Fishing the Weedless Swimbait for Calico Bass - Yellowtail visitors

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @rakiest
    @rakiest 6 лет назад +63

    Hey man, just wanted to say -- I know RUclips is a grind, especially at first. On top of that you've got a niche market of people who are interested in your products and this channel. So one night when you're spending like 4 hours editing a video, looking at your subscribers and wondering if it's worth the work -- Definitely know that we appreciate it. You make great videos.

      @WARBAITS  6 лет назад +6

      Thank you. This means a lot

    • @taylorosgood2848
      @taylorosgood2848 6 лет назад +4

      Very well said. Absolutely agreed.

  • @FishCorn
    @FishCorn 6 лет назад +1

    Today's best fishing video for sure.

  • @randycantu5539
    @randycantu5539 5 лет назад +2

    This is nothing more than a 15 minute commercial...and I love it! I actually bought some Warbaits last week, and can't wait to use them.

      @WARBAITS  5 лет назад +1

      Thanks for the support. I have fun making the videos

  • @BMBarry
    @BMBarry 4 месяца назад

    Heading out this week to try my very first weedless swimbait. Do you burry your hook into the top a bit to prevent snags, or do you leave it slightly exposed. Thx for the content! excited to go out kelp patty fishing in SD.

    @TRITONFPV 3 года назад +1

    Smashing the Checkerboards! 👊🏻

  • @matswane
    @matswane Год назад +1

    New subscriber here! Love your videos. What boat is that if I may ask?

      @WARBAITS  Год назад +1

      Thanks! Key West Bay Reef 196

    • @matswane
      @matswane Год назад

      @@WARBAITS how has she treated you on the waters? Looking into buying a similar type boat.

  • @mr.k9935
    @mr.k9935 6 лет назад +1

    All your videos are rad man. You look like you're having a blast and that's what fishing is all about.

      @WARBAITS  6 лет назад

      Thank you! That's kind of you to say

  • @allmighty3844
    @allmighty3844 6 лет назад +4

    I like to thank you once again for the incredible job you do with both you tube and warbaits. I recently purchased some items and got something extra. thank you very much and keep those videos coming...

      @WARBAITS  6 лет назад +1

      Thank you very much! I appreciate your comment!

  • @ryanreseigh1546
    @ryanreseigh1546 6 лет назад +2

    Stoked on all this content man

  • @BryanTimm
    @BryanTimm 6 лет назад +1

    Another epic video!

  • @girabaldytasty6224
    @girabaldytasty6224 6 лет назад +10

    Is this the 3rd video in a row? I'm loving all the uploads.

    @JUS1ONTHEBEAT 6 лет назад +1

    Keep em coming brotha!

  • @mct319
    @mct319 3 года назад +1

    What size/weight beast owner hook are you using?

  • @fisherben5
    @fisherben5 2 года назад

    How do you like your trolling motor? Do you use it much? Thanks for all the info!

      @WARBAITS  2 года назад +1

      trolling motor is broken again! This is my second of the same unit. Not really sure what to suggest. I hear they all break in salt

    • @fisherben5
      @fisherben5 2 года назад

      @@WARBAITS thanks for the reply, i was thinking about getting one, but your experience doesn't sound like it's worth the heavy price tag.

  •  6 лет назад +2

    Good Morning!
    Congratulations, beautiful *video.*
    Have a great week and good *fishing!*

  • @sdinformant
    @sdinformant 6 лет назад +1

    Killin' it, brah!

  • @kennydemara8044
    @kennydemara8044 3 года назад +1

    Can anyone tell me what swimbait rod I should pair up my tranx 300hg looking to spend 200 ish 250.this would be my go for yellows too...

      @WARBAITS  3 года назад +2

      Look at the Phenix M1 series. Even the Shimano Teramar West Coast Series. Also, You can look up swimbait rods on Tackle Warehouse

    • @kennydemara8044
      @kennydemara8044 3 года назад

      @@WARBAITS thank you brutha

  • @dlok9563
    @dlok9563 6 лет назад +2

    Keep it up dude you’re awesome !!!

  • @dylanp153
    @dylanp153 5 лет назад +1

    Where was this at

      @WARBAITS  5 лет назад

      Point Loma kelp beds

  • @DogDudeDrone
    @DogDudeDrone 5 лет назад +2

    Absolutely dope vid bro, I can't believe how close those calis hit to the boat. I cannot wait to catch my first YT!!!

      @WARBAITS  5 лет назад

      Keep getting after it. Yellows are showing up already!

  • @edadankmemes
    @edadankmemes 5 лет назад +1

    What kind of boat is that?

      @WARBAITS  5 лет назад

      Key West Bay Reef 196

  • @count13x75
    @count13x75 6 лет назад +1

    Going to try a 7" weedless bait set up in ensenada this weekend. Fishing from some rocks. Hoping I get lucky. This video got my fired up for it!!🤙🤙🤙

      @WARBAITS  6 лет назад

      Thank you! Good luck and let me know how you do!

    • @AlexeiPavlov
      @AlexeiPavlov 6 лет назад

      there no kelp in Ensenada?

      @WARBAITS  6 лет назад

      Yes, there are good spots of kelp in Ensenada. It's pretty untouched down there. Good fishing

    • @count13x75
      @count13x75 6 лет назад

      @@WARBAITS yeaa didn't even make it to the place. Woke up to hung over! Lol next time!

    • @count13x75
      @count13x75 6 лет назад

      @@AlexeiPavlov there is. Around the bufadora area. saw some dude make two cast and both time came up with fish . Couldn't tell wat it was he was a bit to far. But 2 fish with in 1 min. Crazy!

  • @sdfiremedic726
    @sdfiremedic726 6 лет назад +3

    Your videos just keep getting better and better. Not only are they done so well but I have learned some tricks from them as well. Thanks for the hard work and killer product. By the way is there any chance you will be selling more hats soon? I gotta rep you guys in my collection.

      @WARBAITS  6 лет назад

      Thank you very much. I appreciate the comments! Hats are coming back online soon

  • @noahv5168
    @noahv5168 5 лет назад +1

    What lb line are u using? And is a 15-30lb rod good for Calico fishing and small yelowtail and bonto?

      @WARBAITS  5 лет назад

      65lb braid / 30lb fluoro leader

  • @scotty187prolearner9
    @scotty187prolearner9 3 года назад

    Dang I wanna get out there with a iron soon and get some haha

  • @CaptnKurKnuckles
    @CaptnKurKnuckles 5 лет назад +1

    I know this is an old video but how does the phenix usb 800h handle casting lighter heads than its rating like 1-1.5oz heads? @warbaits fishing

      @WARBAITS  5 лет назад +1

      I've fished 1/2oz on it just fine. At that point it's more about adjusting your reel to handle the cast

    • @CaptnKurKnuckles
      @CaptnKurKnuckles 5 лет назад

      WARBAITS FISHING is your blank the normal usb or the classic? I heard from others that the classic is stiffer than the usb

  • @micheleg8809
    @micheleg8809 6 лет назад +1

    Hey bro for a right handed person would recommend a right or left handed lexa 300?

      @WARBAITS  6 лет назад

      I say which ever feels best in your hand, Try them out at the store

  • @vpsm55
    @vpsm55 6 лет назад +1

    Where are u launching from?

      @WARBAITS  6 лет назад

      Mission Bay, San Diego, CA

  • @rakiest
    @rakiest 6 лет назад +5

    Your videos make me wish I had a boat lol.

      @WARBAITS  6 лет назад

      I was hoping for the same!

  • @Peterskillz
    @Peterskillz 4 года назад +1

    Which boat are you using in this video? Love warbaits btw I hope you’re able to restock the local shops soon! Probably place an order online when u guys reopen in August

      @WARBAITS  4 года назад +1

      Key West Bay Reef 196. Thanks for watching and the support. Yes, our online store will be the best place to purchase product Aug 01. Thanks!

  • @JPWeight
    @JPWeight 6 лет назад +1

    Are you fishing straight braid or do you have a top shot? What lb. test?

      @WARBAITS  6 лет назад +1

      I tie a short leader of 40lb Fluoro. Those calico teeth can cut through braid.

  • @chrisbalke9264
    @chrisbalke9264 6 лет назад +1

    Stoked to see some new content up Afran!! Looked like an epic day out there. What rod was paired with your Tranx 500?

      @WARBAITS  6 лет назад

      Calstar 6480. Thank you!

  • @melvinenglander6582
    @melvinenglander6582 6 лет назад +3

    What time of day was this?

      @WARBAITS  6 лет назад +1

      The morning 7-10A

  • @sebastiancamarena2824
    @sebastiancamarena2824 5 лет назад +1

    Do yall think I can bring my 14ft vhull boat here ? When the waters calm

      @WARBAITS  5 лет назад

      Anything is possible. Definitely check the weather and surf report before heading outside of the harbor.

    • @sebastiancamarena2824
      @sebastiancamarena2824 5 лет назад

      @@WARBAITS Is it common to see people fishing smaller boats inshore ?

  • @tapufool
    @tapufool 6 лет назад +1

    Great video! What gear are you using and what colors baits are your go to colors?

      @WARBAITS  6 лет назад

      Thanks! Abu Garcia Beast 50, 65lb braid, 40lb short leader, Phenix USB 800H. For calico colors; brown, red, gold work the best. If there is a lot of bait fish, throw a natural bait fish color.

  • @joshalberto4900
    @joshalberto4900 6 лет назад +1

    Hey Afrin! Quick question... do you think its possible to fish your baits from shore? I don't have time to get on the yak or skiff. just enough time to bring my boys on their first fishing adventure. And I really like to support local company's and I've been following you for some time and love all your videos and content!

      @WARBAITS  6 лет назад +1

      Of course. We do it all the time. Good luck!

    • @joshalberto4900
      @joshalberto4900 6 лет назад

      WARBAITS FISHING YESSSS!!!! I’ll be stopping by my local shop to buy my first warbaits! We’ll be fishing harbor island... any advice on what you think I should buy?

  • @allthingsfishing365
    @allthingsfishing365 6 лет назад +1

    Killer vid man! Whats your favorite surface iron for the calicos??

      @WARBAITS  6 лет назад +1

      Here's a loaded answer; Any surface iron that gets bit! But for real, I like throwing a full size iron. In my box I have have Kicker 25L and Salsa 7x. Colors; Mint, Bird Sh!t and Orange. Irons are tricky, hard to find good ones. You kinda need to fish a few and see what you like.

    • @allthingsfishing365
      @allthingsfishing365 6 лет назад

      Great, thanks for the info!

  • @fabianlily133
    @fabianlily133 4 года назад

    Great video man!! Big fan of your vids and warbaits! What oz are those Owner weedless screwlock hooks for those swimbaits you were using?

  • @nolanoshiro2083
    @nolanoshiro2083 6 лет назад +1

    Afran, what are the specs on your favorite weedless rod?

      @WARBAITS  6 лет назад

      I like the Phenix USB-C 800H. Something with a softer tip and stiff back bone. Those bass need a half second longer to eat the bait, a softer tip helps absorb the initial bite. A stiff tip, will pull the bait away from the fish's mouth (in theory).

  • @garrettmurphy6577
    @garrettmurphy6577 6 лет назад +1

    Sick bro. What iron were you using?

      @WARBAITS  6 лет назад

      I was throwing Salsa 7X and Kicker 25L Mint

  • @kevinnguyen8018
    @kevinnguyen8018 6 лет назад +1

    Sick vid bro! What iron are you throwing out there?

      @WARBAITS  6 лет назад

      Thank you, Salsa 7x in BirdSh!t and Kicker 25L Mint

  • @Marlonscrazy
    @Marlonscrazy 6 лет назад +1

    Hey man, I’m looking for some advice. I need a rod I can use to toss swimbaits and jerkbaits around the bay and maybe even a good reel too (preferably a baitcaster, my first one) however I’m pretty limited on funds. Anything under 200 would be ideal, any recommendations?

      @WARBAITS  6 лет назад +1

      I fish an Abu Rexo X in the bay.
      And check out these Ritual Rods. 7'2" MH

  • @bassbrothersfishing8857
    @bassbrothersfishing8857 6 лет назад +1

    I'm at work trying to put a sliding glass door in someone's house watching this video in suspense lol,great video

      @WARBAITS  6 лет назад

      thanks! I wanted that fish to bite the jig

  • @blitzburg71
    @blitzburg71 6 лет назад +1

    ANOTHER great vid! “Gigantic Yellowtail with this STUPID Barracuda” LMAO!!! I played that ‘ish back like 10 times LMAO

      @WARBAITS  6 лет назад

      Hahaha that barracuda.... thankful he brought the yellowtail in, but I was mad him at first

  • @christianchavez5308
    @christianchavez5308 6 лет назад +2

    What the kind of boat you running. I like it.

      @WARBAITS  6 лет назад

      KEY WEST Bay Reef 196

  • @charliehandley1057
    @charliehandley1057 6 лет назад +1

    Can you tell me how to order your baits without making a paypal account? I’m planning to buy some.

      @WARBAITS  6 лет назад

      There is a button at Check Out to pay by Credit Card. Two options, Credit Card or PayPal

    • @charliehandley1057
      @charliehandley1057 6 лет назад

      WARBAITS FISHING So do I click “My Cart”? Because that just takes me to the PayPal website

      @WARBAITS  6 лет назад

      send me an email with a screen shot of your cart or list what you are buying. There might be an issue with our website:

  • @acorez1861
    @acorez1861 6 лет назад +1

    Cracks Kayak Fishing Cedros⚓🎣

  • @brucelambert8619
    @brucelambert8619 6 лет назад +1

    7:33 What the....hahahaha

  • @azrael3758
    @azrael3758 6 лет назад +2

    What's the specs on your custom rods?

      @WARBAITS  6 лет назад +1

      Phenix USB 800H. Standard wrap.

    • @azrael3758
      @azrael3758 6 лет назад

      Nice! I got that same rod setup and ready for this years swimbait season. I also just got my Ritual Angling SB rod in today for the smaller baits.

  • @chaseprinki643
    @chaseprinki643 6 лет назад +1

    Do y'all keep those Calico Bass? Nice video buddy.

      @WARBAITS  6 лет назад +1

      Thanks! Yes, they are good eating fish. They are "Slow to Grow" and I'm looking for the WR. 15lbs

  • @indeepship____3944
    @indeepship____3944 6 лет назад +2

    Have you ever thought about coming up to ci and fishing calicos. They are stupid thick right now up here

      @WARBAITS  6 лет назад

      Radio Silence and I hoping to get up there

    • @indeepship____3944
      @indeepship____3944 6 лет назад

      Sadly ill be up at school by that time but the red colors are working well and so are the red crab baits. I caught alot on the iron, you just have to weed threw the cudas. Have fun and if you need some recommendations for spots let me know.

  • @Ding0_38
    @Ding0_38 6 лет назад +1

    Sub'd love the vids bro keep ripping them lips 🤘

  • @jdean1851
    @jdean1851 6 лет назад +1

    goofy guy!

  • @bmarinas619
    @bmarinas619 6 лет назад +1

    Can I fish with you sometime please?