How To AVOID Buying a Replica LV Favorite! Authentication Tips

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 416

  • @KoKoAmy-Roblox
    @KoKoAmy-Roblox 5 лет назад +90

    Given the price difference, the real one isn't worth it if the things you spotted are only differentiating factors.

  • @SadeWatkins
    @SadeWatkins 5 лет назад +239

    omg wow. why did the fake look so much better though. lmaoooo

  • @zean17
    @zean17 5 лет назад +129

    Replica are for ppl like me... Who want LV but think its stupid to spend so much just on some bag... Well I am broke can't even afford a high quality replica

  • @parraga21
    @parraga21 5 лет назад +81

    While I realize that your intention for making this video is to educate others about not getting scammed, I have to disagree with your responses to the comments here. Firstly, why should you scold a friend for buying fakes? Isn’t it your friends choice how she spends her money, and why should she be judged for her choices? That’s pretty condescending and if I were that friend I’d be looking for a new circle.
    Also, If you think you are avoiding support of gangs, trafficking, child labor, etc. by not buying replicas, think again. The electronics in your home are more likely to have contributed to these than a replica bag.
    Both the people who are buying LV and the ones buying replicas are doing so for the illusion of belonging to an elite group, to a class status. Please do not tell me that it is for the quality, investment, longevity, etc. We feel better about ourselves, we are finding our self worth in carrying a specific brand of bag, others admire it, suddenly we are important. The whole thing is actually so silly, and the minute we start taking it too seriously is the minute we are completely out of touch with reality.

    • @MamaBeech
      @MamaBeech  5 лет назад +27

      I think it’s fine for you to voice your difference of opinion when it comes to buying replicas. What I don’t think is fine to do is come on here and assume you know me personally and how I am as a friend. Shame on you. I think you’re the one who needs a lesson on friendship, not me. To say that someone shouldn’t be your friend because they have a difference of opinion from you absolutely ridiculous! A true friend can be real with you and say “girl, you shouldn’t buy those!” And then have a frank discussion about why you feel that way and why they feel the way they do and no one gets their feelings hurt. This same friend I have discussed here scolds me all the time for not going to the gym enough. Fitness is very important to her and it just isn’t to me. I’d rather go on a long walk with my husband or play outside with my kids to get exercise. Does that mean I get pissed and start looking for new friends when she tells me about her workouts and asks if I’ve been doing any? Or when she goes “come on girl you should get to the gym”? HECK NO. We just don’t have the same opinion on the topic and I still absolutely love her and we connect on so many other levels. Also she thinks it’s dumb I “waste” my money on real designer bags. Does that mean I should dump her and find friends who ONLY like real designer bags?? Please.

    • @NQueenSerenity
      @NQueenSerenity 5 лет назад +7

      I think she wanted to inform other people of being scammed if they really were looking for a real one.
      About your opinion if getting a vip status with a LV, I'm totally agree.

  • @Linag33
    @Linag33 5 лет назад +83

    These replicas are really getting so good! It's really scary.

  • @stjohnbaby
    @stjohnbaby 5 лет назад +172

    The best way to get an authentic Louis Vuitton,is to buy it from Louis Vuitton.

    • @MamaBeech
      @MamaBeech  5 лет назад +38

      A true statement, but not always an option for people who don’t have the money to spend on brand new. I personally prefer to buy preowned because it has already lost the initial amount of value from walking out the store door. I can buy and sell for the same or more than I bought it for. Seems like a better investment to me.

    • @earthwerm
      @earthwerm 5 лет назад +7

      Yeah, for millionaires.

    • @esrn1
      @esrn1 5 лет назад +16

      I have both (fake and real one) can not tell much of difference. LV bags are way overpriced

    • @lgarza186
      @lgarza186 5 лет назад +4

      True, accidentally bought a fake iPad case and should’ve just spent a little more for an actual one. Now I have to buy another case cause this is falling apart.

    • @patriciav9933
      @patriciav9933 5 лет назад +14

      Actually, I got mine from the store. I worked hard to get it and I feel sooooo gooood and confident with my handbag.

  • @soulja0865
    @soulja0865 5 лет назад +39

    wow 😮, I’ve learned something new today. The fake actually looks a lot cuter than the original. I’ll be paying more attention to the luxury bags I wanna buy.

  • @tinksmith4964
    @tinksmith4964 5 лет назад +87

    Just shows that it doesn’t need to cost 1.5k for a bag... they literally cost $10 to make. Y’all getting RIPPED OFF GUYS

    • @mzeye
      @mzeye 4 года назад +9

      True nothing wrong with buying fake. Alot of this stuff made the same way it's just 1 cost more

    • @shaenicole8486
      @shaenicole8486 4 года назад +6

      A lot of the replicas look good, but they're barely functional. What looks like stitching is actually glue. So you'll be out in public with a bag that's supposed to be high quality, and all of a sudden the strap breaks. Now it's obvious that you're wearing a knockoff. I rather spare myself the embarrassment, and just buy a preloved. That way you still get the beauty and quality without spending over a grand for it

    • @cancelaaatoday
      @cancelaaatoday 4 года назад +6

      @@shaenicole8486 Yeah but the *FUNNY* thing about THAT is, even *then* you don't (always) *know* (sight unseen) if you've got the *real* thing UNTIL you've already bought & paid for it! Many ppl have gotten ripped off & not known it or only find out when they've gotten it in their hands & can compare OR taken it to the actual store for inspection & told it's a fake NOW they're outraged & must go thru all the hassle to return it for a refund!😔The ONLY way to assure it's the real deal is to buy it (at cost) from the LV store!

    • @mukhrisshah8783
      @mukhrisshah8783 4 года назад +12

      LV is expensive because of the brand. the brand is iconic. You can get a plain white tee for 5 bucks but the same white tee with a Nike logo would cost more simply cause of the brand. You're paying for the brand

    • @kerrilewis3652
      @kerrilewis3652 4 года назад +2

      No, totally different material

  • @rhearoaphde
    @rhearoaphde 5 лет назад +126

    People buy fakes because they cannot afford the original 😞 we are poor. And buying original lv can build us one house 🇵🇭

    • @teresat2595
      @teresat2595 4 года назад +6

      Rei Roa I think it's the other way around. Rich people can be real tight ass's & wouldn't part with a cent. I wouldn't say poor people but people with less money are more likely to spend more by saving ever cent.
      Personally I really don't like LV even if I was rich I wouldn't buy 1

  • @yasnrohan
    @yasnrohan 5 лет назад +150

    If you "scaaaryly good" replicas cost only 10% of authentic why even bother buying authentic?
    It's ok to get scammed by LV for something they produce cheaply?

    • @sarahs3533
      @sarahs3533 5 лет назад +23

      Huh, that's a good point actually. I don't like LV because I think the colors/patterns are ugly, and they are made of mostly PVC canvas that probably costs a few dollars of material.

    • @yasnrohan
      @yasnrohan 5 лет назад +14

      @@sarahs3533 At a Website called Italic you can buy 4K designer bags without the logo for $250 legally.
      All this "real" "fake" craze is the biggest scam of all.

    • @vilshouton2081
      @vilshouton2081 5 лет назад +16

      LV quality has gone soooo far down...what are we paying the hefty prices for....I agree that the biggest scam of all is them (LV) charging us the same price for a much less quality item.

    • @yasnrohan
      @yasnrohan 5 лет назад +15

      @@vilshouton2081 The quality is basically the exact same as you would get in a superfake, but the sheeple will just vehemently defend these mega rich corporations for no money...

    • @LadyT06
      @LadyT06 5 лет назад

      @@yasnrohan thanks for sharing!

  • @GabrielaDominguez100
    @GabrielaDominguez100 4 года назад +8

    Replicas are good . Broke people are spending thousands on a bag they can’t afford but others are smart, rather than paying for full price for one of these things they can invest on other things that actually matter. No one can even tell the difference nowadays. Tiffany (Gabrielle Chanel) says that fashion is not brands. If you like the style of the replica, you ROCK that replica. She herself wouldn’t wear diamonds she wore crystals. I have customers that spend 10,000 on clothes but their bags are fake . Live life to the fullest ladies .
    P.S. It shows everyone how it’s just not difficult to make these bags . 🤷🏻‍♀️

  • @vickiemcleod4760
    @vickiemcleod4760 5 лет назад +12

    Your video saved me!! You are spot on! I recently purchased a LV favorite mm listed as authentic on eBay. I was not feeling very good about it because the listing said shipped from NY state but tracking of shipment said Hong Kong😮 I knew immediately after opening it it was fake!! Had all the fake details you spoke about! Date code in wrong place, sewn in upside down, stamped on wrong color leather, code not centered on tab! Measurements of bag were off! Stitching thick, wrong color stitching thread. eBay is standing by their money back guarantee! Yay😃 Thank you😘

    • @MamaBeech
      @MamaBeech  5 лет назад +4

      So glad you were able to get your money back!!

  • @HoloHoloAdventures
    @HoloHoloAdventures 5 лет назад +11

    It’s so tricky to buy LV online and preloved. I’ve learned that for me,
    Buying directly from the store works best for me.

  • @gardenofpraise567
    @gardenofpraise567 5 лет назад +11

    I knew right away, because I’ve just paid high price learned a very hard lesson! Scary indeed, I am so glad you have the courage reviewed the truth, great job!

  • @2008MrsKim
    @2008MrsKim 4 года назад +8

    LV Monogram canvas prints can vary in color, which is even scarier when trying to define the real from the fake.

    • @chivonedavis
      @chivonedavis 3 года назад +2

      Thank you you are absolutely right they sure do vary... And people don't seem to mention that when reviewing fake vs real

  • @really2345
    @really2345 4 года назад +32

    Thanks for convincing me that brand name designers are scamming the public. Lesson learned.

  • @adrienne2838
    @adrienne2838 4 года назад +10

    The color to me isnt a great indicator of authenticity, i have bought 4 items in the brown damier from the store itself and they are all different colors
    Edit- like the shade of it is different, all the color brown

  • @Christinerb1218
    @Christinerb1218 6 лет назад +11

    Thank you so much for doing this comparison. I think it's very important for buyers to be aware of just how close these replicas are these days to the authentic bags. Great job!

  • @lorraine4284
    @lorraine4284 5 лет назад +131

    its Crazy how Brands get away with charging so much for a bag, im delghted to see a Replica. There Probably made in the same Factory anyway

    • @swanrivers3708
      @swanrivers3708 5 лет назад +40

      Pretty much. I'm not paying $1200 for coated canvas, when I get get 100% leather handbags. I think it's been overpriced and it's just the name and that's why it costs so much. So i'd be happy to buy a replica.

    • @orangeAltezza
      @orangeAltezza 5 лет назад +54

      No one is forcing you to purchase their bags. Fakes are tacky and are often produced in poor labor conditions. How would you like it if someone copied your creative work? You're just faking yourself.

    • @elizastonereliza3545
      @elizastonereliza3545 5 лет назад +7

      @@orangeAltezza you have a point .

    • @MyDreamIsAStory
      @MyDreamIsAStory 5 лет назад +38

      I hate how people call these replicas. Call them for what they are fake. They are making these bags to be a knock off of the original and real ones. To me nothing about that is right. Even if it’s cheaper. If I can’t afford a bag like this than I won’t buy it nor would I buy a fake. I can go somewhere else and get good quality bags that aren’t fake. They may not be as high end of a brand, but at least they are real, good quality, still a well known brand, and I’m not supporting a black market. It’s a scam. Just like you wouldn’t let someone scam you on a phone call pretending to help you out with your computer or give you better car insurance rates. Nor would I buy from someone admitting it’s not real and selling knock off for a profit. It’s not a replica no matter how you slice it. Copying the LV logo or even the GG, and CC logo is wrong no matter what.

    • @AgentJ2007
      @AgentJ2007 5 лет назад +7

      Jonas Kuo agree, it’s one thing to sell lower quality and fakes as fakes. It’s totally a different thing to sell fake as if it is the real and authentic one. That’s misleading the public.

  • @LeiPetite
    @LeiPetite 5 лет назад +6

    They look so similar!!! I wouldn’t be able to know unless I touch the canvas, probably. It’s scary. This was really helpful dear! Im glad you made this video. 😊

  • @LanegraSantiaguera
    @LanegraSantiaguera 5 лет назад +19

    yo I support my wallet i buy real fake whatever is just items nothing else.

  • @Jackiezyon
    @Jackiezyon 6 лет назад +58

    It’s safer to buy from a official LV store and save the paperwork.The fakes are getting better.

    • @MamaBeech
      @MamaBeech  6 лет назад +8

      Totally agree about being safer. It’s tough though because I have heard so many comments about the quality of new merchandise going downhill over the last few years and older bags being much better quality. I guess the best option is to buy from someone with all the original paperwork, receipt, etc AND get it professionally authenticated if you really want to buy an older bag.

    • @Jackiezyon
      @Jackiezyon 6 лет назад +3

      Mama Beech
      I agree the vintage bags are way better. I buy unknown made in Italy brands. They haven’t been duplicated because they’re small family owned companies. Great video

    • @lakirkk6772
      @lakirkk6772 5 лет назад +2

      @@Jackiezyon Would you mind giving out some information on the handbags you buy from Italy?

    • @Jackiezyon
      @Jackiezyon 5 лет назад +1

      Lakirk k
      Bruno Rossi, Avorio , Tuscany leather, and Floto Imports (not quite family owned but made in Italy using full grain leather)

  • @marilyne4004
    @marilyne4004 5 лет назад +8

    The only thing I didn't agree with is how old the bag looks when comparing to the date code. My bag is authentic with an older date code yet looks almost new because I only wear it on rare occasions.

  • @isabellal7094
    @isabellal7094 5 лет назад +15

    I bought my LV bag from the store and was so disappointed with the recent quality. The glazing started to crack after a few months! So we are essentially paying more for replica quality while replica bags are now leaning towards what authentic bags quality should be.

  • @speedDraww
    @speedDraww 5 лет назад +236

    I m ok with replica. No body will investigate and hold my replica. Lols

    • @jonaalegre8071
      @jonaalegre8071 5 лет назад +7

      Nail Gold lol me

    • @NQueenSerenity
      @NQueenSerenity 5 лет назад +2

      Me too

    • @NYCStateofMind7
      @NYCStateofMind7 5 лет назад +13

      Now border customs do it in airports, if you’re wearing a counterfeit shoes from LV or Gucci or else you’ll leave barefoot

    • @stormthehusky960
      @stormthehusky960 5 лет назад +3

      hahaha me too

    • @helenhood69
      @helenhood69 5 лет назад +5

      I see ppl at my local mall with LV bags and 3 kids and a baby bottle in it😅😅😅I doubt that yuppie mum from the western suburbs can afford a real LV but I'm sure that the local markets were willing to accept "cash in hand".....

  • @dorisengel8902
    @dorisengel8902 4 года назад +31

    I have an authentic LV tote and the straps are so hard on forearm. I was so upset that my husband paid 1,500.00. I also have a fake which I like better because the straps are softer. That one was 10.00.

    • @velettadaviswilliams5517
      @velettadaviswilliams5517 3 года назад +1

      I too have an authentic LV and after that, got 2 knock offs for a fraction of the cost of the real one. When the fake straps started looking REAL FAKE, I replaced them with real leather replacement straps and now, all 3 look marvelous! I'm quite satisfied.

  • @missqjulie
    @missqjulie 5 лет назад +31

    I love my replicas! I have authentics that I'm absolutely am afraid to carry because they cost too much to ruin!

  • @cithlalyjaime3466
    @cithlalyjaime3466 5 лет назад +195

    that just goes to show that LV is overpriced bc a replica can “feel” the same and “look” the same. but u bet i still wanna real one 😂

    • @elizastonereliza3545
      @elizastonereliza3545 5 лет назад +7

      I saw that all over fb market the city we live one got caught selling fakes lv she's ended in the jail . She scammed people for a lots of money .

    • @elizastonereliza3545
      @elizastonereliza3545 5 лет назад +5

      It's origin made in france , Spain and Japan . But I don't have both. I won't ever wear a fake either ,what's the point ?

    • @NQueenSerenity
      @NQueenSerenity 5 лет назад +3

      I want a real LV but a lot of people can't afford the cost of a real one. I'm one of them 😞

    • @Plug_Art
      @Plug_Art 5 лет назад +9

      The replica will definitely not last as long as the original.

    • @qnguyen
      @qnguyen 5 лет назад +5

      sometimes fakes are better than the original in quality. it’s kinda crazy

  • @Pocahontas-jh1cq
    @Pocahontas-jh1cq 4 года назад +28

    I've been collecting Louis Vuitton bags since high school and I knew off the bat that the one on "our" right was the genuine MM. I could see the flatness of the bag without the puckers in the fabric or waves.

    • @Val-kp6fs
      @Val-kp6fs 3 года назад

      Right! I could tell just by looking at the material. Real LV have a certain look. If you know you know!

  • @bjelln
    @bjelln 5 лет назад +7

    You can't really go off the glazing here. The glazing on the new strap will also darken if it's a true "superfake" and real leather. You need to compare two new straps to see any/slight difference. I've seen new LV's were the glazing is more red than the one you show here.

  • @earthwerm
    @earthwerm 5 лет назад +15

    I'd love to know what the production cost of an LV is materials wise. My guess is less than $100. Just feels like such a monumental waste of money to me. The egg one they just recently created is adorable, as are the mini hl and nano speedies, but aside from that I don't think I would spend my money on one as much as it entices my materialistic/status-driven side. I don't think they fit my personality well anyway though, I'm not rich and I'm not into following social standards and trying to be the classy professional woman they seem to represent. I respect people who love the brand but it's just not me, no matter how hard I try to force myself into that box. I'll definitely get a replica of the egg bag though, and probably the mini hl or nano speedy as well. Anyone who is going to come up and inspect my bag to see if it's fake is crazy anyway lol! As long as it's passable I don't mind, and besides I'd rather be exposed by one or two professional bag authenticators than spend 1.5-2k that I don't have! Great video!

  • @khemzii
    @khemzii 5 лет назад +2

    Wow. I have the authentic Fav PM and I haven’t compared them. That’s so scary how alike they are. I can really see the difference of the canvas though seeing them close to each other. Thank you for this.

  • @jujub4553
    @jujub4553 3 года назад +1

    2 years late to your video, but this was a great, very informative and thorough video! Thank you!

  • @vintagecoachcollector
    @vintagecoachcollector 5 лет назад +38

    I'll tell you what's scary my SA told me 90 percent LV in the preloved market are fake!!! 😮😲
    Don't forget the super fakes also have date codes that match!

    • @Mom-xi8uu
      @Mom-xi8uu 5 лет назад +4

      greensun baked I feel fashion file is guilty of this !!

  • @linda22_
    @linda22_ 5 лет назад +1

    When held side by side, it’s easy to tell the difference. When you’re just browsing, it could definitely be tricky! I prefer the authentic... Quality makes a difference though. YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR!

  • @kocoonlyme3232
    @kocoonlyme3232 4 года назад +2

    I have to say it does become tempting to buy a fake but if you are really a true lover of authenticity you would not risk throwing away your hard earned money. I have to say I am a collector and yes it gets extremely expensive to buy one but it's worth it it's so worth it I can't even explain or put into words how worth it is to always have those into city of a real one versus a replica. Even though I don't buy all the time I do treat myself when I have the extra money to treat myself once a year.

  • @nnikkicrump3827
    @nnikkicrump3827 5 лет назад +28

    I can say this if Lv does not change how they treat customers in the store and start fixing these expensive items when there zipper breaks more and more people are going to start buying replica because they are more affordable

    • @PriscillaSwakei
      @PriscillaSwakei 5 лет назад +4

      Wow its like you spoke for, they are very very unfriendly.... not forgetting the amount of money you leave in those shops🙈

    • @ak5235
      @ak5235 5 лет назад +3

      So i went in and the customer service was ridiculous.

    • @MelissaFreeman
      @MelissaFreeman 5 лет назад +2

      nnikki crump LV customer service is a joke

    • @boomboom141
      @boomboom141 5 лет назад

      They don't even fix their own bag?

  • @jenntruong6023
    @jenntruong6023 5 лет назад +2

    Great informative video! I don't like fakes so I bought my LV Kimono bag straight from the Louis Vuitton store!

  • @nurseangela115
    @nurseangela115 5 лет назад +39

    The replica looks better......

    • @NikkiVee1120
      @NikkiVee1120 5 лет назад +3

      Nurse Peebles no it doesn’t 😒

    • @freddysharky9832
      @freddysharky9832 5 лет назад +1

      Nikki V I agree the fake looks more nuanced in the angle and therefore more subtle sophisticated

  • @blackchloe100
    @blackchloe100 5 лет назад +68

    Shucks to my eye the replica looks a lot better a little smaller but nicer. At the price of these bags I will settle for a replica with money left over to put in the bag. If I get the real bag there won't have be any money to put into it for a long time so bag would be empty as would my wallet. I am for replicas. Thank you.

    • @Thetruth00008
      @Thetruth00008 5 лет назад +5

      They won’t last though. There’s a video where the hardware started to turn silver. The authentic last for years.

    • @DBK9.8
      @DBK9.8 5 лет назад +10

      Why would you pay that much money for a fake when you can just get an inexpensive nice looking non luxurious bag

    • @teresakramer3442
      @teresakramer3442 5 лет назад +12

      If you cant afford a real one why would you buy a fake? To impress others I guess. I would never buy a fake anything! I

    • @blackchloe100
      @blackchloe100 5 лет назад +23

      @teresa my fake one costs a few dollars to your thousand dollars, looks authentic and I still have money to put in it and wear it well mostly to impress myself. I love that!

    • @jacqulinepauley8844
      @jacqulinepauley8844 5 лет назад +1

      Yesss so true😃😄

  • @minevelez5384
    @minevelez5384 5 лет назад +33

    With all the quality issues LV has on the pochette Métis and other styles why pay thousands of dollars ?? Mind as well get a very close look and save hundreds of dollars 🤣

    • @Mom-xi8uu
      @Mom-xi8uu 5 лет назад +2

      Mine Velez because when you resale you’ll get a large sum back!!!! The never full and speedy are worthy the money . I own a Favorite MM and the strap fell apart , LV sent me a new one for free. That’s why I rather spend the money .

    • @aileengurbuz6456
      @aileengurbuz6456 5 лет назад +1

      Cheap replicas will fall apart and disintegrate because they use polyurethane or PU. While the PU will degrade over time no matter who uses it, a cheaper bag will become a sticky gooey mess in a few years time like some Tiganello and Kathy Van Zeeland bags I had. They start peeling and feeling sticky even if they are gently used. My bags were clean, stored nicely, but the humidity just decomposes PU. Even on shoes, the entire shoe falls apart.

  • @noreenperez8666
    @noreenperez8666 5 лет назад +35

    They are going to pick up on the detail ,now that you mention it.🤔

    • @sunnysunshine333
      @sunnysunshine333 5 лет назад +1

      Noreen Perez facts

    • @cancelaaatoday
      @cancelaaatoday 5 лет назад +3

      I hardly think they come to RUclips for info. They buy the real thing then copy it. LV stores are in Asia too

  • @marygrace9081
    @marygrace9081 3 года назад

    Hi! Thank you for the info. I have that kind of bag. A gift from my sister. I am hesitant to asked her if its authentic, so I searched here in youtube to spot fake and authentic and all of the videos that i watched, yours is more informative.

  • @domoxeva1
    @domoxeva1 4 года назад +2

    Thank you for this! It was great to go through all the checks with you even though I have a different style bag. It was a gift (there's a red flag) but after checking ALL of the possible tell tale signs, I realised I have got the Best FAKE bag. Everything is perfect on the bag even down to the dust bag. The fake tells are: "Made in France" stamp has a slightly deeper indent on the right to the left, the clutch handles are 13cm and not 9cm and of course the date code - makes no sense and reads top down not bottom up. Amazing how good these fakes are these days...

  • @mashondaknight9132
    @mashondaknight9132 5 лет назад +10

    I agree with you ,I hate fake items also I never understood anyone buying replicas I would rather buy vintage,used or save up my money to buy the real thing.Great VIDEO

    • @jb7644
      @jb7644 5 лет назад +2

      That's the mistake most people are getting into. Buying vintage that is fake and not knowing its fake. Hence why the dilemma.

  • @jeffstephans7633
    @jeffstephans7633 3 года назад

    Awesome video! Great tips. This is the best LV video I have seen.

  • @celinecelinewatch
    @celinecelinewatch 5 лет назад +12

    I used fake, who cares? After a month i dont like it anymore. While real one i need to think where and who will buy it. Period!

  • @nikkikrug667
    @nikkikrug667 4 года назад

    I’m getting good. I picked out the real one right away! I’m like you because they’re just making the authentic ones more $ and I just have to laughter hen I see people walking around with fake ones thinking they’re real.

  • @sschussman
    @sschussman 5 лет назад +4

    Loved this video. Thank you so much!!! Omg i’m so stressed now. I had NO idea knock-offs had date codes now. That stresses me out so much :/ do you have any tips for what to look for in an authentic vs knock-off on vintage/older LVs?

    • @MamaBeech
      @MamaBeech  5 лет назад +1

      I’m not as experienced with vintage bags, unfortunately. Check out this resource on date codes. It has helped me a lot!

    • @tonyarhembree-blue6872
      @tonyarhembree-blue6872 4 года назад

      I just purchased a wallet, can you look to tell me if its legit????
      I don't see a code????

  • @jlnriddick
    @jlnriddick 4 года назад +3

    You can tell the difference by the canvas. There is always a sheen on the authentic bag that you will never find on a replica. Replica's have a matte finish that all the conditioner in the world won't create for any length of time. Authentics can be buffed back to that sheen, and 20 years later you will still see it. Having said that, when you say "they are scary similar"... it's no wonder some will choose replica bags? I own both, and I know the difference on the canvas. If you're not made of money, why not purchase replicas. Personally, I owe nothing to Louis Vuitton, and feel no shame or concern for the company purchasing a good replica. Replicas are beating them at their own game! Such is life!

  • @noneofyourbusiness302
    @noneofyourbusiness302 5 лет назад +2

    Weird, I have been subscribed to you for ages. I am on my phone right now and I had to resubscribe. I wonder why. I used my computer as well, maybe I have two subscription accounts. Anyway, not important. Thank you for a very helpful video! I purchased two Lv bags from ebay years ago and I still am unsure if they are genuine. I don't want to carry a fake bag. As you said, I don't support buying and selling fake bags. I feel this way because Lv is getting ripped off, but also because it supports unsavory dealings. I have heard drug and human slavery. Awful things like that! I pray that everyone can live like I do! I am so blessed!!! Thank you so much for your video, Momma Beach! Much love, Grace

    • @MamaBeech
      @MamaBeech  5 лет назад +2

      Glad you are back 😉 it’s great to be blessed, isn’t it?

  • @tinacunningham4470
    @tinacunningham4470 5 лет назад +7

    Lol there are all mostly made in China people just feel better paying for an expensive name. Been on the repair side if this so I know.

  • @bonnieexposedwhengodshould7559
    @bonnieexposedwhengodshould7559 5 лет назад +6

    As soon as you held them up, I could tell the difference because of the texture 1st and is more pristine...more elegant and sharp! The LV is Different! IDK maybe its like Maybelline...maybe she's born with it...and maybe for some its Maybelline!
    Even when I try to be doesn't work out...some people just have expensive taste!

  • @boomboom141
    @boomboom141 3 года назад

    Very good video and education. Now they have improved on the details on the fakes so it is getting worse to tell the difference. The best advice for buying preloved is asking for the receipt and make sure it is legitimate.

  • @timeafarkas9580
    @timeafarkas9580 5 лет назад +2

    Also the stitching brighter yellow in the fake.

  • @youparejo
    @youparejo 4 года назад +1

    Never owned one but could say it was the one one the left cause it had "bubbles" on the front. For LV you are paying for the technique (patented design), material (it's sturdy), the workers (not underpaid underage workers) and of course for the brand itself. They just created a need so that we get to want this bag and spend a paycheck or six to get it. Better spend your money on a good bag that will last you and was produced ethically.

  • @jacquelinecarter2333
    @jacquelinecarter2333 5 лет назад

    The code on the purse are the initials of the country it was made and plus the numbers are the date and the year. Example SL0072 is made in Spain July 7 2002. They are make in several country’s including USA.

  • @MarylouChanel
    @MarylouChanel 5 лет назад

    I don't know which one real or fake

  • @nataliag3454
    @nataliag3454 3 года назад

    Thank you for this video! This just saved me money as I’ve almost purchased a very well made fake.

  • @mavroukz05
    @mavroukz05 5 лет назад +5

    If you truly are a Louis Vuitton collector you will know by the look, feel and smell (yes - its smell)!) of an authentic LV item. In total, I have 15 LVs and 6 of them I have given to family members as gift. Classic Damier and Monogram are my faves 😊

  • @barbb.9489
    @barbb.9489 5 лет назад +7

    Good job in helping those who really want Designer 💼 Bags, but need to purchase preloved!

  • @beatnikrn2945
    @beatnikrn2945 4 года назад +1

    Thanks for doing this, and for reposting the video!
    You would think that this is something they would ENFORCE vs banning. Some of us have to save our pennies just to buy a “pre-loved” bag, and can’t afford to buy another even if we get duped!

  • @LeilaniGarcia1
    @LeilaniGarcia1 4 года назад

    seller was sellin one live online this video saved me from buying a fake thanks

  • @andriamaxwell8333
    @andriamaxwell8333 4 года назад +1

    It’s amazing how good the fakes are. My problem is all the people out there buying them and then trying to pass them off as real for a huge mark up to someone thinking it’s the real deal.. If someone wants one for their self to each their own.

  • @MsDenisa25
    @MsDenisa25 5 лет назад +1

    That pattern has been used so much even if someone had on a fake one you couldn't tell unless you get close I'll stick with my D & B 👛 ...they have a very good selection plus a warranty I send mine in to get cleaned..

  • @bkliin
    @bkliin 5 лет назад +5

    I bought mine from Nancy and I love it!

    • @skyceecee9495
      @skyceecee9495 5 лет назад

      Does it look like these? because im thinking of buying one from her.

  • @Nadiabeez
    @Nadiabeez 5 лет назад +5

    Wow, that is incredible, I consider my self an LV pro and I think I could have been fooled by pics! xoxo Nadia💋

  • @SimplyStylesLux
    @SimplyStylesLux 5 лет назад +12

    Very helpful information! Thanks so much for the fine details. 😉🌸

  • @gratitudetouniverse777
    @gratitudetouniverse777 5 лет назад +1

    The fake one is a little smaller than the real one. Are the fake LV made of leather ? Thanks !

    • @MamaBeech
      @MamaBeech  5 лет назад +2

      Yes the vachetta on really good fakes like this one is real and identical in texture, color, etc to the real thing. So scary! Some lower quality fakes use fake leather though so that is another way to check authenticity.

  • @honey406
    @honey406 5 лет назад

    Hi ! Was there a time when LV Mono Vernis Perle Read PM Monogram.does not have a date code? My aunt and I were trying to authenticate an old Vernis white bag. The bag size, the monogram design is on point. even the stitches ,the color of the thread, the color of the inner lining. the lock,the hardware,the stamp,the zipper even the LV near the handle does not overlap.The only thing we noticed is that there was no date code. Accdg to my aunt that bag was given t her by her aunt in 2009 .But that bag was gifted to her aunt in 1998. There is only a slight discoloration but it looks fantastic.

    • @MamaBeech
      @MamaBeech  5 лет назад +3

      There are predate code items out there! It’s totally possible that it’s real. I’d use a service like Pro Authenticators to verify. They are quick and cheap and very reputable

  • @mpro9446
    @mpro9446 4 года назад +2

    honestly I could tell that the right was the authentic . it's definitely in the canvas

  • @marissalopez4144
    @marissalopez4144 4 года назад +1

    Thankyou for this video it was very informative 😊👍🏼

  • @michaellabey3878
    @michaellabey3878 5 лет назад +6

    I just bought a LV favorite off of Poshmark really hope it’s authentic

  • @Luxbabewilms
    @Luxbabewilms 5 лет назад +1

    I own one the first i see both bag already i know which one is real😄 this bag is handy i love it

  • @mabiebagtass867
    @mabiebagtass867 5 лет назад +1

    Please help me authenticate if my LV monogram eclipse canvas is real

    • @MamaBeech
      @MamaBeech  5 лет назад

  • @karimason1961
    @karimason1961 5 лет назад

    How can you tell if a vintage Louis Vuitton is fake? I have one, but it doesn’t have a date code? Do all older vintage lv bags have a date code..I’ve read that some don’t.

    • @MamaBeech
      @MamaBeech  5 лет назад

      I’m not an expert on vintage, so sorry i don’t have much info. I use this date code guide to help me, maybe it would help you too: See if the era of your bag seems to match up with a pre-date code piece. If in doubt, I always use ProAuthenticators to authenticate things.

  • @Divinely_Delicious
    @Divinely_Delicious 5 лет назад +2

    I don’t see anything wrong with buying a replica some ppl don’t have the money for a purse that is 3000 and even if they have the money 3000 can go to something better off then a purse ....if it looks good af I will as long as it’s a reasonable price for being a replica

    • @ruxandramariatonea6498
      @ruxandramariatonea6498 5 лет назад +1

      Buy a bag with a nice design that you can afford. If you want an LV bag, save and buy one. Wearing a fake is like lying... That's why people don't like it. H and M and Zara make dupes of popular brands... Why not buy those?

  • @tinapetrie9813
    @tinapetrie9813 5 лет назад +5

    That is a very good replica! Where'd you get it from?

  • @keiyeuhikari
    @keiyeuhikari 5 лет назад +2

    The replica looks so much better.... where did you get the replica one???? I would like to get one lol sorry.

  • @shazrati1
    @shazrati1 5 лет назад

    Thank you for the video. But what about the color of the straps. The fake one looks much lighter. Isn't it so?

    • @MamaBeech
      @MamaBeech  5 лет назад

      One is just more heavily used than the other, resulting in the vachetta darkening more.

  • @cathyle-roux9648
    @cathyle-roux9648 4 года назад

    Even if I can’t afford it but I will NEVER ever buy a Fake! That’s just me.I brought the favorite in Paris 2017.I have not buy anything preloved... yet! Fingers crossed 🤞🏽

  • @goodcontent5818
    @goodcontent5818 4 года назад

    Does it smell the same? Like expensive leather?

  • @dorothyscruggs5745
    @dorothyscruggs5745 5 лет назад

    I have been listing to you about the real or fake because want get one soon Thank you.

  • @Lizzy720
    @Lizzy720 6 лет назад +11

    I notice there seems to be a big difference in size between those two bags - wouldn't that be a giveaway?

    • @MamaBeech
      @MamaBeech  6 лет назад +2

      I thought the same, but when I took a closer look the issue is the real one is very used and broken in, so it looks a little bigger because the canvas is more “squishy”.

    • @angelinelius
      @angelinelius 5 лет назад

      Sara E. Owen Favorite has two size maybe one is in PM size and one in MM size? They are definitely two different sizes in this video. My mom has MM size one

  • @loveindia5552
    @loveindia5552 6 лет назад +34

    The fake better than the original hhh

    • @vilshouton2081
      @vilshouton2081 5 лет назад +1

      OMG I was just going to reply that this video only makes me mad that I didn’t by the replica instead. It does look better!

  • @nahayleeruiz4551
    @nahayleeruiz4551 5 лет назад +5

    🤔🧐 I think fake is better u don’t kill an animal for u to look fancy

    • @MamaBeech
      @MamaBeech  5 лет назад

      Good fakes like this one use real leather trim, not plastic.

    • @nahayleeruiz4551
      @nahayleeruiz4551 5 лет назад +1

      Mama Beech no actually they use pvc it feel the same I use to work for a leather company and it pretty hard to tell which one is pvc and which one is leather

  • @sharonmcmann-morelli4896
    @sharonmcmann-morelli4896 5 лет назад

    What should the date codes be in a speedy bandolier? And placed where? Thanks

    • @MamaBeech
      @MamaBeech  5 лет назад +1

      I’m hoping some others will reply to your question because i don’t personally know. I don’t own a speedy b yet.

  • @lenkaranda
    @lenkaranda 5 лет назад +1

    thanks so much for this video - you very well said all about detail and good tips!!! Take care and thanks again:)

  • @nat4801713728
    @nat4801713728 3 года назад

    When you held them side by side, the replica canvas looked at little more costumey if that makes sense. Like the designs look smooth and not leathery like the auth.

  • @sunflower-im7lo
    @sunflower-im7lo 3 года назад

    But if you buy in store, do you still tend to get a fake one? If it's a luxury brand and expensive, I definitely will buy from the shop.

  • @Belladventure
    @Belladventure 5 лет назад

    Can you compare lady Dior with the authentic one ?

  • @cathylam344
    @cathylam344 5 лет назад +1

    Thank you so much for your video! Very helpful !

  • @lynnanson4969
    @lynnanson4969 4 года назад

    I've noticed just in the last couple big weeks the tons of Louis Vuitton on Facebook for sale..there's even a person selling (she says are brand new)...I don't know...there high box with cloth's crazy..I wouldn't buy from someone I wouldn't know...but I'm sure people are buying them...and it's sad.. because there almost full price...I'm in CA...

  • @360Attitude
    @360Attitude 5 лет назад +1

    Thank you for sharing! So informative 😇

  • @nora4981
    @nora4981 4 года назад +2

    I’m terrified of even buying from the shops anymore because even the fakes could be sold there!

  • @latinachula20002000
    @latinachula20002000 5 лет назад +7

    Ahh i want the fake one. Where you buy that at?

  • @albireadingromance
    @albireadingromance 6 лет назад +3

    Really good video! I'm new to LV as well. I bought my Delightful MM off Fashionphile over the summer, and my pochette accessories from the Reetzy bst Facebook group.

    • @MamaBeech
      @MamaBeech  6 лет назад +1

      The Reetzy group is a great place to get authentic items! Congrats on your purchases!

  • @allegracottone7007
    @allegracottone7007 5 лет назад +2

    its funny how to fake one has a bigger looking flap and the fake is actually a small version of the real one

  • @Renatoqfilho
    @Renatoqfilho 4 года назад +1

    Know why the replicas are so similar to the originals? LV decreased humongously the quality of its goods! Now the chains lose the gold plating as fast (if not faster) as the replicas. The stitching opens , the canvas fades, the lining tarnishes. It is only 10x more expensive than the replica. It did not used to be like that, I assure you, now it is...

  • @patriciajones6078
    @patriciajones6078 6 лет назад +1

    Great video!!! Where were you able to find the fake from? Your luxury bags are really growing! 😃

    • @MamaBeech
      @MamaBeech  6 лет назад +1

      I one of my best friends buys fakes direct from overseas for her own use and we often talk about how scary it is that they look so real. She thinks I’m silly for buying authentic and I think she’s silly for buying fake 😂 I borrowed her newest purchase for this video. She also has a Gucci soho disco and DE Neverfull that look phenomenal so I may hunt for a real ones of those next.