanity. Marx follower Chairman Mao from China actually wanted to kill every type of one bird in China and change the national language to only English as part of his "destroy to rebuild philosophy" but was talked out of it by Western & Soviet Union diplomats. Like i said, demonic and psychotic belief system.
Your coverage of CERT is to simplistic. You might want to have a person of color, a black person, on your shell so that you have a better perspective why people are prejudiced, biased, and racist. If we neglect the heart of people, we may minimize the need for talking about race relations.
That's simply ethnic gnosticism, only a person of color can tell a white person how they are oppressive or bias?! More post modern philosophical argumentation that denies objective realities and places it upon a person's experience. It's counter to the gospel.
Well said. It’s tiring when something like crt is constantly dismissed, and yet, it feels like it’s never understood.
I’m mean, is it really that hard to believe that racist/bigoted attitudes were baked into laws and policies? I don’t think so.
@@JustinGehman personal experience can absolutely help one better understand how their situation could have involved elements to which they were marginalized or not given equal opportunity. But that's just it, it's YOUR personal experience.
But tell me something, is it ALWAYS the person of color that is marginalized and/or oppressed? Should their ethnicity be the determining factor to who has a say in these matters? If so you are preaching an anti biblical message that emphasizes partiality over unity in Christ. CRT is anti biblical at its roots because it focuses on social structures and ethinicities as the determining factor for ones experience instead of the universal experience we all face as sinners before God. CRT constantly seeks to divide, the gospel unifies. They aren't compatible. I can recognize that racism has existed and still exists without compromising the gospel the way those who advocate for CRT do.
by suggesting that she needs a POC to better define CRT already shows how clouded your worldview is by CRT lol
@@carlosmembreno7831 I think that’s because most people only define what crt is, according to what Tucker Carlson says it is.
Maybe having a person of colour, speak on a subject that affects them most, is not such a crazy idea.
Obviously she doesn’t understand what critical race theory is. So now crt is against Gods word? 🤣🤣🤣🤣😅😅
What does she not understand?
The grievances cited by CRT can be answered/resolved/solved by putting into action the words of two "men:"
1. "... to judge [people] according to the content of their character, and not the color of their skin." (Martin Luther King, "I have a dream speech," August 1963.) Paraphrase mine.
2. "... do unto others as you would have them do unto you." (Jesus of Nazareth, Gospel of Luke, Chapter 6, verse 31.)
We’re more than “friends” we’re brothers and sisters in Christ. Justice is in Christ alone.
Luke 10:27
Please stop this is cringey as hell.
Finally a clip I can share and is concise and gracious.
“I have several black friends...”
That's why she is an expert on the CRT and just KNOWS that the Bible is against it. lol
That's actually a good thing. It's not a credibility killer.
@@finchborat No, I agree it's not a credibility killer, but you gotta admit it was funny that she brought up her several black friends in order to establish credibility!
@@jaehwan123 . I don't think Alisa was trying to say she is credible because she has black friends. She was referencing how her friends themselves had concerns about CRT. This race business has blown up to such proportions, people literally can't think straight about it anymore.
@@boshman78 I agree that the race thing has been blown out of proportion, and I agree with Alisa that CRT is unbiblical...if you take a conservative evangelical fundamentalist interpretation of the Bible.
But Alisa was definitely trying to bolster her own credibility with that statement. If she wasn't, why did she even mention her "several black friends?" Why even mention that her friends are black? Can you imagine any of the great debaters in history making an argument that starts with, "But my friends think..." It would seem to me that her Biblical critique should be able to stand on its own without her having to tell us all about her black friends!
thank u for enlightening me on CRT.. well done..easily understood.
wow, so good!
Racism goes against the word of God, period. But it’s interesting that isn’t the discussion.
CRT is like 🚂 engine with boxcars. The legal history of injustice is the driving force. The boxcars of various terms are the toxic frieght.
She got so close to the right answer. There is no extreme that this could move to. It’s a recognition of history not half the things she drew connection to.
Luke 4:18
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,Because He anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor.He has sent Me to proclaim release to the captives,And recovery of sight to the blind,To set free those who are oppressed,” Jesus.
We can’t JUST feed the poor through their flesh ( clothes , food , etc ) , how about we actually feed the poor ( whatever that means ) by actually touching hearts and souls . Spiritual food !!!!
Check your heart, speak out if you see someone being unfairly treated, extend real love and friendship to people outside your neighborhood, stay humble , strive to be genuine with others ..
So much theory in our heads but so little action
You feed their souls by teaching the THE BIBLE. Not satanically inspired Marxist CRT doctrine.
On the brink of disaster a warrior is called through time and space to fight an ancient evil, so come and place your helmet of salvation, your breast plate of righteousness, your belt of truth, your shoes of the gospel, your shield of faith, your sword of the spirit and a Bible in your hand and fight! FIGHT! For the world and the people in it to come to Christ! We are living in desperate times! Times of war and famine, heed the warning! Know your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Bow before him ! Honor him! Praise him! Worship him! We cannot continue living this way! We need to live a new way, Christ’s way! 🩸✝️🕊
We are not defeated! We are more than conquerors through Christ who strengthens us! Amen
one of the great enemies of the corporate church of America, is the music! WEAK, Complaisant and compromising and no skill required, just a big sing a long with vain full repetition. Singing the fake Gospel songs promoted by a wicked music industry full of none believers. I know this sounds harsh, but when you get to know these artists on a personal level and see their lives then you have evidence, Jesus said you will know them by their fruits. Jesus also said in John 9:31 that He does not hear to praise of the wicked or their prayers. I know this is hard to hear but its the truth!!!!!!!!
Then what is the goal of war? What is the goal of the death penalty?
but it you're afraid it'll "flip the other way" that means you acknowledge it's bad but you just don't want to experience it.
The Jews and Christians were oppressed but what did Jesus say? Did he protest and burn stuff?
@Anineel Daxshul arrested? Are you even a Christian?
@Anineel Daxshul welll what did he do and say about it?
She speaks facts!!!
As a follower of Jesus Christ and having accepted and believe what He accomplished on the cross and He rose again is first and foremost in our walk with God.
The United States of America is not a religious or faith based nation in regards to where the mainstream of people living in this country are not "Christian" etc. Being a human we do not go or follow God's rule because of sin.
Since God has forgiven those who have accepted His Son as their Lord and Savior we are reconciled and right with God.
Humans are separated from each other due to race, culture, language barriers etc. Look at the Tower of Babel for instance.
In our Current race theory there are people who are being shunned, abused, hurt, and not given the aid when others are not judged by and are allowed to move freely
Today are you enjoying the benefits of what Jesus did on the cross?…and what are they?
Balanced response. Well informed. Thank you!
It’s not just white privilege but white supremacy. White supremacy is embedded into so many things in American culture and this is what critical race theory addresses. It seems to align perfectly with biblical truth. It’s something that every Christian should research for themselves in an open and honest fashion. Way too much to address here.
You need to back away from woke logic. White supremacy isn't "embedded into so many things in American culture." You've bought into a lie.
@@finchborat it’s in everything now and historically. Go read the Bar Association’s piece on CRT. You’re probably white and male and know that it will impact those with privilege the most. It’s your responsibility to educate yourself but I’m pretty sure you won’t.
@@melaniexoxo The only thing CRT is doing is dumbing down and gaslighting people. The Bar association is a bunch of lefties pushing nonsense.
I refuse to listen to woke garbage. Not judging by race isn't racist and labeling non-racist things as "racial gaslighting" is a real example of racial gaslighting.
And who decides who's the "marginalized"? A pretty strong argument could be made that young, straight, white Christian males are the most marginalized within American society today. You would 100% support seeing the world through their eyes correct? I think we should stick with THE BIBLE as our spiritual guideline and not Satanic, Marxist, CRT which only seeks to use the "oppressed" and "oppressors" as tools for their own political gain.
Interesting that CRT is “ unbiblical “ where you 150 years ago ? Was slavery “ unbiblical “
You went off the rails pretty quickly.
Jeez way to villainize victims... Also it will eventually end, when Jesus returns.
CRT is seeing the world through the eyes of the marginalized. It's a very Christian perspective.
We should see the world through the lens of Scripture, not the subjective lens of man.
Ask and you shall receive. We receive the life we decide to have. Being marginalized is a decision, not fate or victimhood.
That doesn't mean that people who need help shouldn't get it; just don't give help out of thinking they have been wronged by another.
@@robertdouglas8895 You are both wrong. CRT goes against scripture but there are many cases where people are marginalized or brutalized by others.
CRT - Communist Rhetoric Theory
Gauging by your perverse user name you haven't the first clue about what a Christian perspective is.
This needs to be shared to those in the Christian Left who have bought into woke logic.
Carlos Rodriguez and others who push a woke/social justice-themed gospel need to hear this. Their lies need to be debunked.
I have a bit of an issue calling the recognition of a basic human right (aka inalienable rights) a privilege. The very purpose of the creation of a just government (according to our Founders) is the protection of our inalienable rights. If we accept this, this tells us 1) basic human rights are the standard NOT some privilege granted to one person or another AND 2) the denial of basic human rights IS the injustice. This isn't to say that there haven't been those denied their basic human rights but, to recognize the denial of these rights and NOT the protection of them as the injustice. To look to a "white" person and suggest that the acknowledgement of them as a human being with inalienable rights is something that they should be ashamed of seems to me to be backwards thinking. And don't be confused "white privilege" is a pejorative term meant to inflict shame. The only shame that one ought to feel is in denying another that same status of human being (including those human beings in the whom). "White privilege" is certainly little more than the latest iteration of Marx's conflict theory with the emphasis shifted from economic class to race.
Tell that to pastor Alan Parr
Alan and Frank Turek had a very productive discussion on race just recently. I recommend it.
@@littlemas2 he thinks crt is not a bad thing.
@@littlemas2 I’ve watched all his videos.
I've recently heard the US referred to as a "salad bowl, not a melting pot." We are defo divided along race/cultural lines. But people have following Christ have to learn to be different. Any form of racism is not God's design.
1 Timothy 2:12 is the twelfth verse of the second chapter of the First Epistle to Timothy. It is familiarly quoted using the King James Version translation: But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
Asking a child to ask for forgive for something they had nothing to do with is an abomination. We all go to Jesus for forgiveness. We all have to repent.
"Asking a child to ask for forgive for something they had nothing to do with is an abomination."
Glad you agree original sin is bogus. Someone born in the 21st century has nothing to do with Adam and Eve.
@@sanjeevgig8918 God doesn't expect you to ask forgiveness for others' sins. Just your own.
@@heathers4961 Are wearing mixed fabrics and eating shellfish still sin ?? Or you cherry-picking your bible again ?? lol
Oh well it just sounds like if you're a white suppressor like Jesus our Lord then we need to quickly cryo ourselves to avoid the tsunami of black karma and then come back when the tables have turned.
Damn, Childers is gangsta ✊
Yeah, like how she murdered a concept she didn't bother to understand.
Isn't Jesus the ultimate critical racist? Everyone who ends up in hell he predestined to be there. That's to say he has a chosen people group. Why? Hell if I know. He's a sadistic psychopath who’s the champion of hide and seek? Seemingly.
People choose hell by rejecting God's free offer of salvation. It's God's will that none perish, but people love darkness (sin) rather than the light (truth)
Jesus's words, not mine.
Hey man, Predestination (in the reformed sense) is not a doctrine that you have to believe and I would go as far as to say unbiblical.. reformed theology does not have a monopoly on the way we interpret the Bible.
@@heathers4961 I would argue it’s because they think the characters and situations you’re referring to are as fictional as you find as being reincarnated into a worm when u die. FYI, I find gravitating towards truth is a better method for most people existing in reality. And I think most people agree.
@@lolersauresrex8837 I applaud your seeming desire for predestination to not be true. Is Mrs Childers not a Calvinist? I’ll admit, if people end up in hell and an Omni god decided to create them, then it’s essentially a wash anyway, no?
@@zach2980 She does lean reformed, so where my contention with that theology resides I have no qualms disagreeing with this channel that is otherwise great.
You have to ask yourself a question:
Does knowledge necessitate causation?
I think the answer is no, and there’s a couple narratives in the Bible that affirm that conclusion in my estimation.
Also where predestination is talked about in the New Testament is always referring to Jesus being sent, crucified and ultimately resurrected. That’s the predestined plan, the way that God chose to save humanity - from the foundations of the world.
The hypocrisy of these types of christian.
CRT - Communist Rhetoric Theory
*Here we go again! More Evangelical pedanticism! lol*
Here we go, another comment without an argument.
She shouldn't have an opinion she can express?
@@robertdouglas8895 nope, should have been kind several hundred years ago.
As the USA and most of Europe is transferred to other peoples (happening now) get ready for your punishment!
@@franka2743 What we wish upon others is what we get ourselves. What goes around, comes around.