About phone today i got 1 question. All phone's today have gold in it and men are haram wearing gold. Need help. In malay language we said we wear (pakai) hand phone.
Good khutbah. If only Malaysia masjid can do khutbah like this but all scripts are given from authority and just look the same as the king, church and commoners aka catholics Church the masjid always give ridiculous dalil quotes from Qur'an and Hadith just for government benefits not the ummah. JazakAllah.
did this brother used to be in milwaukee?
About phone today i got 1 question. All phone's today have gold in it and men are haram wearing gold. Need help. In malay language we said we wear (pakai) hand phone.
Good khutbah. If only Malaysia masjid can do khutbah like this but all scripts are given from authority and just look the same as the king, church and commoners aka catholics Church the masjid always give ridiculous dalil quotes from Qur'an and Hadith just for government benefits not the ummah. JazakAllah.